Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

Circe -

Most religious buildings around the world ask tourists to dress respectfully. Synagogues do, churches do, Buddhist temples do, and so do mosques.

I agree with Sunshine - it's best to show respect and go with what local people do.

To refuse to do so can seem quite arrogant an ignorat.

Having lived in several Muslim countries, and visited many more, I have been to many mosques, including in Cairo and Alexandria. They do not ask women to cover their heads. They ask you to take your shoes off. It is a requirement. Covering your head is not. Choosing to cover your head is a personal thing I guess; totally unnecessary and not considered disrespectful, as long as you are not visiting during a religious ceremony but as a tourist. I've visited mosques with Turkish female friends just as tourists, and even they did not cover their heads.

This is the bottom line for this story that is actually a non story as it has been presented by those who published it. Snopes appears to have it right.

As for Saudi Arabia, we either believe in allowing a sovereign country to run its country as they choose or we believe it is within our power and moral imperative to order them to change the way they run their country before we do business with them or that we should even force them to change. At different times the USA has taken different positions on that with various countries..

As for the USA, anybody who thinks that Saudi Arabia or Muslims or anybody else should have the right to tell us how we must run OUR country, well that body should go find someplace else to live.

Bob Beckel came out the other day saying the same thing about the USA and Islam. He is a democrat. I was very proud of him because you could tell he was thoroughly disgusted and had seen enough with the story from London Islamic Jihad beheading. I'm glad to see it. It gives me hope that some people are waking up. As to the story someone sent me the link and wasn't happy over the news about it. As I don't trust snopes and cannot imagine a news station reporting false information on television ( video clip ) including Judicial Watch - Sekulow - I decided to put it up. Thanks for the info. - Jeri
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Okay, for the "I don't know" crowd.

Christianity predates islam by at least 700 years. There were Maronite Christians in Lebanon before mohammed fucked his first goat. Before mohammed's daddy fucked his first goat and granddaddy too.
Katz -

The facts and figures have already been posted.

When were you in The Lebanon, by the way?

No one is denying that there has been violence against Christians, I'm sure.

Not a pertinent question. Were you in Lebanon prior to the 1970 civil war?
HOw long ago was that trip to Egypt, Sunshine? That wasn't what the Egyptian men told Lara Logan before they gang raped her during a news story she was on.

As vile and awful and shocking as that attack was, it is not the usual experience of the ten million tourists who visit Egypt every year.

It was a terrible thing, but terrible things also happen to tourists in Peru, the US, Mexico...anywhere there is crime and drugs and tourism and violence. I would still recommend all of those countries for female tourists.

These issues require some honesty, balance and objectivity - and I doubt you have that, to be honest.

This is the bottom line for this story that is actually a non story as it has been presented by those who published it. Snopes appears to have it right.

As for Saudi Arabia, we either believe in allowing a sovereign country to run its country as they choose or we believe it is within our power and moral imperative to order them to change the way they run their country before we do business with them or that we should even force them to change. At different times the USA has taken different positions on that with various countries..

As for the USA, anybody who thinks that Saudi Arabia or Muslims or anybody else should have the right to tell us how we must run OUR country, well that body should go find someplace else to live.

Yes, I agree. However, as individuals, I believe when we visit those countries for whatever period of time, we should respect their mores. We are allies with countries in the middle east, a lot of Americans are in those countries earning their living there, not just military people. I can tell you that the military requires soldiers to respect the values of those countries. My friend who was deployed wanted an alcoholic drink from time to time. The way we got it to her was to clean out a mouthwash bottle and fill it with some nice whiskey or gin and wrap clear tape around the top sealing it back. They did drink there obviously, but it was on the sly and not in the face of the country of their deployment.
Katz -

The facts and figures have already been posted.

When were you in The Lebanon, by the way?

No one is denying that there has been violence against Christians, I'm sure.

Not a pertinent question. Were you in Lebanon prior to the 1970 civil war?

No, I wasn't - so I have not seen the changes with my own eyes.

But I know many Lebanese people who have seen those changes. It's a very troubled country, there is no doubt about that - but you can not blame any one group for those troubles.

For instance - I am sure you remember the Sabra & Shatila massacre of Muslims.
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Katz -

The facts and figures have already been posted.

When were you in The Lebanon, by the way?

No one is denying that there has been violence against Christians, I'm sure.

Not a pertinent question. Were you in Lebanon prior to the 1970 civil war?

No, I wasn't - so I have not seen the changes with my own eyes.

