CNN Host Corners Darrell Issa Over Claim That Obama Conspired To Target Tea Party

Plouffe's "grand theft auto" ad hominem refers to larceny charges the congressman faced in 1972 for allegedly stealing a Maserati sports car. The charges were eventually dropped. The "arson" claim, meanwhile, dates back to a 1982 fire that torched a warehouse Issa used to store electronics from his car-alarm business. Investigators at the time deemed the fire "suspicious," but Issa was ever charged with fraud, and eventually settled with the insurance company out of court.

David Plouffe Attacks Darrell Issa: Calls Congressman 'Mr. Grand Theft,' 'Insurance Swindler'
Plouffe's "grand theft auto" ad hominem refers to larceny charges the congressman faced in 1972 for allegedly stealing a Maserati sports car. The charges were eventually dropped. The "arson" claim, meanwhile, dates back to a 1982 fire that torched a warehouse Issa used to store electronics from his car-alarm business. Investigators at the time deemed the fire "suspicious," but Issa was ever charged with fraud, and eventually settled with the insurance company out of court.

David Plouffe Attacks Darrell Issa: Calls Congressman 'Mr. Grand Theft,' 'Insurance Swindler'

awww, the smears are a coming and you are just the useful tool with help of the Hufferpost to spread them
you should be proud of your party and yourself
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) pushed back Monday on comments by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who said that White House press secretary Jay Carney lied about the IRS controversy.

"I never like to use that word," McCain said on CBS' "This Morning." "I think that we should let these investigations take their course, let the facts come out."

John McCain Disagrees With Darrell Issa's 'Liar' Charge

so friggen WHAT?
you alls hero today, McCAIN didn't make you VOTE FOR HIM for President, DID IT?
And Candy pretty much covered Obama's butt. Once again, here is the transcript in which he eludes to the video for ya.

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya

Rose Garden

10:43 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Every day, all across the world, American diplomats and civilians work tirelessly to advance the interests and values of our nation. Often, they are away from their families. Sometimes, they brave great danger.

Yesterday, four of these extraordinary Americans were killed in an attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi. Among those killed was our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, as well as Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith. We are still notifying the families of the others who were killed. And today, the American people stand united in holding the families of the four Americans in our thoughts and in our prayers.

The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We're working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I've also directed my administration to increase our security at diplomatic posts around the world. And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.

Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.


Opps, you forgot this part of his remarks....

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

But we also know that the lives these Americans led stand in stark contrast to those of their attackers. These four Americans stood up for freedom and human dignity. They should give every American great pride in the country that they served, and the hope that our flag represents to people around the globe who also yearn to live in freedom and with dignity."

Carry on.

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya | The White House

No, I didn't it was covered in the other snippits I included. It was said right after he brought up the original 9/11, after he had eluded to the Benghazi attack being due to someones intolerance of someone elses religion.

Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks. We mourned with the families who were lost on that day. I visited the graves of troops who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hallowed grounds of Arlington Cemetery, and had the opportunity to say thank you and visit some of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.

As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.
(then he turns back to the deaths of the 4 Americans)

Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

But we also know that the lives these Americans led stand in stark contrast to those of their attackers. These four Americans stood up for freedom and human dignity. They should give every American great pride in the country that they served, and the hope that our flag represents to people around the globe who also yearn to live in freedom and with dignity.

We grieve with their families, but let us carry on their memory, and let us continue their work of seeking a stronger America and a better world for all of our children.

Thank you. May God bless the memory of those we lost and may God bless the United States of America.

10:48 A.M. EDT

You didn't post what the president actually said, only what other people's take was from what he said. Now that you have it is clear he lumped both the attacks together as acts of terror.
I wonder if Darrell Issa had the same attitude toward the validity of unsubstantiated accusations when he was - multiple times -

accused of crimes?
Lakhotas garbage dump still going strong, from raw story, mediamatters and the good ole hufferpuffer...aren't you people impressed and it has made you see the light?

thread boring...but you go troll
I wonder if Darrell Issa had the same attitude toward the validity of unsubstantiated accusations when he was - multiple times -

accused of crimes?

That pesky lil "innocent until proven guilty" is SUCH a pain in the ass, hunh?!

Crowley shilled for Obama and was proved spectacularly wrong.

What planet are you from?


