Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

No... a theory once proven is a fact.

Proof requires repeating a process to a same result over and over and over.

So far in our history, everything about God and origins is theory - nothing is proven in religion because nothing is repeatable.

All discussions of origins requires faith on all sides. The question a Monkey must ask is, "What is the evidence that supports my faith?"

Once you have determined a theory is proven fact, you begin practicing faith and stop practicing science. Proof does not require anything other than faith and belief. So far in our history, there is no physical evidence of a spiritual god.

Science does not determine theories are proven fact, it remains constantly open to possibility, regardless of probabilities. When you assume science has concluded, you are wrong. You are actually adopting a faith-based belief that science has concluded something. Even something so physically absolute as gravity, is not "proven fact" by science. There is still the remote possibility that gravity will not behave according to prediction.

Proof and evidence is subjective, always. Science does not determine what constitutes proof or evidence, this is a determination humans make as a result of faith in science. As I pointed out in the OP, some people are not capable of understanding spiritual proof, which like scientific proof, requires faith.

"Spiritual proof"?

Laugh all you like, it is the nucleus of the argument stated in the OP, and this thread now has over 10k views. As of yet, no one has refuted my points. You've only managed to confirm the most fundamental point of the argument, that if you don't evaluate or acknowledge spiritual evidence, the question can't be resolved for you. As we see, the question remains unresolved for you, because you have not proven that god doesn't exist.
Once you have determined a theory is proven fact, you begin practicing faith and stop practicing science. Proof does not require anything other than faith and belief. So far in our history, there is no physical evidence of a spiritual god.

Science does not determine theories are proven fact, it remains constantly open to possibility, regardless of probabilities. When you assume science has concluded, you are wrong. You are actually adopting a faith-based belief that science has concluded something. Even something so physically absolute as gravity, is not "proven fact" by science. There is still the remote possibility that gravity will not behave according to prediction.

Proof and evidence is subjective, always. Science does not determine what constitutes proof or evidence, this is a determination humans make as a result of faith in science. As I pointed out in the OP, some people are not capable of understanding spiritual proof, which like scientific proof, requires faith.

"Spiritual proof"?

Laugh all you like, it is the nucleus of the argument stated in the OP, and this thread now has over 10k views. As of yet, no one has refuted my points. You've only managed to confirm the most fundamental point of the argument, that if you don't evaluate or acknowledge spiritual evidence, the question can't be resolved for you. As we see, the question remains unresolved for you, because you have not proven that god doesn't exist.

Can you prove Santa Claus doesn't exist?
Then god can't be created. Problem solved!
Only if God is energy and not a spirit, disproving your OP.
Thank you, problem solved!

God is a spirit that can materialize and as spirit possesses power. For anyone who believes in the God of the bible he is pretty well described as having power and no limitations.

Mat 19:26 And Jesus looking upon them said to them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Jer 10:12 He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding hath he stretched out the heavens.

Psa 62:11 God hath spoken once, Twice have I heard this, That power belongeth unto God.

Psa 66:7 He ruleth by his might for ever; His eyes observe the nations: Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

Psa 79:11 Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee: According to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to death;

Job 26:14 Lo, these are but the outskirts of his ways: And how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?

Job 9:4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: Who hath hardened himself against him, and prospered? -

1Co 6:14 and God both raised the Lord, and will raise up as through his power.

2Co 13:4 for he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth through the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him through the power of God toward you.

2Co 6:7 in the word of truth, in the power of God; by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,

Psa 136:12 With a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm; For his lovingkindness endureth for ever:

Isa 26:4 Trust ye in Jehovah for ever; for in Jehovah, even Jehovah, is an everlasting rock.

Eph 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might.

Zep 3:17 Jehovah thy God is in the midst of thee, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love; he will joy over thee with singing.

Would a stack O Comic books prove that Superman exists?
There was virtually no oxygen on the planet when life first formed. Oxygen was a waste product of one of the earliest forms of life.

If there was no oxygen, there couldn't have been water. It is part oxygen.

Plenty of chemicals can form bonds in water solutions. Your mindless insistence that they had to be "formed whole" is ridiculous. You have no understanding of the planetary conditions present 4 billion years ago.

