Dem Rep Blames Voters For Impeachment Opposition, “Don’t Want To Listen To Rationale Arguments”

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...
democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.
I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I
Oh, you fucking idiot. You can't find a single racist thing I've ever said, but your programming says that conservatives are racist, and you lack the wit to question your programming.

You're not a bright person, Frankie. Whoever told you you are lied to you.

The modern day definition of racism has little or nothing to do with its origins. Today, it is a term used by liberals when they cannot adequately refute or retort in a debate or argument.

So no one ever posts racist things here?

Quit protecting the racists & bigots.

Quite the contrary..... the term “racism” has become a tool for the Left. Racism is when you look at a person or people and believe they are beneath you. How does support of enforcing immigration laws mean one is racist?
democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.
I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I
Oh, you fucking idiot. You can't find a single racist thing I've ever said, but your programming says that conservatives are racist, and you lack the wit to question your programming.

You're not a bright person, Frankie. Whoever told you you are lied to you.

The modern day definition of racism has little or nothing to do with its origins. Today, it is a term used by liberals when they cannot adequately refute or retort in a debate or argument.

So no one ever posts racist things here?

Quit protecting the racists & bigots.

Quite the contrary..... the term “racism” has become a tool for the Left. Racism is when you look at a person or people and believe they are beneath you. How does support of enforcing immigration laws mean one is racist?
You are still making excuses.

Racists are beneath me.

And really, no one says enforcing immigration laws, in general, is racist. How you enforce them can be racists.

This a is an example of how feeble minded you people are.
Denial is not just a River in Egypt.....
Denial is where you reside. Still trying to deny you voted for such an America hating, low life, scumbag like Trump.
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.

Another difference is that Trump would have no problem admitting to getting his family jobs at the White House. Joe and Hunter both deny Joe had anything to do with Hunter getting the Burisma job.

Joe had nothing to do with it. Quit your fucking lying all the time.

Biden is not like Trump. Donnie got his money from daddy & Donnie gives his snot nosed brats everything they have.

Hunter was on his own.
Another difference is that Trump would have no problem admitting to getting his family jobs at the White House. Joe and Hunter both deny Joe had anything to do with Hunter getting the Burisma job.
There is no evidence that is Biden had any contact with the company trying to get his son hired. Quite the opposite. Absolutely no evidence. Just garbage propaganda.

Just how naïve do you want to be on this subject, Franco! You really think a Ukrainian natural gas company is going to put someone on their board at a large monthly salary that has zero experience in the Ukraine or in the natural gas field? Why? Why would they put Hunter Biden on that board OTHER than he was Joe Biden's son and Joe Biden was overseeing the Ukraine for the Obama Administration?

There are nearly 1.5 million attorneys in the US. If Burisma was so interested in a US lawyer, Hunter was the best pick out of all 1.35 million lawyers we have in this country?

Clearly not. A coke addled, Army reject, almost anyone would have been better, until you throw in that his daddy was VP at the time....

The Democrats don't see it that way. Surprise.....surprise. They think Hunter got the job because he's such an experienced guy, who just happens to be the VP's son. They also believe that DumBama putting Joe in charge of the Burisma and Ukraine situations was just dumb luck.

That's why we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.[/

I clearly said that the Biden name was a factor. Hunter Biden said it

That does not mean Joe Biden got him that job.
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.

I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I

frankie you come off like you just might be a tad brainwashed yourself....just saying...

Brainwashed with real journalism in reality is no brainwash. There you go again you admit that the Republicans are totally misinformed and then you say Democrats are the same with no evidence. I caramba!

by saying you come off like you are brain washed too,means i am admitting that the Republicans are totally misinformed and the Democrats are the same but with no evidence? are right....I caramba....
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Hunter Biden made money. OMG OMG OMG OMG

If you think the Trumps aren't raking it in from Donnie being Presidernt, you are dumber than you look.
democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.
I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I
frankie you come off like you just might be a tad brainwashed yourself....just saying...
Brainwashed with real journalism in reality is no brainwash. There you go again you admit that the Republicans are totally misinformed and then you say Democrats are the same with no evidence. I caramba!
Tell us more about this legal superpower the House holds over the Executive Branch that requires the Executive Branch to perform at the will of the House.
The house has oversight if the president is a scumbag. You want a diagram?
what if he aint a they still have oversight?....and who decides if the President is a scumbag?..
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.

Another difference is that Trump would have no problem admitting to getting his family jobs at the White House. Joe and Hunter both deny Joe had anything to do with Hunter getting the Burisma job.
There is no evidence that is Biden had any contact with the company trying to get his son hired. Quite the opposite. Absolutely no evidence. Just garbage propaganda.
The investigation would prove his innocence......
So why didn't the Republicans investigate?
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Well...for starters we're talking about of the more clueless people on the planet! He hasn't taken off his partisan blinders since W was in office!

He's just a troll who I seldom respond to. I live by the code :trolls:

President Trump has sacrificed a lot for our country. Besides donating every paycheck, he lost a lot of money in the business world because he's so occupied with this job, and can't run his business anyway. But of course, he knew that going in and was willing to make the sacrifice.

In contrast, compare that to the now multi-millionaires like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and yes, even Joe Biden, who all made their fortunes by being in the highest positions of our government.

Trump's personal fortune has shrunk by $1B since his presidential bid
Any money Trump lost was because so many people have seen what a total asshole he is.
I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I
frankie you come off like you just might be a tad brainwashed yourself....just saying...
Brainwashed with real journalism in reality is no brainwash. There you go again you admit that the Republicans are totally misinformed and then you say Democrats are the same with no evidence. I caramba!
Tell us more about this legal superpower the House holds over the Executive Branch that requires the Executive Branch to perform at the will of the House.
The house has oversight if the president is a scumbag. You want a diagram?
The House has oversight over the Executive Branch?

