Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

What's worse is you can't have alcohol.

Wrong. If you go to the international hotels in the big cities, almost all of them have a bar that serves alcohol in them. Dubai, U.A.E was a very good example of that. Matter of fact, I was able to get a beer at a bar in Jiddah Saudi Arabia when I went there, and there were even Muslims bellying up to the bar. CAN be taken to jail by the religious police if they smell alcohol on you, but they have to catch you first.

Safest way? Go directly from the door of the hotel into a waiting taxi, and then directly back to the ship.

I cannot believe you did that. Don't do that again. It isn't worth your life. Stay out of that God forsaken place!

- Jeri

Yanno.................haven't been back there since 1999. That was the last sea tour I had before I retired from the U.S. Navy in 2002.

And WAS worth my life to see how hypocritical some Islamists could be, especially when I saw them with their head covering, drinking in the bar.

But then again.................I'll probably never go there again. The tickets are too expensive, and besides.................for the same amount of money, I could probably go and visit Old Faithful in Yellowstone, and have enough left over to go and sit in on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Personally? Give me Yellowstone and Jon Stewart.
No. They are serious. It kicks in next year I believe according to the report on video. Delta didn't need to do business with Saudi Arabia. They have made a huge mistake. I will never fly that airline again.

Delta was bought by a Saudi company. It has no choice but to abide by the new owner's rules.

I don't blame you for not flying Delta at all. It's not like the shiekhs need our money.

Right so now that Delta has been bought by a Saudi company the right thing to do is to show these Saudis that we are going to Boycott ALL FLIGHTS. Not just the ones to Saudi Arabia.

Boycott Delta completely.

That is how that works and then let's see how well the sheikhs take that news. They may not worry about losing money but they will most certainly care about losing reputation. Because they can't get that back. :eusa_angel:
Wrong. If you go to the international hotels in the big cities, almost all of them have a bar that serves alcohol in them. Dubai, U.A.E was a very good example of that. Matter of fact, I was able to get a beer at a bar in Jiddah Saudi Arabia when I went there, and there were even Muslims bellying up to the bar. CAN be taken to jail by the religious police if they smell alcohol on you, but they have to catch you first.

Safest way? Go directly from the door of the hotel into a waiting taxi, and then directly back to the ship.

I cannot believe you did that. Don't do that again. It isn't worth your life. Stay out of that God forsaken place!

- Jeri

Yanno.................haven't been back there since 1999. That was the last sea tour I had before I retired from the U.S. Navy in 2002.

And WAS worth my life to see how hypocritical some Islamists could be, especially when I saw them with their head covering, drinking in the bar.

But then again.................I'll probably never go there again. The tickets are too expensive, and besides.................for the same amount of money, I could probably go and visit Old Faithful in Yellowstone, and have enough left over to go and sit in on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Personally? Give me Yellowstone and Jon Stewart.

Well, I'm glad you saw the real face of Islam and made it out of there too. Enjoy Yellowstone and Jon Stewart. lol...
Wrong. If you go to the international hotels in the big cities, almost all of them have a bar that serves alcohol in them. Dubai, U.A.E was a very good example of that. Matter of fact, I was able to get a beer at a bar in Jiddah Saudi Arabia when I went there, and there were even Muslims bellying up to the bar. CAN be taken to jail by the religious police if they smell alcohol on you, but they have to catch you first.

Safest way? Go directly from the door of the hotel into a waiting taxi, and then directly back to the ship.

I cannot believe you did that. Don't do that again. It isn't worth your life. Stay out of that God forsaken place!

- Jeri

The laws in muslim countries that are popular tourist destination are peculiar. You can feel up your girlfriend in a Dubai hotel lobby but a married couple is now in a Dubai prison for one kiss on the beach.

How about the Australian girl who took a job in Dubai and her co workers and hotel worker sabotaged her drain in hotel room forcing her to go to bar area for ice. They drugged the ice - she was gang raped and beaten. She reported it to hotel and hotel called police ( she was arrested in hospital I believe ) and said she had sex without marriage. She was in jail for 8 months when Australian govt told her do not tell them that you were drugged or you will get life in prison there for drug use. She finally got out of there and came home to tell her story.

That is another nation no European or American should ever go to. Dubai. I have a friend whose sister was going to teach in Dubai but now that she has heard the story she won't go. These stories need to get out there to the American people so they can stay out of these Islamic hell holes. They look beautiful from the outside but the moment you enter their land you are taking your life into your own hands. Stay out of Muslim nations completely and do not buy any products made in an Islamic nation. Boycott all of them.

- Jeri
No. They are serious. It kicks in next year I believe according to the report on video. Delta didn't need to do business with Saudi Arabia. They have made a huge mistake. I will never fly that airline again.

Delta was bought by a Saudi company. It has no choice but to abide by the new owner's rules.

