Dem Operative Rallies Conservatives Against ‘ObamaTrade’


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Democrats trying to convince establishment Republicans not to give Obama the power to sell out the American worker.:thewave:

A leading voice against a pending Asian free trade agreement is tailoring his message to the country’s grassroots conservatives, but until recently he described himself as a progressive and worked for union-backed Democrats.

Curtis Ellis leads a group called the American Jobs Alliance that vehemently opposes the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and “fast-track” authority that would expedite its congressional consideration. Ellis calls the latter “ObamaTrade.”

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on a trade promotion authority (TPA) measure on Friday. If it passes it will allow President Barack Obama more latitude to negotiate and enact the TPP deal.

“The politics of ObamaTrade are poisonous,” Ellis wrote on Wednesday at the conservative Breitbart News. “Poll after poll shows a majority of Americans across the political spectrum oppose these phony ‘free trade’ deals—and conservatives oppose them in even greater numbers than Democrats.”

Ellis runs a site called that takes a conservative line of attack against the free trade agreement. It features commentary by Donald Trump, former Rep. Allen West, GOP pollster Dick Morris, and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), a leading TPA opponent.

Ellis has appeared on conservative talk radio to criticize TPA, and his work is being promoted by a conservative public relations firm alongside Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint and talk radio giant Mark Levin.

Dem Operative Rallies Conservatives Against ObamaTrade Washington Free Beacon

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