Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

I know he is right, Katz.

It is disturbing to me to see the amount of disinformation out there on the internet these days because it is used by people like Saigon to try and discredit people who are just trying to give some information others may not know about. Sharing information on this board isn't too popular when it comes to what Islam is up to. I can see that. - Jeri
The Philipines have been taken over by radical Muslims. The Philipines is a very dangerous place these days and it is most certainly the main base for AQ.

Yes, the Philippines have gone. So many places have been taken over by Muslims just in my lifetime! It's very rapid change. And much for the worse.

If we lose all that to a cruel 7th century oppressive culture of Islam, the human race will have suffered a SERIOUS loss.

No, they have not gone at all - obviously. The country is still 90% Christian.

What has changed is the amount of lying and propaganda - and the absolutely breathtaking gullibility of people who do not and will not go and see for themselves.
Right. Keep telling yourself that, Saigon. Maybe it will come true eventually. As of this writing, it isn't the truth. As to the suggestion that others should go visit the Philipines and see for themselves? I would strongly advise against it. - Jeremiah
I know he is right, Katz.

It is disturbing to me to see the amount of disinformation out there on the internet these days because it is used by people like Saigon to try and discredit people who are just trying to give some information others may not know about. Sharing information on this board isn't too popular when it comes to what Islam is up to. I can see that. - Jeri

Says the person who cannot spell the name of the country.

Be honest here, Jeremiah - you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about the country. Nothing at all. Not a thing.

Why not go and see for yourself?! What on earth are you afraid of?

btw. I am not trying to "discredit" you - I have corrected around a dozen errors of fact, and pointed out two or three blatant lies from you.

As to the suggestion that others should go visit the Philipines and see for themselves? I would strongly advise against it.


Why should people avoid an amazing, beautiful Christian country and American ally?

People should not go there because you have an obsessive hatred for a group that forms only 5% of the population? Do you think that makes sense?

It's a prefectly nice country to travel in - even if the food is terrible!
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Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

So that's AOK then.
An image from the hell Jeremiah does not think you should visit:

Lebanon used to be a Christian country, predominantly Catholic.

Egypt used to be a Christian country, predominantly Coptic.
That is why mass emails, newsletters that give out such reports about Dubai are so important to circulate, Katz. When we get involved in mass emails - efforts to boycott extremely dangerous places like Dubai we are actually saving lives. How many we won't know but we are saving lives. What better way to spend 10 minutes of your day? Find a story on Dubai as Katz is showing here and mass email those stories out requesting others do the same. Put them on message boards such as this one and get the word out to boycott these lands. Listen. If one woman can do what Natalie Holloways mother did to Aruba? Imagine what a few dozen top notch bloggers could accomplish! Nothing is impossible.

- Jeremiah

Yes, it is important to circulate lies and nonsensical propaganda.

I look forward to see you circulating stories about the recent rapes in Los Angeles.

I have to say, Jeremiah, I think your posting on this thread is some of the least accurate and least honest posting I have ever seen. You seem to be packing mistakes into comments as if you are aiming at a quota.

extremely dangerous places like Dubai

You have to laugh, don't you??!!!

Much better that tourists travel somewhere really safe....I hear Mexico is nice at this time of year.

Read the horror stories about people who went to Dubai and educate yourself, Saigon. You are obviously clueless here. - Jeri
Lebanon used to be a Christian country, predominantly Catholic.

Lebanon was NEVER 90% Christian. Never.

It is now:

Muslim 59.7% (Shia, Sunni, Druze, Isma'ilite, Alawite or Nusayri), Christian 39% (Maronite Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Melkite Catholic, Armenian Orthodox, Syrian Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Syrian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Chaldean, Assyrian, Coptic, Protestant), other 1.3%

It was:

The 1932 census stated that Christians made up 54% of the population. Maronites, largest among the Christian denomination and then largely in control of the state apparatus, accounted for 29% of the total resident population.

Demographics of Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So there is a shift there of about 15% - largely cause by Palestinian refugees fleeing the conflict further south.
An image from the hell Jeremiah does not think you should visit:


lol. The one thing I notice about Dubai advertisements is there is never anyone in a bathing suit on the beach. Not one! Look at most of those photos and they look like ghost cities.

My mother in law went when the new hotels were finished by the slave labor they decieved into coming over for jobs from India? Oh yes. The hotel was stunning but not many guests when she was there. She said she had a good talk with a person from India who told her they were brought there promised good jobs and when they got there they were taken to slave labor style camps. Given little dirty water to drink it was a nightmare. The man said the Dubai officials took their passports and they were forced to work as slaves to build those hotels - etc. My mother in law said she would never return to Dubai again after hearing that story.

I looked it up and sure enough people from India were filing complaints that their relatives were being held over there as slave labor. true story. - Jeri p.s . it is my opinion that Dubai is under a heavy curse because of how they built those hotels, man made beaches - Trickery - Deception- Slave Labor of people of India - they tricked them.
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Jeri -

Try and post with a little common sense.

One of us has been to 20-30 Muslim countries, has met several Muslim heads of state,and has published writing on many of those countries.

The other has referred to two countries on this thread, and got both of the names incorrect.

Which do you think is more likely to be clueless?
The one thing I notice about Dubai advertisements is there is never anyone in a bathing suit on the beach. Not one! Look at most of those photos and they look like ghost cities.

The image is - OBVIOUSLY - from the Philippines!!

This is Dubai:


How ghostly it looks!!!
Lebanon used to be a Christian country, predominantly Catholic.

Lebanon was NEVER 90% Christian. Never.

