Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

I believe they are doing a tremendous disservice to others by leading them to believe vacationing in Islamic nations is no big deal. When it happens to them or their loved ones? Then and only then will it become a big deal. Very sad. - Jeri

Americans are out of their minds if they go on vacation to Muslim lands during all this "Arab Spring" and Islam rising unrest. Tourists are constantly being machine-gunned in Egypt, kidnapped in Somalia, machete-ed in Kenya --- anybody want to go see ruins in Syria or Libya now? How about visiting Pakistan, that sound like a fun trip after Daniel Pearl's murder and that CIA agent we finally got back? How about Turkey now that Kurds are attacking tourists?

Or you could hike in the mountains near Iran......but the last kids who did that were in jail a long time.

Nope, this isn't the time to see the pyramids, even if the Muslim fundamentalists do want to destroy them all because they aren't Islamic. You could go to Timbuktoo, but the Muslims are destroying all the old buildings. Well, you could go look at the ancient Buddhist statues in Afghanistan -- no, wait, the Muslims blew them up.

Thank you! After people reading the fairy tales of Esmeraldas travels you may have just stopped a few folks from going and saved their lives! - Jeri
Foxfyre -

Why does Buddhism currently "endorse" violence against Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka, where no enroachment takes place?

Why does Hindu endorse the destruction of mosques in India?
This is typical muslim response here from, Esmeralda. The minute people start getting to the truth of the matter they start in with the accusations of ignorance, bigotry, yadayada.... Typical response....

But you are ignorant and bigoted, obviously.

Be honest now - have you ever set foot in an Islamic country?

You'll get nothing from me so do not bother asking. Jos sent me 7 emails the other day wanting to know what my heritage & particular religion is. The interest in where I've been and who I am is just downright heartwarming, fellas. You shouldn't make me feel so special. :eusa_angel: Might keep me around longer. Know what I mean, Jellybean?

- Jeri
Circe -

While I agree that travel in any country during a revolution is to be avoided - can you explain why you are telling people not to go to certain countries that you have not been to - when people who have been to them tell you they are fine?
This is typical muslim response here from, Esmeralda. The minute people start getting to the truth of the matter they start in with the accusations of ignorance, bigotry, yadayada.... Typical response....

But you are ignorant and bigoted, obviously.

Be honest now - have you ever set foot in an Islamic country?

And my life experiences are 'fairy tales.' This from someone who has most likely never set foot in an Islamic country, has probably never even been outside the US. Chosen ignorance is what it is. Something I have never been able to understand.
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Perhaps you and Esmeralda have a record of defending terrorists and excusing the barbarism of Islam? Don't you defend Hamas when they are launching attacks into Israel, Saigon? Birds of a feather flock...........TOGETHER.

Yes. A man is known by the company he keeps. Who are you known for keeping company with?

Relying on an unreliable messenger is like chewing on a broken tooth. I would not base my decisions on what either of you had to say. To be clear. - Jeremiah
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Thank you! After people reading the fairy tales of Esmeraldas travels you may have just stopped a few folks from going and saved their lives! - Jeri

Did you notice that one of the countries he just warned you not to go to is Christian?

Kenya is indeed predominantly Christian but it does have a Muslim population exceeding 10% and that is sufficient for the Muslim leaders to assert themselves, demand rights to Sharia law, and to create problems.

Here is a PBS piece on Muslim violence in Monbasa, a predominately Muslim city, just last month:
Muslim-Christian Relations Strained by Violence in Kenya's Coastal Region | PBS NewsHour | April 4, 2013 | PBS
Jeremiah -

And of course it does not occur to you at all that the only person on this thread who has not spent time in France is you.

Still waiting for a reply to Esmeralda's post in #111.

All I can say at this point, Saigon, is I sure as hell hope these people do not represent the vast majority of Americans. How did America become such a beacon of ignorance? Jesus wept indeed.

Their response to my posts is that I either must be Muslim or must be walking around with my head in the clouds. Like I said before, there is no way you can get people such as this to change their thinking. They choose ignorance over knowledge. I've been through this before on many forums.

You are offended at the possibility of people thinking your head is in the clouds, yet you think nothing of deciding people are imagining things and that they are ignoramuses. Arrogant doesn't even cover it.
Circe -

While I agree that travel in any country during a revolution is to be avoided - can you explain why you are telling people not to go to certain countries that you have not been to - when people who have been to them tell you they are fine?

You have no idea where I've been to.

You also can't know there is a single word of truth in the Internet forum posts of "people who have been to them."

Besides, there obviously isn't any truth in what Esmeralda says about how wonderful Muslims and Muslim countries are. They are extremely dangerous and racked by revolution everywhere and Muslims are bombing and chopping wherever they are, so the best thing to do is to stay well away from Muslims and Muslim areas and to stop their takeovers of whole countries, if possible.

This forum is infested with at least two Muslim propagandists; I hope you and Esmeralda aren't two more, but I suppose you may well be. Foreign propagandists are so boring.
Foxfyre -

Why does Buddhism currently "endorse" violence against Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka, where no enroachment takes place?

Why does Hindu endorse the destruction of mosques in India?

Maybe because Muslims have been killing Buddhists in those countries.
Same for India.
Foxfyre -

Why does Buddhism currently "endorse" violence against Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka, where no enroachment takes place?

Why does Hindu endorse the destruction of mosques in India?

Maybe because Muslims have been killing Buddhists in those countries.
Same for India.

