Delta staff tell California couple they could be jailed if 2 yr old doesn't give up his seat

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Delta staff 'tell California couple they could be jailed' | Daily Mail Online

A California couple were told they'd be sent to jail if they did not give up their two-year-old son's seat on a Delta flight, they have claimed.

Brian and Brittany Schear allege they were also told their children would be taken from them, and have now demanded an apology.


Awwww look at the environment you moron liberals have created awwwww aren't you proud of your pathetic idiot selves.
By giving up your FREEDOM TO FEEL SAFE FROM FAKE BOOGIE MEN THI SIS WHAT YOU GET and you all deserve what you voted for as you were warned what was coming FOOLS!!! 911 worked well on the sheep.

Even worse is that Delta not only has on its website suggesting parents buy a seat for their child, but the also said that this wasn't about the flight being overbooked.
The whole overbooking thing is ridiculous. If the seat is bought and paid for there is no reason why anyone should be kicked off a flight in favor of another person. What other industry does this? In the computer age it should be easier to track how many seats are filled. If I buy a concert ticket it says I've bought seat 32 row 7 on 6-7-17 6:00 pm, my name doesn't need to be on it,the ticket is it's own proof that is my seat. This man bought the ticket and a member of his family was sitting in that seat, I agree, to require anything more is stupid.

The child sitting in that seat did not have a ticket of any kind. Thank you for ignoring that little tidbit entirely.
I saw the footage on TV the guy clearly said he paid for the seat.

"Initially the two youngest children were going to sit on their parents' laps, but when their teenage son opted to travel on another flight - having had a seat booked - they seated Grayson in his seat instead."

He paid for the seat, but his son was not on board, meaning the seat was empty.

The airline gets the seat back if you don't show up. Read the ticket's fine print.
That's stupid. If I buy a concert ticket for Harry and Harry has to work that night and I take John instead does the venue take the ticket back? What other industry does that? You buy something it's generally considered yours. He didn't give the seat to a stranger he gave the seat to his other child. Seriously I wish Congress would step in and stop the Gestapo tactic's of airlines. They have dragged people off planes, held people on the tarmac for hours without food,water and use of bathrooms and not allowing them to deplane thus causing there to be a passenger bill of rights that obviously doesn't go far enough. I won't fly Delta or United anymore. Maybe if they lose enough business this bullshit will stop.

Did you have to show your driver;s license to get in the concert? Why not try a valid comparison versus apples to watermelon?
OK lets try the cruise ship industry for which I did have to show a license and passport. But here's the difference, when was the last time you've heard of a cruise ship bumping anyone? I seriously doubt if the tickets were in my name I'd have any trouble sharing my bed with my son who was scheduled to sail with me either. Matter of fact on my last trip I saw a kid come out of his assigned room in his underwear and bang on him parents door them enter his parent's room to which he was not assigned. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Funny thing was the stewart in the hall didn't say anything about this. The kids parents weren't kicked off the ship at the next port, they weren't dragged to the brig,they didn't get into a fist fight or have their trip cancelled. The sad truth is the airline industry is the only commercial mass transportation industry that does this crap. When was the last time you heard of someone getting bumped off Greyhound or having to give up a paid for seat because the person occupying the seat wasn't the original ticket holder but the younger brother because the older brother had taken an earlier bus? You don't because the airline industry is the only unreasonable mode of transportation out there. Trains,ships,and buses all manage travel without over booking seats and habitually beating up passengers. Hmmmm wonder why the airlines can't seem to manage it. Because they know they can get away with it. With people clearly getting fed up with overpriced tickets,tiny seats and unreliable service that may result in bodily harm if questioned,I doubt this crappy policy will continue much longer as passengers continue to report and record their gestapo tactic's. I'd expect United,Delta, and now Spirit airlines stock to drop in favor of competitors that can actually manage to provide the service efficiently and without incident.
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In NONE of these instances do I think the airlines handled the situation well. But I do believe they handled the situations legally.
The child sitting in that seat did not have a ticket of any kind. Thank you for ignoring that little tidbit entirely.
I saw the footage on TV the guy clearly said he paid for the seat.

