Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

Gee! Now there is an idea! Wonder what would happen if we told them that?
Dunno, but sounds like a lotta fun... let's try and see what shakes outta da trees...
Jeremiah -

Would you mind acknowledging some of the errors that you have made on this thread, rather than simply run away from them?

1) You claimed Dubai is a country - it is not.

2) You claimed that Muslims had taken over the Philippines - which is 90% Catholic and only 5% Muslim.

3) You claimed tourism in Dubai was well down - it is actually 10% up, to over 9 million tourists per year

4) You claimed Dubai's beaches were ghost towns - we saw pics where they were packed

5) You claimed no one wears bikinis - we saw pics of women in bikinis in Dubai

We both know you have made a series of other gaffes on this thread as well - and yet are still preaching here as if you have a clue about the topic. You don't, and you know you don't.

You also refused to respond to the post of someone who had spent years living in UAE as a single woman - which suggests to me that you prefer gossip to more reliable information.

More "fairy tales" about the UAE. Dubai is a city, not a country. The country is the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is the largest city. Abu Dhabi is the capital.

The number of nationals (native citizens) is 825,495 which is almost 25.1% of the total population. On the other hand, expatriates and their families constitute almost 74.9% of the UAE total population.

Americans in the United Arab Emirates form one of the largest Western expatriate communities in the UAE. It is estimated that approximately 40,000 United States nationals reside in the UAE. In 2012, there were an estimated 240,000 Britons living in the country, representing the largest western community in the United Arab Emirates. There are about 10,000 French and 10,000 Germans living in the UAE. There are about 8,000 Turks; 300,000 Sri Lankans; 5,000 Saudis; 18,000 Rusians; 50,000 Palestinians; 9,000 Omanis; 2,000 Norwegians; 4,000 New Zealanders; 2,000 Moroccans; 6,000 Maylasians; 2,000 Libyans; 150,000 Lebanese; 3,000 Koreans; 36,000 Kenyans; 250,000 Jordanians; 4,000 Japanese; 100,000 Iraqis; 300,000 Egyptians; 12,000 Canadians; 7,000 Bulgarians; 600,000 Bangladeshis; 7,000 Australians; 12,000 Azerbaijanis; 2,000 Armenians; 300,000 Afghans; 2,000 Algerians; 2,000 Argentinians; 700,000 Filipinos; over 1 million Indians; 1.2 million Pakistanis, etc. (For Saigon: Finns in the United Arab Emirates form a community of 900, with 10,000 Finns vacationing in the UAE every year.) Wiki

It is a very multi-cultural population, and everyone lives in harmony. Obviously the ex-pats come to work and make a lot of money. They are also there for the sun and the good life. Most of the Canadians I knew were from Ontario and wanted to be there because of the sunshine. The reality is that for Westerners, 'the livin' is easy!' You have a nice villa or apartment, most Westerners have a new or next to new car, gas is very cheap, going out regularly is the norm, the shopping is great, and you can get pretty much everything you can get at home, plus belong to a beach/sports/social club. Dubai and Abu Dhabi regularly have art exhbits, concerts, theatre, ballet, etc. from touring European companies and artists. And it is safe, essentially a very safe country.

The lifestyle for the Westerners is very comfortable. They are well paid. There are churches for worshiping, there are bars for drinking and dancing, there are liquor stores for buying booze, there are markets which sell pork and pork products, and there are beach clubs and 5 star hotels with private beaches where women wear bikinis. There are many huge shopping malls that sell everything you can get anywhere in the world, have cinemas that show movies from all over the world, and one mall even has a ski slope. You get full internet reception, though sites that focus on sex are mostly blocked. If you live there, you can choose from a wide variety of cable television packages with stations from all over the world. There are golf courses and tennis courts. There is a lot of outdoor activity.

Women drive (all women, Arab women as well). The non-UAE women, non-Western women, who come from the Philippines, India, Pakistan, etc., and Western women do not cover and are not required to do so. Some of the Asian women dress in traditional cultural dress, others dress like Westerners. Many of the Arab women dress like Westerners too, some wear the Abaya: it depends on how conservative she is.

Arab women in the UAE drive, work, go to school, attend university, etc. Western and Asian women dress and live like they would at home. Whatever horror stories you have heard, they are the exception, not the rule. Tourists from Europe flock to the UAE every year. It is a prime destination. Anywhere in the world, there are incidents where tourists have some kind of trouble. That it happens in a place like the UAE is not surprising with the huge amount of tourists that go there every year. If you act like a fool and put yourself in a perilous situation, like anywhere in the world, you may get in trouble. If you are very naive, you may get in trouble. If you don't know and/or don't follow the laws, you may get in trouble. This happens whenever foreigners live in or visit foreign countries, any foreign country. The admonition 'when in Rome do as the Romans do' always applies to tourists and ex-pats.

