Dem Superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing The Holocaust

Hernan Cortez despoiled both Mexico and several other areas of south America of its gold----keeping most for himself and sending some to Bitch
Isabella------In any case he is said to have hundreds of descendants by virtue
of extreme sexual promiscuity------and his kids got the gold. Alexandria should change her name
The Jews were rescued? Six million were not rescued

Only a complete moron would say this is anything close to the Holacaust.

Cortez just needs to stfu and stop looking ridiculous

How many were recused??? How many came to the US?? That 6 million figure is debatable.

How is the number debatable? How Many Jews Were Murdered Per Country During the Holocaust?

The Germans decimated the Jewish population in Europe. The United States between 1934 and 1943 accepted 21,000 Jewish refugees. There were quotas that limited refugees in the US under Roosevelt.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia
Yep, roughly 6 million Jews, is that your point?

You didn't read it, all.

Not sure what the hell your point is. The numbers in many different sources put the loss of life between 4.8 million and 6.8 million, the medium is 5.8 million which is close enough to 6 million for me.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina had some words of advice for Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who likened the ongoing situation at the U.S. southern border to the plight of Jews during the Holocaust.

“I recommend she take a tour of the Holocaust Museum in DC,” Graham tweeted Monday. “Might help her better understand the differences between the Holocaust and the caravan in Tijuana.”

Republicans are afarid of Cortez? Right because Democrats on this board never start numerous threads when a Republican says something stupid. When someone say they need to control the three branches of Congress or compares caravans of Hondurans to Jews and the Holocaust they are going to get mocked a lot. Maybe she should do a little research on basic government and the Holocaust before making these kind of statements.
Republicans are afarid of Cortez? Right because Democrats on this board never start numerous threads when a Republican says something stupid. When someone say they need to control the three branches of Congress or compares caravans of Hondurans to Jews and the Holocaust they are going to get mocked a lot. Maybe she should do a little research on basic government and the Holocaust before making these kind of statements.
She hasn’t a clue. Not one.
That's why you're constantly posting thread, after thread, after thread about her, raising her profile and allowing her to live rent-free in your collective empty heads.

She is highlariously stupid, not scary. If she is what the Democratic Party is moving towards it will be one amusing train wreck.
The Jews were identified and dragged off to death camps in Nazi Germany. You are incredibly ignorant of history.
You are a holocaust denier? That's extra special stupid. Clean up the mess? That's incredible.

How would anyone know about a holocaust in Central America?? Really?? Fucking incredible.

In WWII, many people died in WWII. Judea declared war on Germany in 1933. Yes how would anyone know what goes on in Central America?? Why are we not there instead of Afghanistan?? or Syria. or Iraq??
Yes. In WWII many people did die in WWII :icon_rolleyes:. Brilliant!
Why should we have a military presence in Central America? That's just ridiculous.

Why not? They seem to have a direct influence on our border, which the ME does not. Why don't the US militias go in and fight the gangs instead of playing war in the woods??
Because we can't police the world. Sending troops to another nation to fight their criminals is just stupid.

then why are we in the ME and all over, except discussions with our closest neighbors. Why are we not in discourse with their governments. I know

Trump wants this as a talking point, that is all he has.

You mean other than an economy that is booming even though the Fed has raised interest rates five times since Trump was elected? Trump doesn't NEED talking points, Penny...those are for people that don't accomplish anything!
New York Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday compared members of the migrant caravan attempting to enter the United States to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust

This dumb bitch is about as smart and knowledgeable as the Trump hating idiots are on here.

You must be a complete idiot to believe what this loser spews.

The señorita is certainly on message with the Far Left in this country. Other leftists have compared the Helsinki Press Conference with Krystallnaught and the Holocaust, calling it "high treason".

In previous years, Dubya was compared to Genghis Khan, Romney compared to Eichmann and McCain to Hitler himself.

Ms. Ocasio Cortez definitely has been paying attention to her fellow libs over the years.
Simple-Minded Antisemite Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust


If her demeanor wasn’t so sadly flaky her outbursts would be hilarious.

This Jew-hating moron hits bottom and keeps digging. Democrats — the party of antisemitism. To say this about the caravan of migrants that is (contrary to her claims) fleeing no violence is obscene, and trivializes the Holocaust, which is what you would expect from an unthinking Jew-hater such as Ocasio-Cortez. Where are the death camps? Where are the gas chambers? Where is the insistent demonization and genocidal rhetoric? What is even worse than what Ocasio-Cortez said is that no one in the Democrat leadership will have a word to say about it. She is their latest media darling, and can do no wrong, especially when she demonstrates her antisemitism, which they all share.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust,” by Peter Hasson, Daily Caller News Foundation, November 25, 2018 (thanks to Todd):

More @ Simple-Minded Antisemite Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust - Geller Report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Should Have Sent 5K Caseworkers to Border, Not Troops @ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Should Have Sent 5K Caseworkers to Border, Not Troops


Maxine says migrants swarming border is a ‘political ploy’ from Trump @ Maxine says migrants swarming border is a ‘political ploy’ from Trump | | Media Equalizer


Another hilarious flake. The next 2 years of belly busting is going to be exhausting.
It gets tiresome pointing out Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a moron. But she really is.

Here's the trump clan on Howard Stern where they can't solve a simple math problem after bragging how only brilliant people were accepted into Wharton.

How does this make Ocasio-Cortez brilliant?

Put Che Barbie on Howard Stern and ask her questions that an eighth grader would know and I GUARANTEE you that she'll make a total ass of herself!
What is wrong with what she said???
Point out the "holocaust" in Central America. Where are the death camps? The furnaces? The mass graves?
The authoritarian dictatorships managing genocide. What's wrong with you?
And we wouldn't let the Jews in despite the death camps, the furnaces or the mass graves. We knew. We wouldn't let them in because we were too fucking stupid to sort out the Nazi's from the German Jews.
Maybe that's her comparison. Selfish and bigoted 'til the end.
It was FDR that sent the ship load of Jewish
refugees from the Nazis away. Pure anti Semitism it would seem. Selfish and bigoted indeed.
Right. He was the only one who didn't want them here. LOL
It wasn't just the Devil FDR.
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian
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What is wrong with what she said???
Point out the "holocaust" in Central America. Where are the death camps? The furnaces? The mass graves?
The authoritarian dictatorships managing genocide. What's wrong with you?
And we wouldn't let the Jews in despite the death camps, the furnaces or the mass graves. We knew. We wouldn't let them in because we were too fucking stupid to sort out the Nazi's from the German Jews.
Maybe that's her comparison. Selfish and bigoted 'til the end.
It was FDR that sent the ship load of Jewish
refugees from the Nazis away. Pure anti Semitism it would seem. Selfish and bigoted indeed.
Right. He was the only one who didn't want them here. LOL
It wasn't just the Devil FDR.
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian
News flash....FDR was president. He made the decision to send the Jews back to the waiting gas chambers.
Roosevelt's government....Roosevelt's prerogative. Stop posting such stupid drivel.

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