Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Did anyone actually offer something up?

The only "proof" needed to know God exist is the fact that so very many self proclaimed atheist feel the need to spend so much time debating the ignorant does one have to be to waste time debating the existence of something/someone they don't believe exists?

If these so called atheist TRULY BELIEVED God does not exist, they wouldn't bother.....their own actions is all the proof needed.......yet there is an entire universe of proof.......and the fact that they are blinded to it in no way disproves His existence.

If these so called atheist have one sliver of scientific evidence that God does not exist, why do they not proclaim it from the highest of the highest mountain tops? Well, because they cannot prove God does not exist...........truly they are loyal servants of the deceiver, and even with all their self proclaimed intellect, they don't even know that........Sad, truly sad. Self proclaimed atheist are only deserving of the "pity" of believers.
I love it when
zealots yammer this kind of shit...
the facts: there is no proof of god conversely there is no proof there is not a god.
there is no proof of a devil if there was then god created it and it only does what god wants it too.
if not then god is not all powerful..
but there is proof of evolution there is no proof of design intelligent or otherwise.
it's a logical fallacy... since WE consciously design, we logically but falsely assume that everything is.
Only two things God can't do is commit sin or Die.

Who are you to say what god can or cannot do? That seems fairly arrogant. :tongue:

Hi YWC! Long time no see. :)

Hello Montrovant, my opinion is based on what the scriptures say concerning God.
more proof the scriptures are say nothing of your opinion.
if god could make everything and presumably do everything then there is no logical reason for god not to do these things if for no other reason then to understand what it was like to be the things he created.
Red Rain Cells have no DNA and can reproduce. Viruses have either DNA or RNA but can’t metabolize nutrients, produce and excrete wastes, move around on their own, or even reproduce.

Who designed the designer?

Prove the designer requires a designer.

If the designer created the universe, they also created time. (See 'space time continuum.')
The Creationist argument for a designer is the complex cannot evolve from the simple as Evolution maintains. Therefore the designer must more complex than the creation requiring a more complex designer to create the designer.

When all the already existing energy of the universe went bang, space/time began. See the Big Bang.

What do you mean by "already existing energy?" Where did it exist if there was no physical universe to exist in?

Also, there is nothing about Creationism OR Evolution which demands a designer be designed. This is a fabricated assumption, made by ass clowns who want to continue to reject the possibility of intelligent design, because they hate Jebus.

If time did not exist before the universe, nothing else could have existed, except the force which created the universe. This force did not "come into existence" because there was no "exist" before the universe existed, there was no time and space to exist in.
Who are you to say what god can or cannot do? That seems fairly arrogant. :tongue:

Hi YWC! Long time no see. :)

Hello Montrovant, my opinion is based on what the scriptures say concerning God.
more proof the scriptures are say nothing of your opinion.
if god could make everything and presumably do everything then there is no logical reason for god not to do these things if for no other reason then to understand what it was like to be the things he created.

Sounds like a human criteria you are applying to god. Why would god have ANY need? Why would god need to understand? What is there for god to understand? What you have done, like so many atheists, and religious folks for that matter, is to apply humanistic standards to god. As humans, I think this is just in our nature to do, we can't help it. In order for us to comprehend god, we have to define god with human characteristics. So we imagine god becoming angry if we don't do what he wants... why wouldn't god simply vaporize us and send our soul to hell instantly? OR a god who needs and wants us to praise him... why didn't god just make us do this naturally, like breathing? God doesn't need anything from you, god doesn't care if you believe in god or not, nor does it hurt god's feelings if you spend every waking hour of your relatively short existence, bashing, trashing, and ridiculing god's existence.
Prove the designer requires a designer.

If the designer created the universe, they also created time. (See 'space time continuum.')
The Creationist argument for a designer is the complex cannot evolve from the simple as Evolution maintains. Therefore the designer must more complex than the creation requiring a more complex designer to create the designer.

When all the already existing energy of the universe went bang, space/time began. See the Big Bang.

What do you mean by "already existing energy?" Where did it exist if there was no physical universe to exist in?

Also, there is nothing about Creationism OR Evolution which demands a designer be designed. This is a fabricated assumption, made by ass clowns who want to continue to reject the possibility of intelligent design, because they hate Jebus.

If time did not exist before the universe, nothing else could have existed, except the force which created the universe. This force did not "come into existence" because there was no "exist" before the universe existed, there was no time and space to exist in.
Just before the Big Bang, all the energy of the universe was compressed into a single point. At that point time did not exist as time exists only in terms of motion. When that energy went bang, time began.

Complexity is the rationalization Creationists use to require a creator claiming the complex cannot come from the simple. Higher more complex forms of life cannot evolve from simpler forms of life, therefore the creator must be more complex than his or her creation or the whole argument for a creator falls apart. Since anything complex requires a creator, the complexity of a creator requires a creator or yet again the argument for a creator falls apart.

Again you are wrong, energy always existed before the Big Bang and will continue to exist after the Big Crunch, only time began at the Big Bang.
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Your ignorance is not. what are you 16 years old or so ?

Collins left the HG project 5 years ago but FACTS are ignored by religious believers like you and the OP.

After becoming the first man to map the human genome.

Imagine that? One of those "believers" heading your beloved HGP and upon successfully mapping the genome, proclaimed that we "today, discovered how god did it!" That must be a terrible embarrassment for you!

Quite the opposite. The embarrassment is all yours that anyone could examine all of that scientific evidence and still be as stupid as you are.
I have stated all along DNA similarity proves nothing between humans and other organisms are you really this dense ?

Ironic considering that the current point is that it is a scientific FACT that all the different genera share so much common DNA in spite of religious believers like yourself insisting that evolution must spawn a new genus from a single DNA mutation.

