Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

Actually I should take the Philipines out of that one. That is the main headquarters for Al Qaeda. Yeesh! What was I thinking! lol....
That's probably because they have a lot of prostitutes, sex slaves.

Sex tourism for men, like Thailand.

In Thailand the police do arrest these men when they get around to doing their jobs. In Dubai the women are arrested for being raped because they had sex outside of marriage.

If they are drugged by the rapists they can serve life in prison for using drugs. A paradise for corrupt indivuals. A vacation spot for decent people? Absolutely not!! - Jeri

Actually, no they do not - because prostitution is legal in Thailand.

Prostitution is not legal in Dubai.
Neither is getting gang raped. The victim is charged with sex without marriage if she reports it.

Please try and post with a little honesty and common sense -
I was just thinking of telling you the same thing, Saigon...

as I am sure you realise yourself, this entire thread is fairly silly.

Why are you posting on it then?
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Actually I should take the Philipines out of that one. That is the main headquarters for Al Qaeda. Yeesh! What was I thinking! lol....

You weren't thinking - that is the problem.

Most of the Philippines are Catholic. It is the world's single biggest child sex tourist destination - and yet you seem not to have a word to say about that.

Only Mindinao is Islamic.

Why are you posting on it then?

I am correcting errors of fact - starting from where you claimed Dubai was a country, continuing on to where you claimed no one went there. In neither case have I seen you admit that you were incorrect.
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The Philipines have been taken over by radical Muslims. The Philipines is a very dangerous place these days and it is most certainly the main base for AQ. Nice try, Saigon. But no cigar. - Jeri
Dubai is a very popular tourist destination. It might be because it provides a level of luxury not seen anywhere else.

Tourists do, however, take their lives in their hands when they go.

A torture expert has claimed that X-rays and Foreign Office notes on injuries and bruising of three British men held in Dubai appear to prove they have been tortured.

Dr Frank Arnold, who has prepared reports on more than 500 asylum seekers who claim they were tortured, was asked to examine the evidence that three British tourists held on drugs charges in the United Arab Emirates were given electric shocks and beaten by police.

British tourist Lee Bradley Brown 'beaten to death' in Dubai police cell | Mail Online

A 28-year-old Russian female, who visited Dubai on a tourist visa, and a 30-year-old male citizen of Lebanon, a salesman in a local store, were put on trial for drinking juice in a public place in the daytime during Muslim fasting.

The police caught the two people red-handed at a gas station in Dubai, reports with reference to Gulf News.

In accordance with the Federal Penal Code of the United Arab Emirates, a public intake of food and beverages during daytime hours of the month of Ramadan is forbidden by Article 313. The article stipulates the punishment in the form of either a monetary penalty – up to 2,000 dirhems ($555) – or even a term of up to one month in prison.
Russian woman put on trial in Dubai for drinking juice in public - English

Make sure you know the laws before you go.
That's probably because they have a lot of prostitutes, sex slaves.

Sex tourism for men, like Thailand.

In Thailand the police do arrest these men when they get around to doing their jobs. In Dubai the women are arrested for being raped because they had sex outside of marriage.

If they are drugged by the rapists they can serve life in prison for using drugs. A paradise for corrupt indivuals. A vacation spot for decent people? Absolutely not!! - Jeri

Actually, no they do not - because prostitution is legal in Thailand.

Prostitution is not legal in Dubai.

Please try and post with a little honesty and common sense - as I am sure you realise yourself, this entire thread is fairly silly.

Prostitution doesn't have to be "legal".

But what makes Dubai prostitution different is the level of acceptance it has by the clients and, apparently, the city's Islamic authorities. Although strictly illegal under United Arab Emirates' and Islamic law, it is virtually a national pastime

Why Dubai's Islamic austerity is a sham ? sex is for sale in every bar | World news | The Observer
The Philipines have been taken over by radical Muslims. The Philipines is a very dangerous place these days and it is most certainly the main base for AQ. Nice try, Saigon. But no cigar. - Jeri

Jesus wept....the Philippines is CATHOLIC!!

