Dem Muslim Ilhan Omar Goes After Covington Kids Again

"I Too came to america as a refugee. but i didn't have a cage waiting for me, i had an open arm...that's the difference" - Rep Omar
I can't believe people voted for our enemy....someone see if the Russians helped her win.....

You're the enemy. You and the rest of the Russian pieces of shit here. Muslims are NOT the enemy, but people who think they are are out to destroy America.
No DL the enemy is the one that wants you relinquish all rights as an American free woman and to cover your face in public and surrender your car keys and any say so in your marriage ....enjoy misguided one....
These filthy, subhuman muslim vermin. It's bad enough that these....these humanoids are allowed to live in this country (actually allowed to live period), must these THINGS be allowed to have positions of authority? After 60 generations of 1st-cousin inbreeding (per Mo's example), their DNA is tied in so many knots I doubt it even registers as human anymore.

Yes, I freely, openly admit I wish muslim pond-life were institutionally exterminated down to the last woman and child. It is a global-scale disease which can only bring destruction and misery to real human beings. They are filthy plotters of pure ruination, subverters of every decent human action there is.
"Rep. Omar claims that a McDonald’s worker putting in 40 hours a week makes $7,000 a year on average.

Let’s do some math. $11 per hour x 40 hours = $440 per week

$440 per week x 50 weeks = $22,000 per year, not $7,000 like she claims"

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