All life that we know of, is carbon-based. Does THAT mean everything evolved from a single-cell organism? All life requires water, does THAT mean we all evolved from cabbage? :cuckoo:

Yet again you display your profound ignorance!

The Creationist argument for a designer is the complex cannot evolve from the simple as Evolution maintains. Therefore the designer must more complex than the creation requiring a more complex designer to create the designer.

When all the already existing energy of the universe went bang, space/time began. See the Big Bang.

What do you mean by "already existing energy?" Where did it exist if there was no physical universe to exist in?

Also, there is nothing about Creationism OR Evolution which demands a designer be designed. This is a fabricated assumption, made by ass clowns who want to continue to reject the possibility of intelligent design, because they hate Jebus.

If time did not exist before the universe, nothing else could have existed, except the force which created the universe. This force did not "come into existence" because there was no "exist" before the universe existed, there was no time and space to exist in.
Just before the Big Bang, all the energy of the universe was compressed into a single point. At that point time did not exist as time exists only in terms of motion. When that energy went bang, time began.

Complexity is the rationalization Creationists use to require a creator claiming the complex cannot come from the simple. Higher more complex forms of life cannot evolve from simpler forms of life, therefore the creator must be more complex than his or her creation or the whole argument for a creator falls apart. Since anything complex requires a creator, the complexity of a creator requires a creator or yet again the argument for a creator falls apart.

Again you are wrong, energy always existed before the Big Bang and will continue to exist after the Big Crunch, only time began at the Big Bang.

First of all, I think your assumptions about what the Creationists believe is inaccurate. The argument of 'irreducible complexity' is actually a part of Darwin theory. But this is applied to physical things within the physical universe, not god. God is the energy which existed before the physical universe and will exist after it, but god doesn't reside in the physical universe. You adamantly claim the energy which created the universe, always existed, wasn't created... but somehow, you can't apply that to god?

Contradict yourself much?
Ironic considering that the current point is that it is a scientific FACT that all the different genera share so much common DNA in spite of religious believers like yourself insisting that evolution must spawn a new genus from a single DNA mutation.

All life that we know of, is carbon-based. Does THAT mean everything evolved from a single-cell organism? All life requires water, does THAT mean we all evolved from cabbage? :cuckoo:

Yet again you display your profound ignorance!


In case you missed it, I was sarcastically mocking YOUR ignorance!
Well I have to respectfully disagree with you . Amino acids are soluble in water they would dissolve and never be able to form proteins. No a cell could not form in a body of water and they could not form where oxygen is present they would decay just like any organism that dies and is exposed to oxygen.

There was virtually no oxygen on the planet when life first formed. Oxygen was a waste product of one of the earliest forms of life.

That's why life beginning as chemical reactions in a liquid ocean and growing from there makes perfect sense. At least that fits the evidence better than an ancient story describing some deity "breathing life" in to wads of clay to create life forms quite independent of each other.

The Common Hand - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
Not possible if they can't bond to produce proteins and they have to bond in correct sequence. Makes no sense at all they would have been designed whole.

Plenty of chemicals can form bonds in water solutions. Your mindless insistence that they had to be "formed whole" is ridiculous. You have no understanding of the planetary conditions present 4 billion years ago.
No, it has been proven that energy cannot be created.

Then god can't be created. Problem solved!
Only if God is energy and not a spirit, disproving your OP.
Thank you, problem solved!

God is a spirit that can materialize and as spirit possesses power. For anyone who believes in the God of the bible he is pretty well described as having power and no limitations.

Mat 19:26 And Jesus looking upon them said to them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Jer 10:12 He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding hath he stretched out the heavens.

Psa 62:11 God hath spoken once, Twice have I heard this, That power belongeth unto God.

Psa 66:7 He ruleth by his might for ever; His eyes observe the nations: Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

Psa 79:11 Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee: According to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to death;

Job 26:14 Lo, these are but the outskirts of his ways: And how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?

Job 9:4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: Who hath hardened himself against him, and prospered? -

1Co 6:14 and God both raised the Lord, and will raise up as through his power.

2Co 13:4 for he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth through the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him through the power of God toward you.

2Co 6:7 in the word of truth, in the power of God; by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,

Psa 136:12 With a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm; For his lovingkindness endureth for ever:

Isa 26:4 Trust ye in Jehovah for ever; for in Jehovah, even Jehovah, is an everlasting rock.

Eph 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might.

Zep 3:17 Jehovah thy God is in the midst of thee, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love; he will joy over thee with singing.
All life that we know of, is carbon-based. Does THAT mean everything evolved from a single-cell organism? All life requires water, does THAT mean we all evolved from cabbage? :cuckoo:

Yet again you display your profound ignorance!


In case you missed it, I was sarcastically mocking YOUR ignorance!

Throwing yet another pity party for yourself since your idiotic genera whine crashed and burned?

There was virtually no oxygen on the planet when life first formed. Oxygen was a waste product of one of the earliest forms of life.

That's why life beginning as chemical reactions in a liquid ocean and growing from there makes perfect sense. At least that fits the evidence better than an ancient story describing some deity "breathing life" in to wads of clay to create life forms quite independent of each other.

The Common Hand - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
Not possible if they can't bond to produce proteins and they have to bond in correct sequence. Makes no sense at all they would have been designed whole.

Plenty of chemicals can form bonds in water solutions. Your mindless insistence that they had to be "formed whole" is ridiculous. You have no understanding of the planetary conditions present 4 billion years ago.

You can't prove oxygen was not present in our early atmosphere. Name one atmosphere that doesn't contain oxygen.

Now imagine this planet if there were no atmosphere.

The Earth's Atmosphere

Maybe, maybe not,but it is certain that amino acids could not.

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