Dem Rep. Quigley on Taxes: ‘If You Love This Country, One of the Things You Do Is Pay Your Fair Share’

I usually find it to the case that someone who pretends to know what myself or others think attribute those beliefs due to an inability to make an argument on the merits.
I attribute it to your inability to commit logic.
I defy you find anyone in the US that pays zero taxes, that's not just zero income taxes but zero tax from sales, gas, etc.
Oh Jesus. What a bunch of bull. You show me a tax the poor pay and I'll show you the rich who not only pay that very same tax but pay more of it. You know very well we were talking about federal income taxes.
I defy you find anyone in the US that pays zero taxes, that's not just zero income taxes but zero tax from sales, gas, etc.

Yes people pay those taxes but I was talking about income tax because it's income tax that supports our entire federal government, military, and all these social programs.

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