Dem Congressman takes apart tea party whiner


Sorry to be crude Emily, but I think you post nonsensical screeds. I read your last one, and it was full of pablum and vapor. Nothing to grasp.

It was like reading a cloud.

Your latest is another. I have not just focused on OSHA. I suggest you read the thread further and see where every one of her charges was addressed.

But..I will respond to one of your atypical concrete charges:

Quote=you: "The record of voter and ballot fraud by Democrats is well known where I am in Texas among minority voters who aren't stupid and know that the Democrats PIMP the minority votes (the women, peace, labor, green, black and immigrants) for elections but depend on that money and don't give back to the communities who are robbed of resources to get them elected."

Please provide evidence of the "well known voter fraud."

Hattip for the capped PIMP.

One of the most famous cases was the stuffing of Ballot Box 13 to get Lyndon Johnson elected. This was dramatized as a play; not only was the voting rigged but the review by judges was corrupted by party. here is one summary of it, that seems fair in being open to both sides, since the confession to wrongdoing came later and not established during the formal investigation: How Johnson Won Election He'd Lost -

I have interviewed a longstanding Black liberal civil rights advocate, who told me that it was long known that the Democrats played these games. Lost boxes of ballots off trucks with no accountability because the districts were too poor. You could call all that hearsay if it was never proven.

In my district, there are longstanding records of Democrat leaders giving tax money grants to developers in underhanded deals to destroy national historic landmarks at public expense while the developer friends profited financially. You can look up Houston Renaissance and the 3.4 million dollar housing grant where complaints went up to the AG office for fraud; and the most they did was remove the head of the group for conflict of interest with Mayor Bob Lanier. He also made a deal to sell historic county property to another friend at a loss so this developer Marvin Finger could demolish by bypassing federal laws, then flipping it at a profit to the Federal Reserve, making 8 to 10 million. The lawyers will say all this is legal.

This is worse than election fraud. because it cannot be policed when all the people involved are complicit in letting it go unchecked.

very long repeated deliberate history of this. don't get me started with democrats...
1. the fact that OSHA was being focused on AT ALL when that was not in the testimony AT ALL
2. are we talking about the same testimony? my bf said Englebrecht stated (under oath not to commit perjury) that the IRS admitted there was no wrongdoing yet cost her tens of thousands of dollars

if she was lying why didn't anyone go after her for perjury?

I am guessing you and my bf are not referencing the same testimony?

It may be a case where he points to the testimony that backs up his views
and you point to the testimony that backs up yours. if so nothing will change your minds if you have already decided in advance.

do you know what he is talking about, that she had to pay tens of thousands of dollars even though the IRS found no wrongdoing and admitted so? was she lying or committing perjury by saying that?

please let me know if his point about the IRS is in the same testimonies you reference

Sorry to be crude Emily, but I think you post nonsensical screeds. I read your last one, and it was full of pablum and vapor. Nothing to grasp.

It was like reading a cloud.

Your latest is another. I have not just focused on OSHA. I suggest you read the thread further and see where every one of her charges was addressed.

But..I will respond to one of your atypical concrete charges:

Quote=you: "The record of voter and ballot fraud by Democrats is well known where I am in Texas among minority voters who aren't stupid and know that the Democrats PIMP the minority votes (the women, peace, labor, green, black and immigrants) for elections but depend on that money and don't give back to the communities who are robbed of resources to get them elected."

Please provide evidence of the "well known voter fraud."

Hattip for the capped PIMP.

PS my whole district of Freedmens' town is proof of democrat political abuse and fraud.
you can talk to living witnesses about it who have fought to find attorneys willing to sue that big, but most people won't touch it because they have conflicts of interest. anyone with contacts or campaigns for office can't go against the developers or its political suicide.

I even had friends in historic preservation admit the problem was no lawyers will touch it
so how can it be proven in court if nobody will pursue the complaints?
the historical community residents know the history but the media and legal community look th e other way or everyone would be complicit for letting it go on like rape or incest
so they wait for someone else to say something to step in and fix it or just let it happen

the local museum finally found a lawyer to look at some of the patterns of abuse and corruption, but they cannot push publicly or the city will push faster to destroy the evidence
this has been going on since Freedmens' Town was settled. and the court battles have been going on since the govt abused eminent domain to build public houses over gravesites they denied were there until these were uncovered over half a century later. in the meantime the statute of limitations runs out and there are no lawyers to fight the wrongs. so they keep doing this, it is unbelievable. not until the democrats pushed the aca and started bulldozing over people nationally did more people care. this was already happening locally. they just use political power to do whatever they can until someone sues to stop it.
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Quit yer shit.

