Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

The Muslim strategy with every country is simply to make it their country.

Then they can make whatever laws they like.

This is the little lie you like to believe. It not only makes you look stupid, it makes you look crazy. :cuckoo:

The writer is making perfect sense. It is you who is appearing "out of touch" here, Esmeralda. What color is your sky? Listen... The Islamic world has made it perfectly clear in speech after speech that the goal is worldwide domination under Sharia law.

Your comment is insulting to all of us because you must think we are utterly stupid to believe your outlandish claims about this so called "religion of peace".. It is nothing of the sort and you know it! - Jeri

Your comments are based on ignorance and stupidity. The only one insulting you is you by your blind hatred and ignorance. I am the one who has lived in 3 Muslim countries. I am the one who has traveled throughout the ME and North Africa, as well as having lived in and traveled extensively throughout Europe. I know what both are like. I have dear friends in Europe and the ME. I know that Islam is not 'taking over' Europe. I know that the vast majority of Muslim people are normal, everyday people who just want to live in peace and have no interest in taking over any other country nor imposing Sharia law on the rest of the world. In fact, only about 2 Muslim countries today even have full Sharia law. Most of them have some Sharia laws but do not embrace it fully.

I am the one who has spent six years of her life working closely with, associating with, and being friends with Muslim people. You know nothing. Your blind hatred of Islam is digusting and based completely on ignorance, an ignorance you choose to embrace.
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She wouldn't get back to us......

She wouldn't survive a stroll thru the peaceful, loving Muslims in the banlieus.

So don't do it, Esmeralda. It's better never to test Political Correctness, just have faith that it's true.

You are all so completely ignorant. One of the time I visited Paris, in 2001, I stayed in a hotel in the Arabic quarter. It was nothing. I was on my own, a single woman. No one bothered me, at all. It was a small hotel mostly surrounded by apartments and small shops. It was winter time, so when I came back to the hotel in the evenings, walking from the Metro, it was dark. No one bothered me. I was there for about a week and a half.

I wouldn't walk through many parts of Harlam in the US on my own, or other American ghettos. I wouldn't walk through any really bad neighborhoods on my own, not anywhere in the world. Only a fool would do that. The fact there are bad neighborhoods in other countries besides the US doesn't mean anything. When is the last time you took a strool though a ghetto neighborhood in the US?

Ignorance is a scourge.

A week and a half in France over a decade ago. That sorts it then.

Yes, France is a much different place now. I have a close family member who was fairly recently in Paris and went for a long walk that inadvertently took her into an all Muslim neighborhood. And she received an extremely hostile reception there and felt very fortunate to get out of there unscathed.

I have Muslim neighbors that I like and enjoy very much. I have other Muslim friends who are an absolute joy.

But the fact is, when Muslims are a very small percentage of any population, they do assimilate well and are generally delightful people to be around. In many predominatly Muslim countries, the people are also delightful. I have a particular appreciation for Iranian people. They are great overall.

But in country after country after country in which the Muslim population has become a significant percentage, you see all manner of demands and social pressures being applied as a result of that. And in all countries in which Muslims achieve a majority, Islamic law assumes total power to call the shots and human rights are not much recognized or respected. It is the mandate of Allah, after all, that all the world shall be Muslim and Allah's law shall be the law of the land.

The countries in which human rights are recognized and enforced the most strongly are all predominantly Christian with the exception of Israel that is the only nation with a majority Jewish population but is the most free and tolerant of all Middle East countries.

It is entirely politically incorrect to note this truth. But it is a fact. And we are foolish to ignore it.
She wouldn't get back to us......

She wouldn't survive a stroll thru the peaceful, loving Muslims in the banlieus.

So don't do it, Esmeralda. It's better never to test Political Correctness, just have faith that it's true.

You are all so completely ignorant. One of the time I visited Paris, in 2001, I stayed in a hotel in the Arabic quarter. It was nothing. I was on my own, a single woman. No one bothered me, at all. It was a small hotel mostly surrounded by apartments and small shops. It was winter time, so when I came back to the hotel in the evenings, walking from the Metro, it was dark. No one bothered me. I was there for about a week and a half.

