Defying trump....California offers Federal employees unemployment compensation

with "guaranteed liquidity from the public sector", the private sector could come up with market friendly "aftermarket products and services" that could be purchased in a manner similar to insurance.
But laid off fed workers have to apply through their state.

The Fed workers are not laid off, they are just having their pay withheld for a length of time.

So, the state is doing the right thing and helping them since most are still required to work while not getting paid. And once they are back to getting paid the state will receive all of its money back.

I have a good friend that is a Fed Prison warden. She is still required to go to work, 80 mile round trip without getting a dime to pay for her gas even, let alone food for her family. Why would the Trump Admin want to keep these people from getting some help?

Probably because tRump is the most evil and inept person to ever sit in that office! And that is saying something after the last several that were there!

Sorry bub, O already floated that abominable boat .

Then tRump must be in a submarine!

He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

You are correct tRump is off the charts terrible.
Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p

The state does not pay for Fed workers...damn you are dumber than a box of rocks
Then what is this op about?
Federal workers being helped by their fellow citizens. I know...that kind of empathy is unknown to many conservative republicans.

How many of those "federal workers" organized to dig into their own pockets to help out workers that got a pink slip and lost their jobs in the private sector?

Notta, they were too busy making Star Trek Training Videos, ignoring Bernie Madoff for 10 years, going on tax payer funded excursions and a plethora of egregious "other people's money" wasting exercises, while organizing for gold plated benefits and higher salaries than the people that are forced to pay them make.
Interesting how you base your "helping others" on what they do for you.
Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p

The state does not pay for Fed workers...damn you are dumber than a box of rocks
Then what is this op about?
Federal workers being helped by their fellow citizens. I know...that kind of empathy is unknown to many conservative republicans.

How many of those "federal workers" organized to dig into their own pockets to help out workers that got a pink slip and lost their jobs in the private sector?

Notta, they were too busy making Star Trek Training Videos, ignoring Bernie Madoff for 10 years, going on tax payer funded excursions and a plethora of egregious "other people's money" wasting exercises, while organizing for gold plated benefits and higher salaries than the people that are forced to pay them make.
Interesting how you base your "helping others" on what they do for you.

Yeah, no shit sherlock, I don't voluntary "help others" that have gone out of their way fuck me over but apparently you're okay with it.

In the meantime I'll reserve my sympathy for the 14,000 GM employees that got laid off in 2018 and the 3,000+ that just got laid off from Tesla, after all they produced something of value for a living and didn't hold a gun to their customers heads and force them to pay for shitty products and services whether they wanted them or not.
Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p


Our economic issue was the result of the Republican and Conservative Movement which began with Proposition 13, and was further exacerbated by the Passage of Proposition 26.

The former allowed Real Estate Taxes for corporations, apt. houses, hotels, Rail Roads and other commercial buildings which are rarely sold, which prevents local government to appraise their fair market value. Thus their value can never rise more than 2% annually.

Home owners generally move several times in their lifetime and this results in every sale a higher burden to home owners, for they are assessed at the sale price.

Prop 26 required new taxes to be passed by a super majority, 2/3 + 1; even though the Republicans were in the minority they could block any effort to raise taxes, and this resulted in a period of Don't tax and spend. The R's moved to be the party of law and order (sans justice, one will notice) and passed law to incarcerate non violent felons for many years.

The People spoke at the ballot box, and Jerry Brown was once again elected governor for two terms. First prop. 26 was stricken by the vote of the people, and Gov. Brown's fiscal policies were conservative but responsible.

Really?! Jerry pretty much screwed the pooch the first time he was governor...dumbass.
California Is Broke – 19 Reasons Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good

9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List?

It's lucky for you, you never took freshman English at a University, you would have flunked. As it is you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker.

All of my points can be verified, if

(1) you had taken and passed a basic English course in reading comprehension and expository writing,


(2) Were curious and not locked in the ideological box of 21st Century Conservative pooapaganda you might know enough not to embarrass yourself.

I wouldn't normally point this out but since you chastise others on their english, your own english has spelling and grammar errors. Its obvious that you were seething with rage when you wrote this.