What utter, utter nonsense you have posted on this thread. It is simply inexcusable.

Catholic 82.9% (Roman Catholic 80.9%, Aglipayan 2%), Muslim 5%, Evangelical 2.8%, Iglesia ni Kristo 2.3%, other Christian 4.5%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.6%, none 0.1% (2000 census)
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Dubai is a very popular tourist destination. It might be because it provides a level of luxury not seen anywhere else.

Tourists do, however, take their lives in their hands when they go.


I can assure you that as a package tourist you are far, far, far safer in Dubai than you are in Miami.

I agree about the luxury, though.
That is why mass emails, newsletters that give out such reports about Dubai are so important to circulate, Katz. When we get involved in mass emails - efforts to boycott extremely dangerous places like Dubai we are actually saving lives. How many we won't know but we are saving lives. What better way to spend 10 minutes of your day? Find a story on Dubai as Katz is showing here and mass email those stories out requesting others do the same. Put them on message boards such as this one and get the word out to boycott these lands. Listen. If one woman can do what Natalie Holloways mother did to Aruba? Imagine what a few dozen top notch bloggers could accomplish! Nothing is impossible.

- Jeremiah
That is why mass emails, newsletters that give out such reports about Dubai are so important to circulate, Katz. When we get involved in mass emails - efforts to boycott extremely dangerous places like Dubai we are actually saving lives. How many we won't know but we are saving lives. What better way to spend 10 minutes of your day? Find a story on Dubai as Katz is showing here and mass email those stories out requesting others do the same. Put them on message boards such as this one and get the word out to boycott these lands. Listen. If one woman can do what Natalie Holloways mother did to Aruba? Imagine what a few dozen top notch bloggers could accomplish! Nothing is impossible.

- Jeremiah

Yes, it is important to circulate lies and nonsensical propaganda.

I look forward to see you circulating stories about the recent rapes in Los Angeles.

I have to say, Jeremiah, I think your posting on this thread is some of the least accurate and least honest posting I have ever seen. You seem to be packing mistakes into comments as if you are aiming at a quota.

extremely dangerous places like Dubai

You have to laugh, don't you??!!!

Much better that tourists travel somewhere really safe....I hear Mexico is nice at this time of year.
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Actually I should take the Philipines out of that one. That is the main headquarters for Al Qaeda. Yeesh! What was I thinking! lol....

You weren't thinking - that is the problem.

Most of the Philippines are Catholic. It is the world's single biggest child sex tourist destination - and yet you seem not to have a word to say about that.

Only Mindinao is Islamic.

Why are you posting on it then?

I am correcting errors of fact - starting from where you claimed Dubai was a country, continuing on to where you claimed no one went there. In neither case have I seen you admit that you were incorrect.

Muslim lands is not country. A typo and I did correct myself. You'd swallow a camel and strain a gnat. Your response that rape is the same as prostitution was about as bizarre a reply as I have ever seen. - Jeri
The Philipines have been taken over by radical Muslims. The Philipines is a very dangerous place these days and it is most certainly the main base for AQ. Nice try, Saigon. But no cigar. - Jeri

Jesus wept....the Philippines is CATHOLIC!!

What utter, utter nonsense you have posted on this thread. It is simply inexcusable.

Catholic 82.9% (Roman Catholic 80.9%, Aglipayan 2%), Muslim 5%, Evangelical 2.8%, Iglesia ni Kristo 2.3%, other Christian 4.5%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.6%, none 0.1% (2000 census)

My good friends father in law is ex CIA and he said that the Philipines is the main base for Al Qaeda and has been for a long time. My missionary friends confirmed they were warned that the Philipines were the main base for AQ by family members who worked for Homeland Security. The Philipines is indeed the home base for AQ!

Muslims have been registering as Catholics as far back as I can remember on census reports. So they lie. What is your point?
Your response that rape is the same as prostitution

I did not say that, did not infer that, do not believe that.