Again, if there is no oxygen present, there can be no water.
Hey dumbass, he meant FREE Oxygen. :asshole:
Salmon swim upstream for a reason. Dogs wag their tails for a reason. We may not understand the reason, but Darwin tells us, there has to be one.
What do you mean by "already existing energy?" Where did it exist if there was no physical universe to exist in?

Also, there is nothing about Creationism OR Evolution which demands a designer be designed. This is a fabricated assumption, made by ass clowns who want to continue to reject the possibility of intelligent design, because they hate Jebus.

If time did not exist before the universe, nothing else could have existed, except the force which created the universe. This force did not "come into existence" because there was no "exist" before the universe existed, there was no time and space to exist in.
Just before the Big Bang, all the energy of the universe was compressed into a single point. At that point time did not exist as time exists only in terms of motion. When that energy went bang, time began.

Complexity is the rationalization Creationists use to require a creator claiming the complex cannot come from the simple. Higher more complex forms of life cannot evolve from simpler forms of life, therefore the creator must be more complex than his or her creation or the whole argument for a creator falls apart. Since anything complex requires a creator, the complexity of a creator requires a creator or yet again the argument for a creator falls apart.

Again you are wrong, energy always existed before the Big Bang and will continue to exist after the Big Crunch, only time began at the Big Bang.

First of all, I think your assumptions about what the Creationists believe is inaccurate. The argument of 'irreducible complexity' is actually a part of Darwin theory. But this is applied to physical things within the physical universe, not god. God is the energy which existed before the physical universe and will exist after it, but god doesn't reside in the physical universe. You adamantly claim the energy which created the universe, always existed, wasn't created... but somehow, you can't apply that to god?

Contradict yourself much?
You are simply a pathological liar!. Irreducible Complexity was coined by Behe and is the central tenet of Intelligent Design Creationism. It is the opposite of Evolutionary Theory.
You are simply a pathological liar!. Irreducible Complexity was coined by Behe and is the central tenet of Intelligent Design Creationism. It is the opposite of Evolutionary Theory.

Oh, I know Behe coined the phrase, but the principle is actually part of Darwin's theory. It is not the 'opposite' of anything, because Evolution deals with species evolving, not origin. Darwin made a very detailed analytical standard for natural selection, because he realized it couldn't simply be used willy-nilly to explain anything and everything.

Here is what Darwin said regarding his theory and the human eye: “to suppose that the eye ... could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree”. He goes on to explain that if gradual evolution of the eye could be shown to be possible, “the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection ... can hardly be considered real”. He then proceeded to roughly map out a likely course for evolution using examples of gradually more complex eyes of various species.

Now it is on this prerequisite of natural selection, Behe makes his argument for irreducible complexity. The powers of natural selection are not predictive, they can't presume to know that a photoreceptor spot is going to need a lens, an iris and pupil, and then form it. IF evolution is this amazing, it is more of a miracle than God. The simple photoreceptor cells, which Darwin very well knew about, were thought for a long time, to be a predecessor to the modern eye, but as we've learned more about the optic nerve and chemical reactions, the more we understand the two systems are completely different. Humans do not utilize the optic nerve in the same way as something with a photoreceptor cell. The operation of the optic nerve is entirely different, but Darwin didn't know this.

So the evolution of the eye has not been shown, as Darwin previously thought. The eye is irreducibly complex, meaning; if any one component of the eye is not present, the system doesn't work. If evolution is responsible, it had to 'intelligently' compile a checklist of parts needed, and construct what we know to be an eye. There is no "simpler stage" the eye could have had, and still function at all. What we once thought to be links to primitive photovoltaic spots, turned out to be false leads, the systems are completely different and operate on a completely different principle.

Behe's argument is not to be carried as far as you rhetorically like to carry it. Natural selection can indeed produce a more complex or robust system over time, but it has to work within the confines of what is natural and within bounds of nature. It can't predict that various components will eventually be needed and start building those, so they are complete when everything else is in place. That's just not how natural selection works. If you believe that natural selection has the ability to be predictive like this, you believe in "intelligent" design.
Once you have determined a theory is proven fact, you begin practicing faith and stop practicing science. Proof does not require anything other than faith and belief. So far in our history, there is no physical evidence of a spiritual god.