Thanks Anjelica. Saigon has a real problem with not reading what I post and then asking questions as if I had not already answered them. He does it consistently enough that I now believe it is calculated and intentional, so I usually don't even bother.

But you are correct. Radicalized extremist Muslims are hazardous to our health just about everywhere they exist, and there seems to be a real push from Radicalized extremists Muslim leaders to radicalize as many people as they can. And the more they are successful, the more dangerous the world will become.

My Muslim friends accept me, we can discuss religion or politics or just about any other subject. They are not radicalized extremists in any way and are delightful people. They are thoroughly American and enjoying all that American freedom allows them.

But should radical Islam be successful in establishing Sharia law here, they would obey that law and conform their way of life to it. Of that I am certain.
Foxfyre -

Why does Buddhism currently "endorse" violence against Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka, where no enroachment takes place?

Why does Hindu endorse the destruction of mosques in India?

Maybe because Muslims have been killing Buddhists in those countries.
Same for India.

And all the Muslim bombings in Thailand.

Why does Saigon say Muslims aren't encroaching in Burma? Muslims have been invading and trying to take over Burma for YEARS. Keep up with the news, people.

Oh, and thanx to Saigon for not calling it "Myanmar."

All these name changes, you gotta hate it.
Circe -

While I agree that travel in any country during a revolution is to be avoided - can you explain why you are telling people not to go to certain countries that you have not been to - when people who have been to them tell you they are fine?

You have no idea where I've been to.

You also can't know there is a single word of truth in the Internet forum posts of "people who have been to them."

Besides, there obviously isn't any truth in what Esmeralda says about how wonderful Muslims and Muslim countries are. They are extremely dangerous and racked by revolution everywhere and Muslims are bombing and chopping wherever they are, so the best thing to do is to stay well away from Muslims and Muslim areas and to stop their takeovers of whole countries, if possible.

This forum is infested with at least two Muslim propagandists; I hope you and Esmeralda aren't two more, but I suppose you may well be. Foreign propagandists are so boring.

I can't imagine but I feel it headed towards America fast, Circe. I believe you! As to bloggers claiming superior knowledge over a particular discussion concerning Islam or Islamic nations....... I've been writing for almost 15 years now on and off - ME boards mainly.. in that time you get to noticing certain strategies they use during a debate that is slipping away from them or in which they feel a need to cover the truth - the first tactic is always accusing others of being crazy, insane, etc, after that they play the youre a bigot - youre a racist card - if they cannot take you down with that one ......they start in with my knowledge is superior to yours - these are my credentials ( mainly fabricated ) I've been to 30 countries. I've traveled the world..... makes you wonder how they had time to write on a message board 12 hours a day, doesn't it? I'd be sceptical of anyone who offers that much information about their private travels - life on a message board. - Jeri
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Foxfyre -

Why does Buddhism currently "endorse" violence against Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka, where no enroachment takes place?

Why does Hindu endorse the destruction of mosques in India?

Maybe because Muslims have been killing Buddhists in those countries.
Same for India.

And all the Muslim bombings in Thailand.

Why does Saigon say Muslims aren't encroaching in Burma? Muslims have been invading and trying to take over Burma for YEARS. Keep up with the news, people.

Oh, and thanx to Saigon for not calling it "Myanmar."

All these name changes, you gotta hate it.

Quite, Circe. I'm not sure either why Saigon says 'Buddhism currently endorses violence against Muslims' when the Dalai Lama has issued many statements to the contrary.
Finding little schoolgirls bodies separated from their heads might be another motivation. That kind of thing tends to upset people. A lot.
As to bloggers claiming superior knowledge over a particular discussion concerning Islam or Islamic nations....... I've been writing for almost 15 years now on and off - ME boards mainly.. in that time you get to noticing certain strategies they use during a debate that is slipping away from them or in which they feel a need to cover the truth - the first tactic is always accusing others of being crazy, insane, etc, after that they play the youre a bigot - your a racist card - if they cannot take you down with that one ......they start in with my knowledge is superior to yours - these are my credentials ( mainly fabricated ) I've been to 30 countries. I've traveled the world..... makes you wonder how they had time to write on a message board 12 hours a day, doesn't it? I'd be sceptical of anyone who offers that much information about their private travels - life on a message board. - Jeri

I love analyses of forum behavior. Yours is a good one --- so you think that the accusations of being crazy, bigot, racist, all that, are a sign that they feel they are LOSING? Good point. I know that whoever is angriest is losing, at least. I suppose the name-calling branches off that. They can't control the situation so they try to destroy the poster. It doesn't work, they just lose points. There is so much obscene name-calling on Internet forums that nobody pays any attention to it.

One can learn a lot about people on a forum, but mostly from what they say as asides, casual remarks on casual issues. They probably aren't lying about that.

But I never believe anyone's statement of "credentials" or experience that they cough up to back an argument. It is HIGHLY unlikely to be true. And I don't give my curriculum vitae either: if I'm not going to believe them, there's no reason they should believe me.

Besides, people hold whatever opinion they want to. They're not going to change their opinions even if Michael and the Seven Heavens sing the truth at them in a choir of angels. And angel doesn't describe me. [:)
The Burma Muslims have apparently been burning down buddhist temples whilst they were packed with people. I guess that might count as an act provocative enough to result in retaliation, even for a Buddhist monk. Burning Buddhist monks to death in the street might do it too.

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