Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
The chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) blamed White supremacy for last week's shooting at a Dallas Korean hair salon, but the suspect charged with carrying out the attack is Black.

Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, made the claim at a Thursday press conference outside the Capitol that saw House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in attendance.

"On Monday, three people in a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas were gunned by yet another White supremacy replacement theorist," Beatty said to the assembled crowd.

"We are sick of the pipeline from racist rhetoric to racist violence," Beatty continued.

In addition to botching the date of the shooting, Beatty got a key detail wrong about the "White supremacy replacement theorist" charged with attacking the Dallas salon: the suspect is Black.

Beatty's office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment.

Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black

LOL.....Never let the facts get in the way of your agenda. :laughing0301:
lol they're idiots, and racist to boot. Of course the news media will not say a word about her obvious racism and outright dementia.
Wearing black body paint ... the white supremacists are getting tricky
Maybe the perp went to the Ralph Northam school of make-up. ;)

I was reading a blurb on AOL about the TOPS super market killer. It said "10 people killed by a white gunman". Gosh. I wonder when we will ever see "multiple people killed/maimed by a black gunman?" since they NEVER tell the race of the one doing the murdering or maiming. However, most of us can guess just by the first name. Deshawn, Shameeka, etc. Still...the term BLACK is never written. Unless yer white.
The Democrats are who divide Americans by race.
The Democrats are who are obsessed with race.
The Democrats are who make politics about race.
The Democrats are who have all of the hate groups.
A white supremacist was reincarnated as a black person?

This whole racism rhetoric is way past it's expiration date.
Those who wish to divide by uncontrollable characteristics of humans will reinforce their own hatred and prejudice by doing just that, pre-judging. Their own media sources engage in "journalism" in much the same manner and they follow suit with their own uninformed, even wishful thinking. Horrible souls who should re-evaluate what they represent.

It is generally easy for me as a Canadian to ascertain the demographic of one involved in a hate crime or terrorist attack based on whether CBC picks up the story/gives it heavy rotation. CNN or MSNBC probably follow a similar pattern.

If CBC is picking up a story and playing the story for many hours of the day, I can safely assume that the killer was a white person. If it receives glancing coverage, I can assume that the murderer is not of the pale pigmentation.

There were times when terror attacks motives were transparent by the manner in which someone covering the event provided the narrative. If I turned on the channel and heard a declaration to the effect "it is important that we not stereotype or stigmatize this community because of this attack", than I could wager safely that it was most likely an Islamic radical.

To this day, I have yet to hear any comment about BLM/Antifa attacks of any kind in Canadian media. As far as I know, based on media in Canada, none have ever occured. Nor any alt-left attacks, even after the Bernie Sander supporting nutjob attacked the GOP politicians on the baseball field.

The fact that I can say honestly and objectives that I can determine some of these details based on media coverage is an indictment on our MSM, and, their political leanings and motives.
The Democrats and MSM establishment insist White folks by their very existence cause non-White rage. The racist Jamaican Negro Colin Ferguson who in 1993 shot up passengers on a Long Island train because they were White, hitting 25 of them popularized "Black Rage" a concept invented in the late 60's.

SNL made a joke skit about the racist, domestic terrorism back then. Will SNL make a joke skit about the supermarket shooting in upstate New York?

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