Science does not determine theories are proven fact, it remains constantly open to possibility, regardless of probabilities. When you assume science has concluded, you are wrong. You are actually adopting a faith-based belief that science has concluded something. Even something so physically absolute as gravity, is not "proven fact" by science. There is still the remote possibility that gravity will not behave according to prediction.

Proof and evidence is subjective, always. Science does not determine what constitutes proof or evidence, this is a determination humans make as a result of faith in science. As I pointed out in the OP, some people are not capable of understanding spiritual proof, which like scientific proof, requires faith.

"Spiritual proof"?

Laugh all you like, it is the nucleus of the argument stated in the OP, and this thread now has over 10k views. As of yet, no one has refuted my points. You've only managed to confirm the most fundamental point of the argument, that if you don't evaluate or acknowledge spiritual evidence, the question can't be resolved for you. As we see, the question remains unresolved for you, because you have not proven that god doesn't exist.

Of course I haven't proven that God does not exist! 90 pages in to your 'Proof of God' thread and nobody has proven that He's real either!

It's ALL a matter of opinion! Opinion and faith!

You're betting your life on the accuracy of the ancient stories and I think that kind of faith is silly, considering what's been learned since they were written.
:dunno: WYGD?

At the risk of redundancy...
"Spiritual Proof"?

There is no 'proof'. All a Monkey can offer is evidence.

"If there is a God of this world and He loves us; I should not like to be Him, as the suffering that is its history would surely break my heart."
-Penniless European Philosopher, circa 1800's

Face it... Sans the claims made in the ancient stories, you've got NOTHING for evidence of your God.
"Spiritual proof"?

Laugh all you like, it is the nucleus of the argument stated in the OP, and this thread now has over 10k views. As of yet, no one has refuted my points. You've only managed to confirm the most fundamental point of the argument, that if you don't evaluate or acknowledge spiritual evidence, the question can't be resolved for you. As we see, the question remains unresolved for you, because you have not proven that god doesn't exist.

Can you prove Santa Claus doesn't exist?

Coca-Cola invented Santa Claus.
There's no proof of the god of the bible. Neither is there any proof about Noah, the parting of the red sea, the burning bush... It's all gibberish.

Of course I haven't proven that God does not exist! 90 pages in to your 'Proof of God' thread and nobody has proven that He's real either!

It's ALL a matter of opinion! Opinion and faith!

You're betting your life on the accuracy of the ancient stories and I think that kind of faith is silly, considering what's been learned since they were written.

At the risk of redundancy...
"Spiritual Proof"?

There is no 'proof'. All a Monkey can offer is evidence.


You are BETTING YOUR ETERINTY that the Word of God is just "ancient stories," and that requires FAR MORE FAITH than Christianity ever for what's been learned since the recording of the Word of God............WHAT SPECIFICALLY? That you are a high level chimp? Hey, if that mows your grass..........go for it! Evolution is a lie........and to date none of you who proclaim the great ape as your ancestor has given my one specific example of a partially evolved species walking the earth today.......not one single sliver of evidence of a half man / half monkey walking around........and until you do, you are all exhibiting far more faith in a flawed theory/outright lie than I will ever need to trust in God and His Written/Spoken Word.
There's no proof of the god of the bible. Neither is there any proof about Noah, the parting of the red sea, the burning bush... It's all gibberish.

Yet you can't pull yourself away from this topic.

I'm always looking to see if anyone has any real proof of a god, and what their arguments might be, because I find the subject interesting. Is that ok?
There's no proof of the god of the bible. Neither is there any proof about Noah, the parting of the red sea, the burning bush... It's all gibberish.

Yet you can't pull yourself away from this topic.

I'm always looking to see if anyone has any real proof of a god, and what their arguments might be, because I find the subject interesting. Is that ok?