Please try and post honestly. Really.

Muslim lands is not country.

And neither is Dubai. Dubai is a part of the country of UAE.

It is muslim land nevertheless. The things that concern you amaze me. No wonder you cannot focus on the issues! Have you always been so easily distacted?
Jeremiah -

My point is that the Philippines (note the spelling!!) is 90% Christian - as anyone who has been there will tell you. It is an ex-Spanish colony, and has churches on every street corner. And yes, I have been there.

The island of Mindinao is largely Muslim.

It is muslim land nevertheless. The things that concern you amaze me. No wonder you cannot focus on the issues! Have you always been so easily distacted?

They are called facts. I like them.

On this thread we have discussed two countries - you have yet to get the name of one correct.
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The Philipines have been taken over by radical Muslims. The Philipines is a very dangerous place these days and it is most certainly the main base for AQ.

Yes, the Philippines have gone. So many places have been taken over by Muslims just in my lifetime! It's very rapid change. And much for the worse.

White European/American culture has been wholly responsible for the highest level of progress in disease prevention, science, engineering, food plenty, information transfer, education, and transport in the history of the human race, by far, way past the previous benchmark achieved by Rome.

If we lose all that to a cruel 7th century oppressive culture of Islam, the human race will have suffered a SERIOUS loss.
The Philipines have been taken over by radical Muslims. The Philipines is a very dangerous place these days and it is most certainly the main base for AQ. Nice try, Saigon. But no cigar. - Jeri

Jesus wept....the Philippines is CATHOLIC!!

What utter, utter nonsense you have posted on this thread. It is simply inexcusable.

Catholic 82.9% (Roman Catholic 80.9%, Aglipayan 2%), Muslim 5%, Evangelical 2.8%, Iglesia ni Kristo 2.3%, other Christian 4.5%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.6%, none 0.1% (2000 census)

My good friends father in law is ex CIA and he said that the Philipines is the main base for Al Qaeda and has been for a long time. My missionary friends confirmed they were warned that the Philipines were the main base for AQ by family members who worked for Homeland Security. The Philipines is indeed the home base for AQ!

Muslims have been registering as Catholics as far back as I can remember on census reports. So they lie. What is your point?

Your friend is right.

PHILIPPINES: Attacks on Christians by Muslims have caused church attendance to plummet by 70% in certain areas | BARE NAKED ISLAM

Philippines: Churches Full Despite Concerns over Militant Muslim Attacks

Al Qaeda-linked Islamic militants attack in the Philippines - The National
The Philipines have been taken over by radical Muslims. The Philipines is a very dangerous place these days and it is most certainly the main base for AQ.

Yes, the Philippines have gone. So many places have been taken over by Muslims just in my lifetime! It's very rapid change. And much for the worse.

If we lose all that to a cruel 7th century oppressive culture of Islam, the human race will have suffered a SERIOUS loss.

No, they have not gone at all - obviously. The country is still 90% Christian.

What has changed is the amount of lying and propaganda - and the absolutely breathtaking gullibility of people who do not and will not go and see for themselves.

If one group believes in total freedom of worship and defends that principle for everyone, and another group believes in bombing and killing any religious group that is not their own and making sure their practices are enshrined in law and the others are illegal -----

Which group do you think will overtake the culture?

I'd say it's the Muslims who will win.

It's what happened to tolerant Rome, after all. The Christians insisted it had to be only Christianity, only, only. Romans tried feeding them to the lions for awhile, but that didn't work and it kept spreading, and finally Christianity entirely took over and banned every other religion on pain of death for the next.......what's 1900 minus 300? The next 1600 years.

That's what's going on now with Islam.
Which group do you think will overtake the culture?

The group which outnumbers the other 10 to 1.

Funnily enough, those numbers have not moved much in the past 500 years. And yet here you are anouncing that Bacolod and Cebu have fallen to Islam!!

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