But I know many Lebanese people who have seen those changes. It's a very troubled country, there is no doubt about that - but you can not blame any one group for those troubles.

You did it. That left me speechless.

This is the bottom line for this story that is actually a non story as it has been presented by those who published it. Snopes appears to have it right.

As for Saudi Arabia, we either believe in allowing a sovereign country to run its country as they choose or we believe it is within our power and moral imperative to order them to change the way they run their country before we do business with them or that we should even force them to change. At different times the USA has taken different positions on that with various countries..

As for the USA, anybody who thinks that Saudi Arabia or Muslims or anybody else should have the right to tell us how we must run OUR country, well that body should go find someplace else to live.

Bob Beckel came out the other day saying the same thing about the USA and Islam. He is a democrat. I was very proud of him because you could tell he was thoroughly disgusted and had seen enough with the story from London Islamic Jihad beheading. I'm glad to see it. It gives me hope that some people are waking up. As to the story someone sent me the link and wasn't happy over the news about it. As I don't trust snopes and cannot imagine a news station reporting false information on television ( video clip ) including Judicial Watch - Sekulow - I decided to put it up. Thanks for the info. - Jeri

Yes, I would have posted it too had I seen it earlier. It is a very interesting topic, but okay, you don't trust Snopes. I don't trust them to be 100% objective and non partisan in their reviews either, but they do a pretty decent job of investigating some of this stuff whether or not they present their findings objectively. I can't find a motive for why they would defend Delta, however, for any partisan or ideological reason anyway.

I trust NBC to do good journalism not at all. I am always surprised when they sometimes get something right. :)

But in this case, before we condemn an American corporation, we do need to know what the facts actually are. From another NBC affiliate:

Delta Airlines says the company does not discriminate against anyone. It's policy: if a passenger buys a ticket, passes through security, and follows the rules, they will be on the plane. . . .

. . . .A rumor spread online this week following a pulled USA Today report that anyone trying to connect from a Delta flight to a Saudi Airlines flight would have non-Muslim religious items, like Bibles or crucifixes, confiscated

The Saudi government denied the reports in a statement, claiming that it does not deny visas to U.S. citizens based on their religion.

The statement did not mention entry denied to those with Israeli stamps on passports.

Delta does not fly to Saudi Arabia, and says its business arrangement with the Saudis is standard in the industry, similar to the arrangements American Airlines, US Airways, and United Airlines made with the same Saudi airline. The Atlanta-based carrier will not count frequent flier miles for Saudi Arabian Airlines flights.

Delta Partnership With Saudi Air a Controversial Connection | NBC 6 South Florida
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As for the USA, anybody who thinks that Saudi Arabia or Muslims or anybody else should have the right to tell us how we must run OUR country, well that body should go find someplace else to live.

The Muslim strategy with every country is simply to make it their country.

Then they can make whatever laws they like.
In a few years we'll be arguing over whether France was ever a Christian country, or England.

Oh, please. How seriously dumbassed. The Muslim population is 7%. This is because France 'occupied' Morocco and Algeria during the era of European imperialism. A great many of the Muslim residents of France have been there for a long, long time. Because of imperialism, there are also a great many Asians in France--Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. Of all the European countries, France is possibly the most diverse because they are the most tolerant. In the early part of the 20th century, certain black American artists and intellectuals, such as James Baldwin and Josephine Baker, moved to France in order to get away from American racism.
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Good for you, Circe! I agree!

On that note I'd like to say that due to the treatment of the Australian girl who moved to Dubai for work - was targeted by her co workers and hotel staff who drugged and raped her - resulting in 8 months of her being imprisoned for the audacity to report being raped - we boycott Dubai.

If the women of the world do not stand up for one another by standing together we will all stand alone one day just as she did. May God save us all from such a day! - Jeri
In a few years we'll be arguing over whether France was ever a Christian country, or England.

Oh, please. How seriously dumbassed. The Muslim population is 7%. This is because France 'occupied' Morocco and Algeria during the era of European imperialism. A great many of the Muslim residents of France have been there for a long, long time. Because of imperialism, there are also a great many Asians in France--Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. Of all the European countries, France is possibly the most diverse because they are the most tolerant. In the early part of the 20th century, certain black American artists and intellectuals, such as James Baldwin and Josephine Baker, moved to France in order to get away from American racism.

Put your glasses on, Esmeralda, and take a stroll through a no go zone in France - then get back to us on that one too. - J.
As for the USA, anybody who thinks that Saudi Arabia or Muslims or anybody else should have the right to tell us how we must run OUR country, well that body should go find someplace else to live.