You declared "I'm afraid not" when I stated

The "she said that OSHA showed up without warning" is really, really a stupid line.

The whole point is to show up without warning. Duh.

In fact - it is against the law to give warning.

You're the one playing word games. Eat it.

Inspections are always conducted without advance notice.
There are, however, special circumstances under which
OSHA may give notice to the employer
, but such a notice will
normally be less than 24 hours. These circumstances include
the following:
Imminent danger situations that require correction as
soon as possible;
Accident investigations where the employer has notified
the agency of a fatality or catastrophe;
Inspections that must take place after regular business
hours or that require special preparation;
Cases where notice is required to ensure that the
employer and employee representative or other
personnel will be present;

Cases where an inspection must be delayed for more
than 5 working days when there is good cause; and
Situations in which the OSHA Area Director determines
that advance notice would produce a more thorough or
effective inspection.

It's not illegal.
Are you just fighting for fights sake?

It is a crime for OSHA employees to give unauthorized advance
notice of an inspection
Sometimes a delay between the inspector's arrival at the workplace and the beginning of the inspection allows time for employers to change conditions."

You missed the key word here, unauthorized.

It is not against the law for OSHA to give advance notice of inspection.

It is a crime for an OSHA employee to give advance notice if not authorized.
Sorry to be crude Emily, but I think you post nonsensical screeds. I read your last one, and it was full of pablum and vapor. Nothing to grasp.

It was like reading a cloud.

Your latest is another. I have not just focused on OSHA. I suggest you read the thread further and see where every one of her charges was addressed.

But..I will respond to one of your atypical concrete charges:

Quote=you: "The record of voter and ballot fraud by Democrats is well known where I am in Texas among minority voters who aren't stupid and know that the Democrats PIMP the minority votes (the women, peace, labor, green, black and immigrants) for elections but depend on that money and don't give back to the communities who are robbed of resources to get them elected."

Please provide evidence of the "well known voter fraud."

Hattip for the capped PIMP.

Allen West Concedes Despite Massive Voter Fraud

Here is another highly publicized case.

I still think Freedmen's Town is the worst, historically documented, and ongoing example of political fraud by the Democrat Party.

but if you are not convinced, I am willing to contact Allan West and post a national challenge to investigate both and decide which is the worst example of political abuse.

I think if he were smart, he would expose Freedmen's Town in Sheila Jackson Lee's district and smash the Democrat Party for letting this go on like incest or rape in the family.

But if she and the Democrats were smarter, they'd either speed up the destruction to hide any remaining evidence, or do a huge PR story to make it look like they are the heroes fixing it. So I will try to contact all Black leaders to see how they want this to play out.

Allan West is busy promoting his new book coming out, but if he comes to Houston I will try to get him in contact with the people there who know the political history.

you probably won't believe any of this if it isn't proven in court

I can just tell you I am a Democrat workign with the Democrat Chair in that precinct trying to stop the damage, but the politics of the party keep everyone waiting for diplomatic solutions where they won't speak out against any of the Democrats or financial support.
or the lawyers won't either. it's too much conflict of interest so no one is free to go against the plans to keep funding developers to destroy the national history abusing tax money. they find ways to justify it as legal even though the ethics violations are blatant. it is weird how no one from either party will step up to stop it. because in texas the rights of business developers is untouchable so none of them want to go against it either. maybe allan west would be objective since he's from florida and can easily blame this on democrats to expose the dangerous hypocrisy and exploitation of the party. it is that bad. we'll see who is the first to stand up against the corruption. if anyone is willing to fix it or just let it go on.
But the reality here, the IRS was responding to conservative fraud from people like Mrs. Engelbrecht. My opinion is they didn't go far enough. She engaged in tax fraud, she needs to be in the graybar hotel.

This is where I question if you and others are citing the same testimony.

My bf said her sworn testimony under oath, under pain of perjury, stated
that the IRS found no wrongdoing yet cost her tens of thousands of dollars.

How can it be
1. there was no wrongdoing found by the IRS but she still had to pay
2. she stated this under oath, so if it was lying she would be charged with perjury

are you referencing he same testimony before govt under oath?