"As it is_comma__you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker."

LOL, you may have taken English in high school, but clearly you've never take Creative Writing in a U.

Using commons would be acceptable but not using a common is not grammatically wrong; I didn't break up my sentence with one, to use a comma as suggested by you would have ruined the rhythm and flow of my sentence.

Poopaganda was a play on the word propaganda; a new word I coined to define the meme's used by the conservative set who echo each other (such as their BIG LIES).

Since you didn't understand "poopaganda" in context, I'll make it clear, just for you. Think of poop as Bullshit.

I hope that helps, and thanks so much for being captious, it show how little you know about what is (???) your native language.
I have to agree with paying those who are still working. This shutdown was supposed to be for nonessential positions. If people are still having to work, obviously the position is essential. Plus, working for no pay is against our labor laws. They should be getting paid.
Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p


Our economic issue was the result of the Republican and Conservative Movement which began with Proposition 13, and was further exacerbated by the Passage of Proposition 26.

The former allowed Real Estate Taxes for corporations, apt. houses, hotels, Rail Roads and other commercial buildings which are rarely sold, which prevents local government to appraise their fair market value. Thus their value can never rise more than 2% annually.

Home owners generally move several times in their lifetime and this results in every sale a higher burden to home owners, for they are assessed at the sale price.

Prop 26 required new taxes to be passed by a super majority, 2/3 + 1; even though the Republicans were in the minority they could block any effort to raise taxes, and this resulted in a period of Don't tax and spend. The R's moved to be the party of law and order (sans justice, one will notice) and passed law to incarcerate non violent felons for many years.

The People spoke at the ballot box, and Jerry Brown was once again elected governor for two terms. First prop. 26 was stricken by the vote of the people, and Gov. Brown's fiscal policies were conservative but responsible.

Really?! Jerry pretty much screwed the pooch the first time he was governor...dumbass.
California Is Broke – 19 Reasons Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good

9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List?

It's lucky for you, you never took freshman English at a University, you would have flunked. As it is you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker.

All of my points can be verified, if

(1) you had taken and passed a basic English course in reading comprehension and expository writing,


(2) Were curious and not locked in the ideological box of 21st Century Conservative pooapaganda you might know enough not to embarrass yourself.

I wouldn't normally point this out but since you chastise others on their english, your own english has spelling and grammar errors. Its obvious that you were seething with rage when you wrote this.

"As it is_comma__you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker."

LOL, you may have taken English in high school, but clearly you've never take Creative Writing in a U.

Using commons would be acceptable but not using a common is not grammatically wrong; I didn't break up my sentence with one, to use a comma as suggested by you would have ruined the rhythm and flow of my sentence.

Poopaganda was a play on the word propaganda; a new word I coined to define the meme's used by the conservative set who echo each other (such as their BIG LIES).

Since you didn't understand "poopaganda" in context, I'll make it clear, just for you. Think of poop as Bullshit.

I hope that helps, and thanks so much for being captious, it show how little you know about what is (???) your native language.

Uh sure. But thanks for the extensive BS, WC. Its always appreciated. What are commons? I've heard about commas.
The state does not pay for Fed workers...damn you are dumber than a box of rocks
Then what is this op about?
Federal workers being helped by their fellow citizens. I know...that kind of empathy is unknown to many conservative republicans.

How many of those "federal workers" organized to dig into their own pockets to help out workers that got a pink slip and lost their jobs in the private sector?

Notta, they were too busy making Star Trek Training Videos, ignoring Bernie Madoff for 10 years, going on tax payer funded excursions and a plethora of egregious "other people's money" wasting exercises, while organizing for gold plated benefits and higher salaries than the people that are forced to pay them make.
Interesting how you base your "helping others" on what they do for you.

Yeah, no shit sherlock, I don't voluntary "help others" that have gone out of their way fuck me over but apparently you're okay with it.

In the meantime I'll reserve my sympathy for the 14,000 GM employees that got laid off in 2018 and the 3,000+ that just got laid off from Tesla, after all they produced something of value for a living and didn't hold a gun to their customers heads and force them to pay for shitty products and services whether they wanted them or not.
When have federal employees gone out of their way to "fuck" you over? Was it a business transaction? Was payment left on the bedside table?