Living in the UAE is quite comfortable for Western women. They live alone in their own apartments. They work and drive. They wear Western clothes. They go out to the clubs with their friends to dance and meet men. They go to the malls and the city shops for shopping. They usually belong to a gym, which is part of the membership of the beach club they belong to. Gyms usually have a mixed area for both men and women, or a private area for ladies only so the conservative Arab women can workout. It is little different than at home where we also have ladies only gyms. Living in the UAE is easy for Westerners, including single and married Western women. English is used widely. Women live as they would at home. It is not a dangerous, threatening place.

It's not a fairy tale. It is reality. If you don't believe me, look it up. Anyone who goes there and is 'frightened' and sees 'all kinds of horrific things,' is nuts. I was there for 2 years, a peaceful, comfortable two years. I am not saying this as any kind of sales pitch. I have no plans to go back myself as I am doing other things now; however, if it became something I needed to do as part of my job, as it was before, I would not hesitiate to go back. I don't care if anyone reading this wants to go there or not. Makes no difference to me. I think closed minded people should just stay home anyway. I am writing this information because it is reality, and the reality contrasts sharply with how those who don't know what they are talking about see this country. You are so completely wrong about it, so completely lacking in real knowledge, I find it very troubling and very frustrating.
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New Delta Airlines partner prevents Jews from Flying - YouTube

I received this tonight and was disturbed by Delta decision to ban Jews and people with bibles from flying. Very disturbing. I won't fly Delta again.


It only bans them from entering Saudi Arabia.

Why would a Jew want to go to Saudi Arabia anyway?

You are filled with bogus outrage.

Why would a Jew want to go to Saudi Arabia? Probably for the same reason that other people do, they're interested in seeing how people live in other places of the world.

Matter of fact, that's one of the main reasons I joined and served 20 years in the U.S. Navy. I wanted to see what was beyond the borders of the U.S.

What BS!

A Jew would like to go to Saudi Arabia about as much as they would like to jump in a time machine and go to Aushwitz.
It does not matter if the Jews do not wish to go to Saudi Arabia. What matters to me is that they are being told they can't go because they are Jewish or Israeli and that is anti - semitism, folks.

What you tolerate today from the Islamists won't be sufficient for tomorrow. As their level of intolerance increases they will demand that our level of tolerance increases. I'm not willing to go along with that plan. I say we put the brakes on this now and start asking questions such as why? If your book is not anti semitic then why can't Jews go to SA? If Islam is not anti semitic than why can't the Jews go to Saudi Arabia like anyone else? See my point now? Good. - Jeri
So, is it OK for Delta to ban Saudis and Q'urans from flying into the United States?

Oh, wow, that would be so great! No more Muzzies, no more bombings and shootings and atrocities!

Okay, let's trade: If Delta keeps all the Muslims out of this country, they can cooperate with Saudi Arabia in banning whomever the Arabs want. I think that's fair: they don't come here and we don't go there.
It does not matter if the Jews do not wish to go to Saudi Arabia. What matters to me is that they are being told they can't go because they are Jewish or Israeli and that is anti - semitism, folks.

What you tolerate today from the Islamists won't be sufficient for tomorrow. As their level of intolerance increases they will demand that our level of tolerance increases. I'm not willing to go along with that plan. I say we put the brakes on this now and start asking questions such as why? If your book is not anti semitic then why can't Jews go to SA? If Islam is not anti semitic than why can't the Jews go to Saudi Arabia like anyone else? See my point now? Good. - Jeri



It's just friggin' amazing how many people are willing to excuse a 'Muslims only in Mecca' policy or 'no Jews allowed in the country' attitude for countries dominated by Islam, and yet they howl and moan and wail and gnash their teeth, when somebody objects to misguided liberals overreaching to extend accommodation to Muslims in this country in some fashion or another.

No wonder there is no Reciprocity from the Muslim side of the fence.

They can have their baklava and eat it too.

Barring and banning and oppressing on their side of The Pond, while we are increasingly obliged to put up with their krap over here and in the UK.

In their shoes I would not lift a finger to extend Reciprocity either.

There is no incentive.

We would rather play doormat for them.

Disgusting, pathetic, and about as sissified as it gets.
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So, is it OK for Delta to ban Saudis and Q'urans from flying into the United States?

Oh, wow, that would be so great! No more Muzzies, no more bombings and shootings and atrocities!

