Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

You just admitted that all life came from the nonliving ground.
Thank you.

So we are back to the origins question see how that works ? how did the first cell form with all the needed parts to reproduce itself then to form the diversity of all life ?

The bible makes a better argument then all the text books in school. God created each family group and we see small changes in each of those families and extrapolate because small changes happen within each family group not seeing that there are limits to adapting once an organism encounters an environment they can't adapt to, what happens to them ?
And what might those parts be?
Why am I not surprised you have no answer?
I still want an explanation as how life began from non-life. This would Pretty much save us a lot of wasted time once we figure out life is a product of design.

The roots to the tree of life are chemical reactions in a liquid ocean.

Well I have to respectfully disagree with you . Amino acids are soluble in water they would dissolve and never be able to form proteins. No a cell could not form in a body of water and they could not form where oxygen is present they would decay just like any organism that dies and is exposed to oxygen.
So we are back to the origins question see how that works ? how did the first cell form with all the needed parts to reproduce itself then to form the diversity of all life ?

The bible makes a better argument then all the text books in school. God created each family group and we see small changes in each of those families and extrapolate because small changes happen within each family group not seeing that there are limits to adapting once an organism encounters an environment they can't adapt to, what happens to them ?
And what might those parts be?
Why am I not surprised you have no answer?

Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
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I still want an explanation as how life began from non-life. This would Pretty much save us a lot of wasted time once we figure out life is a product of design.

The roots to the tree of life are chemical reactions in a liquid ocean.
[ame=]David Attenborough's First Life Episode 12 Arrival (BBC) (pt/br) - YouTube[/ame]

Well I have to respectfully disagree with you . Amino acids are soluble in water they would dissolve and never be able to form proteins. No a cell could not form in a body of water and they could not form where oxygen is present they would decay just like any organism that dies and is exposed to oxygen.

That's why life beginning as chemical reactions in a liquid ocean and growing from there makes perfect sense. At least that fits the evidence better than an ancient story describing some deity "breathing life" in to wads of clay to create life forms quite independent of each other.

The Common Hand - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
And what might those parts be?
Why am I not surprised you have no answer?

Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?

Life lucky enough to have the time to develop Sentience is the miracle... Evolution exclusive to planet Earth is the designer.

If Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is 'Time'.
The roots to the tree of life are chemical reactions in a liquid ocean.
David Attenborough's First Life Episode 12 Arrival (BBC) (pt/br) - YouTube

Well I have to respectfully disagree with you . Amino acids are soluble in water they would dissolve and never be able to form proteins. No a cell could not form in a body of water and they could not form where oxygen is present they would decay just like any organism that dies and is exposed to oxygen.

That's why life beginning as chemical reactions in a liquid ocean and growing from there makes perfect sense. At least that fits the evidence better than an ancient story describing some deity "breathing life" in to wads of clay to create life forms quite independent of each other.

The Common Hand - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
Not possible if they can't bond to produce proteins and they have to bond in correct sequence. Makes no sense at all they would have been designed whole.
At least that fits the evidence better than an ancient story describing some deity "breathing life" in to wads of clay to create life forms quite independent of each other.

At least it fits the evidence? This sounds like you are approaching science backwards to me. Finding something you call "evidence" and creating a scenario to fit it, is not practicing science, it is practicing faith.

Earlier in this thread, back on about page 3, I mentioned that it was interesting to note; among the dozens of theories of abiogenesis, one is the Clay Theory. A model for the origin of life based on clay was forwarded by A. Graham Cairns-Smith of the University of Glasgow in 1985 and explored as a plausible illustration by several scientists. The Clay hypothesis postulates that complex organic molecules arose gradually on a pre-existing, non-organic replication platform of silicate crystals in solution.

And what might those parts be?
Why am I not surprised you have no answer?

Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?
Why am I not surprised you have no answer?

Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?
No one he has always existed. Who designed life since it could not designed itself ?
Wow you just convinced me all my work was misinterpreted. Look the designer used the same ingredients to produce all living organisms which the bible claims all living organisms were created from the ground so that shows there were similarities but you twits ignore the vast difference that our genes produce.
You just admitted that all life came from the nonliving ground.
Thank you.

God is life.
Energy is God.
Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?
No one he has always existed. Who designed life since it could not designed itself ?
Energy has always existed. Energy needs no designer.
That's why life beginning as chemical reactions in a liquid ocean and growing from there makes perfect sense. At least that fits the evidence better than an ancient story describing some deity "breathing life" in to wads of clay to create life forms quite independent of each other.

not to mention the proximity of the Sun's ambient temperature, rotation and axis of the planet, presence of water ....

a pity the Bible is so awful - just the ingredients for life and the process of its beginnings are in themselves stages necessarily made possible by a Creator as not - the proof being the persuasion Life must follow for its completion as a standard is not set by the physiological form created but by a directive that if not followed will result in failure despite the hardiness of the form.
Why am I not surprised you have no answer?

Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?
Wrong nice try just because someone claimed that red rain cells do not have DNA does not make it so. Oh by the way red rain cells are viable and they do contain DNA.
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?
No one he has always existed. Who designed life since it could not designed itself ?
Energy has always existed. Energy needs no designer.

God is energy thanks for playing where were you educated ?
Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?
Wrong nice try just because someone claimed that red rain cells do not have DNA does not make it so. Oh by the way red rain cells are viable and they do contain DNA.
No they don't. It was claimed that the red pigment contained DNA, but it was later found out it was red algae spores which were minor contaminants.
Try again.
Why am I not surprised you have no answer?

Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?

Prove the designer requires a designer.

If the designer created the universe, they also created time. (See 'space time continuum.')
Well it is called homeostasis cells always break apart when they have the necessary parts For a cell to be viable it must contain a complete set of DNA that is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth from DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes.

Do you believe in miracles or a designer ?
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?

Prove the designer requires a designer.

If the designer created the universe, they also created time. (See 'space time continuum.')
The Creationist argument for a designer is the complex cannot evolve from the simple as Evolution maintains. Therefore the designer must more complex than the creation requiring a more complex designer to create the designer.

When all the already existing energy of the universe went bang, space/time began. See the Big Bang.
That's why life beginning as chemical reactions in a liquid ocean and growing from there makes perfect sense. At least that fits the evidence better than an ancient story describing some deity "breathing life" in to wads of clay to create life forms quite independent of each other.

not to mention the proximity of the Sun's ambient temperature, rotation and axis of the planet, presence of water ....

a pity the Bible is so awful - just the ingredients for life and the process of its beginnings are in themselves stages necessarily made possible by a Creator as not - the proof being the persuasion Life must follow for its completion as a standard is not set by the physiological form created but by a directive that if not followed will result in failure despite the hardiness of the form.

This is a very well-made point, and one the god-haters certainly don't like to acknowledge. The setup itself, is both curiously unique and essential to support life systems as we understand them. The planet had to have particular abundance of specific primordial elements, a smaller celestial body had to collide with the planet, early on, and come to rest in rotational orbit, giving us a distinct wobble in our rotation, giving us seasons, as well as a counterforce to enable tides. But the 'trick shot' of all 'trick shots' is not finished, without tides and seasons, there are billions of life forms we have no way to rationally explain the existence of, which other life forms are totally dependent upon and couldn't exist without.

Another fascinating phenomenon, is the Solar Wind. Can any of you astute god-haters explain this one? Not HOW, but WHY? And does this force constitute "energy?" It's clearly there, we can see and observe it, the Northern Lights are one of the most awe inspiring things I've ever witnessed on this planet. We think that we know HOW it functions, but we do not understand why. It's like black holes, dark energy, antimatter, or even, good old gravity and electricity... we know HOW they work, but WHY?

Yet it all had to come into harmonious alignment for life to even be possible. To me, it is simply a 'beyond-all-odds' type of miracle, to believe it all happened by chance. It is just way too elaborate and intricate, not to have been the product of intelligent design.

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