Dem Rep. John Lewis Says He’s “terrified” Racist Tea Party Will Tear Obama Down…

And quite frankly, it terrifies me what they could do if they grow their Tea Party Majority in this election

More Teaparty control of the GOP should terrify everyone. We know it terrifies the GOP
ISIL is a threat three thousand miles away.

Racists are a threat right here

So shitflinger, the Tea Party is cutting peoples heads off in Oklahoma?

You may be a racist and a scumbag, but at least you have zero integrity...

John Lewis' quote

And quite frankly, it terrifies me what they could do if they grow their Tea Party Majority in this election
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.
He's scared of white folks.
But Reid didn't have anything to do with nothing getting done? Lol, your an idiot.

There has been no Republican legislation that has had the 60 votes needed to get to the floor. If Republicans were willing to give up their filibuster, they could have had all their bills voted on

That situation will change in a few months. Then you and the rest of the Obama ass sniffing team can find a new lie to pimp....

What will change? There is no way Republicans will win 60 seats
That would be your worst nightmare, because if republicans take over. We can fix what Obama screwed up.

More of a rightwing fantasy than nightmare

OK....I'll play
What do you think Republicans could do if they had 60 Senate votres? You need 67 to override a veto

ISIL is a threat three thousand miles away.

Racists are a threat right here

So shitflinger, the Tea Party is cutting peoples heads off in Oklahoma?

You may be a racist and a scumbag, but at least you have zero integrity...
That was just work place violence, just like the ft hood terrorist attack. Get your talking points straight lol.
Let us see, what exactly does he have to be proud about when someone else gets elected? Oh right he is proud of his racism.

Let us see, the democrats have dominated the government going on 8 years now with arguably a super majority for one year and we see the results.

Notice he doesn't campaign on the accomplishment of Obama but on fear generated over old ladies with tea bags in their hats. Quite amusing, thanks for sharing the morning is a good time for a laugh.

And it's due to his "hidden" racism that by insinuation he's making those old ladies out to be racists. It's both amusing and disgusting. But the irony of the Democratic Party's racist agenda eludes the sheep.
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.
He's scared of white folks.
Probably of his own shadow too.
..and the election of half-black Obama ib expectation of making things better was in vain. The racial divide grows wider under the influencinof Obama and Holder....two peas in a pod.

You are correct...the racial divide has grown wider under Obama

An entire political party refused to do business with him. Their stated reason was they wanted him to fail. Was it because he was black or because he is a Democrat?

I suspect a little of both
But Reid didn't have anything to do with nothing getting done? Lol, your an idiot.

There has been no Republican legislation that has had the 60 votes needed to get to the floor. If Republicans were willing to give up their filibuster, they could have had all their bills voted on
Reid is sitting on over three hundred (over 300) bills that have been sent over to the Senate from the House. He won't even bring them to a vote. If you don't call that obstructionist, you're more goofy than I have thought. I'm guessing he's afraid it will reveal too much of how the Democrat Senators do not actually support their constituency.

Liberals are sleazy people. Most Democrats are liberals.

Guess what Republicans? You reap what you sow

By requiring that Democratic bills in the Senate have 60 votes before coming to a vote, you will be subjected to the same criteria

Now, tell me how many of those "300 bills" have the required 60 votes for cloture?
They haven't been called to the floor for ANY vote. They sit in committees chaired by sleazy assed liberals.
Let us see, what exactly does he have to be proud about when someone else gets elected? Oh right he is proud of his racism.

Let us see, the democrats have dominated the government going on 8 years now with arguably a super majority for one year and we see the results.

Notice he doesn't campaign on the accomplishment of Obama but on fear generated over old ladies with tea bags in their hats. Quite amusing, thanks for sharing the morning is a good time for a laugh.
What does John Lewis have to be proud of in the election of the first black president?

John Lewis fought for civil rights and was willing to give up his life for freedom and liberty. The election of a black man as President showed that his struggles for Civil Rights was not in vain

John Lewis is a great American

Once again Jake you add to the humor, thanks. I reviewed his web site and see nothing of note and surprisingly little about black issues. Was one post on LGBT "rights."

But let's see what he wrote about Holder stepping down because finally his corruption and incompetence has caught up with him. There really is only one issue that seems important to Lewis, race. Funny how when race is the primary issue to a white person they are racists, but when it is to a black person it is honorable.

Rep. John Lewis on Resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder The Website of Congressman John Lewis Serving the 5th Congressional District of Georgia


In 1965, at the height of the modern civil rights movement, activists organized a march for voting rights, from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery, the state capital. On March 7, some 600 people assembled at a downtown church, knelt briefly in prayer, and began walking silently, two-by-two through the city streets.
With Hosea Williams of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) leading the demonstration, and John Lewis, Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), at his side, the marchers were stopped as they were leaving Selma, at the end of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, by some 150 Alabama state troopers, sheriff ’s deputies, and possemen, who ordered the demonstrators to disperse.
One minute and five seconds after a two-minute warning was announced, the troops advanced, wielding clubs, bullwhips, and tear gas. John Lewis, who suffered a skull fracture, was one of fifty-eight people treated for injuries at the local hospital. The day is remembered in history as “Bloody Sunday.”

And in 2010, the damn KKK tee pottie called him the N word on the capital steps.

