Dem Rep. John Lewis Says He’s “terrified” Racist Tea Party Will Tear Obama Down…

This is the ugly left that has taken over the Democrat party of today. This man is an elected Representative of the WE THE PEOPLE in this country. and you SUPPORT this?


Yeah, John, Obama’s presidency is in a tailspin and he did it all by himself.
Subject: Terrifying
From: John Lewis <[email protected] >
Date: September 27, 2014 8:58:29 AM EDT
To: Drew

Barack Obama’s election was one of the proudest days of my life.
I felt like I had spent decades fighting for that moment…and in many ways I had.
But now 6 years later, Republicans are trying once again to tear the President down. And quite frankly, it terrifies me what they could do if they grow their Tea Party Majority in this election.
That’s why I need your help. That’s why I need you to answer President Obama’s call-to-action right now. I’m not ready to give up on his last 2 years in office. And you shouldn’t be either.
The most critical deadline of the election is in 3 days. Can I count on you right now?

Dem Rep. John Lewis Says He 8217 s 8220 Terrified 8221 Racist Tea Party Will Tear Obama Down 8230 Weasel Zippers
A desperate plea from a desperate man....Pandering to his constituency by attempting to frighten them into believing the world as they know it is about to come to an end.
John Lewis is a great American Patriot, the Tea Party is a bunch of frauds wrapping themselves in the flag

As usual, he is 100% correct about what the Republicans have done
So without ( its too late now, no going back) looking at the Congressional Record, without doing a minute's worth of research, you assume Rep Lewis is a "great American Patriot". And why is this? For one simple yet glaring reason...Politics of identity.
John Lewis is a great American Patriot, the Tea Party is a bunch of frauds wrapping themselves in the flag

As usual, he is 100% correct about what the Republicans have done
So without ( its too late now, no going back) looking at the Congressional Record, without doing a minute's worth of research, you assume Rep Lewis is a "great American Patriot". And why is this? For one simple yet glaring reason...Politics of identity.

What is a Patriot?

Someone willing to give his life to fight for freedom and Liberty. That is what John Lewis did. On Bloody Sunday in Selma Alabama he led a march two by two in protest of Civil Rights and the right to vote. Without raising a hand or offering resistance, he marched forward as police beat him with clubs and fractured his skull

That is as patriotic as any of our founding fathers



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Let us see, what exactly does he have to be proud about when someone else gets elected? Oh right he is proud of his racism.

Let us see, the democrats have dominated the government going on 8 years now with arguably a super majority for one year and we see the results.

Notice he doesn't campaign on the accomplishment of Obama but on fear generated over old ladies with tea bags in their hats. Quite amusing, thanks for sharing the morning is a good time for a laugh.
What does John Lewis have to be proud of in the election of the first black president?

John Lewis fought for civil rights and was willing to give up his life for freedom and liberty. The election of a black man as President showed that his struggles for Civil Rights was not in vain

John Lewis is a great American
Oh please.....Your deep seated white guilt is your guide.
Utter nonsense.As far as accomplishments are concerned, Lewis is part of the very same problem about which you libs keep spewing. That is your ever annoying whining about nothing getting done in DC....
Who cares if John Lewis made it to some marches? Who cares if he shouted a bunch of slogans?
Lots of people did those very things and do not seek approval, medals or even recognition.
John Lewis is a great American Patriot, the Tea Party is a bunch of frauds wrapping themselves in the flag

As usual, he is 100% correct about what the Republicans have done
So without ( its too late now, no going back) looking at the Congressional Record, without doing a minute's worth of research, you assume Rep Lewis is a "great American Patriot". And why is this? For one simple yet glaring reason...Politics of identity.

What is a Patriot?

Someone willing to give his life to fight for freedom and Liberty. That is what John Lewis did. On Bloody Sunday in Selma Alabama he led a march two by two in protest of Civil Rights. Without raising a hand or offering resistance, he marched forward as police beat him with clubs and fractured his skull

That is as patriotic as any of our founding fathers
And as a factor in Lewis' tenure as a US House member?
Let us see, what exactly does he have to be proud about when someone else gets elected? Oh right he is proud of his racism.

Let us see, the democrats have dominated the government going on 8 years now with arguably a super majority for one year and we see the results.

