Delta Bans Jewish Passengers & Bibles from flying into Saudi Arabia.

The rule applies to Delta flights going into Saudi Arabia not all flights everywhere.

It's anti - semitism and anti - christian, Katz! We don't allow people to get away with that. I don't care where the flight is going. If it is Delta? Everyone should be welcome. As to Saudi Arabia? They have built their Islamic lndoctrination centers on our college and university campuses - funded them with their own islam professors to indoctrinate our youth into a pseudo islam that doesn't exist while they eat us like a cancer from within!

These idolaters have had the proverbial red carpet rolled out for them and yet the tolerance they demand we pay Islam they have yet to reciprocate in their own Islamic nations! Explain that one! I say boycott Saudi Arabia and boycott Delta. FOREVER! Those anti semitic pigs!


What's worse is you can't have alcohol.
No. They are serious. It kicks in next year I believe according to the report on video. Delta didn't need to do business with Saudi Arabia. They have made a huge mistake. I will never fly that airline again.

Delta was bought by a Saudi company. It has no choice but to abide by the new owner's rules.

I don't blame you for not flying Delta at all. It's not like the shiekhs need our money.
The rule applies to Delta flights going into Saudi Arabia not all flights everywhere.

It's anti - semitism and anti - christian, Katz! We don't allow people to get away with that. I don't care where the flight is going. If it is Delta? Everyone should be welcome. As to Saudi Arabia? They have built their Islamic lndoctrination centers on our college and university campuses - funded them with their own islam professors to indoctrinate our youth into a pseudo islam that doesn't exist while they eat us like a cancer from within!

These idolaters have had the proverbial red carpet rolled out for them and yet the tolerance they demand we pay Islam they have yet to reciprocate in their own Islamic nations! Explain that one! I say boycott Saudi Arabia and boycott Delta. FOREVER! Those anti semitic pigs!


What's worse is you can't have alcohol.

Wrong. If you go to the international hotels in the big cities, almost all of them have a bar that serves alcohol in them. Dubai, U.A.E was a very good example of that. Matter of fact, I was able to get a beer at a bar in Jiddah Saudi Arabia when I went there, and there were even Muslims bellying up to the bar. CAN be taken to jail by the religious police if they smell alcohol on you, but they have to catch you first.

Safest way? Go directly from the door of the hotel into a waiting taxi, and then directly back to the ship.
Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

Yes, did you? Jay Seculow's son said in the inteview if you are buying a ticket to SA from New York they will ask you --------------> ARE YOU A JEW? ---------------> OR ARE YOU CARRYING A BIBLE? If so? You cannot get on the "DELTA FLIGHT". YOU watch the video again. You've obviously missed something here. This is Delta, Buddy! Don't try to water down the truth here!

The nerve! Delta just got in bed with the Devil!!!!


- Jeremiah

No, YOU missed something, not me.

Delta doesn't fly to Saudi Arabia.

They will now that they have partnered with them. That is what the news reporters are telling you. Why are you not listening to them. Jay Seculow says that means you go to Delta counter to fly to Saudi Arabia and they ask you, Are you a Jew? Are you an Israeli? Are you carrying a bible. Do that to a Muslim and ask him are you a Muslim? Are you from Saudi Arabia? Are you carrying a Koran? And see what you get. Are you getting my point yet? - Jeri
It's anti - semitism and anti - christian, Katz! We don't allow people to get away with that. I don't care where the flight is going. If it is Delta? Everyone should be welcome. As to Saudi Arabia? They have built their Islamic lndoctrination centers on our college and university campuses - funded them with their own islam professors to indoctrinate our youth into a pseudo islam that doesn't exist while they eat us like a cancer from within!

These idolaters have had the proverbial red carpet rolled out for them and yet the tolerance they demand we pay Islam they have yet to reciprocate in their own Islamic nations! Explain that one! I say boycott Saudi Arabia and boycott Delta. FOREVER! Those anti semitic pigs!


What's worse is you can't have alcohol.

Wrong. If you go to the international hotels in the big cities, almost all of them have a bar that serves alcohol in them. Dubai, U.A.E was a very good example of that. Matter of fact, I was able to get a beer at a bar in Jiddah Saudi Arabia when I went there, and there were even Muslims bellying up to the bar. CAN be taken to jail by the religious police if they smell alcohol on you, but they have to catch you first.

Safest way? Go directly from the door of the hotel into a waiting taxi, and then directly back to the ship.

I cannot believe you did that. Don't do that again. It isn't worth your life. Stay out of that God forsaken place!

- Jeri
I will fly Delta next week and I will not be asked if I am a Jew. And I promise you I will a cross prominently on my lapel and carry a Bible. OK, Jeri?
It's anti - semitism and anti - christian, Katz! We don't allow people to get away with that. I don't care where the flight is going. If it is Delta? Everyone should be welcome. As to Saudi Arabia? They have built their Islamic lndoctrination centers on our college and university campuses - funded them with their own islam professors to indoctrinate our youth into a pseudo islam that doesn't exist while they eat us like a cancer from within!

These idolaters have had the proverbial red carpet rolled out for them and yet the tolerance they demand we pay Islam they have yet to reciprocate in their own Islamic nations! Explain that one! I say boycott Saudi Arabia and boycott Delta. FOREVER! Those anti semitic pigs!

Most international flights don't fly into Mecca or Medina. however if they did, then Delta would have to forbid all nonmuslims from getting on the airplane.

