Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

As to bloggers claiming superior knowledge over a particular discussion concerning Islam or Islamic nations....... I've been writing for almost 15 years now on and off - ME boards mainly.. in that time you get to noticing certain strategies they use during a debate that is slipping away from them or in which they feel a need to cover the truth - the first tactic is always accusing others of being crazy, insane, etc, after that they play the youre a bigot - your a racist card - if they cannot take you down with that one ......they start in with my knowledge is superior to yours - these are my credentials ( mainly fabricated ) I've been to 30 countries. I've traveled the world..... makes you wonder how they had time to write on a message board 12 hours a day, doesn't it? I'd be sceptical of anyone who offers that much information about their private travels - life on a message board. - Jeri

I love analyses of forum behavior. Yours is a good one --- so you think that the accusations of being crazy, bigot, racist, all that, are a sign that they feel they are LOSING? Good point. I know that whoever is angriest is losing, at least. I suppose the name-calling branches off that. They can't control the situation so they try to destroy the poster. It doesn't work, they just lose points. There is so much obscene name-calling on Internet forums that nobody pays any attention to it.

One can learn a lot about people on a forum, but mostly from what they say as asides, casual remarks on casual issues. They probably aren't lying about that.

But I never believe anyone's statement of "credentials" or experience that they cough up to back an argument. It is HIGHLY unlikely to be true. And I don't give my curriculum vitae either: if I'm not going to believe them, there's no reason they should believe me.

Besides, people hold whatever opinion they want to. They're not going to change their opinions even if Michael and the Seven Heavens sing the truth at them in a choir of angels. And angel doesn't describe me. [:)

Me too! Yes, when you are effective that is when your opposition is going to try and shut you down. Or bury your thread! ( that could be a last resort from the opposition ) I like what someone said about Truth. First it is ridiculed, then it is viciously attacked, then in the end it becomes self evident.

You are right about losing control. If they lose control they lose the arguement. I've been on both sides of it and you are right. It is best to remain calm and emotionally detached from whatever is going on in the heat of the battle. - Jeri
. Seems as though Pallywood may have extended its reach to Burma:
Sorry I can't paste extracts on my iPad :-(

Fake photos with dead bodies in media reports on Myanmar conflict | Global Research

Yeah, Muslims faking photos to get press sympathy.

They'll do that.

Remember when Hezbollah did that, showed all kinds of dead babies and corpses near a building shelled by Israel and said Israel did it? Turned out they had raided mortuaries for the corpses and had them carried them around by actors screaming and carrying on!

Since then, the press has been a lot more cautious about Muslim claims. They LIE so much! Like this recent business with the poison gas --- both sides saying the other had used it, probably nobody did. Nobody acted on any of those claims, realizing it was all likely to be lying.

I have realized for the past five years that one of the biggest vulnerabilities Americans have is that we prize the truth. We tell the truth and we assume others do the same. But they don't! Like the Nigerian scams that people believed for so long. They lie and lie like carpets, and until we realize that and deal with it, we will get fooled all the time. Muslims actually teach and promote this lying in their "holy book."
. Seems as though Pallywood may have extended its reach to Burma:
Sorry I can't paste extracts on my iPad :-(

Fake photos with dead bodies in media reports on Myanmar conflict | Global Research

Yeah, Muslims faking photos to get press sympathy.

They'll do that.

Remember when Hezbollah did that, showed all kinds of dead babies and corpses near a building shelled by Israel and said Israel did it? Turned out they had raided mortuaries for the corpses and had them carried them around by actors screaming and carrying on!

Since then, the press has been a lot more cautious about Muslim claims. They LIE so much! Like this recent business with the poison gas --- both sides saying the other had used it, probably nobody did. Nobody acted on any of those claims, realizing it was all likely to be lying.

I have realized for the past five years that one of the biggest vulnerabilities Americans have is that we prize the truth. We tell the truth and we assume others do the same. But they don't! Like the Nigerian scams that people believed for so long. They lie and lie like carpets, and until we realize that and deal with it, we will get fooled all the time. Muslims actually teach and promote this lying in their "holy book."