I wouldn't walk through many parts of Harlam in the US on my own, or other American ghettos. I wouldn't walk through any really bad neighborhoods on my own, not anywhere in the world. Only a fool would do that. The fact there are bad neighborhoods in other countries besides the US doesn't mean anything. When is the last time you took a strool though a ghetto neighborhood in the US?

Ignorance is a scourge.

A week and a half in France over a decade ago. That sorts it then.

Oh, for fucksake, you are ignoring the point of my post and taking it out of context.

Since 2001 I have been back to Paris many times, but stayed in different areas. In fact, I was just there this past winter over Christmas and New Years for 2+ weeks. I have also been in Paris several times before and after that 2001 trip, spent 8 weeks in the South of France since then, and before 2001, I spent several months touring France. A close friend of mine for the past 30 years is French. I am very familiar with France. I was simply addressing your point about Muslim neighborhoods in France. Living amongst Muslims anywhere in the world is not dangerous. It is like anywhere else, if you choose to live in a dangerous neighborhood, that could be problematic, no matter where you are in the world.
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Your blind hatred of Islam is digusting and based completely on ignorance, an ignorance you choose to embrace.

Well, not blind exactly.............I am prejudiced against all the bombings and choppings and shootings they do to attack anyone of other religions. Silly me to mind the bombings, but I notice that other religions don't do this, but Muslims do it everywhere they go, even in their own countries to each other.

I suppose you are yourself Muslim, and that's why you have spent so much time with Muslims in Muslim lands?
Thank you for your honesty, Foxfyre. I hope that Esmeralda and Saigon find it within themselves to begin to be honest with the readers also about serious danger Islam poses to the West and the world at large.

I believe they are doing a tremendous disservice to others by leading them to believe vacationing in Islamic nations is no big deal. When it happens to them or their loved ones? Then and only then will it become a big deal. Very sad. - Jeri
Your blind hatred of Islam is digusting and based completely on ignorance, an ignorance you choose to embrace.

Well, not blind exactly.............I am prejudiced against all the bombings and choppings and shootings they do to attack anyone of other religions. Silly me to mind the bombings, but I notice that other religions don't do this, but Muslims do it everywhere they go, even in their own countries to each other.

I suppose you are yourself Muslim, and that's why you have spent so much time with Muslims in Muslim lands?

I think her and Saigon are probably both Muslim because my experience on message boards is most of the time they like to pretend they are not Muslim and hope you will take up their position as a tolerant "non - muslim" ...... they usually play off the other ones who openly admit they are Muslim. It is like watching a play with everyone reading their lines. lol.........
Jeremiah -

And of course it does not occur to you at all that the only person on this thread who has not spent time in France is you.

Still waiting for a reply to Esmeralda's post in #111.
You are all so completely ignorant. One of the time I visited Paris, in 2001, I stayed in a hotel in the Arabic quarter. It was nothing. I was on my own, a single woman. No one bothered me, at all. It was a small hotel mostly surrounded by apartments and small shops. It was winter time, so when I came back to the hotel in the evenings, walking from the Metro, it was dark. No one bothered me. I was there for about a week and a half.

I wouldn't walk through many parts of Harlam in the US on my own, or other American ghettos. I wouldn't walk through any really bad neighborhoods on my own, not anywhere in the world. Only a fool would do that. The fact there are bad neighborhoods in other countries besides the US doesn't mean anything. When is the last time you took a strool though a ghetto neighborhood in the US?

Ignorance is a scourge.

A week and a half in France over a decade ago. That sorts it then.

Yes, France is a much different place now. I have a close family member who was fairly recently in Paris and went for a long walk that inadvertently took her into an all Muslim neighborhood. And she received an extremely hostile reception there and felt very fortunate to get out of there unscathed.

I have Muslim neighbors that I like and enjoy very much. I have other Muslim friends who are an absolute joy.

