Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

"...Yike. You mean like Arianist texts by the Council of Nicea? The Library of Antioch? The "unacceptable writings of the Coptic Church? The Talmud by Pope Gregory? The libraries at Alexandria? The writings of Wycliffe? Hus? Abelard? Nestorius? Sybilline? Priscillian? Tyndale? Luther? The Mayans?..."

Do you seriously believe that anyone is questioning that both Western Christian countries and others have not done such things in the past?

Haven't seen that directly. But I do see a lot of self-righteous hypocrisy -- which makes me seriously wonder if these self-absorbed hysteriacs are even aware of their own history.

But we are not talking about the world as it was 1,500 years ago or 1,000 years ago or 500 years ago...

We are talking about the world as it is today...

So am I. This is an eternal human failing. It's wrong in the past, it's wrong in the present, and guess what-- it'll be wrong in the future.

And we are not talking about the Billy-Jo-Bob Keeerister Church of West Podunk, Hicksvillle, burning Beatles albums back in the 1960s.

Sure we are. Minimalize all you like but it's the same mob mentality. There's no difference except in the details. And that wasn't exactly an obscure or isolated example.

We are talking about the large-scale actions of actual responsible Governments of Nations.

No, we're talking about a loose business association that ultimately observes national laws and the tarring and feathering of a business based on a guilt by association fallacy.

Trust me, I'm the last person in the world to ever defend Delta Airlines. I consider them the bottom of the barrel of airline carriers. Always did.
But that has nothing whatsoever to do with having a business association that is no different from any other airline. That would be silly.

Your Beatles-album-burning example doesn't exactly 'scale-up' well, does it?

Sure does. It's recent enough that I can post photographs. Pretty neat huh?

I do not know what lies beyond your apparent intent to excuse such large-scale behaviors on the part of responsible Governments of Nations in our present day and age...

Nor do I, since that's not the topic.

But you are going to have a difficult time trying to 'sell' some kind of 'Moral Equivalency' there...

Immoral equivalency would be more to the point. Mob religious mentality is always dangerous. But so is the idea that it's confined to "them". Whoever "them" are at the time.

Nice try, though, Pogo... darned nice try.

Thanks, I thought so. The contrast must have been effective since you went to such lengths to minimalize it.
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New Delta Airlines partner prevents Jews from Flying - YouTube

I received this tonight and was disturbed by Delta decision to ban Jews and people with bibles from flying. Very disturbing. I won't fly Delta again.


Maybe Delta should deny all Muslim's from flying into the US, but they won't, too bad. As for Delta, apparently they have capitulated to wishes of the Mullah's and their jihad mentality.

Polka says Delta is looking out for the American consumer. My question is, "Which ones?"

I haven't found that Jay Seculow's Judicial Watch has retracted any statements about Delta Decision. I'll let you know if I find out they have revised their original statement as made by Seculows' son in the video. - Jeri
I told my own family about it and we have decided not to fly Delta again. - Jeri

Attagirl. That'll bring 'em right to their knees. :rolleyes:

:eusa_angel: I have a very large family. Over two billion and counting........... might take a while to reach them all so if you are christian or Jew by all means join in the effort.......
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No, mine good Pogo, it does not scale well at all, and it was, indeed, a good try. Even misguided attempts at conjuring-up Moral Equivalency deserve their day in court, and a substantive rebuttal and ceremonial setting aside, which it was my pleasure to provide.
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I told my own family about it and we have decided not to fly Delta again. - Jeri

Attagirl. That'll bring 'em right to their knees. :rolleyes:

:eusa_angel: I have a very large family. Over two billion and counting........... might take a while to reach them all so if you are christian or Jew by all means join in the effort.......

I am not a member of any organized religion, precisely because of the ignorant acts exemplified throughout this thread by any such religion. So no I don't see myself joining in a hair-on-fire fake news story by a local TV station trolling for ratings that's been thoroughly debunked for over two years. That just smells too much like religious lemmingism.

I do find it fascinating that the same poster will simultaneously trash and yet run with a viral e-mail two years later. So I suspect your boycott of Delta just drove the collective IQ of its passenger base up a notch.
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The Jews, Israelis and bibles are the targets here in this story about Delta. It isn't a religious issue. It is matter of being anti - semitic and anti - christian or supporting those who are by doing business with them. Sorry you missed the point here. - Jeremiah
The Jews, Israelis and bibles are the targets here in this story about Delta. It isn't a religious issue. It is matter of being anti - semitic and anti - christian or supporting those who are by doing business with them. Sorry you missed the point here. - Jeremiah

Again, Delta is the worst airline one can choose in this country. But it doesn't bar Jews, bibles, Israelis or anybody else.
Sorry you had to invent an imaginary point here that doesn't fly (and it shows).
When I flew into Saudi Arabia for my first deployment I was told to leave all the porn and booze at home, I was so fuckin pissed.
You can't get through customs in Riyadh with a bible anyway. They confiscate it, along with other non-Islamic religious books, including a Catholic church based novel like the Da Vinci Code. When my traveling companion had his copy confiscated he inquired where in the airport to go to collect it when he was departing the country in a few days. No returns though as they destroy what's confiscated.

Great place to visit, and be sure to sample the fried goats anus on toasted camel scrota with a sauce made of cooked rice and milk. It's to die for, really.

AT LEAST we should confiscate and destroy all their Korans, if they do that!

Why not? And when they stop doing their horrible stuff, we could stop confiscating their violent "holy book."

Seems fair to me. If they confiscate and destroy our books, we confiscate and destroy theirs. I really don't understand why we allow this kind of behavior without reprisal.

We are so lucky that the US constitution does not say anything about freedom of religion!
It does not matter if the Jews do not wish to go to Saudi Arabia. What matters to me is that they are being told they can't go because they are Jewish or Israeli and that is anti - semitism, folks.

What you tolerate today from the Islamists won't be sufficient for tomorrow. As their level of intolerance increases they will demand that our level of tolerance increases. I'm not willing to go along with that plan. I say we put the brakes on this now and start asking questions such as why? If your book is not anti semitic then why can't Jews go to SA? If Islam is not anti semitic than why can't the Jews go to Saudi Arabia like anyone else? See my point now? Good. - Jeri

Big News Flash--Arabs hate Jews.
Thanks. Can you tell me why Delta Airlines is allowing these Jew Hating Arabs to hate Jews, Israelis and bibles in "their name - the name of an American Airline?"
It does not matter if the Jews do not wish to go to Saudi Arabia. What matters to me is that they are being told they can't go because they are Jewish or Israeli and that is anti - semitism, folks.

What you tolerate today from the Islamists won't be sufficient for tomorrow. As their level of intolerance increases they will demand that our level of tolerance increases. I'm not willing to go along with that plan. I say we put the brakes on this now and start asking questions such as why? If your book is not anti semitic then why can't Jews go to SA? If Islam is not anti semitic than why can't the Jews go to Saudi Arabia like anyone else? See my point now? Good. - Jeri

Big News Flash--Arabs hate Jews.

Saudi has 28 million people. The world population of Muslims is 1.62 billion. That means Saudi represents about 2% of the overall Muslim population in the world, and you are acting like they represent all Muslims. Native Americans are about 2% of the US population. So, thinking Saudi represents all of Islam is like saying Native Americans represent all of the US. Pretty silly.

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