Yes it is, lying to promote Islam is perfectly fine! Did you ever see the pallywood production where the corpse fell out of the coffin, got up, stepped back in and the mourners contined to carry the 'corpse ' whilst wailing like bereft banshees? Or maybe the corpse who was seen nattering on his mobile when the coffin lid came off? Nothing is sacred in islams war of propaganda and false victimhood. Lol.
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Very true, Circe. Deception is their game and we have to keep in mind that in the arab world telling the truth is considered the height of stupidity. Something to keep in mind.. The fake photos have been going on for years and I am so happy to hear the Israelis have taken to getting scenes photographed - to prove later their innocence. It is helping expose these types of tactics that Hamas and Hezbollah use in order to accuse them of murders they didn't have any part of.

It's hard to understand the level of patience the IDF and IAF have demonstrated in the face of what they have to put up with. They have my greatest respect.
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Did you ever see the pallywood production where the corpse fell out of the coffin, got up, stepped back in and the mourners contined to carry the 'corpse ' whilst wailing like bereft banshees? Or maybe the corpse who was seen nattering on his mobile when the coffin lid came off? Nothing is sacred in islams war of propaganda and false victimhood. Lol.

I heard about that first one. Pretty funny.

Reminds me of that old James Bond movie with Solitaire, the one with the Tarot cards. One of the characters and the audience is distracted by a full-blown New Orleans funeral, trombones, Saints Marching In, the whole colorful deal, and when the funeral and coffin draw up level with the character, someone shoots him and they pop him straight into the coffin and procede on their musical way. [:)
So the airline is not letting people board the plane because they won't be allowed passage in the destination country. This seems... mundane.
So the airline is not letting people board the plane because they won't be allowed passage in the destination country. This seems... mundane.

Perhaps but as the Muslims appear to scream bloody murder over the slightest "slight" from the non muslim world I figured turnabout was fair play here. Also there is no question that the policies of Saudi Arabia are racist, true bigotry, intolerance and they should be made aware of it. A boycott will certainly help that along. Nice tie.

It does seem to me that one of our airlines should NOT be getting mixed up in Saudi bad behavior.
So the airline is not letting people board the plane because they won't be allowed passage in the destination country. This seems... mundane.

Perhaps but as the Muslims appear to scream bloody murder over the slightest "slight" from the non muslim world I figured turnabout was fair play here. Also there is no question that the policies of Saudi Arabia are racist, true bigotry, intolerance and they should be made aware of it. A boycott will certainly help that along. Nice tie.


I would agree that Saudi Arabia is a backwards nation with primitive laws, but that's not Delta's fault.
It does seem to me that one of our airlines should NOT be getting mixed up in Saudi bad behavior.

They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.
I would agree that Saudi Arabia is a backwards nation with primitive laws, but that's not Delta's fault.

It's not Delta's fault, but they need to stay well away from this sort of thing or they will very soon be blamed for it.
I wouldn't want the affiliation! As I understand it a huge number of Delta employees are live in the South. That is the bible belt. Start joining Israeli enemies in business and things can go SOUTH real fast!! As in BANKRUPT. - Jeremiah p.s. Christians definitely won't fly an airline that partners with Israeli enemies and boycotts them from getting on their planes. Why finance Israeli enemies? No way.
So the airline is not letting people board the plane because they won't be allowed passage in the destination country. This seems... mundane.

Perhaps but as the Muslims appear to scream bloody murder over the slightest "slight" from the non muslim world I figured turnabout was fair play here. Also there is no question that the policies of Saudi Arabia are racist, true bigotry, intolerance and they should be made aware of it. A boycott will certainly help that along. Nice tie.


I would agree that Saudi Arabia is a backwards nation with primitive laws, but that's not Delta's fault.

Yes it is. Delta wasn't forced by anyone to get into business deal with Saudis. What was their motive other than for filthy lucre? If it costs them more than they would make they might rethink this bad idea. Has that occured to you? That Americans vote with their feet? Yes. We do.

- Jeri
It does seem to me that one of our airlines should NOT be getting mixed up in Saudi bad behavior.

They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.

Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.
The willful ignorance of some posters here blows my mind.

This story isn't the slightest bit true. It's been floating around the internet for 3 years, and it's been disproved countless times.

It's simply NOT TRUE.

Delta does NOT have a codeshare agreement with Saudi Airlines.

You CANNOT go to a Delta counter and buy a ticket to Saudi Arabia. Delta doesn't fly there, and neither do any of their codeshare partners.

There are NO planes that say "Delta" on the side of them landing in the airport in Saudi Arabia.
It does seem to me that one of our airlines should NOT be getting mixed up in Saudi bad behavior.

They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.

Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.

Delta isn't doing it. And Saudi can do what they want with their own airlines.
It does seem to me that one of our airlines should NOT be getting mixed up in Saudi bad behavior.