But the fact is, when Muslims are a very small percentage of any population, they do assimilate well and are generally delightful people to be around. In many predominatly Muslim countries, the people are also delightful. I have a particular appreciation for Iranian people. They are great overall.

But in country after country after country in which the Muslim population has become a significant percentage, you see all manner of demands and social pressures being applied as a result of that. And in all countries in which Muslims achieve a majority, Islamic law assumes total power to call the shots and human rights are not much recognized or respected. It is the mandate of Allah, after all, that all the world shall be Muslim and Allah's law shall be the law of the land.

The countries in which human rights are recognized and enforced the most strongly are all predominantly Christian with the exception of Israel that is the only nation with a majority Jewish population but is the most free and tolerant of all Middle East countries.

It is entirely politically incorrect to note this truth. But it is a fact. And we are foolish to ignore it.

I have been to Paris and to other parts of France many times in the past decade. Your friend may have felt hostility that wasn't there. How comfortable would you feel in America if a long walk in NYC inadvertantly took you to an all black or Hispanic neighborhood? Would you feel totally comfortable and safe? Not likely. I recently lived in Vienna and went often to Turkish neighborhoods, which are Muslim. There was not the least bit of hostility. France has not changed. Your post is full of ignorance too. You say it is a mandate of Allah that all the world shall be Muslim. That is also a mandate of Christianity. Christ said to go out and convert everyone to Christianity. What do you think the point of missionaries has been for centuries? But like most Christians, most Muslims are not interested in nor actively seeking to make everyone in the world follow their own religion.

Oh for fucksake. I give up. Drown in your own ignorance. Just stay home in America and in your own backyards and don't go out and try to pollute the rest of the world with your abject poverity of understanding, insight, and critical thinking skills.
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Your blind hatred of Islam is digusting and based completely on ignorance, an ignorance you choose to embrace.

Well, not blind exactly.............I am prejudiced against all the bombings and choppings and shootings they do to attack anyone of other religions. Silly me to mind the bombings, but I notice that other religions don't do this, but Muslims do it everywhere they go, even in their own countries to each other.

I suppose you are yourself Muslim, and that's why you have spent so much time with Muslims in Muslim lands?


Are you seriously suggesting that Hindusand Buddhists do not let off bombs?

You have not heard about bombings in Sri Lanka? Burma? Peru? Congo? Colombia?

Honestly, the sheer näieve and lock of knowledge on this thread is breath-taking.
Thank you for your honesty, Foxfyre. I hope that Esmeralda and Saigon find it within themselves to begin to be honest with the readers also about serious danger Islam poses to the West and the world at large.

I believe they are doing a tremendous disservice to others by leading them to believe vacationing in Islamic nations is no big deal. When it happens to them or their loved ones? Then and only then will it become a big deal. Very sad. - Jeri

Well everybody must search their own conscience about that I think. If we want the freedom to be Americans without outside interference here, it only makes sense to allow other nations to be who they want to be without interference from us. And if we welcome tourists from just about everywhere here, I won't say that I would not visit an Islamic country just because it was predominently Islamic. I have long wanted to visit Turkey and Egypt and while I probably never will, I wouldn't have a problem with my concsience if I did.

But yes, to ignore the very real dangers, the very real restrictions on human rights, and the long range motives and plans of the more aggressive Islamic leaders is to naively be very stupid.

But pulling the train back on the track here, I still don't want to condemn Delta Airlines, a great American corporation, for doing what every transoceanic airline in the country and world is doing. Let's at least be consistent and fair in our criticisms.
You are all so completely ignorant. One of the time I visited Paris, in 2001, I stayed in a hotel in the Arabic quarter. It was nothing. I was on my own, a single woman. No one bothered me, at all. It was a small hotel mostly surrounded by apartments and small shops. It was winter time, so when I came back to the hotel in the evenings, walking from the Metro, it was dark. No one bothered me. I was there for about a week and a half.

