Dem candidates seem surprised open borders and medicare for all are not the topic de jour


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
the bridge to nowhere. or to Trump's reelection continues.
Uhm....we told you so?

Dems respond to mass killings.

Bernie - oh God I just had a pee for the first time all week.

Pochantus - We're gonna tax the hell outta the rich because …. we're gonna tax the hell outta the rich and take YOUR healthcare.

Biden - It's Tuesday. Therefore I am in …. I dunno where I am.

Harris and Corey: let's wait for Joe to say something.

Hickenlooper and the other governors - let's be pragmatic and do nothing
Uhm....we told you so?

Dems respond to mass killings.

Bernie - oh God I just had a pee for the first time all week.

Pochantus - We're gonna tax the hell outta the rich because …. we're gonna tax the hell outta the rich and take YOUR healthcare.

Biden - It's Tuesday. Therefore I am in …. I dunno where I am.

Harris and Corey: let's wait for Joe to say something.

Hickenlooper and the other governors - let's be pragmatic and do nothing

Well it is a full clown car
Well, amnesty and open borders are two great ideas from the left during a pandemic.
Add that to defunding the police and gun confiscation during nationwide rioting and looting.

Another bright idea from Democrats is claiming the best way to deal with a looter or a thief is just let em finish and stay out of their way and make sure you don't carry any large amounts of cash.

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