Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

I don't think I wanna get into this

Well, put it this way - do you think I'm a Muslim?

Well, let me put it this way-

Do I sound like I care?:eusa_whistle:
Well it was definitely hijacked by a few disgruntled folks, Lipush. We've discussed the story on Delta as far as it can go for now. The discussion on this thread has come to a close. Have a nice day everyone! - Jeremiah

I had someone else look at a string of your posts yesterday, Jeremiah. I emailed the entire thread to him. He agrees with me. You're a Jehovah's Witness. No question. Nice try though and stop expecting me to believe everything you write on this board. This isn't my first rodeo. Got to go. Busy day. Try back tomorrow. - Saigon.

I dunno. When I was teaching, I had a student who was JW. She was actually capable of thinking, learning, and reasoning.
Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.

There's not doing this "for Saudi Arabia". They're doing this for the consumers to keep them from getting hosed on the backend.

Well if what you say is true then we'll expect Jay Sekulow's Judicial Watch to agree with you, Polka. As for Delta doing something for their consumers for fear they'd get hosed? Ha! Ha! I hardly believe Delta is doing anything out of any other reason than the Almighty dollar. This is an airline business. Not an organization for the betterment of the poor! LOL! Let's see what the follow up report was from Seculow first. thanks. - Jeri

It's not good for business for your consumers to be detained in foreign nations because of your foolishness.
The bottom line is these women are for you Muslim Men, Saigon. A reward for your jihad against the rest of the world. You guys can get drunk, party with whores, go out and fly a plane into an American building and expect paradise with 72 virgins in the morning.

Somehow I don't think my wife would agree to that....

And for the third time on this thread - I am not a Muslim.

How many Muslims do you know who have lived in Israel?!

Lots. There are 1.4 million Arabs in Israel...even if only HALF are Muslims (the number is much greater), that's 700,000 people!

I don't find the accusation offensive, but the next time it appears it will be reported to the Mods, ok?

Translation: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa............I'M TELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

Yes, did you? Jay Seculow's son said in the inteview if you are buying a ticket to SA from New York they will ask you --------------> ARE YOU A JEW? ---------------> OR ARE YOU CARRYING A BIBLE? If so? You cannot get on the "DELTA FLIGHT". YOU watch the video again. You've obviously missed something here. This is Delta, Buddy! Don't try to water down the truth here!

The nerve! Delta just got in bed with the Devil!!!!


- Jeremiah

Jay Seculow and his family are not considered Jews in the Jewish community and the Jewish People he is considered traif and they are now Apostates .

Are you hammered?
The Arabs are free to leave Israel anytime they wish. No one is keeping them their against their will. They stay because life is better for them in Israel than any other ME nation on earth. ( according their own statements )
Jeremiah -

Yes, I do. Which is why your insistence that I am a Finnish Muslim who voluntarily moved to Israel is equal parts spastic and entertaining.

Don't let this dissuasde you from proving that Dubai's booming tourist industry doesn't actually exist. What was it..."the beaches look like ghost towns"?
Are you back on that again? You are like a broken record, Saigon. Incredible. I am officially done with this thread and bid you a good night! lol. Sleep well! - Jeremiah
Sleep well? I just woke up.

I do agree that abandoning the thread is going to be easier for you than proving that Dubai's tourism is doing anything but booming.
Jeremiah -

I have a neighbor who lived in the United Arab Emirates. She said she moved back to the USA after witnessing some pretty horrific things happening over there. She said she would never tell anyone to go over there and live - because things have changed from when she moved there with her husband many years ago. I wouldn't go to the UAE, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran, SA, I wouldn't visit any of these places as the climate of Islam is very dangerous right now. VERY. Read the news, Saigon, stop being so ignorant. - Jeremiah

You wouldn't go to Egypt or Syria - I have been to Egypt and Syria.

I have to ask again - if I have been to a country and you have not - which one of us is ignorant?

P.D. strikes again! :rolleyes:

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