Dem Rep. Quigley on Taxes: ‘If You Love This Country, One of the Things You Do Is Pay Your Fair Share’

No socialist greed from me.
I'm not collecting unemployment, or on Medicare or Medicare, I'm not on disability. I'm not on welfare or any food stamp/assistance program.

Is Flash on ANY of these?

I wanna know which conservative posters HERE that Hate Socialism are also on Disability.
Or farm subsidies.
M’fucker’s got 1 goat and 300 sq ft of fence and gets a check.
If people work a 40 hour week and find themselves alone in poverty then they are doing other things wrongly that put them there.
You all weep that any working person should be able to have their own home and car and gobs of children, all hunky dory. That’s a lovely, wishful sentiment that you made up that employment MUST take care of all your wants and needs . It has never been that way. YOU must budget Your Self to fit your income and NOT the Other Way Around.
Including taxes.
I usually find it to the case that someone who pretends to know what myself or others think attribute those beliefs due to an inability to make an argument on the merits. Scapegoating hard working people who, because they earn a low wage, need financial assistance to afford food and decent housing is a hallmark of conservative politics.
Have you considered they may need a helping hand to improve themselves and their station in society?
The helping hand helps to avoid a higher cost of doing nothing.
The pay in was earning money, you would naturally be ignorant of that
$15,000 per year paid to SS for 25 years and 5-10k for 15 years. Just over 500k total for a 40 year span, account balance about 800k before draw downs began
Those are big numbers so have someone explain to you what they mean.
No one pays 15k annually to SS, dope. Certainly not for 25 years.

The Social Security taxable maximum is $142,800 in 2021. Workers pay a 6.2% Social Security tax on their earnings until they reach $142,800 in earnings for the year.
Has it ever been any different in the US?

Why is it I'm always told how conservatives are patriots and love their country and then I read things like this?
Yes. There used to be many less idiots than you. For much of the time America has existed, even. Or else it would not have made it this far.
I'd go a step further and say "fair" would be a flat number, not rate. For whatever amount that is, you get a say in how the money is spent via a vote. Don't pay the tax, don't get to vote on who spends it.
I would say a 1000% tax on guns , ammo and big stupid diesel trucks with a zero percent tax on food is fair.

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