Our economic issue was the result of the Republican and Conservative Movement which began with Proposition 13, and was further exacerbated by the Passage of Proposition 26.

The former allowed Real Estate Taxes for corporations, apt. houses, hotels, Rail Roads and other commercial buildings which are rarely sold, which prevents local government to appraise their fair market value. Thus their value can never rise more than 2% annually.

Home owners generally move several times in their lifetime and this results in every sale a higher burden to home owners, for they are assessed at the sale price.

Prop 26 required new taxes to be passed by a super majority, 2/3 + 1; even though the Republicans were in the minority they could block any effort to raise taxes, and this resulted in a period of Don't tax and spend. The R's moved to be the party of law and order (sans justice, one will notice) and passed law to incarcerate non violent felons for many years.

The People spoke at the ballot box, and Jerry Brown was once again elected governor for two terms. First prop. 26 was stricken by the vote of the people, and Gov. Brown's fiscal policies were conservative but responsible.

Really?! Jerry pretty much screwed the pooch the first time he was governor...dumbass.
California Is Broke – 19 Reasons Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good

9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List?

It's lucky for you, you never took freshman English at a University, you would have flunked. As it is you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker.

All of my points can be verified, if

(1) you had taken and passed a basic English course in reading comprehension and expository writing,


(2) Were curious and not locked in the ideological box of 21st Century Conservative pooapaganda you might know enough not to embarrass yourself.

I wouldn't normally point this out but since you chastise others on their english, your own english has spelling and grammar errors. Its obvious that you were seething with rage when you wrote this.

"As it is_comma__you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker."

LOL, you may have taken English in high school, but clearly you've never take Creative Writing in a U.

Using commons would be acceptable but not using a common is not grammatically wrong; I didn't break up my sentence with one, to use a comma as suggested by you would have ruined the rhythm and flow of my sentence.

Poopaganda was a play on the word propaganda; a new word I coined to define the meme's used by the conservative set who echo each other (such as their BIG LIES).

Since you didn't understand "poopaganda" in context, I'll make it clear, just for you. Think of poop as Bullshit.

I hope that helps, and thanks so much for being captious, it show how little you know about what is (???) your native language.

Uh sure. But thanks for the extensive BS, WC. Its always appreciated. What are commons? I've heard about commas.

Dick Cheney once said to a Senator, "go fuck yourself". Sadly, I've been admonished not to use such crass language as did he and as you have, Thus,I must default to Sarcasm:

Thanks so much for your opinion, you don't know who much I appreciate your every word.

It's lucky for you, you never took freshman English at a University, you would have flunked. As it is you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker.

All of my points can be verified, if

(1) you had taken and passed a basic English course in reading comprehension and expository writing,


(2) Were curious and not locked in the ideological box of 21st Century Conservative pooapaganda you might know enough not to embarrass yourself.

I wouldn't normally point this out but since you chastise others on their english, your own english has spelling and grammar errors. Its obvious that you were seething with rage when you wrote this.

"As it is_comma__you take an attitude and a bias and wrap it in irrelevant appeals to authority (op-ed, blogs and internet poopaganda ) and claim to be a thinker."

LOL, you may have taken English in high school, but clearly you've never take Creative Writing in a U.

Using commons would be acceptable but not using a common is not grammatically wrong; I didn't break up my sentence with one, to use a comma as suggested by you would have ruined the rhythm and flow of my sentence.

Poopaganda was a play on the word propaganda; a new word I coined to define the meme's used by the conservative set who echo each other (such as their BIG LIES).

Since you didn't understand "poopaganda" in context, I'll make it clear, just for you. Think of poop as Bullshit.

I hope that helps, and thanks so much for being captious, it show how little you know about what is (???) your native language.

Uh sure. But thanks for the extensive BS, WC. Its always appreciated. What are commons? I've heard about commas.

Dick Cheney once said to a Senator, "go fuck yourself". Sadly, I've been admonished not to use such crass language as did he and as you have, I must default to Sarcasm:

Thanks so much for your opinion, you don't know who much I appreciate your every word.

