Dem Congressman takes apart tea party whiner

First, as she said, she had no objection to them being there, nor would have. Did you miss that?

Second, Him saying it's actually illegal for the Department of Labor's OSHA to give advance notice when it does inspections is not incorrect.

he process would simply be delayed shortly as they can come up with one pert quick - there is a very low bar.

Oh! And look, right out of the OSHA manual:

"Workers sometimes think that management knows about an OSHA inspection in
advance. However, it is a crime for OSHA employees to give unauthorized advance
notice of an inspection.
Sometimes a delay between the inspector's arrival at the
workplace and the beginning of the inspection allows time for employers to change

You want to play with words we can do it all day, keyword here would be unauthorized.
Quit yer shit.

You declared "I'm afraid not" when I stated

The "she said that OSHA showed up without warning" is really, really a stupid line.

The whole point is to show up without warning. Duh.

In fact - it is against the law to give warning.

You're the one playing word games. Eat it.

Inspections are always conducted without advance notice.
There are, however, special circumstances under which
OSHA may give notice to the employer
, but such a notice will
normally be less than 24 hours. These circumstances include
the following:
Imminent danger situations that require correction as
soon as possible;
Accident investigations where the employer has notified
the agency of a fatality or catastrophe;
Inspections that must take place after regular business
hours or that require special preparation;
Cases where notice is required to ensure that the
employer and employee representative or other
personnel will be present;

Cases where an inspection must be delayed for more
than 5 working days when there is good cause; and
Situations in which the OSHA Area Director determines
that advance notice would produce a more thorough or
effective inspection.

It's not illegal.
LOL! I never meant to imply that the government agencies didn't have any other stated excuses to harass Engbrecht other than " We don't like you tea baggers trying to clean up elections".
I'm not going to be as liberal with the word "lie" as you are but I find that Engelbrecht's situation should be investigated as well as other conservative groups who were targeted by the IRS. I think it's only fair. Especially since the IRS has already said that it targeted conservative groups (even though they say it was an accident or something).

No, it wasn't an "Accident".

Conservatives were deliberately trying to cheat the tax code by claiming political groups were social welfare organizations.

That's why they were being investigated.

So it's not surprising the kind of Conservative Shitheel who would try to cheat the tax code would be the same kind of shitheel who wouldn't provide employees with proper safety equipment.

Because they're assholes.

Thank God we have a government to protect us from these sorts of people.

You seem to be confusing reality with opinion. You do know the IRS did apologize for the inappropriate manner for which they unfairly targeted conservative groups don't you?
I understand you hate all things republican but you should not hate all things factual or confuse these facts with far left propaganda nonsense.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups - Byron Tau and Lauren French and Tarini Parti -

Why Did the IRS Target Conservative Groups? - The Daily Beast

You seem to be confusing reality with opinion. You do know the IRS did apologize for the inappropriate manner for which they unfairly targeted conservative groups don't you?
I understand you hate all things republican but you should not hate all things factual or confuse these facts with far left propaganda nonsense.


Guy, if you want to tack an insincere apology to your mantle and call it a win, have at it.

Point was, the Teabaggers tried to cheat the system, and they didn't get away with it.

And now that a big bright light is shining on the whole thing, they won't try it again.

You seem to be confusing reality with opinion. You do know the IRS did apologize for the inappropriate manner for which they unfairly targeted conservative groups don't you?
I understand you hate all things republican but you should not hate all things factual or confuse these facts with far left propaganda nonsense.


Guy, if you want to tack an insincere apology to your mantle and call it a win, have at it.

Point was, the Teabaggers tried to cheat the system, and they didn't get away with it.

And now that a big bright light is shining on the whole thing, they won't try it again.

yep. The rest of the eXtreme rw meme is just talking-points :blahblah:
You want to play with words we can do it all day, keyword here would be unauthorized.
Quit yer shit.