Ex: "Bringing audits and inquiries that found nothing, they nonetheless fined Catherine and her husband $20,000 – just because they’re the IRS and they can!

1. was this or wasn't this stated under oath in her testimony?
2. if it was a lie, where are the perjury charges?
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Are you just fighting for fights sake?

It is a crime for OSHA employees to give unauthorized advance
notice of an inspection
Sometimes a delay between the inspector's arrival at the workplace and the beginning of the inspection allows time for employers to change conditions."

You missed the key word here, unauthorized.

It is not against the law for OSHA to give advance notice of inspection.

It is a crime for an OSHA employee to give advance notice if not authorized.

Do you think you're making some kind of point here?

It has nothing to do with Englebitch complaining she wasn't given advance notice of an OSHA visit - which was what started this whole thing.

Who do you think would give that authorization? Englebitch?

If OSHA had given her company advance notice - it would have been a crime.
shorter emily : 1948 election, hearsay, "my bf said...," "my bf said...," blah blah ...and a link to wingnut canadianfreepress.

Oh brother.

How can it be
1. there was no wrongdoing found by the IRS but she still had to pay
2. she stated this under oath, so if it was lying she would be charged with perjury

are you referencing he same testimony before govt under oath?

Ex: "Bringing audits and inquiries that found nothing, they nonetheless fined Catherine and her husband $20,000 – just because they’re the IRS and they can!
shorter emily : 1948 election, hearsay, "my bf said...," "my bf said...," blah blah ...and a link to wingnut canadianfreepress.

Oh brother.

good bit of advice emily :thup: no one's going to take you more seriously just because you make your zany posts longer :eusa_eh:

As to the OP, does the Fire Marshall ever give "advance notice" that he's going to inspect your place of business? Heck no. It defeats the purpose. Same goes for OSHA. Stop w/ the rw tap dancing :eusa_hand:
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shorter emily : 1948 election, hearsay, "my bf said...," "my bf said...," blah blah ...and a link to wingnut canadianfreepress.

Oh brother.

Hi Paperview: if Democrats themselves complain about Democrat political fraud,
I think that carries a bit more weight.

Is that what makes you so nervous you cannot answer?

* I also cited Allan West's case of voter fraud which is more recent.

is this just too embarrassing for Democrats to answer to?

* now if it is NOT true, that Engelbrecht said the IRS found no wrongdoing yet they had to pay anyway
and that is why she is suing the IRS, then please say so. Please explain if she committed perjury under oath.
that's fine if that is your answer.

* also, the ACORN cases of voter fraud were well established.
The woman who admitted voting 12 times was convicted on multiple counts.

If you are worried that I am biased (as a liberal prochoice Democrat concerned for integrity of the Democrat party)
i can say these things as well:
* for reports of more votes counted than the number in a precinct, it was explained online that ballots with multiple pages might count as double when it was only one vote.
* I do believe that the judges' ruling in the contested case of Florida votes for Bush vs. Gore was a conflict of interest.
clearly the court shoud not have been skewed toward Republican, but judges should have removed themselves if there was political bias or appearance of it.
so that technically should be thrown out and redone, just because of conflicts of interest
I think they should have recounted to assure there was no question.

as for military and absentee voting, there is so much room for error, this also introduces concern of manipulation

my overall position is that govt decisions should be made by consensus anyway, and not by majroity rule of one party over another.
so there would be less concern for fraud if all decisions must be made by resolving issues and writing laws by consent of the public.
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shorter emily : 1948 election, hearsay, "my bf said...," "my bf said...," blah blah ...and a link to wingnut canadianfreepress.

Oh brother.

Hi Paperview: if Democrats themselves complain about Democrat political fraud,
I think that carries a bit more weight.

Is that what makes you so nervous you cannot answer?

I also cited Allan West's case of voter fraud which is more recent.

Is that too embarrassing for Democrats to answer to?

the case of ACORN voter fraud was established by guilty pleas.
the woman who voted 12 times was convicted on multiple counts.

the most publicized case of republican voter fraud was the conflict of interest
in having republican judges rule in bush's election when I thought they
should go ahead and recount to ensure no conflicts or questions remained.

people who are biased cite one case but not others that favor certain parties.

I consider all of these to be ethical violations by not resolving conflicts of interest.
I am a Constitutionalist so I have no problem pushing for corrections
within either party, preferably by their own party members so it is clear it is not politically motivated by opposition.