Crowley clearly and specifically challenged the truth of what that filthy lowlife cocksucker Romeny said. And she was proved EXACTLY right. Obviously the scumball put spin on it for the next couple of months, but the FACT ON FILE is, yes, she was right.

Whatever you people are on would sell like hotcakes if someone could bottle it. I haven't seen anything like this since the fake-left humiliated themselves over a lowlife scum who hated everything they stood for, Slick Willie Clinton. It tickled me to see him throw twenty years of propaganda about fucking the help in the trash. It was the only decent thing that slimy motherfucking mama's boy did in office.

and later -

CANDY CROWLEY: Well, you know, I heard the president speak at the time. I, sort of, reread a lot of stuff about Libya because I knew we’d probably get a Libya question so I kind of wanted to be up on it. So I knew that the president had, had, said, you know, these acts of terror won’t stand or, whatever the whole quote was.

And I think actually, you know because, right after that I did turn around and say, but you’re totally correct that they spent two weeks telling us this was about a tape and that that there was a, you know, this riot outside the Benghazi consulate which there wasn’t.

So he was right in the main, I just think he picked the wrong word. And I, you know, they’re going to parse and we all know about what the definition of is is, but, I, uh, you know, in the end, I think John [King]’s probably right. I think this has a lot more to with jobs and the debt crisis and all of that kind of stuff.

I just think that probably it was one of those moments and I could even feel that here, you know, when you say something you’re not expecting. It’s just that was the natural thing coming out of me going, ‘Actually he did, you know, call it an act of terror.’ Uh, when, you know, half the crowd clapped for that and the other half clapped for ‘But they kept telling us this was a tape, this was caused by a tape’ so, you know, in the main, the thrust of what Governor Romney was saying, which is why I went back and said that, um, but I just think he picked the wrong kind of way to go about talking about it if that makes sense.

Translation: That filthy fucking nutball lied and I called him on it. The rest is the sort of thing that happens when pressure is applied.

Thanks for proving my point.
In case you've forgotten, this despicable c#nt was the one that threw the block on Mitt Romney during the second presidential debate when there was nothing in front of Romney but open field and touchdown against Barack Obama.

I'm surprised that despite all of the recent revelations regarding the nefarious machinations of the Obama presidency, including but not limited to out Wannsseeing the Nazis at Wannsee, Ms Crowley is still defending Comrade Barack instead of busy searching high and low for an attic with collar ties sufficiently high, or an unsheathed garage with exposed collar ties or even a screened in porch with collar ties suitably high enough that she could hang herself from, since she was intimately involved with the enabling of his re election. If she should decide she needs a suitable ceremonial sword to fall on instead, I'm sure there are lots of people that would be willing to help her find one.
In case you've forgotten, this despicable c#nt was the one that threw the block on Mitt Romney during the second presidential debate when there was nothing in front of Romney but open field and touchdown against Barack Obama.

I'm surprised that despite all of the recent revelations regarding the nefarious machinations of the Obama presidency, including but not limited to out Wannsseeing the Nazis at Wannsee, Ms Crowley is still defending Comrade Barack instead of busy searching high and low for an attic with collar ties sufficiently high, or an unsheathed garage with exposed collar ties or even a screened in porch with collar ties suitably high enough that she could hang herself from, since she was intimately involved with the enabling of his re election. If she should decide she needs a suitable ceremonial sword to fall on instead, I'm sure there are lots of people that would be willing to help her find one.

You represent conservatives well.

And given the final election numbers, Romney never had a chance to win, regardless the outcome of any debate.

But whatever lies make you feel better.
In case you've forgotten, this despicable c#nt was the one that threw the block on Mitt Romney during the second presidential debate when there was nothing in front of Romney but open field and touchdown against Barack Obama.

I'm surprised that despite all of the recent revelations regarding the nefarious machinations of the Obama presidency, including but not limited to out Wannsseeing the Nazis at Wannsee, Ms Crowley is still defending Comrade Barack instead of busy searching high and low for an attic with collar ties sufficiently high, or an unsheathed garage with exposed collar ties or even a screened in porch with collar ties suitably high enough that she could hang herself from, since she was intimately involved with the enabling of his re election. If she should decide she needs a suitable ceremonial sword to fall on instead, I'm sure there are lots of people that would be willing to help her find one.

it seems the Obama cult members needs something to cheer themselves up with..
they put down Fox news and.then we get this thread of Candy, not Candy Crowley...but it's now CANDY and how wonderful she is..

dang pathetic

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