Notice he doesn't campaign on the accomplishment of Obama but on fear generated over old ladies with tea bags in their hats. Quite amusing, thanks for sharing the morning is a good time for a laugh.
What does John Lewis have to be proud of in the election of the first black president?

John Lewis fought for civil rights and was willing to give up his life for freedom and liberty. The election of a black man as President showed that his struggles for Civil Rights was not in vain

John Lewis is a great American
Oh please.....Your deep seated white guilt is your guide.
Utter nonsense.As far as accomplishments are concerned, Lewis is part of the very same problem about which you libs keep spewing. That is your ever annoying whining about nothing getting done in DC....
Who cares if John Lewis made it to some marches? Who cares if he shouted a bunch of slogans?
Lots of people did those very things and do not seek approval, medals or even recognition.

Lewis did not just "make it"
He was one of the leaders. He willingly subjected himself to a brutal beating in a fight for Liberty and Freedom. The very definition of a patriot

What do TeaTards do to get to call themselves patriots? Wear funny hats?
Obama is a failure. He has set back race relations 50 years. He will be always be remembered as an incompetent fool. Just like jimmy carter.......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He's certainly brought the racists out in the open. Don't think he "set back race relations 50 years" because I doubt most of you favor better relations in your lifetime or that of your children.
Unless Lewis slept through civics 101 he should know that Obama isn't running again. Doesn't Lewis realize that he is talking about the good people of the Tea Party the same way the KKK talked about Blacks back in the 60's?

But, he hasn't lynched any of them or encouraged it; run an employment ad that says "TPartiers need not apply;" put a sign over restrooms designating the cess pool TPartiers must use; etc. You guys are laughable.
Unless Lewis slept through civics 101 he should know that Obama isn't running again. Doesn't Lewis realize that he is talking about the good people of the Tea Party the same way the KKK talked about Blacks back in the 60's?

But, he hasn't lynched any of them or encouraged it; run an employment ad that says "TPartiers need not apply;" put a sign over restrooms designating the cess pool TPartiers must use; etc. You guys are laughable.

wtf? and you come from a cesspool of babbling idiots
typical lib/dem/leftie sheep. You're no better than John Lewis
Let us see, what exactly does he have to be proud about when someone else gets elected? Oh right he is proud of his racism.

Let us see, the democrats have dominated the government going on 8 years now with arguably a super majority for one year and we see the results.

Notice he doesn't campaign on the accomplishment of Obama but on fear generated over old ladies with tea bags in their hats. Quite amusing, thanks for sharing the morning is a good time for a laugh.
What does John Lewis have to be proud of in the election of the first black president?

John Lewis fought for civil rights and was willing to give up his life for freedom and liberty. The election of a black man as President showed that his struggles for Civil Rights was not in vain

John Lewis is a great American
..and the election of half-black Obama ib expectation of making things better was in vain. The racial divide grows wider under the influencinof Obama and Holder....two peas in a pod.

You are correct...the racial divide has grown wider under Obama

An entire political party refused to do business with him. Their stated reason was they wanted him to fail. Was it because he was black or because he is a Democrat?

I suspect a little of both
But Reid didn't have anything to do with nothing getting done? Lol, your an idiot.

There has been no Republican legislation that has had the 60 votes needed to get to the floor. If Republicans were willing to give up their filibuster, they could have had all their bills voted on

So it's the minorities fault? So you guys are really stupid. Blame the minority for not uniting.
John Lewis is a great American Patriot, the Tea Party is a bunch of frauds wrapping themselves in the flag

As usual, he is 100% correct about what the Republicans have done

Da Comrade shitflinger - GLORIOUS John Lewis would march hated Tea Party infidels to work camps, where they could toil for benefit of GLORIOUS party.

Demagoguery - it's the ONLY think the democrats have to offer America.
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.
This is the ugly left that has taken over the Democrat party of today. This man is an elected Representative of the WE THE PEOPLE in this country. and you SUPPORT this?


