Dem Rep Blames Voters For Impeachment Opposition, “Don’t Want To Listen To Rationale Arguments”

Hunter Biden was never under investigation.

You assfucks are getting so desperate.

I have a thought, your worthless, America hating party had the House for two years, the Senate for three years, the White House for 3 years, and the DOJ for three years. Why didn't they investigate? Why did they not even discuss it?

Until Trump is getting his ass kicked by Joe Biden.

We know what a dishonest fuck Donald Trump is. Why are you so surprised? in denial?
Hunter Biden was never under investigation.

You assfucks are getting so desperate.

I have a thought, your worthless, America hating party had the House for two years, the Senate for three years, the White House for 3 years, and the DOJ for three years. Why didn't they investigate? Why did they not even discuss it?

Until Trump is getting his ass kicked by Joe Biden.

We know what a dishonest fuck Donald Trump is. Why are you so surprised? in denial?
His $60k a month bribe job was threatened. Daddy used quid pro quo to save it.
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.
What did Joe Biden have to do with the Ukraine starting 2017?

The proof Trump did it is in the testimony.

Now if your fat assed buddy has evidence otherwise, he should present it.
Denial is not just a River in Egypt.....
Denial is where you reside. Still trying to deny you voted for such an America hating, low life, scumbag like Trump.
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.

What was improper about it is that it is now starting to look like both Russia AND Ukraine had an interest in election meddling, that Ukraine was backing Hillary, and that many of the democrats had deep ties to Ukraine as well as Soros, and as Trump began hearing about all this he had legitimate concerns about all this money that House democrats had ordered there, especially in light of all the past corruption, so wanted to hold onto the money a bit in order to have a chance to find out more of what was really going on, and the Democrats really, REALLY don't want Trump turning over any stones there.

Just one more reason why they so much didn't want him to be elected.
Hunter Biden was never under investigation.

You assfucks are getting so desperate.

I have a thought, your worthless, America hating party had the House for two years, the Senate for three years, the White House for 3 years, and the DOJ for three years. Why didn't they investigate? Why did they not even discuss it?

Until Trump is getting his ass kicked by Joe Biden.

We know what a dishonest fuck Donald Trump is. Why are you so surprised? in denial?
His $60k a month bribe job was threatened. Daddy used quid pro quo to save it.

The investigation had been inactive.

Celebrity board members are common. Celebrity board director - Wikipedia

Your Glenn Beckian analysis is quite funny.
Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.

What was improper about it is that it is now starting to look like both Russia AND Ukraine had an interest in election meddling, that Ukraine was backing Hillary, and that many of the democrats had deep ties to Ukraine as well as Soros, and as Trump began hearing about all this he had legitimate concerns about all this money that House democrats had ordered there, especially in light of all the past corruption, so wanted to hold onto the money a bit in order to have a chance to find out more of what was really going on, and the Democrats really, REALLY don't want Trump turning over any stones there.

Just one more reason why they so much didn't want him to be elected.
The Ukrainian interference is the hoax provided by Russia. You assfucks are so easily duped.

But hey,. I like the Soros reference. What is a good Trumpette conspiracy theory lie without Soros.

TYou assfucls sucjk dick. QWuit supporti8n g an Americabn hating
You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was impeached for actual crimes of lying to a grand jury, perjury, suborning perjury by others and obstructing justice, and was done so in a bipartisan effort.
Yep, Clinton violated actual laws, not the fabricated BS the Democrats came up with on Trump.

Clinton lied about sex.

Trump violated the very basis of our democracy, the vote,

Your problem is that you love Trump more than our country.

Trump violated the very basis of our democracy? LOL...really, Dave? He asked someone to look into possible corruption by a former US Vice President. He didn't tell anyone to make stuff up about the Biden's like the Democrats did to HIM in the last Presidential election! All he did was ask the President of the Ukraine to look into it.

You gotta understand Style that you're talking to a kook. I mean, Trump might have caused the Moon to spin loose from its orbit and send the Earth flying out into deep space forever lost, right? Trump might have brought back the Ice Age and the dinosaurs and sent humanity back to the 12th century!!! :21: I find very few Leftists here especially the radicalized Trump haters who try to make every nit of Trump's life into a life changing event remotely sane and coherent, much less worth wasting time even arguing with. Especially considering how they stand totally in denial of even a SINGLE complaint about Hillary or Obama! Ever hear any of them admit to even ONE thing those two ever did that was wrong (or their fault)?