The Muslim strategy with every country is simply to make it their country.

Then they can make whatever laws they like.

This is the little lie you like to believe. It not only makes you look stupid, it makes you look crazy. :cuckoo:
Put your glasses on, Esmeralda, and take a stroll through a no go zone in France - then get back to us on that one too. - J.

She wouldn't get back to us......

She wouldn't survive a stroll thru the peaceful, loving Muslims in the banlieus.

So don't do it, Esmeralda. It's better never to test Political Correctness, just have faith that it's true.
HOw long ago was that trip to Egypt, Sunshine? That wasn't what the Egyptian men told Lara Logan before they gang raped her during a news story she was on.

As vile and awful and shocking as that attack was, it is not the usual experience of the ten million tourists who visit Egypt every year.

It was a terrible thing, but terrible things also happen to tourists in Peru, the US, Mexico...anywhere there is crime and drugs and tourism and violence. I would still recommend all of those countries for female tourists.

These issues require some honesty, balance and objectivity - and I doubt you have that, to be honest.

Saigon, I think most of these people who post such nonsense have never even left their own backyards and have no idea what the rest of the world is like.
Put your glasses on, Esmeralda, and take a stroll through a no go zone in France - then get back to us on that one too. - J.

She wouldn't get back to us......

She wouldn't survive a stroll thru the peaceful, loving Muslims in the banlieus.

So don't do it, Esmeralda. It's better never to test Political Correctness, just have faith that it's true.

You are all so completely ignorant. One of the times I visited Paris, in 2001, I stayed in a hotel in the Arabic quarter. It was absolutely no problem. A non-issue. The reason I picked that hotel was the price and proximity to the Metro and central Paris. I was on my own, a single woman. No one bothered me, at all. It was a small hotel mostly surrounded by apartments and small shops. It was winter time, so when I came back to the hotel in the evenings, walking from the Metro, it was dark. No one bothered me. I was there for about a week and a half.

I wouldn't walk through many parts of Harlam in the US on my own, or other American ghettos. I wouldn't walk through any really bad neighborhoods on my own, not anywhere in the world. Only a fool would do that. The fact there are bad neighborhoods in other countries besides the US doesn't mean anything. When is the last time you took a strool though a ghetto neighborhood in the US?

Ignorance is a scourge.
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As for the USA, anybody who thinks that Saudi Arabia or Muslims or anybody else should have the right to tell us how we must run OUR country, well that body should go find someplace else to live.

The Muslim strategy with every country is simply to make it their country.

Then they can make whatever laws they like.

This is the little lie you like to believe. It not only makes you look stupid, it makes you look crazy. :cuckoo:

The writer is making perfect sense. It is you who is appearing "out of touch" here, Esmeralda. What color is your sky? Listen... The Islamic world has made it perfectly clear in speech after speech that the goal is worldwide domination under Sharia law.

Your comment is insulting to all of us because you must think we are utterly stupid to believe your outlandish claims about this so called "religion of peace".. It is nothing of the sort and you know it! - Jeri
Put your glasses on, Esmeralda, and take a stroll through a no go zone in France - then get back to us on that one too. - J.

She wouldn't get back to us......

She wouldn't survive a stroll thru the peaceful, loving Muslims in the banlieus.

So don't do it, Esmeralda. It's better never to test Political Correctness, just have faith that it's true.

You are all so completely ignorant. One of the time I visited Paris, in 2001, I stayed in a hotel in the Arabic quarter. It was nothing. I was on my own, a single woman. No one bothered me, at all. It was a small hotel mostly surrounded by apartments and small shops. It was winter time, so when I came back to the hotel in the evenings, walking from the Metro, it was dark. No one bothered me. I was there for about a week and a half.

I wouldn't walk through many parts of Harlam in the US on my own, or other American ghettos. I wouldn't walk through any really bad neighborhoods on my own, not anywhere in the world. Only a fool would do that. The fact there are bad neighborhoods in other countries besides the US doesn't mean anything. When is the last time you took a strool though a ghetto neighborhood in the US?

Ignorance is a scourge.

A week and a half in France over a decade ago. That sorts it then.
Put your glasses on, Esmeralda, and take a stroll through a no go zone in France - then get back to us on that one too. - J.

She wouldn't get back to us......

She wouldn't survive a stroll thru the peaceful, loving Muslims in the banlieus.

So don't do it, Esmeralda. It's better never to test Political Correctness, just have faith that it's true.

No - she knows better and if she doesn't then you are right - don't do it - Esmeralda. - J.

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