Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

It does seem to me that one of our airlines should NOT be getting mixed up in Saudi bad behavior.

They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.

Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.

There's not doing this "for Saudi Arabia". They're doing this for the consumers to keep them from getting hosed on the backend.
Well what I am going to do is look into this and make a few phone calls to find out from an independent source exactly what Delta did and didn't do. I think that is probably the best thing to do and also I'd like to follow up with the people they interviewed here as I'm sure Jay Sekulow and his son have given an update on this story via Judicial Watch. That is a sound source for information anyone can depend on. I will let you know what I find out! How's that, Polka! - Jeremiah
They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.

Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.

There's not doing this "for Saudi Arabia". They're doing this for the consumers to keep them from getting hosed on the backend.

Well if what you say is true then we'll expect Jay Sekulow's Judicial Watch to agree with you, Polka. As for Delta doing something for their consumers for fear they'd get hosed? Ha! Ha! I hardly believe Delta is doing anything out of any other reason than the Almighty dollar. This is an airline business. Not an organization for the betterment of the poor! LOL! Let's see what the follow up report was from Seculow first. thanks. - Jeri
Jeremiah -

Would you mind acknowledging some of the errors that you have made on this thread, rather than simply run away from them?

1) You claimed Dubai is a country - it is not.

2) You claimed that Muslims had taken over the Philippines - which is 90% Catholic and only 5% Muslim.

3) You claimed tourism in Dubai was well down - it is actually 10% up, to over 9 million tourists per year

4) You claimed Dubai's beaches were ghost towns - we saw pics where they were packed

5) You claimed no one wears bikinis - we saw pics of women in bikinis in Dubai

We both know you have made a series of other gaffes on this thread as well - and yet are still preaching here as if you have a clue about the topic. You don't, and you know you don't.

You also refused to respond to the post of someone who had spent years living in UAE as a single woman - which suggests to me that you prefer gossip to more reliable information.
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Angelica T & Fox

Maybe because Muslims have been killing Buddhists in those countries.
Same for India.

This is simply and clear not true - the recent violence in Sri Lanka and Burma is overwhelming conducted BY Buddhists and AGAINST Muslims.

I can provide links with an overview of the violence if you are interested.

Please post honestly - just bluffing and hoping does not bring much to the discussion.

But you are correct. Radicalized extremist Muslims are hazardous to our health just about everywhere they exist, and there seems to be a real push from Radicalized extremists Muslim leaders to radicalize as many people as they can. And the more they are successful, the more dangerous the world will become.

Radicalism is a problem wherever it occurs - but the fact that you imply here that Muslims are to blame for being routinely targetted in Burma and Sri Lanka suggests that your knowledge of which set of radicals to blame is limited to a single religion.

There are extremists in the Hindu, Buddhist and Christian religions too, and if you are going to understand this topic, then you need to be aware of that and identifty it where it occurs.

As for Kenya - although there is a small Muslim community in some areas, and have been some isolated clashes, by far the biggest clashes in Kenya occur between various tribes, such as the Kukuyu, because several Kenyan political parties are aligned with particular tribes. Any discussion of violence in Kenya needs to begin with that.
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Circe -

While I agree that travel in any country during a revolution is to be avoided - can you explain why you are telling people not to go to certain countries that you have not been to - when people who have been to them tell you they are fine?

You have no idea where I've been to.

You also can't know there is a single word of truth in the Internet forum posts of "people who have been to them."

Besides, there obviously isn't any truth in what Esmeralda says about how wonderful Muslims and Muslim countries are. They are extremely dangerous and racked by revolution everywhere and Muslims are bombing and chopping wherever they are, so the best thing to do is to stay well away from Muslims and Muslim areas and to stop their takeovers of whole countries, if possible.

This forum is infested with at least two Muslim propagandists; I hope you and Esmeralda aren't two more, but I suppose you may well be. Foreign propagandists are so boring.

OK, so you have not been to a single Muslim country, and your knowledge of this topic so strong that you list Kenya as a Muslim country, and yet you expect people who have lived and worked and travelled in Muslim countries to listen to you - why?

btw. Being honest and relying on facts is not the same as being a propagandist. I am not Muslim, do not work for Muslims, and I condem Islamic terror on this board everyday. I do not support Hamas or Hezbollah, and have actually lived in Israel.

This is not an issue of left vs right or Muslim vs Christian - this is purely and simply a discussion between ignorance and information.

All I am doing here is presenting the reality - a reality you are very welcome to see for yourself.
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Thanks Anjelica. Saigon has a real problem with not reading what I post and then asking questions as if I had not already answered them. He does it consistently enough that I now believe it is calculated and intentional, so I usually don't even bother.

