Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

Jeremiah -

Would you mind acknowledging some of the errors that you have made on this thread, rather than simply run away from them?

1) You claimed Dubai is a country - it is not.

2) You claimed that Muslims had taken over the Philippines - which is 90% Catholic and only 5% Muslim.

3) You claimed tourism in Dubai was well down - it is actually 10% up, to over 9 million tourists per year

4) You claimed Dubai's beaches were ghost towns - we saw pics where they were packed

5) You claimed no one wears bikinis - we saw pics of women in bikinis in Dubai

We both know you have made a series of other gaffes on this thread as well - and yet are still preaching here as if you have a clue about the topic. You don't, and you know you don't.

You also refused to respond to the post of someone who had spent years living in UAE as a single woman - which suggests to me that you prefer gossip to more reliable information.

There are house boats along the banks of the Nile in Egypt, they are clubs, and scantily clad women work in them. This was our belly dancer in the one we went to. She was wearing a halter top and a little mini skirt number that hit below the belly button. I have better pics, but I'm not sifting through files to find them. THe decorations on the costume were very sexual in nature.

Jeremiah -

I have a neighbor who lived in the United Arab Emirates. She said she moved back to the USA after witnessing some pretty horrific things happening over there. She said she would never tell anyone to go over there and live - because things have changed from when she moved there with her husband many years ago. I wouldn't go to the UAE, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran, SA, I wouldn't visit any of these places as the climate of Islam is very dangerous right now. VERY. Read the news, Saigon, stop being so ignorant. - Jeremiah

You wouldn't go to Egypt or Syria - I have been to Egypt and Syria.

I have to ask again - if I have been to a country and you have not - which one of us is ignorant?

Obviously it is a foolish way to base your arguement. Why? Because you are a Muslim first of all, you are known to use Al Takeyya to lie, second, because your personal experience in a country like Egypt or Syria has no bearing whatsoever on the experiences of someone else. Such as Lara Logan who was gang raped by Egyptian Muslims while reporting live on Arab Spring from there. So it is a weak arguement, Saigon. Also as you are a male Muslim your experience in Syria, Egypt, UAE is going to be different from infidel who would most certainly have a different experience in Egypt or Syria. Ask the Coptic Christians in Egypt. Ask the Syrian Christians who are fleeing for their lives right now. Ask them. You Muslims have a very narrow view of Islamic nations. YOUR OWN. No one elses figures in. You are the classic radical Muslim I used to encounter on the ME boards bringing up the same tired old arguements - all of them full of holes - to be truthful. You have a nice day now. Ya hear?

- Jeri
Jeremiah -

As I explained earlier - I used to live in Israel. I am not a Muslim. I live in Finland - a country not exactly bursting with Islamic life.

I can only pass on my own experiences based on years travelling and working in Islamic countries. Some are filthy, violent shitholes. Some are safe, easy friendly places to travel in.

I'm afraid you are in for a rude awakening in the future

The fact is - you could travel to anyone of 20 Islamic countries and be welcomed, be safe and be very well looked after.

Which begs the question - why don't you?

You don't because you know that if you did go to the Islamic world and had a great time, all of that hatred would have gone to waste.

What a rude awakening that would be.
Jeremiah -

I have a neighbor who lived in the United Arab Emirates. She said she moved back to the USA after witnessing some pretty horrific things happening over there. She said she would never tell anyone to go over there and live - because things have changed from when she moved there with her husband many years ago. I wouldn't go to the UAE, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran, SA, I wouldn't visit any of these places as the climate of Islam is very dangerous right now. VERY. Read the news, Saigon, stop being so ignorant. - Jeremiah

You wouldn't go to Egypt or Syria - I have been to Egypt and Syria.

I have to ask again - if I have been to a country and you have not - which one of us is ignorant?

Obviously it is a foolish way to base your arguement. Why? Because you are a Muslim first of all, you are known to use Al Takeyya to lie, second, because your personal experience in a country like Egypt or Syria has no bearing whatsoever on the experiences of someone else. Such as Lara Logan who was gang raped by Egyptian Muslims while reporting live on Arab Spring from there. So it is a weak arguement, Saigon. Also as you are a male Muslim your experience in Syria, Egypt, UAE is going to be different from infidel who would most certainly have a different experience in Egypt or Syria. Ask the Coptic Christians in Egypt. Ask the Syrian Christians who are fleeing for their lives right now. Ask them. You Muslims have a very narrow view of Islamic nations. YOUR OWN. No one elses figures in. You are the classic radical Muslim I used to encounter on the ME boards bringing up the same tired old arguements - all of them full of holes - to be truthful. You have a nice day now. Ya hear?

- Jeri

People who have been places can't even discuss those places with people like you. You, in your ignorance, think you know everything. We get so tired of being told we didn't see what we saw and don't know what we know by people like you who haven't even been as far away from home as the county line.

BTW: Shouldn't you be getting dressed for church?

