Defying the DeSantis Free State


The policies, laws and any measures necessary to ensure compliance wouldn't be necessary if you weren't trying to circumvent them.

If you need to tell yourself that you are courageous for your struggles against a beast of your own creation ...
That goes back to what we were talking about yesterday in regard to your incompetence in achieving your desires and insecurity issues ... :thup:

I bet you like stuff that ensures compliance until it's you that has to comply.
You people have been crying about "liberal indoctrination" in schools for years. Just couldn't figure out why your kids didn't turn out to be clones of yourselves. Don't blame the schools, blame your poor example. What kind of narcissistic fool wants their kid to be just like them when they are always extremely unhappy and blindsided by reality?
The magaturds (and their crotch fruit) in our society are mostly big time narcissistic fools. That is exactly how they want to transform (or eliminate completely) our educational system. They've been bitching about it being a 'liberal' institution for as long as I've been alive.

I'll say the quiet part out loud. Magaturds want to infiltrate local schools boards so that their own indoctrination can go unquestioned. Strength in numbers, I suppose. They want to sterilize history and eliminate anything that makes them feel bad. They want to kneecap critical thinking skills. They just don't have the guts to admit it.
I bet you like stuff that ensures compliance until it's you that has to comply.

You would be surprised how many people like things to work properly, provide better results and ensure things are trustworthy and safe.
You can get paid damn good money helping them get there too ... :thup:

You don't have clue what I would be comfortable with ... Nor the standards I hold myself to as far as compliance is concerned.
You couldn't meet them on your best day.

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You would be surprised how many people like things to work properly, provide better results and ensure things are trustworthy and safe.
You can get paid damn good money helping them get there too ... :thup:

You don't have clue what I would be comfortable with ... Nor the standards I hold myself to as far as compliance is concerned.
You couldn't meet them on your best day.

The more you talk the more you reinforce my opinion of you. If you can't understand why anyone would object to hostile surveillance on themselves there's not a whole lot left to say.
The more you talk the more you reinforce my opinion of you. If you can't understand why anyone would object to hostile surveillance on themselves there's not a whole lot left to say.

At what point did you get the stupid idea I don't know why some people would get hostile
and object to measures taken to ensure they are doing as they are required?

I made living dealing with nitwits like you and made a fortune doing it ... :thup:

Do you honestly think you are the first ill-intended worthless motherfucker that has tried to make excuses
and circumvent requirements in order to achieve something counterproductive to more worthy goals?

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At what point did you get the stupid idea I don't know why some people would get hostile
and object to measures taken to ensure they were doing as they are required?

I made living dealing with nitwits like you and made a fortune doing it ... :thup:

Do you honestly think you are the first ill-intended worthless motherfucker that has tried to make excuses
and circumvent requirements in order to achieve something counterproductive to more worthy goals?

LOL another "rich" republican that thinks their real or imagined success makes them correct. Save your boasting for someone who might be impressed. All my clients are very well off, you have to be to get me to build your beach house. Most of them are idiots.
LOL another "rich" republican that thinks their real or imagined success makes them correct. Save your boasting for someone who might be impressed. All my clients are very well off, you have to be to get me to build your beach house. Most of them are idiots.

I never said I was a Republican ... And it doesn't matter to me whether or not you are impressed.
Nothing I post is restricted to the very narrow parameters you see things in.

Even you should know a pile of wood, hammer and nails doesn't magically make a house appear.
You have to actually do something and meet the codes and requirements.

I'm just amused at how simple you actually are.

The magaturds (and their crotch fruit) in our society are mostly big time narcissistic fools. That is exactly how they want to transform (or eliminate completely) our educational system. They've been bitching about it being a 'liberal' institution for as long as I've been alive.

I'll say the quiet part out loud. Magaturds want to infiltrate local schools boards so that their own indoctrination can go unquestioned. Strength in numbers, I suppose. They want to sterilize history and eliminate anything that makes them feel bad. They want to kneecap critical thinking skills. They just don't have the guts to admit it.
This ^^^^ is the reality of libturds and crotch rot like this guy. Mad because they get told to do their job and quit trying to rewrite history.

I never said I was a Republican ... And it doesn't matter to me whether or not you are impressed.
Nothing I post is restricted to the very narrow parameters you see things in.

Even you should know a pile of wood, hammer and nails doesn't magically make a house appear.
You have to actually do something and meet the codes and requirements.

I'm just amused at how simple you actually are.

Egomaniacs are often amused by their own sense of self satisfaction.
Egomaniacs are often amused by their own sense of self satisfaction.

Egomaniacs tend to think things should be the way they want them just because they want them that way ...
Regardless of whether or not it violates policies and laws.

Pathetic insecure nitwits have a tendency to not truly understand the utter garbage they post ... :thup:


Egomaniacs tend to think things should be the way they want them just because they want them that way ...
Regardless of whether or not it violates policies and laws.

Pathetic insecure nitwits have a tendency to not truly understand the utter garbage they post ... :thup:

You're repeating yourself. Quit being boring or I will find someone else to talk to.
You're repeating yourself. Quit being boring or I will find someone else to talk to.

You don't have to tell me.
Glad we could have this enlightening conversation and sorry you couldn't manage to get more out of it ... :thup:

The magaturds (and their crotch fruit) in our society are mostly big time narcissistic fools. That is exactly how they want to transform (or eliminate completely) our educational system. They've been bitching about it being a 'liberal' institution for as long as I've been alive.

I'll say the quiet part out loud. Magaturds want to infiltrate local schools boards so that their own indoctrination can go unquestioned. Strength in numbers, I suppose. They want to sterilize history and eliminate anything that makes them feel bad. They want to kneecap critical thinking skills. They just don't have the guts to admit it.

And what is critical thinking? Man can control the climate? A boy can be a girl by simply putting on a dress? Guns make us the most dangerous country in the world?

What's wrong with parents knowing what their kids are being taught by other people? As I already stated, most jobs a supervisor or owner monitor the actions of their employees. In this case, the parent (taxpayer) is the employer. They are paying the employee to do a specific job.
I believe the parents are entitled political hacks that are only interested in their kids education because it's en vogue to at least pretend to be.

You mean parents are not interested in their kids education? You don't give parents much credit, do you? Government is more interested in our children's education but the parents.......ah, they are just pretending.

I don't know how you were raised but my parents were very interested in my education. In fact I spent most of my primary years of education in a private Catholic school. They watched my grades, they attended every teacher/ parents meetings. They would question me on what I learned in school today.

If teachers are doing their job they should have no problem with anybody listening in. After all, how else would they know what's being taught to their children?

Any employee that has trouble doing what their boss tells them to do will have problems and will get in trouble.

They are hired to teach a class ... And if they don't like teaching what is required ...
I guess they ought to start looking for a position at a place that will let them teach whatever their little heart desires.

Private schools have teachers ... They might want to start looking there ... :thup:

If you told me to teach critical white race theory or America sucks theory I'd tell you to kiss my ass.

It is their job to teach the basics in school to be able to earn a living after school. Not brainwash the kids to Your version of history.
With 330 million people in the US, I'm sure there are fresh minds out there
that are willing to step up.
Would a fresh mind be one that wants to ban the teaching of Evolution? How about a teacher telling his students that Slavery was a "side issue" regarding our Civil War? Will a new teacher be allowed to teach what Jim Crow really was and how sharecropping actually worked?
Of course, mini-Trump wants public school teachers monitored but would be outraged if the teachers in charter schools were monitored, even though both get taxpayer $$$.

If republicans are so concerned, send their kids to a private school, religious of course.

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