But you are correct. Radicalized extremist Muslims are hazardous to our health just about everywhere they exist, and there seems to be a real push from Radicalized extremists Muslim leaders to radicalize as many people as they can. And the more they are successful, the more dangerous the world will become.

My Muslim friends accept me, we can discuss religion or politics or just about any other subject. They are not radicalized extremists in any way and are delightful people. They are thoroughly American and enjoying all that American freedom allows them.

But should radical Islam be successful in establishing Sharia law here, they would obey that law and conform their way of life to it. Of that I am certain.

And that says it all. Islam is EVIL. It really is that simple. Your friends fall into the category of useful idiots.

These people are not at all evil nor is the faith they practice. But their faith would require them to subordinate themselves to those whose only goal is to subject all people to the authority of Allah.

Then their faith is evil. It is a vicious, vile murder cult.

And before you consider them useful idiots, look at how many Americans are more than willing to subject themselves to the authority of those in government and never challenge or question what that government presumes to require of the people. That is religion every bit as much as what the Muslims practice.

Those people are ALSO useful idiots.

Islam needs to be eradicated as the cancer it is.
They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.

Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.

I think you may have missed my earlier post in which I expressed that ALL U.S. airlines that fly internationally offer flights to Saudi Arabia. I checked other airlines and was able to find flights to Riyadh through all of them--pretty pricey to fly there though. So if you're going to boycott Delta, you have to boycott all of them. And I don't agree with Polk all that often, but he is right. An Airline would be very wrong to allow somebody to board who would not be allowed to deplane in Riyadh or who would be arrested or at risk as soon as they left the airplane. Does that mean I condone Saudi Arabia's policies re Jews? Not at all. I think it is contemptible. All I am saying is that Delta is no more gulty here than everybody else.

I don't believe that any airline can do that here. If you want to get on a plane and know you will have trouble, I don't think they can stop you. When I was teaching, I had a student who was Iraqi and a Christian wearing a cross. She flew there to visit her grandmother, but was treated so badly in the airport that she just got a flight home without seeing her grandmother. I belive the Snopes article to be correct, that Delta is not doing that. They may be giving warnings, but this is America, still. It is true most airlines have international flights, but when I went to the middle east, I flew Egyptair. There were mostly middle easterners on it, and a few who were not. I wouldn't be able to tell which were Christians or Jews.

When I went there, I didn't wave any flags in front of the bulls. People who do that aren't smart.
It does seem to me that one of our airlines should NOT be getting mixed up in Saudi bad behavior.

They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.

Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.

And Jews in Israel spit on Christians. So what's your point!

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Bummer! I just planned on a nice weekend in Riyadh, not I'll have to re-plan!
Jeremiah -

Would you mind acknowledging some of the errors that you have made on this thread, rather than simply run away from them?

1) You claimed Dubai is a country - it is not.

Wrong. I know Dubai is not a country. I made a typo and it was all you had which is why you have to made a federal case out of it. You are quite childish, Saigon. Grow up.

2) You claimed that Muslims had taken over the Philippines - which is 90% Catholic and only 5% Muslim.

Wrong. I stated "The Philipines is the home base for Al Qaeda". You denied it, said it was impossible because of a 90% Catholic population claimed by CIA facts site - I told you according to ex - CIA Philipines is in deed home base for AQ. You continued to deny it focusing on the religions instead of the fact that AQ home base is Philipines. Furthermore, another writer here posted 3 links to articles in which all three claimed AQ is taking over - 70% of church in great distress over A Q Terror attacks which they list one 150,000 people slaughtered - no small conflict - They are now in direct peace talks with Govt - over territories - you are grossly misinformed, Saigon. I hope you are not being paid - the payer is getting robbed!

3) You claimed tourism in Dubai was well down - it is actually 10% up, to over 9 million tourists per year

It should be down. It wasn't booming when the stories came out about them turning people from India into their slaves by withholding their passports.

4) You claimed Dubai's beaches were ghost towns - we saw pics where they were packed

Photo shopped pictures? We don't know really - we have to depend on people known for lying such as yourself. You have a reputation for it here, don't you? I don't believe Dubai is doing as well as you claim it is, Saigon.

5) You claimed no one wears bikinis - we saw pics of women in bikinis in Dubai

Photo shopped pictures possibly,. I'm not so convinced things are so great in Dubai these days. I will look into it though and read from an independent source and let you know what I find out - as to how it goes right now......

We both know you have made a series of other gaffes on this thread as well - and yet are still preaching here as if you have a clue about the topic. You don't, and you know you don't.

No, I know such thing. I know of a typo on Dubai ad nothing else. Like I said when the debate is lost the tool of the loser becomes slander. Your personal attacks will avail you nothing. I hope you realize that.

You also refused to respond to the post of someone who had spent years living in UAE as a single woman - which suggests to me that you prefer gossip to more reliable information.

