Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

Lipush -

The first few pages were about Jeremiah's hilarious plans to boycott every airline in the Uinited States, but it then went on to his/her explaining how no tourists to go to Dubai because they will almost certainly be raped and killed - and anyone who disagrees with this must be a Muslim.
The bottom line is these women are for you Muslim Men, Saigon. A reward for your jihad against the rest of the world. You guys can get drunk, party with whores, go out and fly a plane into an American building and expect paradise with 72 virgins in the morning.

Somehow I don't think my wife would agree to that....

And for the third time on this thread - I am not a Muslim.

How many Muslims do you know who have lived in Israel?!

I don't find the accusation offensive, but the next time it appears it will be reported to the Mods, ok?

About 20% of the pop of Israel is Arabic, and most of those are Muslim :cuckoo:
The bottom line is these women are for you Muslim Men, Saigon. A reward for your jihad against the rest of the world. You guys can get drunk, party with whores, go out and fly a plane into an American building and expect paradise with 72 virgins in the morning.

Somehow I don't think my wife would agree to that....

And for the third time on this thread - I am not a Muslim.

How many Muslims do you know who have lived in Israel?!

Lots. There are 1.4 million Arabs in Israel...even if only HALF are Muslims (the number is much greater), that's 700,000 people!

I don't find the accusation offensive, but the next time it appears it will be reported to the Mods, ok?

Translation: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa............I'M TELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waaaaaaaa indeed. Neg repping people, threatening to report people to the mods. What a crybaby :razz:
Anjie -

Not that your post here, or the hysterical message you just sent me could be construed as whining, right?

I can't believe people get so bent out of shape about being called on posting about a country they have never been to!

About 20% of the pop of Israel is Arabic, and most of those are Muslim :cuckoo:

And how many of them are Finnish immigrants? That being the point here.
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Anjie -

Not that your post here, or the hysterical message you just sent me could be construed as whining, right?

I can't believe people get so bent out of shape about being called on posting about a country they have never been to!

About 20% of the pop of Israel is Arabic, and most of those are Muslim :cuckoo:

And how many of them are Finnish immigrants - that being the point here.

Telling you to neg rep me to your hearts delight, but quit messaging me your ignorant crap is hardly whining IMO. I'm not interested in reading anything you send me and would therefore rather You dont send me messages, you silly crybaby. It's quite simple. You have no idea where I have or haven't been and your arrogance in assuming you do ought to be a source of embarrassment to you. You are presenting yourself as an arrogant fool, which is perfectly fine by me, but I'd rather you'd confine your displays of ignorant arrogance to the message boards and not my inbox. Thank you :razz:
I'm not interested in reading anything you send me

Then it's lucky I haven't sent you anything.

btw, Have you actually lived in Dubai?

And you expect people you have done nothing but make arrogant assumptions about from the outset to actually have any interest whatsoever in continuing discussions with you or answering your questions now? Lol. Think again. Better still, carry on as usual. It's fun watching you make a fool of yourself over and over again :eusa_angel:
Yes, did you? Jay Seculow's son said in the inteview if you are buying a ticket to SA from New York they will ask you --------------> ARE YOU A JEW? ---------------> OR ARE YOU CARRYING A BIBLE? If so? You cannot get on the "DELTA FLIGHT". YOU watch the video again. You've obviously missed something here. This is Delta, Buddy! Don't try to water down the truth here!

The nerve! Delta just got in bed with the Devil!!!!


- Jeremiah

Jay Seculow and his family are not considered Jews in the Jewish community and the Jewish People he is considered traif and they are now Apostates .

Are you hammered?

He used strong language, but he's right. Jay Seculow is not Jewish.
Ever wonder why a fundy christian is so obsessed with us Jews?

Just Say Know: What "Real Christians" Believe about Jews

Christian fundamentalism and Zionism: Time to terminate this unholy alliance? - Alan Hart

In the light of the revelation (divine or not) about Pastor John Hagee’s assertion that Hitler was God’s agent, is it too much to hope that Jews everywhere, and Jewish Americans especially, will insist that Zionism terminate its unholy alliance with Christian fundamentalism?

This alliance has always seemed to me to be the greatest madness and also the biggest obscenity in the continuing story of conflict in and over Palestine.

Historically speaking, Christian fundamentalists were classic Jew haters on the grounds, they said, that the Jews were the “Christ killers”. So what explains Christian fundamentalism’s support for Israel right or wrong- support which today includes much of the money to fund Zionism’s on-going colonization of the occupied West Bank?

The evangelical preacher Jerry Falwell gave this answer.