That's a lie, but of course the sheep of the race-baiting agenda don't care about the truth.
John Lewis is a great American Patriot, the Tea Party is a bunch of frauds wrapping themselves in the flag

As usual, he is 100% correct about what the Republicans have done


And what exactly did he say they had done? Oh my! They disagreed with Obama? Quick. Someone call the cops. The flag-hating and America-hating libtards' unassailable sense of entitlement has been offended again.
Unless Lewis slept through civics 101 he should know that Obama isn't running again. Doesn't Lewis realize that he is talking about the good people of the Tea Party the same way the KKK talked about Blacks back in the 60's?

But, he hasn't lynched any of them or encouraged it; run an employment ad that says "TPartiers need not apply;" put a sign over restrooms designating the cess pool TPartiers must use; etc. You guys are laughable.

wtf? and you come from a cesspool of babbling idiots
typical lib/dem/leftie sheep. You're no better than John Lewis

Typical, ignorant, right wing bigotry. I definitely don't think I'm better than John Lewis, and you aren't even close.
You are correct...the racial divide has grown wider under Obama

An entire political party refused to do business with him. Their stated reason was they wanted him to fail. Was it because he was black or because he is a Democrat?

I suspect a little of both
But Reid didn't have anything to do with nothing getting done? Lol, your an idiot.

There has been no Republican legislation that has had the 60 votes needed to get to the floor. If Republicans were willing to give up their filibuster, they could have had all their bills voted on
Reid is sitting on over three hundred (over 300) bills that have been sent over to the Senate from the House. He won't even bring them to a vote. If you don't call that obstructionist, you're more goofy than I have thought. I'm guessing he's afraid it will reveal too much of how the Democrat Senators do not actually support their constituency.

Liberals are sleazy people. Most Democrats are liberals.

Guess what Republicans? You reap what you sow

By requiring that Democratic bills in the Senate have 60 votes before coming to a vote, you will be subjected to the same criteria

Now, tell me how many of those "300 bills" have the required 60 votes for cloture?
They haven't been called to the floor for ANY vote. They sit in committees chaired by sleazy assed liberals.

That is what a filibuster does....prevents bills from coming up for a vote

Are you ready to end the Republican filibuster if Reid brings your 300 bills up for a vote?

Yes or No?
Unless Lewis slept through civics 101 he should know that Obama isn't running again. Doesn't Lewis realize that he is talking about the good people of the Tea Party the same way the KKK talked about Blacks back in the 60's?

But, he hasn't lynched any of them or encouraged it; run an employment ad that says "TPartiers need not apply;" put a sign over restrooms designating the cess pool TPartiers must use; etc. You guys are laughable.

wtf? and you come from a cesspool of babbling idiots
typical lib/dem/leftie sheep. You're no better than John Lewis

Typical, ignorant, right wing bigotry. I definitely don't think I'm better than John Lewis, and you aren't even close.

oh gawd, I know for a fact I'm better than you. so crawl back into your gutter
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.
He's scared of white folks.
Probably of his own shadow too.

... and the truth and responsibility and respect and freedom and the people and the right to keep and bear arms and decency and commonsense. ... Yep. Obama's pretty much afraid of everything that makes America, America. He likes Amerika though.
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.
He's scared of white folks.
Probably of his own shadow too.

... and the truth and responsibility and respect and freedom and the people and the right to keep and bear arms and decency and commonsense. ... Yep. Obama's pretty much afraid of everything that makes America, America. He likes Amerika though.

Gunz, hatred and yahoos -- don't think that is what "makes America, America." It is what we need to keep opposing.
And quite frankly, it terrifies me what they could do if they grow their Tea Party Majority in this election

More Teaparty control of the GOP should terrify everyone. We know it terrifies the GOP

Right, because even though there has never been a single act of violence from the Tea Party, they pose a threat to the agenda of creating a totalitarian system.

So you of the Khmer Rouge will defend beheading in Oklahoma by Muslims as "work place violence" while speaking of "fear" of the Tea Party.

Hey - fuckwads gotta have priorities - demagoguery is your's...
Lewis is "terrified"? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard. He is not terrified by ISIL, but is terrified by tea party members?

The Dems had a super majority back in 2008 and the Dems didn't frighten me. Is this guy a real nut job? ELF nor ALF frightened me but a bunch of tea party members terrify him?

The guy is just staging for votes and money, more emotional rhetoric from an intolerant left.

ISIL? Why should Lewis be terrified of ISIL?

He has seen first hand what the racists in this country would do and they did not belong to ISIL


You fall for the hyperbole of the left nuts. I have met many more Democrats that dislike Obama because of his skin color. They tolerate him, like Biden and Reid do.

So, it is all BS! Just to terrify the leftist base, and dumb idiots like yourself are now terrified, how utterly crazy you are. And ISIL and the radical Muslims are more of a threat than any Tea Party group and I'm not terrified of them either.

And Lewis need not be "terrified" of Tea Party members.

ISIL is a threat three thousand miles away.

Racists are a threat right here
Obama keeps the border open for them. They could be here any day now....maybe in your neighborhood. The Tea Party should be the least of your worries. You support a Muslim loving President. THAT is a big fuckin' deal!
And quite frankly, it terrifies me what they could do if they grow their Tea Party Majority in this election

More Teaparty control of the GOP should terrify everyone. We know it terrifies the GOP

Right, because even though there has never been a single act of violence from the Tea Party, they pose a threat to the agenda of creating a totalitarian system.

So you of the Khmer Rouge will defend beheading in Oklahoma by Muslims as "work place violence" while speaking of "fear" of the Tea Party.

Hey - fuckwads gotta have priorities - demagoguery is your's...

Mabe you can point to where in that quote John Lewis said anything about Tea Party violence?

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