Okay, let's trade: If Delta keeps all the Muslims out of this country, they can cooperate with Saudi Arabia in banning whomever the Arabs want. I think that's fair: they don't come here and we don't go there.

Sounds like a plan to me! :eusa_angel:
It does not matter if the Jews do not wish to go to Saudi Arabia. What matters to me is that they are being told they can't go because they are Jewish or Israeli and that is anti - semitism, folks.

What you tolerate today from the Islamists won't be sufficient for tomorrow. As their level of intolerance increases they will demand that our level of tolerance increases. I'm not willing to go along with that plan. I say we put the brakes on this now and start asking questions such as why? If your book is not anti semitic then why can't Jews go to SA? If Islam is not anti semitic than why can't the Jews go to Saudi Arabia like anyone else? See my point now? Good. - Jeri


:eusa_angel: Thanks!
You can't get through customs in Riyadh with a bible anyway. They confiscate it, along with other non-Islamic religious books, including a Catholic church based novel like the Da Vinci Code. When my traveling companion had his copy confiscated he inquired where in the airport to go to collect it when he was departing the country in a few days. No returns though as they destroy what's confiscated.

Great place to visit, and be sure to sample the fried goats anus on toasted camel scrota with a sauce made of cooked rice and milk. It's to die for, really.
You can't get through customs in Riyadh with a bible anyway. They confiscate it, along with other non-Islamic religious books, including a Catholic church based novel like the Da Vinci Code. When my traveling companion had his copy confiscated he inquired where in the airport to go to collect it when he was departing the country in a few days. No returns though as they destroy what's confiscated.

Great place to visit, and be sure to sample the fried goats anus on toasted camel scrota with a sauce made of cooked rice and milk. It's to die for, really.

AT LEAST we should confiscate and destroy all their Korans, if they do that!

Why not? And when they stop doing their horrible stuff, we could stop confiscating their violent "holy book."

Seems fair to me. If they confiscate and destroy our books, we confiscate and destroy theirs. I really don't understand why we allow this kind of behavior without reprisal.
You can't get through customs in Riyadh with a bible anyway. They confiscate it, along with other non-Islamic religious books, including a Catholic church based novel like the Da Vinci Code. When my traveling companion had his copy confiscated he inquired where in the airport to go to collect it when he was departing the country in a few days. No returns though as they destroy what's confiscated.

Great place to visit, and be sure to sample the fried goats anus on toasted camel scrota with a sauce made of cooked rice and milk. It's to die for, really.

And we're worried about some pi$$ant preacher in (Florida?) burnin' Q'urans on his own?

They the Saudis - the keepers of the holiest lands of Islam - burn or otherwise destroy Bibles on a regular basis as a matter of government policy???!!!

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... is this true?
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You can't get through customs in Riyadh with a bible anyway. They confiscate it, along with other non-Islamic religious books, including a Catholic church based novel like the Da Vinci Code. When my traveling companion had his copy confiscated he inquired where in the airport to go to collect it when he was departing the country in a few days. No returns though as they destroy what's confiscated.

Great place to visit, and be sure to sample the fried goats anus on toasted camel scrota with a sauce made of cooked rice and milk. It's to die for, really.

And we're worried about some pi$$ant preacher in (Florida?) burnin' Q'urans on his own?

They the Saudis - the keepers of the holiest lands of Islam - burn or otherwise destroy Bibles on a regular basis as a matter of government policy???!!!

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... is this true?

Well, if they really do destroy American religious theme books at the airport in those sandpits, we most certainly should celebrate the Florida preacher and anyone wants to do likewise is fine with me. If this is true, I'd like to see it much more widely publicized.

The idea that they get to do lots of abuses and atrocities freely but we can nevernevernevernever reply in kind....................that's a ratchet that leads to them dominating the Earth.
Circe, you have really hit on something there. It is when we accept that it is a one way street that we lead them to believe they have the upper hand. We are reinforcing the belief that Muslims are "special" and that Allah has given them dominance over the world - as in see the signs here? They already recognize our superiority. Foot baths at airports, women only now at public swimming pools - when Muslim women are there - gym rooms at universities taken over by Muslim women demanding men out - women only - hours - it is a slow boil - like the frog in the pot of boiling water. The frog doesn't realize the temperature change and gets boiled alive.