The creation of the State of Israel in 1948 was the most crucial event in history since the ascension of Jesus to heaven and

“proof that the second coming of Jesus Christ is nigh… Without a State of Israel in the Holy Land, there cannot be the second coming of Jesus Christ, nor can there be a Last Judgement, nor the End of the World.”.

Another answer is that provided by Yakov M. Rabkin, the Jewish Canadian Professor of History at the University of Montreal. In his book A Threat From Within, A CENTURY OF JEWISH OPPOSITION TO ZIONISM, he writes:

“The massive support extended to the State of Israel by millions of Christian supporters of Zionism is overtly motivated by a single consideration:that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land will be a prelude to their acceptance of Christ(when he returns) or, for those who fail to do so, to their physical destruction.” (My emphasis added).
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New Delta Airlines partner prevents Jews from Flying - YouTube

I received this tonight and was disturbed by Delta decision to ban Jews and people with bibles from flying. Very disturbing. I won't fly Delta again.


It only bans them from entering Saudi Arabia.

Why would a Jew want to go to Saudi Arabia anyway?

You are filled with bogus outrage.

It is good you see it as nitpicking because this is what the Jews put up with on a regular basis from the Islamic World. These days the Jews cannot even circumsize their own babies without the muslims accusing them of butchering their kids. The hypocrisy is ridiculous. Now they know what the Israelis put up with ad nauseum. Good! - Jeri
Ever wonder why a fundy christian is so obsessed with us Jews?

Just Say Know: What "Real Christians" Believe about Jews

Christian fundamentalism and Zionism: Time to terminate this unholy alliance? - Alan Hart

In the light of the revelation (divine or not) about Pastor John Hagee’s assertion that Hitler was God’s agent, is it too much to hope that Jews everywhere, and Jewish Americans especially, will insist that Zionism terminate its unholy alliance with Christian fundamentalism?

This alliance has always seemed to me to be the greatest madness and also the biggest obscenity in the continuing story of conflict in and over Palestine.

Historically speaking, Christian fundamentalists were classic Jew haters on the grounds, they said, that the Jews were the “Christ killers”. So what explains Christian fundamentalism’s support for Israel right or wrong- support which today includes much of the money to fund Zionism’s on-going colonization of the occupied West Bank?

The evangelical preacher Jerry Falwell gave this answer.

The creation of the State of Israel in 1948 was the most crucial event in history since the ascension of Jesus to heaven and

“proof that the second coming of Jesus Christ is nigh… Without a State of Israel in the Holy Land, there cannot be the second coming of Jesus Christ, nor can there be a Last Judgement, nor the End of the World.”.

Another answer is that provided by Yakov M. Rabkin, the Jewish Canadian Professor of History at the University of Montreal. In his book A Threat From Within, A CENTURY OF JEWISH OPPOSITION TO ZIONISM, he writes:

“The massive support extended to the State of Israel by millions of Christian supporters of Zionism is overtly motivated by a single consideration:that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land will be a prelude to their acceptance of Christ(when he returns) or, for those who fail to do so, to their physical destruction.” (My emphasis added).

I have never hated a Jewish person in my entire life and that includes you, Polkow. This report is not true but you go ahead and exercise your freedom of speech and express yourself here. It isn't true but it's your right to say what you wish. - Jeri
New Delta Airlines partner prevents Jews from Flying - YouTube

I received this tonight and was disturbed by Delta decision to ban Jews and people with bibles from flying. Very disturbing. I won't fly Delta again.


It only bans them from entering Saudi Arabia.

Why would a Jew want to go to Saudi Arabia anyway?

You are filled with bogus outrage.

Why would a Jew want to go to Saudi Arabia? Probably for the same reason that other people do, they're interested in seeing how people live in other places of the world.

Matter of fact, that's one of the main reasons I joined and served 20 years in the U.S. Navy. I wanted to see what was beyond the borders of the U.S.
Yes, I'd like to see Jews, Israelis and people who carry bibles be allowed to visit Saudi Arabia without having to worry about being killed for who we are over there. Guess it is just ridiculous to even think of such a thing as everyone being treated equal, tolerance, peace & love and all that jazz..... Silly me.

- Jeri
Yes, I'd like to see Jews, Israelis and people who carry bibles be allowed to visit Saudi Arabia without having to worry about being killed for who we are over there. Guess it is just ridiculous to even think of such a thing as everyone being treated equal, tolerance, peace & love and all that jazz..... Silly me.

- Jeri

Matter of fact, when we pulled into Jiddah Saudi Arabia back in the late 90's, I don't recall anyone being told that they couldn't go off the ship if they were Jewish or Christian.
I believe it! They are getting worse. Not better. Where will it end? Has anyone thought about that yet?

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