It is now:

Muslim 59.7% (Shia, Sunni, Druze, Isma'ilite, Alawite or Nusayri), Christian 39% (Maronite Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Melkite Catholic, Armenian Orthodox, Syrian Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Syrian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Chaldean, Assyrian, Coptic, Protestant), other 1.3%

It was:

The 1932 census stated that Christians made up 54% of the population. Maronites, largest among the Christian denomination and then largely in control of the state apparatus, accounted for 29% of the total resident population.

Demographics of Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So there is a shift there of about 15% - largely cause by Palestinian refugees fleeing the conflict further south.

So Brigitte Gabrielle who was born and raised there and wrote the book, Why they Hate Us, was lying. And we should believe you instead because.....................?
Jeri -

Try and post with a little common sense.

One of us has been to 20-30 Muslim countries, has met several Muslim heads of state,and has published writing on many of those countries.

The other has referred to two countries on this thread, and got both of the names incorrect.

Which do you think is more likely to be clueless?

If you have been to 20 - 30 Muslim countries, met several Muslim heads of state and have published books on those countries I'd say you are about the most naive person I have ever met in my life.

Which one is clueless is the proper question, Saigon. ......and the correct answer would be YOU.

Which one is clueless is the proper question, Saigon. ......and the correct answer would be YOU.


Right. Obviously.

It was näive of me to believe that there would be people on the beach in Dubai. I think we have seen that proven very clearly.

Honestly - what a child you are!
Yer trolling, eddie!

I tried to give you some POS REP for that observation, Jarl, because, of course, that was exactly what I was doing.

But (for the first time ever!) I was not given a choice to give you POS REP.

No idea what's going on with that.

I never NEG Rep anyone and am not pleased to discover that the board has decided that I cannot give you that POS REP.

MODS? What's up with that?

I'm having a similar problem. As soon as I write one letter in the box ie the W from well said, the box disappears. Strange.

Hmmm..must be some glitch in the software, so thanks for letting me know you too were having problems

In Jarl's case when the REP popup came to the screen it has defaulted to NEG REP and would not allow me to give POS rep.
Jeri -

Try and post with a little common sense.

One of us has been to 20-30 Muslim countries, has met several Muslim heads of state,and has published writing on many of those countries.

The other has referred to two countries on this thread, and got both of the names incorrect.

Which do you think is more likely to be clueless?

OMG, Saigon. I've been reading through this thread. It's like a slapstick comedy.

Over and over again you try to correct these people and give them simple facts, over and over again they ignore you and bombard the thread with ridiculous, nonsensical falsehoods.

They want to be ignorant. They want to believe the lies that support their version of reality. They do not want to know the truth, don't want to know it to the point they will ignore it even though it seems completely bizarre that they do ignore it.

They know nothing about the ME at all except what they've seen on Faux New or read on rw blogs, and what they choose to believe, all colored with their blind hatred of Islam, and though they have someone right before them who has been there repeatedly, or even lived there, they tell YOU that you are wrong and they are right.

It's bizarre and frustrating and you can't get them to change their so called minds for anything.

This is so clearly manifested in this thread it is laughable: it's like a farcical scene from the theatre. Black comedy.
OMG, Saigon. I've been reading through this thread. It's like a slapstick comedy.

Over and over again you try to correct these people and give them simple facts, over and over again they ignore you and bombard the thread with ridiculous, nonsensical falsehoods.

They want to be ignorant. They want to believe the lies that support their version of reality. They do not want to know the truth, don't want to know it to the point they will ignore it even though it seems completely bizarre that they do ignore it.

They know nothing about the ME at all except what they've seen on Faux New or read on rw blogs, and what they choose to believe, all colored with their blind hatred of Islam, and though they have someone right before them who has been there repeatedly, or even lived there, they tell YOU that you are wrong and they are right.

It's bizarre and frustrating and you can't get them to change their so called minds for anything.

This is so clearly manifested in this thread it is laughable: it's like a farcical scene from the theatre. Black comedy.

It's alternatively hilarious and depressing.

Depressing, in that it really bothers me how tightly people like Jeremiah will cling to myths they have picked up off the internet, e.g. Muslims have taken over the Philippines, a myth repeated even after I explained that the country is 90% Christian.

But my favourite line is this:

The one thing I notice about Dubai advertisements is there is never anyone in a bathing suit on the beach. Not one! Look at most of those photos and they look like ghost cities.

We need another look at these ghost cities:

I tried to give you some POS REP for that observation, Jarl, because, of course, that was exactly what I was doing.

But (for the first time ever!) I was not given a choice to give you POS REP.

No idea what's going on with that.

I never NEG Rep anyone and am not pleased to discover that the board has decided that I cannot give you that POS REP.

MODS? What's up with that?

I'm having a similar problem. As soon as I write one letter in the box ie the W from well said, the box disappears. Strange.

Hmmm..must be some glitch in the software, so thanks for letting me know you too were having problems

In Jarl's case when the REP popup came to the screen it has defaulted to NEG REP and would not allow me to give POS rep.

That is odd. One might give neg rep by mistake. Personally I don't neg rep, so I will keep an eye on that!
Which one is clueless is the proper question, Saigon. ......and the correct answer would be YOU.


Right. Obviously.

It was näive of me to believe that there would be people on the beach in Dubai. I think we have seen that proven very clearly.

Honestly - what a child you are!

Let us tweak this discussion a little here, Saigon. Can a few dozen bloggers make a difference in the number of people who take a vacation in Dubai? I say yes. A significant impact. What say you? Was Natalie Holloway's mother effective in her campaign against boycotting Aruba due to corrupt govt of Aruba that refused to assist in her daughters murder? Yes or no?

- Jeri
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