I have a neighbor who lived in the United Arab Emirates. She said she moved back to the USA after witnessing some pretty horrific things happening over there. She said she would never tell anyone to go over there and live - because things have changed from when she moved there with her husband many years ago.
Jeremiah -

Would you mind acknowledging some of the errors that you have made on this thread, rather than simply run away from them?

1) You claimed Dubai is a country - it is not.

Wrong. I know Dubai is not a country. I made a typo and it was all you had which is why you have to made a federal case out of it. You are quite childish, Saigon. Grow up.

2) You claimed that Muslims had taken over the Philippines - which is 90% Catholic and only 5% Muslim.

Wrong. I stated "The Philipines is the home base for Al Qaeda". You denied it, said it was impossible because of a 90% Catholic population claimed by CIA facts site - I told you according to ex - CIA Philipines is in deed home base for AQ. You continued to deny it focusing on the religions instead of the fact that AQ home base is Philipines. Furthermore, another writer here posted 3 links to articles in which all three claimed AQ is taking over - 70% of church in great distress over A Q Terror attacks which they list one 150,000 people slaughtered - no small conflict - They are now in direct peace talks with Govt - over territories - you are grossly misinformed, Saigon. I hope you are not being paid - the payer is getting robbed!

3) You claimed tourism in Dubai was well down - it is actually 10% up, to over 9 million tourists per year

It should be down. It wasn't booming when the stories came out about them turning people from India into their slaves by withholding their passports.

4) You claimed Dubai's beaches were ghost towns - we saw pics where they were packed

Photo shopped pictures? We don't know really - we have to depend on people known for lying such as yourself. You have a reputation for it here, don't you? I don't believe Dubai is doing as well as you claim it is, Saigon.

5) You claimed no one wears bikinis - we saw pics of women in bikinis in Dubai

Photo shopped pictures possibly,. I'm not so convinced things are so great in Dubai these days. I will look into it though and read from an independent source and let you know what I find out - as to how it goes right now......

We both know you have made a series of other gaffes on this thread as well - and yet are still preaching here as if you have a clue about the topic. You don't, and you know you don't.

No, I know such thing. I know of a typo on Dubai ad nothing else. Like I said when the debate is lost the tool of the loser becomes slander. Your personal attacks will avail you nothing. I hope you realize that.

You also refused to respond to the post of someone who had spent years living in UAE as a single woman - which suggests to me that you prefer gossip to more reliable information.

I have a neighbor who lived in the United Arab Emirates. She said she moved back to the USA after witnessing some pretty horrific things happening over there. She said she would never tell anyone to go over there and live - because things have changed from when she moved there with her husband many years ago. I wouldn't go to the UAE, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran, SA, I wouldn't visit any of these places as the climate of Islam is very dangerous right now. VERY. Read the news, Saigon, stop being so ignorant. - Jeremiah
Jeremiah -

Would you mind acknowledging some of the errors that you have made on this thread, rather than simply run away from them?

1) You claimed Dubai is a country - it is not.

Wrong. I know Dubai is not a country. I made a typo and it was all you had which is why you have to made a federal case out of it. You are quite childish, Saigon. Grow up.

2) You claimed that Muslims had taken over the Philippines - which is 90% Catholic and only 5% Muslim.

Wrong. I stated "The Philipines is the home base for Al Qaeda". You denied it, said it was impossible because of a 90% Catholic population claimed by CIA facts site - I told you according to ex - CIA Philipines is in deed home base for AQ. You continued to deny it focusing on the religions instead of the fact that AQ home base is Philipines. Furthermore, another writer here posted 3 links to articles in which all three claimed AQ is taking over - 70% of church in great distress over A Q Terror attacks which they list one 150,000 people slaughtered - no small conflict - They are now in direct peace talks with Govt - over territories - you are grossly misinformed, Saigon. I hope you are not being paid - the payer is getting robbed!

3) You claimed tourism in Dubai was well down - it is actually 10% up, to over 9 million tourists per year

It should be down. It wasn't booming when the stories came out about them turning people from India into their slaves by withholding their passports.

4) You claimed Dubai's beaches were ghost towns - we saw pics where they were packed

Photo shopped pictures? We don't know really - we have to depend on people known for lying such as yourself. You have a reputation for it here, don't you? I don't believe Dubai is doing as well as you claim it is, Saigon.

5) You claimed no one wears bikinis - we saw pics of women in bikinis in Dubai

Photo shopped pictures possibly,. I'm not so convinced things are so great in Dubai these days. I will look into it though and read from an independent source and let you know what I find out - as to how it goes right now......

We both know you have made a series of other gaffes on this thread as well - and yet are still preaching here as if you have a clue about the topic. You don't, and you know you don't.