You declared "I'm afraid not" when I stated

The "she said that OSHA showed up without warning" is really, really a stupid line.

The whole point is to show up without warning. Duh.

In fact - it is against the law to give warning.

You're the one playing word games. Eat it.

Inspections are always conducted without advance notice.
There are, however, special circumstances under which
OSHA may give notice to the employer
, but such a notice will
normally be less than 24 hours. These circumstances include
the following:
Imminent danger situations that require correction as
soon as possible;
Accident investigations where the employer has notified
the agency of a fatality or catastrophe;
Inspections that must take place after regular business
hours or that require special preparation;
Cases where notice is required to ensure that the
employer and employee representative or other
personnel will be present;

Cases where an inspection must be delayed for more
than 5 working days when there is good cause; and
Situations in which the OSHA Area Director determines
that advance notice would produce a more thorough or
effective inspection.

It's not illegal.
Are you just fighting for fights sake?

It is a crime for OSHA employees to give unauthorized advance
notice of an inspection
Sometimes a delay between the inspector's arrival at the workplace and the beginning of the inspection allows time for employers to change conditions."

You seem to be confusing reality with opinion. You do know the IRS did apologize for the inappropriate manner for which they unfairly targeted conservative groups don't you?
I understand you hate all things republican but you should not hate all things factual or confuse these facts with far left propaganda nonsense.


Guy, if you want to tack an insincere apology to your mantle and call it a win, have at it.

Point was, the Teabaggers tried to cheat the system, and they didn't get away with it.

And now that a big bright light is shining on the whole thing, they won't try it again.

Uhmmmm... what post are you responding to? Apology? Are you inhaling too many Walmart vanilla scented incense sticks while listening to a Pink Floyd 8-track?
I know what your point was. I'm just pointing out that your point is factually wrong. Your welcome.

You seem to be confusing reality with opinion. You do know the IRS did apologize for the inappropriate manner for which they unfairly targeted conservative groups don't you?
I understand you hate all things republican but you should not hate all things factual or confuse these facts with far left propaganda nonsense.


Guy, if you want to tack an insincere apology to your mantle and call it a win, have at it.

Point was, the Teabaggers tried to cheat the system, and they didn't get away with it.

And now that a big bright light is shining on the whole thing, they won't try it again.

Uhmmmm... what post are you responding to? Apology? Are you inhaling too many Walmart vanilla scented incense sticks while listening to a Pink Floyd 8-track?
I know what your point was. I'm just pointing out that your point is factually wrong. Your welcome.

Wasn't factually wrong at all.

Teabaggers tried to cheat the IRS.

The IRS slammed them like a ton of bricks.

Then they said, "Oh, gee, we should have handled you more courteously (but you still aren't getting your tax dodge".)

But not to worry, you guys can STILL claim you lost in 2012 because the IRS kept Teabaggers from bringing the truth to the voters, not because you nominated a weird plutocrat who thought he was wearing magic underwear and disrespected half the electorate.
Just to give some of the readers here some more background history on Engelbrech's group - which started out as The King Street Patriots...

It was back in 2010 I began following this group. Stories were coming out about a huge mysterious fire that destroyed all of Houston's voting machines.

This happened concurrently with this group's stated mission to hit Houston, and hit it big. It was their crusade.
"If we lose Houston, we lose Texas. And guess what? If we lose Texas we lose the country."

Then I saw the duplicity and outright fraud of this woman when I read how her group in their gang-busters premier "instructional video" doctored some nasty signs from rallies - heightening the fever to "stamp out voter fraud."
"A video on their website pictures only people of color when it talks of voter fraud. White people are shown talking patriotically about the need for a million vigilantes to suppress illegal votes."
Here is the original sign, from a Gore-Lieberman rally:


It says "Don't Mess with my Vote." You can see the Lieberman sign there.
(here is another picture of the woman at another angle and the full sign)

Engelbrecht's group then altered the signs in their dramatic video to show This:

"A right-wing group in Houston engaged in a systematic voter suppression and intimidation effort used a doctored photo in its showcase video. Tellingly, a hand-lettered sign carried by an African-American woman at a 2000 Florida, Gore-Lieberman recount rally was changed from, "Don't Mess With Our Vote," to read, "I Only Got to Vote Once."