I wouldn't walk through many parts of Harlam in the US on my own, or other American ghettos. I wouldn't walk through any really bad neighborhoods on my own, not anywhere in the world. Only a fool would do that. The fact there are bad neighborhoods in other countries besides the US doesn't mean anything. When is the last time you took a strool though a ghetto neighborhood in the US?

Ignorance is a scourge.

A week and a half in France over a decade ago. That sorts it then.

Oh, for fucksake, you are ignoring the point of my post and taking it out of context.

Since 2001 I have been back to Paris many times, but stayed in different areas. In fact, I was just there this past winter over Christmas and New Years for 2+ weeks. I have also been in Paris several times before and after that 2001 trip, spent 8 weeks in the South of France since then, and before 2001, I spent several months touring France. A close friend of mine for the past 30 years is French. I am very familiar with France. I was simply addressing your point about Muslim neighborhoods in France. Living amongst Muslims anywhere in the world is not dangerous. It is like anywhere else, if you choose to live in a dangerous neighborhood, that could be problematic, no matter where you are in the world.

Strange then, that the Paris police are struggling to take back control of about 16 muslim dominated no go zones. Maybe, because you have toured and holidayed in France, and have a French friend, you should tell them they are imagining things and it is not dangerous for them nor anyone else to gad about in these places since 'living among Muslims anywhere in the world is not dangerous'. Perhaps you should also tell the Malmo police and emergency services. Maybe I should work on a list.
I believe they are doing a tremendous disservice to others by leading them to believe vacationing in Islamic nations is no big deal. When it happens to them or their loved ones? Then and only then will it become a big deal. Very sad. - Jeri

Americans are out of their minds if they go on vacation to Muslim lands during all this "Arab Spring" and Islam rising unrest. Tourists are constantly being machine-gunned in Egypt, kidnapped in Somalia, machete-ed in Kenya --- anybody want to go see ruins in Syria or Libya now? How about visiting Pakistan, that sound like a fun trip after Daniel Pearl's murder and that CIA agent we finally got back? How about Turkey now that Kurds are attacking tourists?

Or you could hike in the mountains near Iran......but the last kids who did that were in jail a long time.

Nope, this isn't the time to see the pyramids, even if the Muslim fundamentalists do want to destroy them all because they aren't Islamic. You could go to Timbuktoo, but the Muslims are destroying all the old buildings. Well, you could go look at the ancient Buddhist statues in Afghanistan -- no, wait, the Muslims blew them up.
Your comments are based on ignorance and stupidity. The only one insulting you is you by your blind hatred and ignorance. I am the one who has lived in 3 Muslim countries. I am the one who has traveled throughout the ME and North Africa, as well as having lived in and traveled extensively throughout Europe. I know what both are like. I have dear friends in Europe and the ME. I know that Islam is not 'taking over' Europe. I know that the vast majority of Muslim people are normal, everyday people who just want to live in peace and have no interest in taking over any other country nor imposing Sharia law on the rest of the world. In fact, only about 2 Muslim countries today even have full Sharia law. Most of them have some Sharia laws but do not embrace it fully.

I am the one who has spent six years of her life working closely with, associating with, and being friends with Muslim people. You know nothing. Your blind hatred of Islam is digusting and based completely on ignorance, an ignorance you choose to embrace.


It is no coincidence that the people on this thread who are most afraid of Islam are the people who know the least about it.

Fear = Ignorance = Hatred.
Jeremiah -

And of course it does not occur to you at all that the only person on this thread who has not spent time in France is you.

Still waiting for a reply to Esmeralda's post in #111.

You don't know where I've been. You know what I want you to know which is exactly the way I'd prefer to keep it. Thanks. - Jeri
A week and a half in France over a decade ago. That sorts it then.

Yes, France is a much different place now. I have a close family member who was fairly recently in Paris and went for a long walk that inadvertently took her into an all Muslim neighborhood. And she received an extremely hostile reception there and felt very fortunate to get out of there unscathed.

I have Muslim neighbors that I like and enjoy very much. I have other Muslim friends who are an absolute joy.