About a third of the people here are revealing themselves so disingenuous with their claims and statements as to make them not even worth the time of day and should just be unplugged. The sooner everyone here simply unplugs them, stops dignifying their hate and malevolent views with replies and giving them the attention they seek and just removes them from the dialog the better, as no person can be this stupid as they appear, which simply makes them all socks, bots and trolls then, or maybe a few of them really are as dumb as a potted plant.
Hunter Biden was never under investigation.

You assfucks are getting so desperate.

I have a thought, your worthless, America hating party had the House for two years, the Senate for three years, the White House for 3 years, and the DOJ for three years. Why didn't they investigate? Why did they not even discuss it?

Until Trump is getting his ass kicked by Joe Biden.

We know what a dishonest fuck Donald Trump is. Why are you so surprised? in denial?
His $60k a month bribe job was threatened. Daddy used quid pro quo to save it.

The investigation had been inactive.

Celebrity board members are common. Celebrity board director - Wikipedia

Your Glenn Beckian analysis is quite funny.
Quid pro quo Joe.
Hunter has zero experience, doesn’t speak the language yet gets hired at $60K a month.

Joe was taking bribes.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.

What was improper about it is that it is now starting to look like both Russia AND Ukraine had an interest in election meddling, that Ukraine was backing Hillary, and that many of the democrats had deep ties to Ukraine as well as Soros, and as Trump began hearing about all this he had legitimate concerns about all this money that House democrats had ordered there, especially in light of all the past corruption, so wanted to hold onto the money a bit in order to have a chance to find out more of what was really going on, and the Democrats really, REALLY don't want Trump turning over any stones there.

Just one more reason why they so much didn't want him to be elected.
The Ukrainian interference is the hoax provided by Russia. You assfucks are so easily duped.

But hey,. I like the Soros reference. What is a good Trumpette conspiracy theory lie without Soros.

TYou assfucls sucjk dick. QWuit supporti8n g an Americabn hating
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.

What was improper about it is that it is now starting to look like both Russia AND Ukraine had an interest in election meddling, that Ukraine was backing Hillary, and that many of the democrats had deep ties to Ukraine as well as Soros, and as Trump began hearing about all this he had legitimate concerns about all this money that House democrats had ordered there, especially in light of all the past corruption, so wanted to hold onto the money a bit in order to have a chance to find out more of what was really going on, and the Democrats really, REALLY don't want Trump turning over any stones there.

Just one more reason why they so much didn't want him to be elected.
The Ukrainian interference is the hoax provided by Russia. You assfucks are so easily duped.

But hey,. I like the Soros reference. What is a good Trumpette conspiracy theory lie without Soros.

TYou assfucls sucjk dick. QWuit supporti8n g an Americabn hating
Nancy Pelosi's vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress
Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.

What was improper about it is that it is now starting to look like both Russia AND Ukraine had an interest in election meddling, that Ukraine was backing Hillary, and that many of the democrats had deep ties to Ukraine as well as Soros, and as Trump began hearing about all this he had legitimate concerns about all this money that House democrats had ordered there, especially in light of all the past corruption, so wanted to hold onto the money a bit in order to have a chance to find out more of what was really going on, and the Democrats really, REALLY don't want Trump turning over any stones there.

Just one more reason why they so much didn't want him to be elected.
The Ukrainian interference is the hoax provided by Russia. You assfucks are so easily duped.

But hey,. I like the Soros reference. What is a good Trumpette conspiracy theory lie without Soros.

TYou assfucls sucjk dick. QWuit supporti8n g an Americabn hating
Nancy Pelosi's vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress
Sorry, LA Times cut me off. They say I reached my "free" limit. I guess they think they offer something worth paying for.
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.

What was improper about it is that it is now starting to look like both Russia AND Ukraine had an interest in election meddling, that Ukraine was backing Hillary, and that many of the democrats had deep ties to Ukraine as well as Soros, and as Trump began hearing about all this he had legitimate concerns about all this money that House democrats had ordered there, especially in light of all the past corruption, so wanted to hold onto the money a bit in order to have a chance to find out more of what was really going on, and the Democrats really, REALLY don't want Trump turning over any stones there.