Huffington Post editors first suspected the photoshopping after I posted "Possible Arson and the Right's Texas Voter Suppression Effort" regarding King Street Patriots' attacks on a nonprofit voter registration effort and the mysterious fire that destroyed all of Harris County's (Houston) voting machines."
Glenn W. Smith: Right-Wing Voter Suppression Effort Caught Using Doctored Photo (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

That's just a teeny bit of insight into some of the ways this woman manipulates. As has been shown, many of her charges of a "government out to get her" are outright lies or half-truths.

I intend to follow through with making sure people are aware of the kind of person she is. The right wing I see now is intent on making her a "hero."

She is no hero. Ask yourself - if this woman is all about the Truth, why does she lie so much and do things like doctoring photos like that?
From 2010:

In Texas' Biggest County, A Minority Registration Drive Is Crippled By Fraud Allegations

October 5, 2010, 1:09 PM EDT554

The events over the last month in Harris County, Texas offer a crystal-clear example of how voter fraud allegations work, with a Tea Party group alleging fraud, a minority registration group alleging suppression and defamation, the county registrar declaring war and the state Dems jumping into the fray with a lawsuit of their own.

The Tea Party group even went so far as to claim that the headquarters of the voter registration group is the "New Black Panthers' office."

What happens in Harris County is important for the rest of the country:

Harris is the largest county in Texas. Experts say that if enough of the eligible voters there register to vote, and then vote in 2012, it could change the way Texas votes in 2012. With 34 electoral votes, that could change the outcome of the election itself.

This summer, a local Tea Party offshoot called True The Vote started digging through voter registrations, looking for fraud. The group's president, Catherine Engelbrecht, told Fox News that she focused on a district with high numbers of homes with more than six registered voters -- a district which also, according to Fox, happens to be the poorest district in Houston, with predominantly minority residents.

What she uncovered, she says, is evidence of massive voter fraud.

"Vacant lots had several voters registered on them. An eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered at its address," Engelbrecht said.

In the end, she claimed, she found thousands of fraudulent registrations, all of them stemming from a low-income civic participation group called Houston Votes.

A few weeks after that, on Sept. 24, Lewis sued True The Vote. He claims that the group blatantly lied when it said most of its registrations had been rejected, and that the "vacant lot" registrations had been made in 2008 and 2009 -- before Houston Votes was founded and when those lots still had homes on them.

See how she lies?

BTW: The suit resulted in True the Vote getting slapped by the judge.
Why did OSHA,EPA,FBI and the BATF come in one after the other to inspect her place of business?
None of them ever came in before in the 20 years that they had a business.

oh really can you PROVE that?

the women LIED about what OSHA found at her business huh?

she is a fucking liar.

so you believe HER instead of the facts?
More on the lies from King Street Patriots . True the Vote:

Contempt for Democracy: Attacks on Voting Rights

[Sunday September 5, 2010 9:30 ] Groups like King Street Patriots hide behind rhetoric that they are the guardians of fair, open and honest elections. If that is true, why do they lie? Why do they invent stories of fraud where none exist? Why do they doctor images in their video? If truth is what they want, why do they poison it?

Their lies betray their real goal: to limit the voting rights of their political opponents. Let me detail one of their lies. They claim repeatedly that in Houston, six people are registered to a vacant lot. The claim is the symbolic center of their phony accusations of voter fraud.

It didn’t take very many minutes of research to discover how ridiculous this charge was.