But the fact is, when Muslims are a very small percentage of any population, they do assimilate well and are generally delightful people to be around. In many predominatly Muslim countries, the people are also delightful. I have a particular appreciation for Iranian people. They are great overall.

But in country after country after country in which the Muslim population has become a significant percentage, you see all manner of demands and social pressures being applied as a result of that. And in all countries in which Muslims achieve a majority, Islamic law assumes total power to call the shots and human rights are not much recognized or respected. It is the mandate of Allah, after all, that all the world shall be Muslim and Allah's law shall be the law of the land.

The countries in which human rights are recognized and enforced the most strongly are all predominantly Christian with the exception of Israel that is the only nation with a majority Jewish population but is the most free and tolerant of all Middle East countries.

It is entirely politically incorrect to note this truth. But it is a fact. And we are foolish to ignore it.[/


Esmeralda: Your friend may have felt hostility that wasn't there.

Moi: How disgustingly arrogant.
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This is typical muslim response here from, Esmeralda. The minute people start getting to the truth of the matter they start in with the accusations of ignorance, bigotry, yadayada.... Typical response....
Jeremiah -

And of course it does not occur to you at all that the only person on this thread who has not spent time in France is you.

Still waiting for a reply to Esmeralda's post in #111.

All I can say at this point, Saigon, is I sure as hell hope these people do not represent the vast majority of Americans. How did America become such a beacon of ignorance? Jesus wept indeed.

Their response to my posts is that I either must be Muslim or must be walking around with my head in the clouds. Like I said before, there is no way you can get people such as this to change their thinking. They choose ignorance over knowledge. I've been through this before on many forums.
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Thank you for your honesty, Foxfyre. I hope that Esmeralda and Saigon find it within themselves to begin to be honest with the readers also about serious danger Islam poses to the West and the world at large.

I believe they are doing a tremendous disservice to others by leading them to believe vacationing in Islamic nations is no big deal. When it happens to them or their loved ones? Then and only then will it become a big deal. Very sad. - Jeri

Actually, vacationing in Islamic countries is no big deal - and actually I will be doing so again in about six weeks.

Islamic extremism poses a danger in some countries and at certain times - Mali and Nigeria spring to mind.

But then so do the kinds of extremism you have absolutely no interest at all in - such as Hindu nationalism, Buddist fundamentalists, Christian groups in Nigeria, Cote D'Ivoire etc.

You have to ask yourself, Jeremiah, honestly - how much do you really know about this world?
Your blind hatred of Islam is digusting and based completely on ignorance, an ignorance you choose to embrace.

Well, not blind exactly.............I am prejudiced against all the bombings and choppings and shootings they do to attack anyone of other religions. Silly me to mind the bombings, but I notice that other religions don't do this, but Muslims do it everywhere they go, even in their own countries to each other.

I suppose you are yourself Muslim, and that's why you have spent so much time with Muslims in Muslim lands?


Are you seriously suggesting that Hindusand Buddhists do not let off bombs?

You have not heard about bombings in Sri Lanka? Burma? Peru? Congo? Colombia?

Honestly, the sheer näieve and lock of knowledge on this thread is breath-taking.

It is a fact that Buddhism has its own history of violence and is not always the 'peaceful religion.' The difference is that Buddhism endorses violence only when it is pushing back against encroachment on Buddhism or very occasionally to rescue people. (Think of the TV series "Kung Fu".) Islam endorses violence or legal pressure, whatever works, to install Sharia Law wherever it can with the intent of bringing the entire world under the authority of Allah. No Buddhist sects have any such ambitions. Islam will justify punishing all infidels wherever they live. Buddhism doesn't care what anybody else is so long as they leave the Buddhists alone.
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This is typical muslim response here from, Esmeralda. The minute people start getting to the truth of the matter they start in with the accusations of ignorance, bigotry, yadayada.... Typical response....

But you are ignorant and bigoted, obviously.

Be honest now - have you ever set foot in an Islamic country?

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