Dem Rep. Quigley on Taxes: ‘If You Love This Country, One of the Things You Do Is Pay Your Fair Share’

No, a consumption tax is better because then everybody would have to pay it. No choice.
The consumption tax that is being proposed by most people involves exemptions for the poor

Its just a typical big government scam

I prefer the Flat Tax
Oh Jesus. What a bunch of bull. You show me a tax the poor pay and I'll show you the rich who not only pay that very same tax but pay more of it.
Gas tax? A key point is what percent of a person's salary goes to taxes. By that measure the poor pay way more than the rich.

You know very well we were talking about federal income taxes.
You may have been cherry picking your taxes to get the answer you want, I'm not.
The consumption tax that is being proposed by most people involves exemptions for the poor

Its just a typical big government scam

I prefer the Flat Tax

How could it exempt the poor? You go to the store, you pay the tax on what you buy. Everybody pays. We have that in the county I live in. It's a state/ county tax of 8 cents on the dollar, and nobody is exempt from it.

The best thing about it is people that don't pay tax on money they earn have to pay too. Drug sellers, prostitutes, people who work under the table or don't claim all their tips, it's a tax nobody can get away from.

If all people had to start paying for this ridiculous spending our Congress spends, you'd see how fast the public would demand pork spending completely stop, because if the consumption tax doesn't cover spending, we increase the tax.
Yes people pay those taxes but I was talking about income tax because it's income tax that supports our entire federal government, military, and all these social programs.
Actually the number is only 50% not all. The rich pay a large percent of their income as capital gains at 15%, a much smaller percent than wage earners pay.
How could it exempt the poor? You go to the store, you pay the tax on what you buy.
The way most plans work is that the poor will be reimbursed by the government

And they dont have to present receipts to IRS thugs wearing body armor and carrying an assault weapon

The government just assumes how much sales tax they paid and sends thrm a check each month
My "fair share" of your welfare check is zero. My fair share of Green Energy programs is zero

Saturday, during an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) defended the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s provision to bolster the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with an additional 80,000 agents.
According to Quigley, paying taxes was part of it if one “loved” the country.
Dude, rand Paul nailed it here…

Actually the number is only 50% not all. The rich pay a large percent of their income as capital gains at 15%, a much smaller percent than wage earners pay.

The top 20% pay most of the federal income tax for the rest of us. Instead of going to the people that pay most of it, why don't we go to the people that never paid anything at all when we need more money?
My "fair share" of your welfare check is zero. My fair share of Green Energy programs is zero

Saturday, during an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) defended the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s provision to bolster the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with an additional 80,000 agents.
According to Quigley, paying taxes was part of it if one “loved” the country.

The goal of the Biden admin is rather than the IRS screen a select few tax returns based on a computer system "trigger," to instead basically screen EVERY return for the slightest reason to audit them, so, expect audits to increase exponentially next year as the Big Shakedown begins.
The only “fair share” is taxing all income, rich or poor, the same tax rate with no exemptions allowed
I'd go a step further and say "fair" would be a flat number, not rate. For whatever amount that is, you get a say in how the money is spent via a vote. Don't pay the tax, don't get to vote on who spends it.
Nope. We beg them not to. They don’t listen. They don’t have any accountability because people like you make excuses for them.

Hey DOPE, are you SERIOUSLY claiming that police have no accountability
even as dozens of police have been charged and convicted to
prison in just the last year? And that they are not
held accountable by the law because
someone on social media
"made excuses"
for them?

I'd go a step further and say "fair" would be a flat number, not rate. For whatever amount that is, you get a say in how the money is spent via a vote. Don't pay the tax, don't get to vote on who spends it.
I understand what you mean but lets not go that far

The poor dont have much to give and I dont want to grind them into dust

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