Incidentally, the Liberty Institute has taken the image down from its website. LI is run by King Street Patriots lawyer, Kelly Shackleford, the guy who tried to suppress the Alaska Legislature’s Sarah Palin report. Anyway, it turns out that there was a rent house on that vacant lot until 2010. A demolition permit was issued in September, 2009. Tax records indicate the house stood until 2010. The six registered voters mentioned in the attack were renters going back ten years.

If any doubt remains, here’s a Google Earth photo of the house that once stood on King Streets’ allegedly vacant lot.

King Street Patriots doesn’t care, of course, because the truth of an allegation is irrelevant. Like all voter suppression and intimidation campaigns ([ame=""]Greg Mitchell’s account of the the 1934 California gubernatorial[/ame] race tells a great story about how unfounded accusations of fraud can be used to suppress votes) racist allegations of widespread fraud are used to stir anger among (usually white) conservative voters and intimidate minority voters."
Guy, if you want to tack an insincere apology to your mantle and call it a win, have at it.

Point was, the Teabaggers tried to cheat the system, and they didn't get away with it.

And now that a big bright light is shining on the whole thing, they won't try it again.

Uhmmmm... what post are you responding to? Apology? Are you inhaling too many Walmart vanilla scented incense sticks while listening to a Pink Floyd 8-track?
I know what your point was. I'm just pointing out that your point is factually wrong. Your welcome.

Wasn't factually wrong at all.

Teabaggers tried to cheat the IRS.

The IRS slammed them like a ton of bricks.

Then they said, "Oh, gee, we should have handled you more courteously (but you still aren't getting your tax dodge".)

But not to worry, you guys can STILL claim you lost in 2012 because the IRS kept Teabaggers from bringing the truth to the voters, not because you nominated a weird plutocrat who thought he was wearing magic underwear and disrespected half the electorate.

Thank you for your opinion but I would still rather focus on the facts. The IRS ADMITTED to wrongfully targeting conservative groups. The debate is if rather the IRS targeted conservative groups because the IRS wanted to tap down political opposition or is the IRS just incompetent? Either way, the IRS really needs to be fixed. Unfortunately, as we see on this very thread, the far left has no problem justifying the IRS's corruption or incompetence as long as it is politically convenient.
Last edited:
Again, let's go back to 2010 - to see what was happening when Engelbretcht began her crusade. There was a thread here about the New Black Panthers in Houston. This was well before the news of IRS "targeting" and their scrutiny of the flood of 501c orgs.

Have a look at what one of our members here was exposing:

The New Black Panthers were again in Philadelphia — with former defendant Jerry Jackson once again perched at the entrance to a poll. He engaged voters, some of whom were not so happy about it. But Philadelphia wasn’t the only American city graced by the presence of New Black Panthers today. They were also active in Houston.

Texas law prohibited the New Black Panthers from bursting into a polling place. They are not allowed within 100 feet of the polls for any reason except to vote or if they are credentialed poll watchers, which they weren’t. This illegal behavior was repeated at multiple polling places in Houston.

Quanell X is the Houston version of King Samir Shabazz, the chairman of the local New Black Panthers. His legal name is Quanell Abdul Farrakhan. Before that, it was Ralph Evans.

Mr. X led a squad of at least five New Black Panthers, including members in New Black Panther uniforms, into Houston polling places, including precinct 202, illegally.

They spoke with election officials inside this and other polling places. After these discussions, white poll watchers were either denied admittance or ejected. White election judges were also removed, under threat of calling the police for trumped-up complaints.
Pajamas Media BREAKING VIDEO: New Black Panthers Commit Outrageous Violations of Texas Voting Law

Video at link. How will the DOJ react this time?
Your link makes this claim about the King Street Patriot Thug in the video:
This man was a poll watcher fielded by the King Street Patriots to observe the proceedings at precinct 202:
However the lawyer for the "non profit" 501(c)4 corporation KSP said this:
Some Harris County early voters upset by poll watchers | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle
Hiram Sasser, an attorney for the King Street Patriots, denied the group was intimidating voters. "The King Street Patriots don't have any registered poll watchers," he said. "Registered poll watchers work for either a party or a candidate."
You see if the KSP worked for either a Party or candidate they would not be able to function as a TAX EXEMPT nonprofit 501(c)4 corporation and would have to reveal their donors. So clearly the GOP goon in the video is lying about being a "registered poll watcher" which is why HE was thrown out and not the Panthers, if they even were Panthers since we have only the word of the proven liar in the video.

