Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Here is the irrefutable factual DNA evidence that you believe is nothing but "conjecture".

Which embryo is human?

The early stages of embryonic development clearly demonstrate the ancestral DNA common across all genera. That you have no knowledge of these scientific facts throws considerable doubt on your specious claims to have "worked in the field and studied mutations for over 11 years".

Most cells look alike hmm they must be related and will produce the same family of organism how ridiculous.

Only thing ridiculous is you pretending that you work in the field of genetic mutations.

Since you seem to know what I did for a living for 11 years what would you like to discuss concerning mutations ? we can speak on induced mutations and naturally occurring mutations. What organism would you suggest is best for this kind of research and why ? we can even get in to the numbers let's see if you are up to this debate.
You just admitted that all life came from the nonliving ground.
Thank you.

So we are back to the origins question see how that works ? how did the first cell form with all the needed parts to reproduce itself then to form the diversity of all life ?

The bible makes a better argument then all the text books in school. God created each family group and we see small changes in each of those families and extrapolate because small changes happen within each family group not seeing that there are limits to adapting once an organism encounters an environment they can't adapt to, what happens to them ?

Thanks for ruining your own credibility on this topic.

Admit it your background is limited you're beginning to bore me so let's get this rolling Genius.
75% of our genetic make-up is the same as a pumpkin - 57% the same as a cabbage.

So we didn't come from monkeys, we actually came from pumpkins and cabbages! :cuckoo:

...And it's Creationists who are the nutters???

That is funny and while he is at it he should consult the DNA similarity between humans and the earthworm.
Most cells look alike hmm they must be related and will produce the same family of organism how ridiculous.

Only thing ridiculous is you pretending that you work in the field of genetic mutations.

Since you seem to know what I did for a living for 11 years what would you like to discuss concerning mutations ? we can speak on induced mutations and naturally occurring mutations. What organism would you suggest is best for this kind of research and why ? we can even get in to the numbers let's see if you are up to this debate.

You made that claim while displaying profound ignorance about both DNA and the Human Genome Project. You also claimed that your deity "created" all of the current species on earth. Debating scientific facts with you would be an exercise in futility.
Only thing ridiculous is you pretending that you work in the field of genetic mutations.

Since you seem to know what I did for a living for 11 years what would you like to discuss concerning mutations ? we can speak on induced mutations and naturally occurring mutations. What organism would you suggest is best for this kind of research and why ? we can even get in to the numbers let's see if you are up to this debate.

You made that claim while displaying profound ignorance about both DNA and the Human Genome Project. You also claimed that your deity "created" all of the current species on earth. Debating scientific facts with you would be an exercise in futility.

You can't put an accurate number on DNA similarity now because the Genome project also found that all that junk DNA which once was the claim found that Junk DNA performs a function unless all the junk DNA is Identical the similarity between humans and other organisms will move us further away from chimps and many other organisms.

You called down the thunder and I challenge you to make your argument and let me destroy your story.

Ironic given that you just proved yourself wrong!

I have stated all along DNA similarity proves nothing between humans and other organisms are you really this dense ?

Ironic considering that the current point is that it is a scientific FACT that all the different genera share so much common DNA in spite of religious believers like yourself insisting that evolution must spawn a new genus from a single DNA mutation.
Your ignorance is out of date!

Your ignorance is not. what are you 16 years old or so ?

Collins left the HG project 5 years ago but FACTS are ignored by religious believers like you and the OP.

After becoming the first man to map the human genome.

Imagine that? One of those "believers" heading your beloved HGP and upon successfully mapping the genome, proclaimed that we "today, discovered how god did it!" That must be a terrible embarrassment for you!
Ironic given that you just proved yourself wrong!

I have stated all along DNA similarity proves nothing between humans and other organisms are you really this dense ?

Ironic considering that the current point is that it is a scientific FACT that all the different genera share so much common DNA in spite of religious believers like yourself insisting that evolution must spawn a new genus from a single DNA mutation.

All life that we know of, is carbon-based. Does THAT mean everything evolved from a single-cell organism? All life requires water, does THAT mean we all evolved from cabbage? :cuckoo:
I still want an explanation as how life began from non-life. This would Pretty much save us a lot of wasted time once we figure out life is a product of design.

OK, brilliant question, basic and to the point. Except there isn’t any proof how the universe pulled itself up by its bootstraps and created itself, ya know, the ol' chicken or the egg conundrum. God always existed ... Why not ask why? Where and why and how. We can’t ask these questions, RELIGION won’t tolerate such questions. Science asks these questions in other, unequivocal ways. In elegant simple factual ways. Religion doesn’t want the answers, they always just ask empty questions that feed their believes.
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