I don't blame you for not flying Delta at all. It's not like the shiekhs need our money.

This is also not the slightest bit true. Delta is NOT owned by a Saudi company.

You are correct. Saudi Arabia didn't buy an owership interest they are just partners and permitted to sell one another's tickets.

As confusing as it is, the new rule appears to apply to Saudi carriers that might be booked through Delta.
That is another nation no European or American should ever go to. Dubai.

You know that Dubai is not actually a nation, right?

The funny thing is, thouands of western tourists cram into Dubai every week - lay on the beach, drink cocktails and go shopping.

Yes, it sounds like hell, doesn't it?

Stay out of Muslim nations completely and do not buy any products made in an Islamic nation. Boycott all of them.

I imagine you dislike Islam for being intolerant?

Why do you think people should boycott safe, peaceful, developed American allies?
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Delta was bought by a Saudi company. It has no choice but to abide by the new owner's rules.

I don't blame you for not flying Delta at all. It's not like the shiekhs need our money.

This is also not the slightest bit true. Delta is NOT owned by a Saudi company.

You are correct. Saudi Arabia didn't buy an owership interest they are just partners and permitted to sell one another's tickets.

As confusing as it is, the new rule appears to apply to Saudi carriers that might be booked through Delta.

Hang on. Does the writing on the side of the plane say "DELTA"? Does the ticket counter where you buy the tickets and are questioned each time as to whether or not you are a Jew, an Israeli or carrying a bible have a "DELTA" sign on it? Yes? Then Boycotting Delta is appropriate. I resent that every time an individual buys a ticket from them from now on they will be asked about Jews, Israelis or Bibles as if they are someone or something to be banned! It gets ingrained in peoples minds when they hear that question over a period of time.

What an invitation to anti semitic and anti christian attitudes. I don't like it one bit. - Jeri
Maybe because of things like this
Couple jailed for a year for kissing on Dubai beach... despite male defendant claim he was giving friend CPR when she suffered asthma attack | Mail Online

Couple jailed for a year for kissing on Dubai beach... despite male defendant claim he was giving friend CPR when she suffered asthma attack

Or this
British woman 'kidnapped and gang-raped in Dubai' is charged with drinking alcohol without a licence | Mail Online

Dubai is said to be a beautiful and hospitable country. Not so much for women, but men sing its praises all the time.
This is also not the slightest bit true. Delta is NOT owned by a Saudi company.

You are correct. Saudi Arabia didn't buy an owership interest they are just partners and permitted to sell one another's tickets.

As confusing as it is, the new rule appears to apply to Saudi carriers that might be booked through Delta.

Hang on. Does the writing on the side of the plane say "DELTA"? Does the ticket counter where you buy the tickets and are questioned each time as to whether or not you are a Jew, an Israeli or carrying a bible have a "DELTA" sign on it? Yes? Then Boycotting Delta is appropriate. I resent that every time an individual buys a ticket from them from now on they will be asked about Jews, Israelis or Bibles as if they are someone or something to be banned! It gets ingrained in peoples minds when they hear that question over a period of time.

What an invitation to anti semitic and anti christian attitudes. I don't like it one bit. - Jeri

I've been trying to find out some more, but so far, it appears that if you book a ticket through Delta, but travel on a Saudi airline, the Saudi carrier is considered Saudi soil and it's laws apply. Israel and Saudi Arabia do not share diplomatic relations so no Israelie citizen would be admitted to Saudi Arabia. The other provisions are illegal under Saudi law.

If a country has legalized cocaine or heroin, no one carrying drugs would be permitted on an American carrier on the basis that it's legal in that country. I might not agree with muslim laws, but I respect their right to make their own, for their own people in their own country or through their own businesses.

What should really piss you off is that muslims demand their laws be followed here. It took years to get muslim cab drivers at LAX to follow our laws, and they still complain about it.
Maybe because of things like this
Couple jailed for a year for kissing on Dubai beach... despite male defendant claim he was giving friend CPR when she suffered asthma attack | Mail Online

Couple jailed for a year for kissing on Dubai beach... despite male defendant claim he was giving friend CPR when she suffered asthma attack

Or this
British woman 'kidnapped and gang-raped in Dubai' is charged with drinking alcohol without a licence | Mail Online

Dubai is said to be a beautiful and hospitable country. Not so much for women, but men sing its praises all the time.

My mother in law went over there some time back on a vacation and she told me that the beaches were deserted, no one in the swimming pools & the hotel seemed empty to her. Guess it is a sign of things to come for Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. All that money invested and no tourists. Wow. You'd think they'd realize why no one wants to go there. - Jeri
Dubai is said to be a beautiful and hospitable country. Not so much for women, but men sing its praises all the time.

That's probably because they have a lot of prostitutes, sex slaves.