That statement alone proves you are not an atheist anyway, so good for that.......for a true atheist would never entertain the idea that "real proof of God's existence" could ever possibly exist....I suppose you are agnostic, and, at least your are searching for answers..........who knows? One day you may find what you are looking for......just don't let it be the very last realization of your existence.......
There was virtually no oxygen on the planet when life first formed. Oxygen was a waste product of one of the earliest forms of life.

If there was no oxygen, there couldn't have been water. It is part oxygen.

Plenty of chemicals can form bonds in water solutions. Your mindless insistence that they had to be "formed whole" is ridiculous. You have no understanding of the planetary conditions present 4 billion years ago.

Again, if there is no oxygen present, there can be no water.

Water did not form on the planet out of oxygen and hydrogen. It was part of the space debris that coalesced into the planet. The scientific evidence for the existence of water in the form of ice can be found on comets. There is evidence of ice on the planet mercury too.
The 6 Mistakes of Man

1. The delusion that individual advancement is made by crushing others.
2. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.
3. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed.
4. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.
5. Neglecting development and refinement of mind and not acquiring the habit of reading and study.
6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.


And this is a great explanation of why Darwin's Theory, and the Big Bang joke is so very funny.....thanks for the comment.......
Again, if there is no oxygen present, there can be no water.

Free oxygen was scarce as the element was bound into various compounds such as CO2 and H2O. Photo synthesis converted CO2 and H2O into O2... the oxygen which we breathe. The chemical conversion is as follows:

or in english

carbon dioxide + water + sunlight → glucose + dioxygen

But you know that.

So oxygen most certainly DID exist on the planet.
"No oxygen was present" is a lie, correct?

Since that was your ignorant statement that makes it your lie.

This is the original statement;

Quote: Originally Posted by Derideo_Te

There was virtually no oxygen on the planet when life first formed. Oxygen was a waste product of one of the earliest forms of life.

Which was in response to this example of your fellow believer's ignorance;

Quote: Originally Posted byYouwerecreated

Well I have to respectfully disagree with you . Amino acids are soluble in water they would dissolve and never be able to form proteins. No a cell could not form in a body of water and they could not form where oxygen is present they would decay just like any organism that dies and is exposed to oxygen.

Now you can continue to make yourself look foolish by all means but if you had any sense you would know when to quit. No one is holding their breath expecting that to happen any time soon.
There's no proof of the god of the bible. Neither is there any proof about Noah, the parting of the red sea, the burning bush... It's all gibberish.

Yet you can't pull yourself away from this topic.

I'm always looking to see if anyone has any real proof of a god, and what their arguments might be, because I find the subject interesting. Is that ok?

So you accept the possibility that there is a God?
You are simply a pathological liar!. Irreducible Complexity was coined by Behe and is the central tenet of Intelligent Design Creationism. It is the opposite of Evolutionary Theory.

Oh, I know Behe coined the phrase, but the principle is actually part of Darwin's theory. It is not the 'opposite' of anything, because Evolution deals with species evolving, not origin. Darwin made a very detailed analytical standard for natural selection, because he realized it couldn't simply be used willy-nilly to explain anything and everything.

Here is what Darwin said regarding his theory and the human eye: “to suppose that the eye ... could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree”. He goes on to explain that if gradual evolution of the eye could be shown to be possible, “the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection ... can hardly be considered real”. He then proceeded to roughly map out a likely course for evolution using examples of gradually more complex eyes of various species.

Now it is on this prerequisite of natural selection, Behe makes his argument for irreducible complexity. The powers of natural selection are not predictive, they can't presume to know that a photoreceptor spot is going to need a lens, an iris and pupil, and then form it. IF evolution is this amazing, it is more of a miracle than God. The simple photoreceptor cells, which Darwin very well knew about, were thought for a long time, to be a predecessor to the modern eye, but as we've learned more about the optic nerve and chemical reactions, the more we understand the two systems are completely different. Humans do not utilize the optic nerve in the same way as something with a photoreceptor cell. The operation of the optic nerve is entirely different, but Darwin didn't know this.