And you wonder why some of these people seeking tax-exempt status might have been scrutinized?
OK you say these King Street Patriots are illegally at polling places because they are NOT affiliated with a political party, yet turn around and call them "GOP thugs".

Which is it? :lol:

If wingnuts didn't make stuff up, they'd have nothiing to say

That quote says nothing about the GOP thugs being "NOT affiliated with a political party". It says "none of then are registered poll watchers"

Can't you read?
Actually the lawyer IS making the case that the GOP King Street Goons are not affiliated with a Party or candidate, even though they are, to protect their 501(c)4 tax exempt status so they don't have to report their donors so they can hide the fact that they are GOP shills. There is a complaint on their tax exempt status which forced the lawyer to say that.
TX: Houston tea party group King Street Patriots may risk violating state, federal laws, experts say | The American Independent

A controversial Houston tea party spinoff could be at risk of violating state campaign finance laws, legal experts said after learning of the group’s actions from The Texas Independent. At least one expert also suggested the group may be in violation of its federal nonprofit status, which currently allows it to avoid taxes and hide its donors’ identities.

The King Street Patriots (KSP), which representatives say is registered with the IRS as a nonprofit 501(c)4 corporation,
has hosted regular forums for GOP candidates at its Hempstead Highway headquarters without extending invitations to their Democratic opponents. KSP president Catherine Engelbrecht said her group is abiding by the law, but legal experts said the forums, if partisan in nature, flout state prohibitions against corporate campaign contributions.

“You can’t operate a candidate forum where you bring in only one side of the spectrum. If you do you’re a political committee,” said Austin attorney Buck Wood, a Texas elections expert. “If a nonprofit takes money to pay for candidate forums and is expending that money to expose candidates for public office to audiences on a regular basis, then I have no doubt you’re a political committee under Texas law.”

KSP hosts forums for GOP candidates
The Republican candidates headlining recent KSP forums have included Jim Murphy for Texas House District 133 and Sarah Davis for HD 134. Jack O’Connor, running for HD 149, is scheduled to speak Wednesday evening. Congressional District 18 Republican John Faulk,whose headquarters is adjacent to KSP, would neither confirm nor deny that he spoke at an event Sept. 29.

None of their respective Democratic opponents — state Rep. Kristi Thibaut, state Rep. Ellen Cohen, state Rep. Hubert Vo and U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee — were invited to speak at the forums, according to campaign spokespersons.

Additionally, KSP has an agreement, according to Engelbrecht, with the Harris County GOP to offer poll worker training to GOP volunteers, without offering a similar agreement to the county Democratic Party. Engelbrecht has said poll workers trained by KSP and and its True The Vote (TTV) initiative are prepared to address voter fraud on Election Day if they suspect it.

Nonprofits and political activity
KSP and True The Vote — which is incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit, according to Engelbrecht — have already sparked a lawsuit between the Democratic Party and Harris County voter registrar over challenges to thousands of voter applications in Rep. Jackson Lee’s heavily Democratic congressional district.

Austin attorney Fred Lewis, leader of Houston Votes, the organization in charge of the voter drive investigated by KSP/TTV, recently filed a defamation suit against Engelbrecht for comments she made Aug. 9 linking Houston Votes to the New Black Panthers, according to the Texas Tribune.