Im sorry if this bothers you so much, you point out things that are not the issue.

I just wanted you to clarify if it is true or false
if the IRS found no wrongdoing and still cost Engelbrecht thousands of dollars.
and if she committed perjury if such statement was made under oath.

I'm sorry if this wasn't clear.
Can you please clarify, thank you!

if you can correct this, I can present that to my bf and other people citing things out of context.
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emily just doesn't get it :eusa_doh: :(

Typing more words doesn't make you "more" right just as saying something louder doesn't make you more right.
Dear Paperview:
I couldn't find the IRS reference in the testimony posted online.
I am writing directly to Engelbrecht by email asking for the reference.

If Chris X cannot find it either, I will ask him to correct this point publicly
instead of spreading misinformation. Personally I also find it additionally
insulting if it turns out this case of fraud is not as bad as Freedmen's Town.
Why make such a big deal of this Kingwood case while ignore the longstanding
hotbed of corruption going on that would expose the genocidal power grab of the Democrat party.

See letter below I sent by email asking for clarification on the IRS point.
though I don't expect to receive a response.

I am seriously trying to address and correct problems on both sides.
Most people only focus on what serves their political agenda.

Sorry but that's not me.
Sorry if you or others are only interested in proving one side as well.
I would rather expose problems on both sides in order to fix the real problem
with onesided media coverage.

I am trying to get to the bottom of this, and it seems it is easier
to publicize simpler complaints and avoid the more serious political fraud.

Too much responsibility I guess! it is very weird that conservatives
will jump on Democrats for everything else, but I bring up a huge
federal case of destruction at taxpayers expense, and people fall silent.


Dear Mrs. Engelbrecht:
Chris X Radio played your testimony before Congress on the radio.

Thank you for speaking up about political abuses of our voting and tax system
due to partisan tactics. Could I please ask your help to clarify one point:

Chris X repeated reports that the IRS found nothing wrong in your case
but imposed fines anyway. I did not find this in your transcript.
He said if it was false, you would have been charged with perjury.

Someone else online argued that you did have valid violations
from OSHA and asked for a source on the IRS fines or nonexistent violations.

Can you please clarify this point about the IRS? I could not find it.

If Chris X misreported this statement, I will ask him to correct this point,
and to do a followup radio show on the partisan abuses of federal laws to destroy national history in
Freedmen's Town that was also targeted by the City of Houston under Democrat administration
as Kingwood was, for control of property taken from local ownership.

I will look on your website to see if I can find the
exact source I was asked to verify.

If you can please email me this clarification,
I would like to post it online at

In the future, I would like to organize a process of corrections and restitution
for all such abuses that have ruined the reputation and principles of the Democrat Party.

Thank you for your dedication to pursuing
cases of political fraud, which I believe should be corrected
before any more Democrats run for office. Responsibility
must be taken or these things continue to go unchecked.

Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
National Freedmen's Town District
destroyed by Democrat corruption

Dear ChrisX:
I posted the rebuttal as you stated regarding Engelbrecht

1. you said she did not complain about OSHA
but I did find that mentioned in the testimony.
Were you talking about a different statement she made,
or did you only take an excerpt and leave out that part?

2. you said she stated under oath that the IRS
found nothing wrong but fined her anyway

I did not find this statement in the sworn testimony
or in the court documents online at

Now the people online are criticizing me
for citing you and other sources as rightwing biased
and not telling all the information accurately.

You said it was in her sworn testimony
or else she would be charged with perjury.

Where is this statement located?
Which testimony were you referring to?

Please reply. If it turns out it is not in her sworn
testimony before Congress, I will ask for a public
correction by you, as well as recommendation
to Allan West to come visit and investigate
Freedmen's Town as the most blatantly egregious abuses
of political, govt, corporate and media influence
by Democrat party leaders to cover up political fraud and
destruction at the expense of taxpayers and national history.

It will be sorely embarrassing to me if Engelbrecht's OSHA
fines were based on substantiated violations, and there were no fines
by the IRS as you and others reported or repeated,
and yet you used your media time to report that as news.
But will not so much as mention Freedmen's Town to Allan West
or others who could pursue it since they do not have a conflict of interest in
investigating and exposing it. If so, shame on you for turning a blind eye
to a more serious problem while making a big issue of something that isn't.

