Dem Superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing The Holocaust

It's a disease...I CAN'T STOP!!!!!
Newly-elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the gift to conservatives that keeps on giving. Her ignorance is so profound that it still surprises us, even when we thought we had fully plumbed the depths of her vacuity. This tweet, with Candace Owens’s response, is a classic:

Candace Owens


Imagine comparing the slaughter of 6 million Jews, plus the mandated murders of 1 million Rwandans— to immigrants who just want an upgrade and don’t want to follow any rules to get it.

This is an abhorrent, disrespectful tweet and your low-IQ is an unacceptable excuse for it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Asking to be considered a refugee & applying for status isn’t a crime.

It wasn’t for Jewish families fleeing Germany.
It wasn’t for targeted families fleeing Rwanda.
It wasn’t for communities fleeing war-torn Syria.
And it isn’t for those fleeing violence in Central America. …


6:48 PM - Nov 26, 2018
23.7K people are talking about this

Dinesh D’Souza adds this trenchant comment:

Dinesh D'Souza


Until now I thought Joe Biden was the stupidest person elected to public office. Not anymore!

The Daily Caller


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust


7:34 AM - Nov 26, 2018

16.1K people are talking about this

It is remarkable that Ocasio-Cortez has made such a fool of herself without even taking office! I can’t recall anything like it. It would be hard for a single person to discredit the entire Democratic Party, but Alexandria is giving it the old college try

Her new name is
Alexandria Occasionally Cognizant.
I love this woman.

If it was not for her exposing the inherent
loneliness of jellyfish, genetically engineered
peanut-butter fish would not be under development.

let's end our drug war to stop creating refugees.
...for the price of one! the left knows how to get, economical.
She's not stupid! She just doesn't have any common sense. Once the corruptness of the Congress hits her, and she reacts to it, then it's time to assess her.

Ofc, while I feel her idealisticness, she has been indoctrinated by a leftist-run education system. Hell of an experiment.

Let's see how much empathy and love she has.

The leftist indoctrination education system does not not promote such things, as me and a guy that works with me found out from his kid's mouth. We were rather shocked, and it was justifiably so. That boy would be nowhere without his grandpa, but the leftists teach that old people are useless and no longer of value to society.

Indirectly, Grandpa provided every damn thing that boy has. The land he lives on, everything.

If not for Grandpa, he'd be in a ghetto, or something state-run.

Nawsuh! The state and leftists do not have the right idea for society.
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She's not stupid! She just doesn't have any common sense. Once the corruptness of the Congress hits her, and she reacts to it, then it's time to assess her.

Ofc, while I feel her idealisticness, she has been indoctrinated by a leftist-run education system. Hell of an experiment.

Let's see how much empathy and love she has.

The leftist indoctrination education system does not not promote such things, as me and a guy that works with me found out from his kid's mouth. We were rather shocked, and it was justifiably so.

Her goal is to own twice the amount of houses that socialist Bernie does. 6 is her magic number.
She's not stupid! She just doesn't have any common sense. Once the corruptness of the Congress hits her, and she reacts to it, then it's time to assess her.

Ofc, while I feel her idealisticness, she has been indoctrinated by a leftist-run education system. Hell of an experiment.

Let's see how much empathy and love she has.

The leftist indoctrination education system does not not promote such things, as me and a guy that works with me found out from his kid's mouth. We were rather shocked, and it was justifiably so.

Her goal is to own twice the amount of houses that socialist Bernie does. 6 is her magic number.

Aim high, GF.
What is wrong with what she said???
Point out the "holocaust" in Central America. Where are the death camps? The furnaces? The mass graves?
The authoritarian dictatorships managing genocide. What's wrong with you?

Not death camps, concentration camps. The whole of the holocaust is made up, and they probably do have mass graves. How would the US know?? Or anyone.

People are fleeing for their life's, the Jews were rescued, they were not fleeing. They could of stayed and cleaned up the mess.
The Jews were identified and dragged off to death camps in Nazi Germany. You are incredibly ignorant of history.
You are a holocaust denier? That's extra special stupid. Clean up the mess? That's incredible.

How would anyone know about a holocaust in Central America?? Really?? Fucking incredible.
Well, you're quite the dumbass. The world didn't know about the holocaust until we invaded Germany and found the concentration camps.
When the example of Republican males, Lindsey Graham, criticized AOC's comment the Auschwitz Museum slapped him down (he prolly enjoyed it).


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