Dem NYC candidate promises to make Bloomberg seem conservative

I live in Westcheter and we've been thinking about selling on and off for the last 3 years ever since my youngest graduated HS. We're waiting for the Manhattan Exodus starting in 2014 when the "wealthy" flee NYC in droves

DiBlasio will punish the producers and destroy the school system. We moved up here because we're in they Byram Hills School District and that alone will be worth real money once the Detroitification of NYC restarts under a new "Progressive" Mayor
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Will NYC become the first mandatory vegan city? NYC style vegan pizza? yummy!

This guy is such a freak he makes Anthony Wiener seem normal. He married a lesbian.
DiBlasio is a straight up commie simp. He worships the Sandinistas from hsi time spent there and excuses their terrorism by saying they provided health care.
Bend over NY, Here it comes again.
If this is what New Yorkers want, they will get the government they deserve. Even France had to get so far left, that it made a sharp turn right.
The problem is, if this is what NYers want, it still has consequences in neighboring states when liberals flee as a result. These retards vote for democrats wherever they move to.
People forget what NY was like under the Democrats like David Dinkins. It was on a glide path to Detroit, then Rudy saved it
That's how libfags work. They get replicants to fix the mess the libs create, then feel guilty and go lib again. Wash rinse repeat
DeBlasio is a straight up screw ball and New Yorkers deserve him.
DeBlasio is a straight up screw ball and New Yorkers deserve him.

Indeed- Probably increase gun control laws like Chicago. What they don't understand is that if gun control worked Chicago and NY would be like Mayberry

If she is a former lesbian and she's saying sexuality is a choice why are liberals banning that sexual orientation therapy? Eh libbies?
She obviously is a traitor to both her race and her sexuality.

I guess DiBlasio is marginally better than either the pervert Weiner or the dyke. But Ed Koch must be rolling in his grave at the thought of what happened to his city.
New York readies for a left turn at City Hall - The Washington Post

Wonder what this idiot will be and how much crime and taxes will increase and where will wealthy dems flee to?

Oh no, more wing nut predictions. Didn't your side embarrass yourselves enough already with your 'Iraqis cheering our troops' and 'WMD in Iraq' predictions? Or your QE2 will cause inflation predictions? Or the Obama is a one termer predictions? I mean, really, when are you idiots gonna stop making these predictions that are always wrong?
New York readies for a left turn at City Hall - The Washington Post

Wonder what this idiot will be and how much crime and taxes will increase and where will wealthy dems flee to?

Oh no, more wing nut predictions. Didn't your side embarrass yourselves enough already with your 'Iraqis cheering our troops' and 'WMD in Iraq' predictions? Or your QE2 will cause inflation predictions? Or the Obama is a one termer predictions? I mean, really, when are you idiots gonna stop making these predictions that are always wrong?
This guy is massively ahead in the polls

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