Stop watching CNN.
Yes. If you don't know this, perhaps you need to quit watching Fox
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Well...for starters we're talking about of the more clueless people on the planet! He hasn't taken off his partisan blinders since W was in office!

He's just a troll who I seldom respond to. I live by the code :trolls:

President Trump has sacrificed a lot for our country. Besides donating every paycheck, he lost a lot of money in the business world because he's so occupied with this job, and can't run his business anyway. But of course, he knew that going in and was willing to make the sacrifice.

In contrast, compare that to the now multi-millionaires like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and yes, even Joe Biden, who all made their fortunes by being in the highest positions of our government.

Trump's personal fortune has shrunk by $1B since his presidential bid
Any money Trump lost was because so many people have seen what a total asshole he is.

And I'll wait here for your evidence of your made-up claim.
According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Hunter Biden made money. OMG OMG OMG OMG

If you think the Trumps aren't raking it in from Donnie being Presidernt, you are dumber than you look.

You're dumber than anybody because I just posted a link how much money he lost doing this job, and instead of reading something and learning, you reply with a stupid comment like that.
Denial is where you reside. Still trying to deny you voted for such an America hating, low life, scumbag like Trump.
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.

Another difference is that Trump would have no problem admitting to getting his family jobs at the White House. Joe and Hunter both deny Joe had anything to do with Hunter getting the Burisma job.

Joe had nothing to do with it. Quit your fucking lying all the time.

Biden is not like Trump. Donnie got his money from daddy & Donnie gives his snot nosed brats everything they have.

Hunter was on his own.

Get off the blinders. If Hunter wasn't Joe's son, the guy would be an ambulance chaser. Nobody would hire the guy with his drug problems. Every break he got was likely because of his father.
Last edited:
According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Hunter Biden made money. OMG OMG OMG OMG

If you think the Trumps aren't raking it in from Donnie being Presidernt, you are dumber than you look.

It's not that Hunter made money, it's that Hunter was only there because his father was the VP, and further more, his father used his office to threaten the prior government to fire a prosecutor looking into Hunter's employer with the withholding of $1 billion in aid....Exactly what people like you accuse of Trump falsely, and you have NO interest, nor integrity in examining that....
frankie you come off like you just might be a tad brainwashed yourself....just saying...
Brainwashed with real journalism in reality is no brainwash. There you go again you admit that the Republicans are totally misinformed and then you say Democrats are the same with no evidence. I caramba!
Tell us more about this legal superpower the House holds over the Executive Branch that requires the Executive Branch to perform at the will of the House.
The house has oversight if the president is a scumbag. You want a diagram?
The House has oversight over the Executive Branch?

Stop watching CNN.
Yes. If you don't know this, perhaps you need to quit watching Fox
So CNN tells you the Executive Branch must do whatever the House of Representatives say to do?

Constitution says there’s a separation of powers. What you’re talking about is a desperation of powers....
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Well...for starters we're talking about of the more clueless people on the planet! He hasn't taken off his partisan blinders since W was in office!

He's just a troll who I seldom respond to. I live by the code :trolls:

President Trump has sacrificed a lot for our country. Besides donating every paycheck, he lost a lot of money in the business world because he's so occupied with this job, and can't run his business anyway. But of course, he knew that going in and was willing to make the sacrifice.

In contrast, compare that to the now multi-millionaires like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and yes, even Joe Biden, who all made their fortunes by being in the highest positions of our government.

Trump's personal fortune has shrunk by $1B since his presidential bid
Any money Trump lost was because so many people have seen what a total asshole he is.
Is that why RNC donations are SEVEN TIMES that of the DNC?
According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Hunter Biden made money. OMG OMG OMG OMG

If you think the Trumps aren't raking it in from Donnie being Presidernt, you are dumber than you look.
So did you lie when you said rich people are evil or did you lie when you say they are not?
Denial is where you reside. Still trying to deny you voted for such an America hating, low life, scumbag like Trump.
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.

Another difference is that Trump would have no problem admitting to getting his family jobs at the White House. Joe and Hunter both deny Joe had anything to do with Hunter getting the Burisma job.

Joe had nothing to do with it. Quit your fucking lying all the time.

Biden is not like Trump. Donnie got his money from daddy & Donnie gives his snot nosed brats everything they have.

Hunter was on his own.

On his own? Dude, Hunter Biden was pulling down big money for only one reason and one reason alone...he was Joe Biden's son! He had a no do anything...position that he was totally unqualified for! It's what he's been doing his whole life!
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Hunter Biden made money. OMG OMG OMG OMG

If you think the Trumps aren't raking it in from Donnie being Presidernt, you are dumber than you look.
So did you lie when you said rich people are evil or did you lie when you say they are not?
The greedy idiot GOP Mega Rich propagandists are...
Neither the clintons nor the Biden's hired their own children. Like Trump has.

Trump's children aren't getting paid you buffoon! Neither Ivanka or Jared aren't taking salaries for the work they're doing!

And in all truthfulness, neither is the President. So what we have here is a family that's working in the White House with no pay. How anybody can compare that to Hunter who made millions is just beyond my ability to understand.

Hunter Biden made money. OMG OMG OMG OMG

If you think the Trumps aren't raking it in from Donnie being Presidernt, you are dumber than you look.
So did you lie when you said rich people are evil or did you lie when you say they are not?
The greedy idiot GOP Mega Rich propagandists are...
At least in the results of their operations. Flyers are evil I suppose. Not you poor dupes.

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