Just one more reason why they so much didn't want him to be elected.
The Ukrainian interference is the hoax provided by Russia. You assfucks are so easily duped.

But hey,. I like the Soros reference. What is a good Trumpette conspiracy theory lie without Soros.

TYou assfucls sucjk dick. QWuit supporti8n g an Americabn hating
Nancy Pelosi's vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress
Sorry, LA Times cut me off. They say I reached my "free" limit. I guess they think they offer something worth paying for.

Isn't it amazing how all these leftist anti-capitalist sites always want money to read their articles?
What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.
What did Joe Biden have to do with the Ukraine starting 2017?

The proof Trump did it is in the testimony.

Now if your fat assed buddy has evidence otherwise, he should present it.
Denial is not just a River in Egypt.....
Denial is where you reside. Still trying to deny you voted for such an America hating, low life, scumbag like Trump.
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.

You think it's the same thing being a President and giving your kids a job (with you) in the White House as it is getting a job for your kid in a corrupt company in a corrupt foreign country?

apple: orange.jpeg
Hunter Biden was never under investigation.

You assfucks are getting so desperate.

I have a thought, your worthless, America hating party had the House for two years, the Senate for three years, the White House for 3 years, and the DOJ for three years. Why didn't they investigate? Why did they not even discuss it?

Until Trump is getting his ass kicked by Joe Biden.

We know what a dishonest fuck Donald Trump is. Why are you so surprised? in denial?

We're dishonest? You and your comrades claim to be able to read minds....... but we're the dishonest ones.
What did Joe Biden have to do with the Ukraine starting 2017?

The proof Trump did it is in the testimony.

Now if your fat assed buddy has evidence otherwise, he should present it.
Denial is not just a River in Egypt.....
Denial is where you reside. Still trying to deny you voted for such an America hating, low life, scumbag like Trump.
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.

You think it's the same thing being a President and giving your kids a job (with you) in the White House as it is getting a job for your kid in a corrupt company in a corrupt foreign country?

View attachment 296101

Especially when your kids aren't taking a salary?
Then quit handing money to wealthy people & well off corporations.

I was just going to suggest the same for you. Why would I quit handing them money? I like their products, I like their services, I like the idea they provide jobs for our country. See.....I'm not a hypocrite. You are.

You are a hypocrite because you send your money to the top several times every week. Evidence of that is you're on this internet. You are going to send your money to those millionaires and billionaires when you pay the bill, just like you're going to send them your money to pay for your cable or satellite television, your cell phone(s), your video games.

You are going to send your money to the top when you buy gasoline this week, stop and McDonald's or Wendy's, buy all those gifts to celebrate Christmas, even major greeting card companies are millionaires.

I send my money to the top with no complaints. That's the difference between a liberal and a conservative. You send your money to the top, get their products or services, then complain when they have all the money.

So if you really want to stop millionaires and billionaires, quit sending them all your money Dave. Because you are responsible for them having all that money.

You would rather people be poor & not help them get the same opportunities as others. This way you can continue to blame poor people for your shortcomings in life.

Who helped me? Nobody. When I decided I was not doing well enough financially, I took the test, got my CDL, and created a career for myself. With the money I made, I bought the place I was renting, and I've been a landlord for the last 25 years. As long as I can continue doing the work here, it will be my retirement income on top of SS.

I did it all myself.
When you are for tax cuts for the wealthy and well off corporations, you are handing them money. Why? Why do you think it is good for the government to borrow money & hand to to these people? Do you think they need it?

No one helped me either. But I realize that others did not have the same opportunities I had. I would rather help them pull themselves up & do well then know that, in America the wealthiest nation, can't take care of its people.

You demonize poor people & that is a shame that you are so narrow minded & selfish.

I have nothing against helping people. My thing is the homeless in fact. But I do have a problem with government helping the people outside of those with physical or mental disabilities. I'm one of those people with physical disabilities, and I still was able to work and take care of myself.

America takes care of her people just fine. If you want to be poor, keep working low paying jobs and be poor. If you want to be middle-class, find a job that pays middle-class wages, and if not possible, make yourself worth middle-class wages. If you want to be wealthy, then you have to be obsessed with wealth. You have to give up that new iPhone, new car, cable, and focus on investing your money. You have to take huge risks, and hope they pay off.