They're doing this on the front end so people won't board flights and have a problem at landing.

Delta shouldn't be doing this for Saudi Arabia at all. That is the bottom line. The Saudis are anti semitic, disrespectful to Jews and Israel and Delta has got on the wrong side of this one. That is the bottom line.

I think you may have missed my earlier post in which I expressed that ALL U.S. airlines that fly internationally offer flights to Saudi Arabia. I checked other airlines and was able to find flights to Riyadh through all of them--pretty pricey to fly there though. So if you're going to boycott Delta, you have to boycott all of them. And I don't agree with Polk all that often, but he is right. An Airline would be very wrong to allow somebody to board who would not be allowed to deplane in Riyadh or who would be arrested or at risk as soon as they left the airplane. Does that mean I condone Saudi Arabia's policies re Jews? Not at all. I think it is contemptible. All I am saying is that Delta is no more gulty here than everybody else.
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That is why mass emails, newsletters that give out such reports about Dubai are so important to circulate, Katz. When we get involved in mass emails - efforts to boycott extremely dangerous places like Dubai we are actually saving lives. How many we won't know but we are saving lives. What better way to spend 10 minutes of your day? Find a story on Dubai as Katz is showing here and mass email those stories out requesting others do the same. Put them on message boards such as this one and get the word out to boycott these lands. Listen. If one woman can do what Natalie Holloways mother did to Aruba? Imagine what a few dozen top notch bloggers could accomplish! Nothing is impossible.

- Jeremiah

Yes, it is important to circulate lies and nonsensical propaganda.

I look forward to see you circulating stories about the recent rapes in Los Angeles.

I have to say, Jeremiah, I think your posting on this thread is some of the least accurate and least honest posting I have ever seen. You seem to be packing mistakes into comments as if you are aiming at a quota.

extremely dangerous places like Dubai

You have to laugh, don't you??!!!

Much better that tourists travel somewhere really safe....I hear Mexico is nice at this time of year.

Read the horror stories about people who went to Dubai and educate yourself, Saigon. You are obviously clueless here. - Jeri

I believe the phrase you are looking for is "willful ignorance".
Foxfyre -

Why does Buddhism currently "endorse" violence against Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka, where no enroachment takes place?

Why does Hindu endorse the destruction of mosques in India?

Maybe because Muslims have been killing Buddhists in those countries.
Same for India.

Thanks Anjelica. Saigon has a real problem with not reading what I post and then asking questions as if I had not already answered them. He does it consistently enough that I now believe it is calculated and intentional, so I usually don't even bother.

But you are correct. Radicalized extremist Muslims are hazardous to our health just about everywhere they exist, and there seems to be a real push from Radicalized extremists Muslim leaders to radicalize as many people as they can. And the more they are successful, the more dangerous the world will become.

My Muslim friends accept me, we can discuss religion or politics or just about any other subject. They are not radicalized extremists in any way and are delightful people. They are thoroughly American and enjoying all that American freedom allows them.

But should radical Islam be successful in establishing Sharia law here, they would obey that law and conform their way of life to it. Of that I am certain.

And that says it all. Islam is EVIL. It really is that simple. Your friends fall into the category of useful idiots.
Maybe because Muslims have been killing Buddhists in those countries.
Same for India.

Thanks Anjelica. Saigon has a real problem with not reading what I post and then asking questions as if I had not already answered them. He does it consistently enough that I now believe it is calculated and intentional, so I usually don't even bother.

But you are correct. Radicalized extremist Muslims are hazardous to our health just about everywhere they exist, and there seems to be a real push from Radicalized extremists Muslim leaders to radicalize as many people as they can. And the more they are successful, the more dangerous the world will become.

My Muslim friends accept me, we can discuss religion or politics or just about any other subject. They are not radicalized extremists in any way and are delightful people. They are thoroughly American and enjoying all that American freedom allows them.

But should radical Islam be successful in establishing Sharia law here, they would obey that law and conform their way of life to it. Of that I am certain.

And that says it all. Islam is EVIL. It really is that simple. Your friends fall into the category of useful idiots.

These people are not at all evil nor is the faith they practice. But their faith would require them to subordinate themselves to those whose only goal is to subject all people to the authority of Allah.

And before you consider them useful idiots, look at how many Americans are more than willing to subject themselves to the authority of those in government and never challenge or question what that government presumes to require of the people. That is religion every bit as much as what the Muslims practice.

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