"Initially the two youngest children were going to sit on their parents' laps, but when their teenage son opted to travel on another flight - having had a seat booked - they seated Grayson in his seat instead."

He paid for the seat, but his son was not on board, meaning the seat was empty.

The airline gets the seat back if you don't show up. Read the ticket's fine print.
That's stupid. If I buy a concert ticket for Harry and Harry has to work that night and I take John instead does the venue take the ticket back? What other industry does that? You buy something it's generally considered yours. He didn't give the seat to a stranger he gave the seat to his other child. Seriously I wish Congress would step in and stop the Gestapo tactic's of airlines. They have dragged people off planes, held people on the tarmac for hours without food,water and use of bathrooms and not allowing them to deplane thus causing there to be a passenger bill of rights that obviously doesn't go far enough. I won't fly Delta or United anymore. Maybe if they lose enough business this bullshit will stop.

Did you have to show your driver;s license to get in the concert? Why not try a valid comparison versus apples to watermelon?
OK lets try the cruise ship industry for which I did have to show a license and passport. But here's the difference, when was the last time you've heard of a cruise ship bumping anyone? I seriously doubt if the tickets were in my name I'd have any trouble sharing my bed with my son who was scheduled to sail with me either. Matter of fact on my last trip I saw a kid come out of his assigned room in his underwear and bang on him parents door them enter his parent's room to which he was not assigned. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Funny thing was the stewart in the hall didn't say anything about this. The kids parents weren't kicked off the ship at the next port, they weren't dragged to the brig,they didn't get into a fist fight or have their trip cancelled. The sad truth is the airline industry is the only commercial mass transportation industry that does this crap. When was the last time you heard of someone getting bumped off Greyhound or having to give up a paid for seat because the person occupying the seat wasn't the original ticket holder but the younger brother because the older brother had taken an earlier bus? You don't because the airline industry is the only unreasonable mode of transportation out there. Trains,ships,and buses all manage travel without over booking seats and habitually beating up passengers. Hmmmm wonder why the airlines can't seem to manage it. Because they know they can get away with it. With people clearly getting fed up with overpriced tickets,tiny seats and unreliable service that may result in bodily harm if questioned,I doubt this crappy policy will continue much longer as passengers continue to report and record their gestapo tactic's. I'd expect United,Delta, and now Spirit airlines stock to drop in favor of competitors that can actually manage to provide the service efficiently and without incident.

Apples to watermelons comparison. I am sorry you wasted all those electrons.

Don't like the rules, don't fly! That's simple enough. isn't it?
Nope just fly with airlines that give a shit about their customers.

Alaska Airlines all the way.
I saw this talked about tonight on Inside Edition. If the family did not get their money back at least then may Delta be the next airline to take a nose dive. They are already in the dog house for kicking that one man off their flight for not being able to hold his wee any longer.

God bless you and him and the Schear family always!!!

Do you think bill o'reilly will get his job back at Inside Edition?
I don't know. Even if his job was given back to him, would he still want it? He's been out there for 20 years if not more. Retirement could be on his mind at anytime.

God bless you and him always!!!

I was being facetious.
I saw the footage on TV the guy clearly said he paid for the seat.

"Initially the two youngest children were going to sit on their parents' laps, but when their teenage son opted to travel on another flight - having had a seat booked - they seated Grayson in his seat instead."

He paid for the seat, but his son was not on board, meaning the seat was empty.

The airline gets the seat back if you don't show up. Read the ticket's fine print.
That's stupid. If I buy a concert ticket for Harry and Harry has to work that night and I take John instead does the venue take the ticket back? What other industry does that? You buy something it's generally considered yours. He didn't give the seat to a stranger he gave the seat to his other child. Seriously I wish Congress would step in and stop the Gestapo tactic's of airlines. They have dragged people off planes, held people on the tarmac for hours without food,water and use of bathrooms and not allowing them to deplane thus causing there to be a passenger bill of rights that obviously doesn't go far enough. I won't fly Delta or United anymore. Maybe if they lose enough business this bullshit will stop.