Unlike 527 groups or political action committees, 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 nonprofits do not have to disclose their donors or expenditures, in exchange for restrictions on their political activity. While 501(c)4 groups are allowed to engage in politics, their primary purpose cannot be to influence elections, said Craig Holman, campaign finance expert and government affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen, a progressive nonprofit advocacy group in Washington, D.C., and Austin.

KSP and TTV each is registered as a nonprofit corporation with the Texas Secretary of State. Neither KSP nor TTV has a political committee registered with the TEC or Federal Elections Commission.

“It sounds like a violation of their 501(c)4 status,” Holman said. “They’re operating as a tea party, which by definition makes their primary purpose electioneering. They should be a 527 and disclosing their donors.”
According to the “About” page on its website, KSP “believes that current political initiatives must be focused on mobilizing the conservative electorate.” (emphasis theirs)

To accomplish that goal, KSP proposes two initiatives, TTV and LINKS. According to KSP’s site, a principal component of TTV is “Targeted Conservative voter registration efforts.” According to the IRS, however, “voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that […] have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates, will constitute prohibited participation or intervention” of a 501(c)(3) organization.

Remember that post is from 2010. Pay attention to that line in blue. Is there any doubt?
More lies, from 2012:

"Engelbrecht, who said True the Vote has not harassed or intimidated anyone, insists it is nonpartisan and does not target minority voting areas.

“When you look at where there is need for people to go and work at the polls,” she told News21 in a phone interview, “the fact of the matter is, there are fewer volunteers working in minority locations.”

Election observers True the Vote accused of intimidating minority voters - Investigations

That is out and out bullshit. It's been shown earlier here how they have an over abundance in minority /dem areas and are very minimal in white areas.

In North Carolina, a long report was produced that graphically showed just the bullshit of her claim:

"True the Vote works primarily at the district level and they only work in districts that have large populations of poor, minorities, and/or Democrats."
True the Vote has been able to attract the highest levels of volunteers in areas of the state with the highest levels of African American population. Of the twenty-five counties with the highest level of African American population in the state, True the Vote has volunteers in twenty-four of them. By contrast, of the ten counties with the two lowest levels of African American population (0-167 and 167-810), True the Vote has only one volunteer in two different counties.

True the Vote also has recruits in nine of the ten North Carolina counties with the highest Hispanic or Latino ancestry population. By contrast, True the Vote only has recruits in 4 of the twenty-five least Latino populated counties.

Map 2 – True the Vote Volunteers and the African American Population

Tell me again True the Vote isn't targeting minorities and dems. Tell me again how she isn't a liar.
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Thank you for your opinion but I would still rather focus on the facts. The IRS ADMITTED to wrongfully targeting conservative groups. The debate is if rather the IRS targeted conservative groups because the IRS wanted to tap down political opposition or is the IRS just incompetent? Either way, the IRS really needs to be fixed. Unfortunately, as we see on this very thread, the far left has no problem justifying the IRS's corruption or incompetence as long as it is politically convenient.

Oh, guy, I have no problem with that at all.

I think ANYTHING that gets you fucking loons off the political stage is justified. The GOP fucked up when it decided you nutters had to be pandered to, and most of you deny even being Republicans.

But the reality here, the IRS was responding to conservative fraud from people like Mrs. Engelbrecht. My opinion is they didn't go far enough. She engaged in tax fraud, she needs to be in the graybar hotel.
Hi Paperview: My bf said to watch her sworn testimony before Congress, where the OSHA issues were not brought up. She focused and complained of the other govt intrusions.

He said if she had lied, why didn't the opponents go after her for PERJURY.

He asks why you and others are focusing on OSHA when that was not included.
Are you just selectively picking on things you can criticize and missing the real testimony?

