Defying trump....California offers Federal employees unemployment compensation

Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p


Our economic issue was the result of the Republican and Conservative Movement which began with Proposition 13, and was further exacerbated by the Passage of Proposition 26.

The former allowed Real Estate Taxes for corporations, apt. houses, hotels, Rail Roads and other commercial buildings which are rarely sold, which prevents local government to appraise their fair market value. Thus their value can never rise more than 2% annually.

Home owners generally move several times in their lifetime and this results in every sale a higher burden to home owners, for they are assessed at the sale price.

Prop 26 required new taxes to be passed by a super majority, 2/3 + 1; even though the Republicans were in the minority they could block any effort to raise taxes, and this resulted in a period of Don't tax and spend. The R's moved to be the party of law and order (sans justice, one will notice) and passed law to incarcerate non violent felons for many years.

The People spoke at the ballot box, and Jerry Brown was once again elected governor for two terms. First prop. 26 was stricken by the vote of the people, and Gov. Brown's fiscal policies were conservative but responsible.

Really?! Jerry pretty much screwed the pooch the first time he was governor...dumbass.
California Is Broke – 19 Reasons Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good

9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List?

It's lucky for you, you never took freshman English at a University, you would have flunked. As it is you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker.

All of my points can be verified, if

(1) you had taken and passed a basic English course in reading comprehension and expository writing,


(2) Were curious and not locked in the ideological box of 21st Century Conservative pooapaganda you might know enough not to embarrass yourself.

Hmmm...evidently you failed English. What was it High School, you certainly didn't make it to University level...dumbass.
Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p
Ger off the orange tiny penis. Do u have to back him unconditionally even of it means seeing ordinary Americans suffer? Wtf
Probably because tRump is the most evil and inept person to ever sit in that office! And that is saying something after the last several that were there!

Sorry bub, O already floated that abominable boat .

Then tRump must be in a submarine!

He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.

No, they are flatulent opinions.
Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p


Our economic issue was the result of the Republican and Conservative Movement which began with Proposition 13, and was further exacerbated by the Passage of Proposition 26.

The former allowed Real Estate Taxes for corporations, apt. houses, hotels, Rail Roads and other commercial buildings which are rarely sold, which prevents local government to appraise their fair market value. Thus their value can never rise more than 2% annually.

Home owners generally move several times in their lifetime and this results in every sale a higher burden to home owners, for they are assessed at the sale price.

Prop 26 required new taxes to be passed by a super majority, 2/3 + 1; even though the Republicans were in the minority they could block any effort to raise taxes, and this resulted in a period of Don't tax and spend. The R's moved to be the party of law and order (sans justice, one will notice) and passed law to incarcerate non violent felons for many years.

The People spoke at the ballot box, and Jerry Brown was once again elected governor for two terms. First prop. 26 was stricken by the vote of the people, and Gov. Brown's fiscal policies were conservative but responsible.

Really?! Jerry pretty much screwed the pooch the first time he was governor...dumbass.
California Is Broke – 19 Reasons Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good

9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List?

It's lucky for you, you never took freshman English at a University, you would have flunked. As it is you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker.

All of my points can be verified, if

(1) you had taken and passed a basic English course in reading comprehension and expository writing,


(2) Were [you] curious and not locked in the ideological box of 21st Century Conservative poopaganda you might know enough not to embarrass yourself.

Hmmm...evidently you failed English. What was it High School, you certainly didn't make it to University level...dumbass.

Poopaganda ^^^
Sorry bub, O already floated that abominable boat .

Then tRump must be in a submarine!

He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.

No, they are flatulent opinions.
And your opinions stink of roses, huh, Wry?

Obama's policies cost Americans their lives.
Then tRump must be in a submarine!

He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.

No, they are flatulent opinions.

And your opinions stink of roses, huh, Wry?

Obama's policies cost Americans their lives.

Roses don't stink as much as the shit posted by Obama's critics. Bush II & Cheney along with the neocons were responsible for many more lives in their war of choice. Is that my stinking opinion?
He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.

No, they are flatulent opinions.

And your opinions stink of roses, huh, Wry?

Obama's policies cost Americans their lives.