Sex tourism for men, like Thailand.
You are correct. Saudi Arabia didn't buy an owership interest they are just partners and permitted to sell one another's tickets.

As confusing as it is, the new rule appears to apply to Saudi carriers that might be booked through Delta.

Hang on. Does the writing on the side of the plane say "DELTA"? Does the ticket counter where you buy the tickets and are questioned each time as to whether or not you are a Jew, an Israeli or carrying a bible have a "DELTA" sign on it? Yes? Then Boycotting Delta is appropriate. I resent that every time an individual buys a ticket from them from now on they will be asked about Jews, Israelis or Bibles as if they are someone or something to be banned! It gets ingrained in peoples minds when they hear that question over a period of time.

What an invitation to anti semitic and anti christian attitudes. I don't like it one bit. - Jeri

I've been trying to find out some more, but so far, it appears that if you book a ticket through Delta, but travel on a Saudi airline, the Saudi carrier is considered Saudi soil and it's laws apply. Israel and Saudi Arabia do not share diplomatic relations so no Israelie citizen would be admitted to Saudi Arabia. The other provisions are illegal under Saudi law.

If a country has legalized cocaine or heroin, no one carrying drugs would be permitted on an American carrier on the basis that it's legal in that country. I might not agree with muslim laws, but I respect their right to make their own, for their own people in their own country or through their own businesses.

What should really piss you off is that muslims demand their laws be followed here. It took years to get muslim cab drivers at LAX to follow our laws, and they still complain about it.

Of course it bothers me. What bothers me about this story is that we have become as a society acceptable of a culture that isn't accepting of our own people in any way, shape or form. We are not allowed on their soil with a bible yet they can go anywhere they wish in the world with a Koran? We are not allowed to fly to their country but they can buy property and live here and do whatever they please? Why are we accepting this as a society? I will tell you why. Because like the frog in the proverbial boiling pot we have been conditioned to accept that Islam does not reciprocate any tolerance in their own lands. By their own words, they have made it clear non muslims are not to be tolerated on their soil. By their own words ( Council of American Islamic Relations ) they have made it clear their intention is to overthrow our government and constitution and replace it with the Koran and sharia law.

My reason for coming out strong on this is that Muslims make a major production out of not having a foot bath provision at the airports whereas we are not even permitted to step on a plane owned by them? HA! No. I'm sorry. It is time to classify these nations as terrorist nations, and Islam as a terrorist organization - Muslim Mafia - call it a day and get it out of the West completely. Enough is enough. - Jeri
My mother in law went over there some time back on a vacation and she told me that the beaches were deserted, no one in the swimming pools & the hotel seemed empty to her. Guess it is a sign of things to come for Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. All that money invested and no tourists. Wow. You'd think they'd realize why no one wants to go there. - Jeri

What ON EARTH are you talking about??!!

Dubai’s tourism industry grows 10% to 9.3 million

Dubai’s hotels recorded a 10 per cent increase in the number of tourists in 2011 to 9.3 million, up from 8.49 million reported in 2010, according to the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), the emirate’s tourism regulatory body

Dubai?s tourism industry grows 10% to 9.3 million |

Of course people want to go there! It is one of the hottest tourist destinations for Europe right now, and why wouldn't it be?
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Dubai is said to be a beautiful and hospitable country. Not so much for women, but men sing its praises all the time.

That's probably because they have a lot of prostitutes, sex slaves.

Sex tourism for men, like Thailand.

In Thailand the police do arrest these men when they get around to doing their jobs. In Dubai the women are arrested for being raped because they had sex outside of marriage.

If they are drugged by the rapists they can serve life in prison for using drugs. A paradise for corrupt indivuals. A vacation spot for decent people? Absolutely not!! - Jeri
Dubai is said to be a beautiful and hospitable country. Not so much for women, but men sing its praises all the time.

That's probably because they have a lot of prostitutes, sex slaves.

Sex tourism for men, like Thailand.

No, it is NOT like Thailand, the Philippines, Gambia or any one of the other dozen sex tourism destintions.

I totally agree. The rape victims don't get thrown in jail for sex without marriage in Thailand, Philipines and Gambia. That only happens to women in Muslim lands such as Dubai.

- Jeri
Dubai is said to be a beautiful and hospitable country. Not so much for women, but men sing its praises all the time.

That's probably because they have a lot of prostitutes, sex slaves.

Sex tourism for men, like Thailand.

In Thailand the police do arrest these men when they get around to doing their jobs. In Dubai the women are arrested for being raped because they had sex outside of marriage.

If they are drugged by the rapists they can serve life in prison for using drugs. A paradise for corrupt indivuals. A vacation spot for decent people? Absolutely not!! - Jeri

Actually, no they do not - because prostitution is legal in Thailand.

Prostitution is not legal in Dubai.

Please try and post with a little honesty and common sense - as I am sure you realise yourself, this entire thread is fairly silly.

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