So the evolution of the eye has not been shown, as Darwin previously thought. The eye is irreducibly complex, meaning; if any one component of the eye is not present, the system doesn't work. If evolution is responsible, it had to 'intelligently' compile a checklist of parts needed, and construct what we know to be an eye. There is no "simpler stage" the eye could have had, and still function at all. What we once thought to be links to primitive photovoltaic spots, turned out to be false leads, the systems are completely different and operate on a completely different principle.

Behe's argument is not to be carried as far as you rhetorically like to carry it. Natural selection can indeed produce a more complex or robust system over time, but it has to work within the confines of what is natural and within bounds of nature. It can't predict that various components will eventually be needed and start building those, so they are complete when everything else is in place. That's just not how natural selection works. If you believe that natural selection has the ability to be predictive like this, you believe in "intelligent" design.
Behe himself credits William Paley for the concept, not Darwin. And your Darwin quote is a perfect example of the dishonest quote mining of Creationist liars. Darwin went on to explain that if gradual evolution of the eye could be shown to be possible, “the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection ... can hardly be considered real”. He then proceeded to roughly map out a likely course for evolution using examples of gradually more complex eyes of various species. But as a know-it-all you knew that already.

If you remember, our ancient little part plant part animal the Euglena had an eye spot to help it find the light for photosynthesis. Through random mutation across the population, the photosensitive cells happened to have developed on a small depression, it endowed the organism with a better sense of the light's source. This small change gave the organism an advantage over those without the mutation. This genetic trait would then be "selected for" as those with the trait would have an increased chance of survival, and therefore progeny, over those without the trait. Individuals with deeper depressions would be able to discern changes in light over a wider field than those individuals with shallower depressions. As ever deeper depressions were advantageous to the organism, gradually, this depression would become a pit into which light would strike certain cells depending on its angle. The organism slowly gained increasingly precise visual information. And again, this gradual process continued as individuals having a slightly shrunken aperture of the eye had an advantage over those without the mutation as an aperture increases how collimated the light is at any one specific group of photoreceptors. As this trait developed, the eye became effectively a pinhole camera which allowed the organism to dimly make out shapes—the nautilus is a modern example of an animal with such an eye. Finally, via this same selection process, a protective layer of transparent cells over the aperture was differentiated into a crude lens, and the interior of the eye was filled with humours to assist in focusing images. In this way, eyes are recognized by modern biologists as actually a relatively unambiguous and simple structure to evolve.
You can't prove oxygen was not present in our early atmosphere. Name one atmosphere that doesn't contain oxygen.

Now imagine this planet if there were no atmosphere.

The Earth's Atmosphere

Maybe, maybe not,but it is certain that amino acids could not.

Your ignorance never fails to expose you.


O2 build-up in the Earth's atmosphere. Red and green lines represent the range of the estimates while time is measured in billions of years ago (Ga).

Stage 1 (3.85–2.45 Ga): Practically no O2 in the atmosphere.

Stage 2 (2.45–1.85 Ga): O2 produced, but absorbed in oceans & seabed rock.

Stage 3 (1.85–0.85 Ga): O2 starts to gas out of the oceans, but is absorbed by land surfaces.

Stages 4 & 5 (0.85–present): O2 sinks filled and the gas accumulates.[1]

Wiki now that is a source to behold and do you understand the difference between fact and theory ?

The Moon began orbiting very near the Earth, if we could run time backwards, in 1.2 billion years the Moon would be so close to Earth that the ocean tides would completely cover the mountains . Astronomers are aware of this problem and call it the lunar crisis. This evidence says that the Earth and Moon system must be less than 1.2 billion years old. If the Moon began orbiting Earth slightly inside the Moon’s present orbit, its age would be much less. Obviously, something is wrong with either the law of gravity or evolutionists belief that the Earth and Moon system is 4.6 billion years old.

I would trust Gravity over evolutionists theory.

Like so many fundamentalist believers you lack the basic honesty and integrity to admit when you are proven wrong. Instead of either admitting your mistake or attempting to factually refute the hard scientific evidence that exposed your absurd conjecture that cells could never have formed you deflect to something utterly irrelevant instead. Needless to say this also exposes your canard that you don't "attack science". In essence you have shown yourself to be untrustworthy and without credibility. Have a nice day.

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