Islam is religion of segregation. Non muslims are not allowed to set food in Mecca or Medina.

But they didn't say that. They said "Jews", "Israelis" and anyone carrying a "BIBLE". NOT ALL NON MUSLIMS.

This is anti semitism and anti christian - if this were the Muslims that couldn't carry their Koran or enter a nation because they were Muslim they would be screaming "Bloody Murder". Yes. They would.

Being in possession of a Bible is a violation of their criminal law as is being Jewish or a non Jew holding Israelie ccitizenship. A christian not having a bible would be allowed. An atheist having a bible would not.

You see it as an unfair double standard. The Saudi find our laws of non disrimination wrong.
What's worse is you can't have alcohol.

Wrong. If you go to the international hotels in the big cities, almost all of them have a bar that serves alcohol in them. Dubai, U.A.E was a very good example of that. Matter of fact, I was able to get a beer at a bar in Jiddah Saudi Arabia when I went there, and there were even Muslims bellying up to the bar. CAN be taken to jail by the religious police if they smell alcohol on you, but they have to catch you first.

Safest way? Go directly from the door of the hotel into a waiting taxi, and then directly back to the ship.

I cannot believe you did that. Don't do that again. It isn't worth your life. Stay out of that God forsaken place!

- Jeri

The laws in muslim countries that are popular tourist destination are peculiar. You can feel up your girlfriend in a Dubai hotel lobby but a married couple is now in a Dubai prison for one kiss on the beach.
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets not allow these buggers to fly on our planes too!
2. If we had done that before 911 we wouldn't of had 911.

Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

Hmmmmm....that does sound rather incautious of Delta, to partner with an airline that does such reprehensible things. I don't like it either. They are condoning really barbaric behavior.
No. They are serious. It kicks in next year I believe according to the report on video. Delta didn't need to do business with Saudi Arabia. They have made a huge mistake. I will never fly that airline again.

Delta was bought by a Saudi company. It has no choice but to abide by the new owner's rules.

I don't blame you for not flying Delta at all. It's not like the shiekhs need our money.

This is also not the slightest bit true. Delta is NOT owned by a Saudi company.
Yes, did you? Jay Seculow's son said in the inteview if you are buying a ticket to SA from New York they will ask you --------------> ARE YOU A JEW? ---------------> OR ARE YOU CARRYING A BIBLE? If so? You cannot get on the "DELTA FLIGHT". YOU watch the video again. You've obviously missed something here. This is Delta, Buddy! Don't try to water down the truth here!

The nerve! Delta just got in bed with the Devil!!!!


- Jeremiah

No, YOU missed something, not me.

Delta doesn't fly to Saudi Arabia.

They will now that they have partnered with them. That is what the news reporters are telling you. Why are you not listening to them. Jay Seculow says that means you go to Delta counter to fly to Saudi Arabia and they ask you, Are you a Jew? Are you an Israeli? Are you carrying a bible. Do that to a Muslim and ask him are you a Muslim? Are you from Saudi Arabia? Are you carrying a Koran? And see what you get. Are you getting my point yet? - Jeri

Your sources are lying to you.

Jay Seculow is a raving right-wing hack.

Saudi Airlines and Delta do NOT have a codeshare agreement with Saudi Airlines (which is what you're describing.

This is very easy information to check.

Go to Delta's website right now, and see if they fly to Saudi Arabia.
Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

Hmmmmm....that does sound rather incautious of Delta, to partner with an airline that does such reprehensible things. I don't like it either. They are condoning really barbaric behavior.

They're not "partners". Delta is a member of SkyTeam (a marketing alliance of airlines) and Saudi Airlines is too. There is no other connection between the two.
New Delta Airlines partner prevents Jews from Flying - YouTube

I received this tonight and was disturbed by Delta decision to ban Jews and people with bibles from flying. Very disturbing. I won't fly Delta again.


This is being misrepresented. The news report is shit stirring.

The point is that Jews and Israelis cannot fly into Saudi Arabia. They can fly with Delta anywhere else in the world, but not to Saudi. There is nothing new in this. And Americans getting all upset about this are complete hypocrites as no one can fly from America to Cuba. Your civil rights are being impinged when your government says you cannot fly from the US to Cuba, yet no one gets all worked up about that.

All this is about is that Jews and Israelis or anyone who has an Israeli stamp on their passport cannot fly into Saudi. Which is a huge DUH if you know anything about the ME. When you go to Israel, everyone in the ME knows, you get a card to carry with your passport instead of a stamp so you can fly back to the ME. Most ME countries do not let people with Israeli visa stamps or Israeli passports into their countries. This is nothing new.

And, in fact, what Jew or Israeli wants to go to Saudi? Probably none.

I imagine it goes the other way too: I doubt Israel allows people with Saudi passports or Saudi visa stamps into Israel.

This whole thing is just shit stirring.
Did you actually bother to watch your own story?

Delta has formed a partnership with Saudi Arabia airlines - which is the airline that prevents Jews from flying. That restriction does NOT apply to ANY Delta flights, only flights by their new partner.

Hmmmmm....that does sound rather incautious of Delta, to partner with an airline that does such reprehensible things. I don't like it either. They are condoning really barbaric behavior.

You actually think that Israeli Airlines let's Saudi passengers on its flights and lets them fly into Israel?
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets not allow these buggers to fly on our planes too!
2. If we had done that before 911 we wouldn't of had 911.


See, this kind of thing feeds right into the moronic, completely ignorant, don't have any critical thinking skills crowd. Pathetic.

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