You just used such language. That's just who you are. We've all known that for years.
But laid off fed workers have to apply through their state.

The Fed workers are not laid off, they are just having their pay withheld for a length of time.

So, the state is doing the right thing and helping them since most are still required to work while not getting paid. And once they are back to getting paid the state will receive all of its money back.

I have a good friend that is a Fed Prison warden. She is still required to go to work, 80 mile round trip without getting a dime to pay for her gas even, let alone food for her family. Why would the Trump Admin want to keep these people from getting some help?

Probably because tRump is the most evil and inept person to ever sit in that office! And that is saying something after the last several that were there!

Sorry bub, O already floated that abominable boat .

Then tRump must be in a submarine!

He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.
Good for what?......keep the Government shutdown....we like it that way.....
Then what is this op about?
Federal workers being helped by their fellow citizens. I know...that kind of empathy is unknown to many conservative republicans.

How many of those "federal workers" organized to dig into their own pockets to help out workers that got a pink slip and lost their jobs in the private sector?

Notta, they were too busy making Star Trek Training Videos, ignoring Bernie Madoff for 10 years, going on tax payer funded excursions and a plethora of egregious "other people's money" wasting exercises, while organizing for gold plated benefits and higher salaries than the people that are forced to pay them make.
Interesting how you base your "helping others" on what they do for you.

Yeah, no shit sherlock, I don't voluntary "help others" that have gone out of their way fuck me over but apparently you're okay with it.

In the meantime I'll reserve my sympathy for the 14,000 GM employees that got laid off in 2018 and the 3,000+ that just got laid off from Tesla, after all they produced something of value for a living and didn't hold a gun to their customers heads and force them to pay for shitty products and services whether they wanted them or not.
When have federal employees gone out of their way to "fuck" you over? Was it a business transaction?

Every time I was unfortunate enough to conduct business with a Federal Agency.

The attitude has generally been:
"What the fuck do you want and how may I screw you?"

I view federal drones in a slightly less positive light than I do Mafia Associates, at least Mafia Associates are generally polite while they're robbing you.

Was payment left on the bedside table?
That's more your speed since you're the one that actually LIKES it when gub'mint fucks you.
Defying Trump, California Offers Federal Workers Unemployment Benefits

Since trump enjoys torturing others....this should turn him Burnt Orange.

That's awesome!
Maybe they can also pick up the entire tab after they return to work?
It'd be better than wasting billions on their stupid fucking train to nowhere.

You hate it.....a state is trying to help people who are bring hurt by trump's shutdown....yup....trump leg humper....

If California taxpayers want to use their tax dollars to pay federal employees, why not do it full time?
The Fed workers are not laid off, they are just having their pay withheld for a length of time.

So, the state is doing the right thing and helping them since most are still required to work while not getting paid. And once they are back to getting paid the state will receive all of its money back.

I have a good friend that is a Fed Prison warden. She is still required to go to work, 80 mile round trip without getting a dime to pay for her gas even, let alone food for her family. Why would the Trump Admin want to keep these people from getting some help?

Probably because tRump is the most evil and inept person to ever sit in that office! And that is saying something after the last several that were there!

Sorry bub, O already floated that abominable boat .

Then tRump must be in a submarine!

He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.
Probably because tRump is the most evil and inept person to ever sit in that office! And that is saying something after the last several that were there!

Sorry bub, O already floated that abominable boat .

Then tRump must be in a submarine!

He may be but orange man floats above O and W. Those two were beyond despicable.

Trump is evil! No President in living memory is as cruel and irresponsible as is he.

You're delusional. O and W spent 16 trillion, along with endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies. Those are hard facts.
Why is tRump racking up record debt during a book economy?
Why did tRump just submit a budget that was Obama+$1,000,000,000,000?
Government workers helped bankrupt California ( and most other states ). Good job. :p

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest, according to new federal data made public Friday. California's gross domestic product rose by $127 billion from 2016 to 2017, surpassing $2.7 trillion, the data said.May 5, 2018
California now the world's 5th largest economy, beating out the UK

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