Did you have to show your driver;s license to get in the concert? Why not try a valid comparison versus apples to watermelon?
OK lets try the cruise ship industry for which I did have to show a license and passport. But here's the difference, when was the last time you've heard of a cruise ship bumping anyone? I seriously doubt if the tickets were in my name I'd have any trouble sharing my bed with my son who was scheduled to sail with me either. Matter of fact on my last trip I saw a kid come out of his assigned room in his underwear and bang on him parents door them enter his parent's room to which he was not assigned. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Funny thing was the stewart in the hall didn't say anything about this. The kids parents weren't kicked off the ship at the next port, they weren't dragged to the brig,they didn't get into a fist fight or have their trip cancelled. The sad truth is the airline industry is the only commercial mass transportation industry that does this crap. When was the last time you heard of someone getting bumped off Greyhound or having to give up a paid for seat because the person occupying the seat wasn't the original ticket holder but the younger brother because the older brother had taken an earlier bus? You don't because the airline industry is the only unreasonable mode of transportation out there. Trains,ships,and buses all manage travel without over booking seats and habitually beating up passengers. Hmmmm wonder why the airlines can't seem to manage it. Because they know they can get away with it. With people clearly getting fed up with overpriced tickets,tiny seats and unreliable service that may result in bodily harm if questioned,I doubt this crappy policy will continue much longer as passengers continue to report and record their gestapo tactic's. I'd expect United,Delta, and now Spirit airlines stock to drop in favor of competitors that can actually manage to provide the service efficiently and without incident.

Apples to watermelons comparison. I am sorry you wasted all those electrons.

Don't like the rules, don't fly! That's simple enough. isn't it?
And I won't or at least I won't fly United,Delta and Spirit. I can't wait until that Doctor sues the pants off United. Last I heard he had two high priced lawyers chomping at the bit to take United to court. Money talks, bullshit walks.
I saw this talked about tonight on Inside Edition. If the family did not get their money back at least then may Delta be the next airline to take a nose dive. They are already in the dog house for kicking that one man off their flight for not being able to hold his wee any longer.

God bless you and him and the Schear family always!!!

Do you think bill o'reilly will get his job back at Inside Edition?
I don't know. Even if his job was given back to him, would he still want it? He's been out there for 20 years if not more. Retirement could be on his mind at anytime.

God bless you and him always!!!

I was being facetious.
Thank you for letting me know. In all seriousness though, no one can go on forever and so retirement could be that man's move at anytime.

God bless you and him always!!!

He paid for the seat, but his son was not on board, meaning the seat was empty.

The airline gets the seat back if you don't show up. Read the ticket's fine print.
That's stupid. If I buy a concert ticket for Harry and Harry has to work that night and I take John instead does the venue take the ticket back? What other industry does that? You buy something it's generally considered yours. He didn't give the seat to a stranger he gave the seat to his other child. Seriously I wish Congress would step in and stop the Gestapo tactic's of airlines. They have dragged people off planes, held people on the tarmac for hours without food,water and use of bathrooms and not allowing them to deplane thus causing there to be a passenger bill of rights that obviously doesn't go far enough. I won't fly Delta or United anymore. Maybe if they lose enough business this bullshit will stop.