I'm sorry that as a Democrat I have a lot more life experience watching Democrats tear apart Republican records for political points, but conveniently overlook and enable Democrat corruption at taxpayers expense. The record of voter and ballot fraud by Democrats is well known where I am in Texas among minority voters who aren't stupid and know that the Democrats PIMP the minority votes (the women, peace, labor, green, black and immigrants) for elections but depend on that money and don't give back to the communities who are robbed of resources to get them elected. This is like the husband who boasts of being head of the family and in charge, but spends the family money on gambling and drinking to show off while the women and children do all the farm work.

Sorry to be so crude. But I have watched and worked in a historic freed slave district and seen the taxpayer money abused by Democrats who refused to police themselves; the party rules even forbid that an elected position advocate against a Democrat running for office by endorsing a candidate of another party, so they aren't allowed to speak out against corruption but have to keep towing the party line if they want to keep in office. Anything the financiers want who control their campaigns and elections get the deals.

This is how they play politics because they don't have moral authority to enforce the Constitution to use that for power, if they aren't following it themselves. Once you use money and politics to simulate power and influence, then you have to pay the piper.

I have begged and pleaded with friends to use the Constitution to invoke authority, but they have no faith they can stand up to Republicans and conservatives and Christians who invoke power this way, so they keep depending on party politics and gameplaying to bully instead.

it is very sad. i learned the hard way even if they know corruption is going on with their own Democrats, they have to stand behind them and work to clean it up diplomatically. unfortunately that isnt getting done because playing the money game costs all the resources taht can be collected, so this is sucked into campaigns and out of communities that needed that money to fix the damages caused by all this gameplaying corruption.

There are millions if not billions in damage to national history in my district alone.
So it happens to be a prime exampel of Democrat priorities gone wrong -- sucking billions out of the pockets of poor minorities out of fear they need bigger bullies to fight for them against Republicans and conservatives (instead of empowering people to govern themselves and defend their own intersts and resolve conflicts by Constitutional laws),
so there is no money left when it comes to saving poor district that asked to rebuild schools and save historic houses and churches. All the money even tax grants went to developers so the Democrats don't fear they will lose their offices. They are afraid to uphold constitutional protections directly, and just say and do what is politically popular for funding and votes, claiming to "remove the opposition" instead of enforcing laws directly.

The "she said that OSHA showed up without warning" is really, really a stupid line.

The whole point is to show up without warning. Duh.

In fact - it is against the law to give warning.

I'm afraid not.

Normally, OSHA conducts inspections without advanced notice. Employers have a right to require compliance Officers to obtain an inspection warrant before entering the worksite.
You didn't refute what I said.
Sorry to be crude Emily, but I think you post nonsensical screeds. I read your last one, and it was full of pablum and vapor. Nothing to grasp.

It was like reading a cloud.

Your latest is another. I have not just focused on OSHA. I suggest you read the thread further and see where every one of her charges was addressed.

But..I will respond to one of your atypical concrete charges:

Quote=you: "The record of voter and ballot fraud by Democrats is well known where I am in Texas among minority voters who aren't stupid and know that the Democrats PIMP the minority votes (the women, peace, labor, green, black and immigrants) for elections but depend on that money and don't give back to the communities who are robbed of resources to get them elected."

Please provide evidence of the "well known voter fraud."

Hattip for the capped PIMP.
Sorry to be crude Emily, but I think you post nonsensical screeds. I read your last one, and it was full of pablum and vapor. Nothing to grasp.

It was like reading a cloud.

Your latest is another. I have not just focused on OSHA. I suggest you read the thread further and see where every one of her charges was addressed.

But..I will respond to one of your atypical concrete charges:

Quote=you: "The record of voter and ballot fraud by Democrats is well known where I am in Texas among minority voters who aren't stupid and know that the Democrats PIMP the minority votes (the women, peace, labor, green, black and immigrants) for elections but depend on that money and don't give back to the communities who are robbed of resources to get them elected."

Please provide evidence of the "well known voter fraud."

Hattip for the capped PIMP.

thats why I can't read her posts either, they're overly long novellas. Nothing personal.

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