Dem Rep. Quigley on Taxes: ‘If You Love This Country, One of the Things You Do Is Pay Your Fair Share’

My "fair share" of your welfare check is zero. My fair share of Green Energy programs is zero

Saturday, during an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) defended the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s provision to bolster the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with an additional 80,000 agents.
According to Quigley, paying taxes was part of it if one “loved” the country.
did he say how he defines "fair share"?
To some pols making others pay more on the dollar is fair while them paying less than others is fairest of all...
It's a meandering of white left wing mindlessness: "The only way to be fair to everyone is to be unfair to everyone equally".
Hey DOPE, are you SERIOUSLY claiming that police have no accountability
even as dozens of police have been charged and convicted to
prison in just the last year? And that they are not
held accountable by the law because
someone on social media
"made excuses"
for them?

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Very few police abuses ever accounted for.

And when police are held accountable, the police force punishes the populace for doing so by refusing to do their jobs.
Very few police abuses ever accounted for.

Keep it up, Assquack: already police are getting mean from having to deal with your type getting questioned on everything they do to the point that it is now getting hard to even hire cops.

Maybe if you weren't such a ballless turd, you'd go get a job being a policeman and show us how easy it is!
why don't we go to the people that never paid anything at all when we need more money?
It's really SHITTY when a single mother (just using this as an example Ray From Cleveland ) cannot NET (you know what Net Salary is, versus Gross Salary) more than what..... $1,000, $1,500, $2,000. etc,

AND you Ray, on disability, expect a single mother, regardless of her problems, to get by on less than YOU.

It's really SHITTY when a single mother (just using this as an example Ray From Cleveland ) cannot NET (you know what Net Salary is, versus Gross Salary) more than what..... $1,000, $1,500, $2,000. etc,

AND you Ray, on disability, expect a single mother, regardless of her problems, to get by on less than YOU.


You mean the single mother with the smart phone with unlimited call and data time? The mother that has 600 channels on her cable or satellite box?

I didn't create my own problems. The single mother did. Having children is not an infliction. In fact you kinda have to go out of your way to get pregnant.
Gas tax? A key point is what percent of a person's salary goes to taxes. By that measure the poor pay way more than the rich.
Percentage of income is not a valid indicator of who actually pays more. That's weasel math employed by useful idiots.
Who actually pays more, a person who pays 10% on $500,000, or a person who pays 30% on $20,000?
Do the math, if you're capable.
The top 20% pay most of the federal income tax for the rest of us. Instead of going to the people that pay most of it, why don't we go to the people that never paid anything at all when we need more money?
Dude, demofks want to go after 790 Americans to pay for 300 million, and think that’s possible!! Hahaha hahaha
Gas tax? A key point is what percent of a person's salary goes to taxes. By that measure the poor pay way more than the rich.

You may have been cherry picking your taxes to get the answer you want, I'm not.
That's your biased partisan gibberish. More taxes is more taxes. Whose taxes would you rather pay, Warren Buffet's or his secretary's? I choose his secretary's.
My "fair share" of your welfare check is zero. My fair share of Green Energy programs is zero

Saturday, during an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) defended the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s provision to bolster the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with an additional 80,000 agents.
According to Quigley, paying taxes was part of it if one “loved” the country.
“Shut-up peasant….do the patriotic thing and pay for illegal Mexicans to have free healthcare.”
Keep it up, Assquack: already police are getting mean from having to deal with your type getting questioned on everything they do to the point that it is now getting hard to even hire cops.

Maybe if you weren't such a ballless turd, you'd go get a job being a policeman and show us how easy it is!
So you’re saying that we have to let police violate our civil rights or no one wants to be a police officer anymore?
Gas tax? A key point is what percent of a person's salary goes to taxes. By that measure the poor pay way more than the rich.

You may have been cherry picking your taxes to get the answer you want, I'm not.
How much can you get from 700?
So you’re saying that we have to let police violate our civil rights or no one wants to be a police officer anymore?

It has nothing to do with rights. It has to do with the MSM demonizing our officers before the entire story is told yet alone go to court and have a fair hearing. Same with riots. First reports come out and the animals start busting up stores and damaging police property before they even know what the situation actually was. It has to do with police officers being threatened after a jury rules there was no laws broken by the officer like what happened here in my city. Now the Bozo in charge wants to take qualified immunity away from police officers so they can be sued even if they followed police procedure and no wrong doing found by the department or outside agencies.

Fifteen years ago or so it was the cops against the bad guys. Now it's the cops against the good guys and the bad guys. WTF would want a job like that?
So you’re saying that we have to let police violate our civil rights or no one wants to be a police officer anymore?

No cop ever violated my civil rights because I never gave them any reason to rather than jumping in their face daring them not to!


My "fair share" of your welfare check is zero. My fair share of Green Energy programs is zero

Saturday, during an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) defended the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s provision to bolster the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with an additional 80,000 agents.
According to Quigley, paying taxes was part of it if one “loved” the country.
How about your fair share of your income?
It’s probably so insignificant that the programs you cited will never see a penny. :auiqs.jpg:

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