No, I know such thing. I know of a typo on Dubai ad nothing else. Like I said when the debate is lost the tool of the loser becomes slander. Your personal attacks will avail you nothing. I hope you realize that.

You also refused to respond to the post of someone who had spent years living in UAE as a single woman - which suggests to me that you prefer gossip to more reliable information.

I have a neighbor who lived in the United Arab Emirates. She said she moved back to the USA after witnessing some pretty horrific things happening over there. She said she would never tell anyone to go over there and live - because things have changed from when she moved there with her husband many years ago.

And the young man who pumped my gas at the service station in Murray grew up in Saudi. As soon as he graduates college he is going back. You have no idea what you are talking about. You are like the cave people in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. You see nothing but shadows on the wall and you think it is reality.
Jeremiah -

Would you mind acknowledging some of the errors that you have made on this thread, rather than simply run away from them?

1) You claimed Dubai is a country - it is not.

2) You claimed that Muslims had taken over the Philippines - which is 90% Catholic and only 5% Muslim.

3) You claimed tourism in Dubai was well down - it is actually 10% up, to over 9 million tourists per year

4) You claimed Dubai's beaches were ghost towns - we saw pics where they were packed

5) You claimed no one wears bikinis - we saw pics of women in bikinis in Dubai

We both know you have made a series of other gaffes on this thread as well - and yet are still preaching here as if you have a clue about the topic. You don't, and you know you don't.

You also refused to respond to the post of someone who had spent years living in UAE as a single woman - which suggests to me that you prefer gossip to more reliable information.

IOU + rep.
Jeremiah -

I don't believe Dubai is doing as well as you claim it is, Saigon.

And you base this on what, exactly?

Because you completely ignored the comments of a poster who lived there, didn't you? (In post #111?)

Well, let's take a look...

The potential of the tourism sector to stimulate economic and social development thereby transforming economies has been internationally acknowledged. Since its inception, DTCM has played a pivotal role in promoting Dubai and growing the economic contribution of tourism to the emirate. What is commonly thought of, as the ‘tourism industry’ is only the tip of the iceberg. While it directly impacts accommodation, recreation, catering, entertainment and transportation, tourism also hugely impacts other industries such as printing & publishing, manufacturing, resort development, services, food & beverage just to quote a few. The significance of inbound tourism on the emirate of Dubai has been seen and felt not just in the region, but also globally. The World Tourism Organization puts the inflow of visitors to Dubai ahead of Hong Kong, France, Turkey, Belgian, China and Germany.

Tourism in Dubai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ten years ago, if you had asked someone in Paris to show you Dubai on a world map, it is possible that they would not have known where it was. Today, however, things are different. Dubai is now considered an international tourist hot spot, attracting millions of visitors each year. This success, which is largely the result of careful marketing, has resulted in some dramatic changes in Duabi.

The Effects of Tourism on Dubai

Dubai’s tourism industry grows 10% to 9.3 million

Dubai’s hotels recorded a 10 per cent increase in the number of tourists in 2011 to 9.3 million, up from 8.49 million reported in 2010, according to the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), the emirate’s tourism regulatory body...

Dubai?s tourism industry grows 10% to 9.3 million |

Perhaps this is all done with photoshop?!
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Right. Aren't you the one who put a hajib on her head to visit a Mosque? Go ahead and buy that burka. You're obviously already there, Sunshine. I'm afraid you are in for a rude awakening in the future. - Jeri
Jeremiah -

I have a neighbor who lived in the United Arab Emirates. She said she moved back to the USA after witnessing some pretty horrific things happening over there. She said she would never tell anyone to go over there and live - because things have changed from when she moved there with her husband many years ago. I wouldn't go to the UAE, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran, SA, I wouldn't visit any of these places as the climate of Islam is very dangerous right now. VERY. Read the news, Saigon, stop being so ignorant. - Jeremiah

You wouldn't go to Egypt or Syria - I have been to Egypt and Syria.

I have to ask again - if I have been to a country and you have not - which one of us is ignorant?
Saigon, I am busy this morning doing mass emails for BOYCOTT DUBAI - this is very inconvenient for me right now. Church in a couple of hours. Maybe tomorrow. Today is a packed day. Tomorrow is Monday and I have to get these emails out today for tomorrow morning. After that I'll be free. thanks. - Jeremiah
Saigon, I am busy this morning doing mass emails for BOYCOTT DUBAI - this is very inconvenient for me right now. Church in a couple of hours. Maybe tomorrow. Today is a packed day. Tomorrow is Monday and I have to get these emails out today for tomorrow morning. After that I'll be free. thanks. - Jeremiah

Oh, go right ahead - I am sure people will REALLY want to hear the latest information from someone who has never set foot in the city and couldn't place it on a map!

After all - your neighbour went there - who wouldn't consider you an authority?!

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