The wealthiest country in the world did not become that way via social programs, we became that way by capitalism. The very idea that the more you work, the more creative you can be, and the more risk you take, can payoff dramatically is how people acquired such wealth.

Which horse pulls the buggy the farthest, the one with the carrot dangling in front of him, or the one you feed carrots to all day long?
Low paying jobs? Lying fuck. Where in any of my posts did I want low paying jobs. You're the one wanting a lower minimum wage. I want a living wage.

You hate poor people & consider them lazy & worthless.

Poor people can't have families. If you have a family & the wage earner loses their b=job, leaves in divorce, or die, you want them to so what with their kids?

But hey, go door to door in the poor section of town & tell poor people they need to buy stocks. Fuck their kids eating, buy stocks, What do they have left after food, clothing, housing & utilities? Are tou just stupid?

I was just going to ask you the same question, are you stupid?

Over 40% of all children today are born in single-parent homes. That number is closer to 80% in the black community, who are statistically much poorer than whites. So don't give me this false narrative of people who had children with the total ability and expectation to support them, and something went wrong. It does happen, but it's very rare these days. Where do you think the term "baby daddy" came from?

I have read stories or heard of situations where the high school allows a single pregnant child to have a party in the school cafeteria celebrating her pregnancy. It's the left that came up with the genius idea to promote single parent households when they were kissing up to the women's lib movement.

They say the best jokes are born from actual truth, and this conversation reminds me of one:

A woman goes to the welfare office to apply. And the conversation goes like this:

Welfare worker: I need to ask if you have children and how many you have?

Applicant: I has seven children.

Welfare worker: Very well, oldest to youngest, what is the name of the first child?
Applicant: Leroy.
Welfare worker: And the second child?
Applicant: Leroy.
Welfare worker: The third child?
Applicant: Leroy.

At that point, the worker puts down her pen.

Welfare worker: Just to cut down on time, are all seven of your children named Leroy????
Applicant: Yes.

The worker continues to write, but puts her pen down once again.

Welfare worker: This is not part of the application process, but just to satisfy my own curiosity, if all seven of your children are named Leroy, how does each child know who you are trying to address when you call their name. I mean, doesn't that get awful confusing????
Applicant: Oh, that's easy, I just call them by their last names.
What evidence? You on the left keep SAYING that but then you never back it up with even the slightest amount of proof!
What the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine looked shady. Trump asked the Ukrainian President to look into it. THAT isn't illegal. THAT isn't improper! The Ukrainian President has stated unequivocally that there was no Quid Pro Quo involved.
What did Joe Biden have to do with the Ukraine starting 2017?

The proof Trump did it is in the testimony.

Now if your fat assed buddy has evidence otherwise, he should present it.
Denial is not just a River in Egypt.....
Denial is where you reside. Still trying to deny you voted for such an America hating, low life, scumbag like Trump.
Tell me why Biden was hired at $60K a month by big oil to sit on a board in a country he couldn’t even speak the language of, then his dad used quid pro quo to fire the prosecutor who threatened his sons gravy train big oil job.

According to Hunter Biden, he had as much experience (board of Amrack & others) but his name had a part.

That is not illegal.

Name got Kushner, Ivanka, Giuliani's kid, etc jobs in the White House. A lot of boards are populated with "name" people. It gives therm credibility.

I understand your need to protect your fat assed orange buddy but you need to find better lies.
No, it’s not illegal to hire relatives at outrageous wages and donate to fake charities. It’s the new DC bribe scheme. Clinton’s, Biden both excelled at taking it in.
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.

I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I

frankie you come off like you just might be a tad brainwashed yourself....just saying...

Brainwashed with real journalism in reality is no brainwash. There you go again you admit that the Republicans are totally misinformed and then you say Democrats are the same with no evidence. I caramba!
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.

I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I

frankie you come off like you just might be a tad brainwashed yourself....just saying...

Brainwashed with real journalism in reality is no brainwash. There you go again you admit that the Republicans are totally misinformed and then you say Democrats are the same with no evidence. I caramba!

Tell us more about this legal superpower the House holds over the Executive Branch that requires the Executive Branch to perform at the will of the House.

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