Roses don't stink as much as the shit posted by Obama's critics. Bush II & Cheney along with the neocons were responsible for many more lives in their war of choice. Is that my stinking opinion?
Your stinkin' opinion blends nicely with that of a moronic partisan hack, wry, embrace it. (what a twit)

Trump has done more for America in two years than your war monger Obama in 8 years.
Truth hurts, I understand,.
He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.

No, they are flatulent opinions.

And your opinions stink of roses, huh, Wry?

Obama's policies cost Americans their lives.

Roses don't stink as much as the shit posted by Obama's critics. Bush II & Cheney along with the neocons were responsible for many more lives in their war of choice. Is that my stinking opinion?

Obama is at the bottom of the outhouse with W. You forgot about O pushing more war in the ME, arab spring, continuation of wars, hundreds of thousands of lives in syria. Those aren't opinions as much as you would like to inject your emotion to make them go away. But the aforementioned stuff happened and lives were lost and O is just as pathetic and worthless as W. Speaking of neocons, lbj lost 50,000 americans.
Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.

No, they are flatulent opinions.

And your opinions stink of roses, huh, Wry?

Obama's policies cost Americans their lives.

Roses don't stink as much as the shit posted by Obama's critics. Bush II & Cheney along with the neocons were responsible for many more lives in their war of choice. Is that my stinking opinion?

Obama is at the bottom of the outhouse with W. You forgot about O pushing more war in the ME, arab spring, continuation of wars, hundreds of thousands of lives in syria. Those aren't opinions as much as you would like to inject your emotion to make them go away. But the aforementioned stuff happened and lives were lost and O is just as pathetic and worthless as W. Speaking of neocons, lbj lost 50,000 americans.

Do not forget O fucking up our healthcare system even more than it was
Defying Trump, California Offers Federal Workers Unemployment Benefits

Since trump enjoys torturing others....this should turn him Burnt Orange.

That's a damn good idea. I hope every other State does the same so that those who aren't needed can transition to other jobs without undue stress.

Time to CUT CUT CUT the Bureaucracy!!!


There is no transitioning, in fact this will help them to ride it out. They will get the UE and when they get back pay they will pay it back. In the meantime they can keep spending money.

It is a win for both the state and the individuals.
The People should not get the blame for politics.

local economies should not have to, "go without".
You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.

No, they are flatulent opinions.

And your opinions stink of roses, huh, Wry?

Obama's policies cost Americans their lives.

Roses don't stink as much as the shit posted by Obama's critics. Bush II & Cheney along with the neocons were responsible for many more lives in their war of choice. Is that my stinking opinion?

Obama is at the bottom of the outhouse with W. You forgot about O pushing more war in the ME, arab spring, continuation of wars, hundreds of thousands of lives in syria. Those aren't opinions as much as you would like to inject your emotion to make them go away. But the aforementioned stuff happened and lives were lost and O is just as pathetic and worthless as W. Speaking of neocons, lbj lost 50,000 americans.

Do not forget O fucking up our healthcare system even more than it was

In what way?

Local public hospitals, funded by local taxes provided care for those who didn't have health insurance, because they didn't buy it, or couldn't buy it because insurance companies would not sell it to someone with a preexisting condition.
In what way?

Local public hospitals, funded by local taxes provided care for those who didn't have health insurance, because they didn't buy it, or couldn't buy it because insurance companies would not sell it to someone with a preexisting condition.

New rules and regulations that have driven many small hospitals out of business or forced them to "affiliate" with lager ones to survive.

The worst of the rules is medicare/insurance reimbursement rates being tied to patient satisfaction surveys. It is one of those things that does not seem so bad on the surface, but when you stop and think about it, it really is. The thing about hospitals is that what is good for the patient's health does not always make them happy. The 400 pound non-compliant diabetic that gives a bad rating because they were not allowed to eat the pizza their family member brought for them. Or the guy on oxygen that gives a bad rating because they would not unhook him so he could go smoke. Hospitals have spent money trying to make themselves more like hotels to keep the patients happy, at the cost of nursing care or such. Nurse to patient ratios get worse each year as they try and save money spent elsewhere trying to keep patients happy.

If a patient is readmitted for the same problem within 30 days the hospital has to eat much of the cost, irregardless of why they are back. If they choose not to follow the doctors orders when home and have to come back, the hospital is punished for this.

If a patient is admitted for chest pains and during the assessment by the nurse they discover the person also has intestinal issues, they cannot treat the new thing without the patient leaving the hospital and being readmitted for the problem.

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