Yeah, John, Obama’s presidency is in a tailspin and he did it all by himself.
Subject: Terrifying
From: John Lewis <[email protected] >
Date: September 27, 2014 8:58:29 AM EDT
To: Drew

Barack Obama’s election was one of the proudest days of my life.
I felt like I had spent decades fighting for that moment…and in many ways I had.
But now 6 years later, Republicans are trying once again to tear the President down. And quite frankly, it terrifies me what they could do if they grow their Tea Party Majority in this election.
That’s why I need your help. That’s why I need you to answer President Obama’s call-to-action right now. I’m not ready to give up on his last 2 years in office. And you shouldn’t be either.
The most critical deadline of the election is in 3 days. Can I count on you right now?

Dem Rep. John Lewis Says He 8217 s 8220 Terrified 8221 Racist Tea Party Will Tear Obama Down 8230 Weasel Zippers
Obama needs no help with this.

He's doing fine tearing down his own legacy.
What does John Lewis have to be proud of in the election of the first black president?

John Lewis fought for civil rights and was willing to give up his life for freedom and liberty. The election of a black man as President showed that his struggles for Civil Rights was not in vain

John Lewis is a great American
..and the election of half-black Obama ib expectation of making things better was in vain. The racial divide grows wider under the influencinof Obama and Holder....two peas in a pod.

You are correct...the racial divide has grown wider under Obama

An entire political party refused to do business with him. Their stated reason was they wanted him to fail. Was it because he was black or because he is a Democrat?

I suspect a little of both
But Reid didn't have anything to do with nothing getting done? Lol, your an idiot.

There has been no Republican legislation that has had the 60 votes needed to get to the floor. If Republicans were willing to give up their filibuster, they could have had all their bills voted on

So it's the minorities fault? So you guys are really stupid. Blame the minority for not uniting.

so they have not fault in anything?
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.

Yep, All American CITIZENS who disagrees with them are now the ENEMY
I wonder how that make the people feel who voted for Obama and now regret it? His disapprovals are in the 60% and those aren't all Republicans
we tried to warn them
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.

ISIL? Why should Lewis be terrified of ISIL?

He has seen first hand what the racists in this country would do and they did not belong to ISIL

And in 2010, the damn KKK tee pottie called him the N word on the capital steps.

You of course, are a fucking liar.

But since you are a racist scumbag - your lack of ethics is expected.

BTW stupid fuck, the KKK was the terrorist wing of YOUR democratic party. Basically they were what the DOJ under Eric Holder is today.
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.

ISIL? Why should Lewis be terrified of ISIL?

He has seen first hand what the racists in this country would do and they did not belong to ISIL


You fall for the hyperbole of the left nuts. I have met many more Democrats that dislike Obama because of his skin color. They tolerate him, like Biden and Reid do.

So, it is all BS! Just to terrify the leftist base, and dumb idiots like yourself are now terrified, how utterly crazy you are. And ISIL and the radical Muslims are more of a threat than any Tea Party group and I'm not terrified of them either.

And Lewis need not be "terrified" of Tea Party members.
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.

ISIL? Why should Lewis be terrified of ISIL?

He has seen first hand what the racists in this country would do and they did not belong to ISIL


You fall for the hyperbole of the left nuts. I have met many more Democrats that dislike Obama because of his skin color. They tolerate him, like Biden and Reid do.

So, it is all BS! Just to terrify the leftist base, and dumb idiots like yourself are now terrified, how utterly crazy you are. And ISIL and the radical Muslims are more of a threat than any Tea Party group and I'm not terrified of them either.

And Lewis need not be "terrified" of Tea Party members.

ISIL is a threat three thousand miles away.

Racists are a threat right here
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.

ISIL? Why should Lewis be terrified of ISIL?

He has seen first hand what the racists in this country would do and they did not belong to ISIL


You fall for the hyperbole of the left nuts. I have met many more Democrats that dislike Obama because of his skin color. They tolerate him, like Biden and Reid do.

So, it is all BS! Just to terrify the leftist base, and dumb idiots like yourself are now terrified, how utterly crazy you are. And ISIL and the radical Muslims are more of a threat than any Tea Party group and I'm not terrified of them either.

And Lewis need not be "terrified" of Tea Party members.

ISIL is a threat three thousand miles away.

Racists are a threat right here

you're such a tool for the Democrat party and have no shame in lying just like Mr. Lewis

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