I guess if people have money to sue, they count as important.
And people who can't afford big lawyers like Engelbrecht
are out of luck and don't deserve equal protection of the laws
and coverage in the media.

Please send corrections if it is true
that Engelbrecht was a. fined by the IRS
without any wrongdoing found (all I could
find was that this cost her a lot of money, thousands
of dollars including lost work time and legal work)
and b. that she stated this in her sworn
testimony which I could not find either.

Thank you and I hope we
correct this matter and
others more pressing.


Dear Herman Cain:
Thank you for reporting on the Engelbrecht case.

I cited your statement she was fined 20K by IRS with no wrongdoing found. I posted this on an online forum at

Can you please confirm where this was stated in sworn testimony before Congress?

I also invite you and Allan West to please visit Freedmen's Town In Houston to help Gladys House a Black Republican to redress grievances and corruption by Democrats who destroyed this national historic landmark of Freed Slave churches, African American Civil Rights and military history.

Millions of tax dollars were abused by Democrats and their corporate interests to destroy national Black history. Will you please contact Gladys House to tour this site of political corruption and abuse by Democrats at taxpayers expense. We would like to pursue restitution in order to buy the remaining land as a campus for sustainable business development.

Thank you,
Emily Nghiem
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emily just doesn't get it :eusa_doh: :(

Typing more words doesn't make you "more" right just as saying something louder doesn't make you more right.


I cited other cases of voter fraud
* Allan West in Florida
* ACORN including a women convicted of multiple counts

this is adding information that was requested.

LOL! I love your persistence! It's fun to watch people emotionally unraveling when you have the audacity to ask serious questions and state facts as opposed to partisan propaganda. Good for you! Left or right, I don't care, drive 'em all nuts! It's a public service!
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emily just doesn't get it :eusa_doh: :(

Typing more words doesn't make you "more" right just as saying something louder doesn't make you more right.


I cited other cases of voter fraud
* Allan West in Florida
* ACORN including a women convicted of multiple counts

this is adding information that was requested.

LOL! I love your persistence! It's fun to watch people emotionally unraveling when you have the audacity to ask serious questions and state facts as opposed to partisan propaganda. Good for you! Left or right, I don't care, drive 'em all nuts! It's a public service!

Hi John: that goes both ways.
it turns out Dotcom and Paperview may have caught my bf leaving out or skewing
how he reported on Engelbrecht. If he did make a big case out of nothing,
I will hold him to corrections as well. he claims not to be partisan, but if we
catch him skewing things, I will hold him to the same standard of corrections. we could get a lot of mileage out of this. there is unreported and overlooked corruption on all sides.

They made good points, too!
Thanks for your input, we need to expose all the problems, from all sides.
Dotcom and Paperview also who brought up things that were missed due to biases.
Are you just fighting for fights sake?

It is a crime for OSHA employees to give unauthorized advance
notice of an inspection
Sometimes a delay between the inspector's arrival at the workplace and the beginning of the inspection allows time for employers to change conditions."

You missed the key word here, unauthorized.

It is not against the law for OSHA to give advance notice of inspection.

It is a crime for an OSHA employee to give advance notice if not authorized.

Do you think you're making some kind of point here?

It has nothing to do with Englebitch complaining she wasn't given advance notice of an OSHA visit - which was what started this whole thing.

Who do you think would give that authorization? Englebitch?

If OSHA had given her company advance notice - it would have been a crime.

Not with authorized advance notice.

The crime is when an employee of OSHA gives unauthorized advance notice.

Who can authorize advance notice? A manager or Dept head, not just any employee.

My post had nothing to do with the person you are referring to, only to OSHA regulations.

It's in the pdf you posted. You choose to cherry pick.

Roll your eyes some more, deary.

And stop looking stupid.
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emily just doesn't get it :eusa_doh: :(

Typing more words doesn't make you "more" right just as saying something louder doesn't make you more right.


I cited other cases of voter fraud
* Allan West in Florida
* ACORN including a women convicted of multiple counts

this is adding information that was requested.

LOL! I love your persistence! It's fun to watch people emotionally unraveling when you have the audacity to ask serious questions and state facts as opposed to partisan propaganda. Good for you! Left or right, I don't care, drive 'em all nuts! It's a public service!

Because you went nuts years ago, and are totally enjoying it, no doubt.
These people backing this government and the Irs thinks they will be shielded from this type of abuse

well, this is just the stepping stone for will be cheer them on like good little sheep/subjects

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