So the truth is no one is more important than anyone else. We are all created equal - it is man that tries to destroy that plan - we each have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no matter where we live on this planet. That is our God given right. Jews deserve to be left in peace and have their own homeland - Israel - Italians deserve to be left in peace and enjoy their own homeland - Italy - German deserves to be left in peace and enjoy their own culture in their own homeland - Germany Swedes deserve to be left in peace to enjoy their own unique culture in their own homeland - Sweden and so on. (if they choose to live in a different nation they adapt and don't expect German culture to dominate Israeli culture IN ISRAEL for instance) Yet in each and every single one of these countries we have one people group following a common religion - Islam - who believe that wherever they move they have the right to disgard our culture, our traditions, our religion, our history and replace it with their own. Is that fair, Circe? Is that a fair assessment of what is going on here or am I being a racist bigot who hates by stating the obvious here? You see it is when we begin to discuss a matter that we are able to resolve it. When we continually turn a blind eye to the reality of what we are facing - we only delay the inevitable.

This thread is but a small example of the ways in which little by little we are reinforcing the lie that if it is against the Islamic religion it is something the world must adapt to rather than telling them that it is them that must adapt. Not us. - Jeremiah

When will it be addressed by our nations leaders? I don't know.
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"...When will it be addressed by our nations leaders? I don't know."
That would require both a firm conviction that it needs doing and the balls to actually do it.

Don't hold your breath.

There's nobody of that caliber in-office today and nobody like that waiting in the wings on either side of the aisle.

This thread is but a small example of the ways in which little by little we are reinforcing the lie that if it is against the Islamic religion it is something the world must adapt to rather than telling them that it is them that must adapt. Not us. - Jeremiah

When will it be addressed by our nations leaders? I don't know.

Actually it's but a small example of how blind ignorance goes "la la la I can't hear you" when the comic book fantasies of the gullible become dogma, even after being shown what they're yammering about is a crock of bullshit. When will it be addressed by these simplistic mob mentality lemmings? I don't know.
You can't get through customs in Riyadh with a bible anyway. They confiscate it, along with other non-Islamic religious books, including a Catholic church based novel like the Da Vinci Code. When my traveling companion had his copy confiscated he inquired where in the airport to go to collect it when he was departing the country in a few days. No returns though as they destroy what's confiscated.

Great place to visit, and be sure to sample the fried goats anus on toasted camel scrota with a sauce made of cooked rice and milk. It's to die for, really.

And we're worried about some pi$$ant preacher in (Florida?) burnin' Q'urans on his own?

They the Saudis - the keepers of the holiest lands of Islam - burn or otherwise destroy Bibles on a regular basis as a matter of government policy???!!!

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... is this true?

Yike. You mean like Arianist texts by the Council of Nicea? The Library of Antioch? The "unacceptable writings of the Coptic Church? The Talmud by Pope Gregory? The libraries at Alexandria? The writings of Wycliffe? Hus? Abelard? Nestorius? Sybilline? Priscillian? Tyndale? Luther? The Mayans?

No, clearly we're better than that. Clearly this kind of ignorant mob-religious mentality snuffing out ideas it doesn't like, could never happen in our advanced society.

I have never burned any religious book - whoever deems it religious anyhow - nor would I advocate doing such a thing. I've not called the Muslims prophet names, never made a joke or quoted anything other than what is self evident. I'm not advocating mob mentality either. I'm advocating examining why it is we as a society accept the intolerance of Islam in exchange for our ovewhelming tolerance and why the intolerance still continues to grow. I'd hardly consider questioning it to be a danger other than to those who prefer to keep it status quo.

"...Yike. You mean like Arianist texts by the Council of Nicea? The Library of Antioch? The "unacceptable writings of the Coptic Church? The Talmud by Pope Gregory? The libraries at Alexandria? The writings of Wycliffe? Hus? Abelard? Nestorius? Sybilline? Priscillian? Tyndale? Luther? The Mayans?..."
Do you seriously believe that anyone is questioning that both Western Christian countries and others have not done such things in the past?

But we are not talking about the world as it was 1,500 years ago or 1,000 years ago or 500 years ago...

We are talking about the world as it is today...

And we are not talking about the Billy-Jo-Bob Keeerister Church of West Podunk, Hicksvillle, burning Beatles albums back in the 1960s.

We are talking about the large-scale actions of actual responsible Governments of Nations.

Your Beatles-album-burning example doesn't exactly 'scale-up' well, does it?

( except maybe in Saudi Arabia, of course

I do not know what lies beyond your apparent intent to excuse such large-scale behaviors on the part of responsible Governments of Nations in our present day and age...

But you are going to have a difficult time trying to 'sell' some kind of 'Moral Equivalency' there...

Nice try, though, Pogo... darned nice try.
Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

Then perhaps Delta should not have made the deal with the devil. I won't fly Delta anymore, Anywhere.

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