Did you have to show your driver;s license to get in the concert? Why not try a valid comparison versus apples to watermelon?
OK lets try the cruise ship industry for which I did have to show a license and passport. But here's the difference, when was the last time you've heard of a cruise ship bumping anyone? I seriously doubt if the tickets were in my name I'd have any trouble sharing my bed with my son who was scheduled to sail with me either. Matter of fact on my last trip I saw a kid come out of his assigned room in his underwear and bang on him parents door them enter his parent's room to which he was not assigned. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Funny thing was the stewart in the hall didn't say anything about this. The kids parents weren't kicked off the ship at the next port, they weren't dragged to the brig,they didn't get into a fist fight or have their trip cancelled. The sad truth is the airline industry is the only commercial mass transportation industry that does this crap. When was the last time you heard of someone getting bumped off Greyhound or having to give up a paid for seat because the person occupying the seat wasn't the original ticket holder but the younger brother because the older brother had taken an earlier bus? You don't because the airline industry is the only unreasonable mode of transportation out there. Trains,ships,and buses all manage travel without over booking seats and habitually beating up passengers. Hmmmm wonder why the airlines can't seem to manage it. Because they know they can get away with it. With people clearly getting fed up with overpriced tickets,tiny seats and unreliable service that may result in bodily harm if questioned,I doubt this crappy policy will continue much longer as passengers continue to report and record their gestapo tactic's. I'd expect United,Delta, and now Spirit airlines stock to drop in favor of competitors that can actually manage to provide the service efficiently and without incident.

Apples to watermelons comparison. I am sorry you wasted all those electrons.

Don't like the rules, don't fly! That's simple enough. isn't it?
And I won't or at least I won't fly United,Delta and Spirit. I can't wait until that Doctor sues the pants off United. Last I heard he had two high priced lawyers chomping at the bit to take United to court. Money talks, bullshit walks.

You need to pay closer attention to the news. They already settled. Doctor Dao is the husband of my grandson's pediatrician.
That's stupid. If I buy a concert ticket for Harry and Harry has to work that night and I take John instead does the venue take the ticket back? What other industry does that? You buy something it's generally considered yours. He didn't give the seat to a stranger he gave the seat to his other child. Seriously I wish Congress would step in and stop the Gestapo tactic's of airlines. They have dragged people off planes, held people on the tarmac for hours without food,water and use of bathrooms and not allowing them to deplane thus causing there to be a passenger bill of rights that obviously doesn't go far enough. I won't fly Delta or United anymore. Maybe if they lose enough business this bullshit will stop.

Did you have to show your driver;s license to get in the concert? Why not try a valid comparison versus apples to watermelon?
OK lets try the cruise ship industry for which I did have to show a license and passport. But here's the difference, when was the last time you've heard of a cruise ship bumping anyone? I seriously doubt if the tickets were in my name I'd have any trouble sharing my bed with my son who was scheduled to sail with me either. Matter of fact on my last trip I saw a kid come out of his assigned room in his underwear and bang on him parents door them enter his parent's room to which he was not assigned. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Funny thing was the stewart in the hall didn't say anything about this. The kids parents weren't kicked off the ship at the next port, they weren't dragged to the brig,they didn't get into a fist fight or have their trip cancelled. The sad truth is the airline industry is the only commercial mass transportation industry that does this crap. When was the last time you heard of someone getting bumped off Greyhound or having to give up a paid for seat because the person occupying the seat wasn't the original ticket holder but the younger brother because the older brother had taken an earlier bus? You don't because the airline industry is the only unreasonable mode of transportation out there. Trains,ships,and buses all manage travel without over booking seats and habitually beating up passengers. Hmmmm wonder why the airlines can't seem to manage it. Because they know they can get away with it. With people clearly getting fed up with overpriced tickets,tiny seats and unreliable service that may result in bodily harm if questioned,I doubt this crappy policy will continue much longer as passengers continue to report and record their gestapo tactic's. I'd expect United,Delta, and now Spirit airlines stock to drop in favor of competitors that can actually manage to provide the service efficiently and without incident.

Apples to watermelons comparison. I am sorry you wasted all those electrons.

Don't like the rules, don't fly! That's simple enough. isn't it?
And I won't or at least I won't fly United,Delta and Spirit. I can't wait until that Doctor sues the pants off United. Last I heard he had two high priced lawyers chomping at the bit to take United to court. Money talks, bullshit walks.

You need to pay closer attention to the news. They already settled. Doctor Dao is the husband of my grandson's pediatrician.
Sorry but I was out of the country for 11days. Too bad Doc Dao didn't go for broke and take it to trial.

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