Of course, that was rhetorical, because we all know you don't go, you just pretend to be some kind of righteous warrior.
It is no secret that all the Muslim lands have sex slaves, temporary wives, strip clubs don't surprise me - the hypocrisy of Islam is all the proof we need to re-classify it for what it really is - The Muslim Mafia - A terrorist organization. The bottom line is these women are for you Muslim Men, Saigon. A reward for your jihad against the rest of the world. You guys can get drunk, party with whores, go out and fly a plane into an American building and expect paradise with 72 virgins in the morning.

In reality all any of you will get is hell in the end for this. I'm glad you put up the photo as it reveals the underbelly of Islam and what these followers are really doing at night. Definitely isn't a prayer closet, right? LOL.... - Jeremiah
I had someone else look at a string of your posts yesterday, Saigon. I emailed the entire thread to him. He agrees with me. You're a Muslim. No question. Nice try though and stop expecting me to believe everything you write on this board. This isn't my first rodeo. Got to go. Busy day. Try back tomorrow. - Jeri
saigon, i am busy this morning doing mass emails for boycott dubai - this is very inconvenient for me right now. Church in a couple of hours. Maybe tomorrow. Today is a packed day. Tomorrow is monday and i have to get these emails out today for tomorrow morning. After that i'll be free. Thanks. - jeremiah

oh, go right ahead - i am sure people will really want to hear the latest information from someone who has never set foot in the city and couldn't place it on a map!

After all - your neighbour went there - who wouldn't consider you an authority?!

bravo bravo bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bottom line is these women are for you Muslim Men, Saigon. A reward for your jihad against the rest of the world. You guys can get drunk, party with whores, go out and fly a plane into an American building and expect paradise with 72 virgins in the morning.

Somehow I don't think my wife would agree to that....

And for the third time on this thread - I am not a Muslim.

How many Muslims do you know who have lived in Israel?!

I don't find the accusation offensive, but the next time it appears it will be reported to the Mods, ok?
I had someone else look at a string of your posts yesterday, Saigon. I emailed the entire thread to him. He agrees with me. You're a Muslim. No question. Nice try though and stop expecting me to believe everything you write on this board. This isn't my first rodeo. Got to go. Busy day. Try back tomorrow. - Jeri

Well, that proves it then. I must be a Muslim.

All these years, and I didn't know....:razz:
I had someone else look at a string of your posts yesterday, Saigon. I emailed the entire thread to him. He agrees with me. You're a Muslim. No question. Nice try though and stop expecting me to believe everything you write on this board. This isn't my first rodeo. Got to go. Busy day. Try back tomorrow. - Jeri

Well, that proves it then. I must be a Muslim.

All these years, and I didn't know....:razz:

Gotta pretend she is going to church! LMAO. What a hoot that one is.
Well it was definitely hijacked by a few disgruntled folks, Lipush. We've discussed the story on Delta as far as it can go for now. The discussion on this thread has come to a close. Have a nice day everyone! - Jeremiah
Well it was definitely hijacked by a few disgruntled folks, Lipush. We've discussed the story on Delta as far as it can go for now. The discussion on this thread has come to a close. Have a nice day everyone! - Jeremiah

I had someone else look at a string of your posts yesterday, Jeremiah. I emailed the entire thread to him. He agrees with me. You're a Jehovah's Witness. No question. Nice try though and stop expecting me to believe everything you write on this board. This isn't my first rodeo. Got to go. Busy day. Try back tomorrow. - Saigon.
Well it was definitely hijacked by a few disgruntled folks, Lipush. We've discussed the story on Delta as far as it can go for now. The discussion on this thread has come to a close. Have a nice day everyone! - Jeremiah

I had someone else look at a string of your posts yesterday, Jeremiah. I emailed the entire thread to him. He agrees with me. You're a Jehovah's Witness. No question. Nice try though and stop expecting me to believe everything you write on this board. This isn't my first rodeo. Got to go. Busy day. Try back tomorrow. - Saigon.

Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

Yes, did you? Jay Seculow's son said in the inteview if you are buying a ticket to SA from New York they will ask you --------------> ARE YOU A JEW? ---------------> OR ARE YOU CARRYING A BIBLE? If so? You cannot get on the "DELTA FLIGHT". YOU watch the video again. You've obviously missed something here. This is Delta, Buddy! Don't try to water down the truth here!

The nerve! Delta just got in bed with the Devil!!!!


- Jeremiah

Jay Seculow and his family are not considered Jews in the Jewish community and the Jewish People he is considered traif and they are now Apostates .
Lipush -

I was responding to this :

I had someone else look at a string of your posts yesterday, Saigon. I emailed the entire thread to him. He agrees with me. You're a Muslim. No question. Nice try though and stop expecting me to believe everything you write on this board. This isn't my first rodeo. Got to go. Busy day. Try back tomorrow. - Jeri
New Delta Airlines partner prevents Jews from Flying - YouTube

I received this tonight and was disturbed by Delta decision to ban Jews and people with bibles from flying. Very disturbing. I won't fly Delta again.


Why does this disturb you?

Delta is simply ensuring that their passengers do not disembark into a bigoted, racial country that will imprison and even put to death anyone who does not follow the strict teachings of Islam.

Outside of Iran, more terrorists come from and are funded by Saudi princes than any other nation.

I think all other airlines flying into Saudi Arabia ought to do the same.

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