Demand your state throw illegal kids out of our schools


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Plyler v Doe is the infamous Supreme Court case from 1982 where the court rewrote the constitution and declared that children here illegally must be given free k-12. Fact is there is nothing in the constitution about education - even american kids have no constitutional right to education. The judges simply took their usual bribes from the illegal alien lobby and invented the right. How much does it cost us ?. There are around 10 million illegal kids in our schools and at $10,000 per kid per year, that's 100 billion bucks every year.!!!

The tenth amendment says if a power is not given to the feds, then the states retain it. The founding fathers obviously believed education was 100% a state matter and the states need to say that and nullifying Plyler v Doe is a great place to start.
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Actually the illegals probably cost more than the usual $10,000 per year since they have to be taught in spanish and most of them are disruptive animals that don't even want to learn. Their parents are just mexican trash and don't even care if the kids learn - they use schools as day care centers and a source of free food.
I would LOVE to throw the illegals out of the schools. It's not a state issue. It's a federal issue and the states are bound by the law.
And THEN what?? As long as we keep clinging to emotional outbursts, NOTHING will be done.
I would LOVE to throw the illegals out of the schools. It's not a state issue. It's a federal issue and the states are bound by the law.

WTF are you talking about?. How can education be a federal issue when the constitution never mentions it and when the tenth amendment says if a power is not given to the feds, then the states have it???

Plyler v Doe is the infamous Supreme Court case from 1982 where the court rewrote the constitution and declared that children here illegally must be given free k-12. Fact is there is nothing in the constitution about education - even american kids have no constitutional right to education. The judges simply took their usual bribes from the illegal alien lobby and invented the right. How much does it cost us ?. There are around 10 million illegal kids in our schools and at $10,000 per kid per year, that's 100 billion bucks every year.!!!

The tenth amendment says if a power is not given to the feds, then the states retain it. The founding fathers obviously believed education was 100% a state matter and the states need to say that and nullifying Plyler v Doe is a great place to start.

Tried that in CA....Prop declared unconstitutional.
And THEN what?? As long as we keep clinging to emotional outbursts, NOTHING will be done.

Your post strikes me as an emotional outburst. You didn't say anything.

Throw the kids out of our schools and it would save at least $100 billion every year and also convince many adult mexicans to stay in their own country.
And THEN what?? As long as we keep clinging to emotional outbursts, NOTHING will be done.

Your post strikes me as an emotional outburst. You didn't say anything.

Throw the kids out of our schools and it would save at least $100 billion every year and also convince many adult mexicans to stay in their own country.

What do you do with these kids? Arrest them for truancy?
... also convince many adult mexicans to stay in their own country.

What about non-Mexican illegals and their children?

Or, didn't you know that our country has three wide open borders and one border that has a fence patrolled with armed guards.

You often stumble over your own racism but even when you don't, it keeps you dumb.
And THEN what?? As long as we keep clinging to emotional outbursts, NOTHING will be done.

Your post strikes me as an emotional outburst. You didn't say anything.

Throw the kids out of our schools and it would save at least $100 billion every year and also convince many adult mexicans to stay in their own country.

What do you do with these kids? Arrest them for truancy?

Put them to work cleaning toilets in the schools.
I would LOVE to throw the illegals out of the schools. It's not a state issue. It's a federal issue and the states are bound by the law.

WTF are you talking about?. How can education be a federal issue when the constitution never mentions it and when the tenth amendment says if a power is not given to the feds, then the states have it???


All true!

Plyler v. Doe just gave the federal government the power. It might be illegally, or unconstitutionally, but they got it.

To me, illegals should be dragged out of the schools, hospital, nursing homes, off the job, out of their homes, given a bologna sandwich, a bottle of water and drop shipped back to wherever they came from.
... also convince many adult mexicans to stay in their own country.

What about non-Mexican illegals and their children?

Or, didn't you know that our country has three wide open borders and one border that has a fence patrolled with armed guards.

You often stumble over your own racism but even when you don't, it keeps you dumb.

pack them all in crates and ship them back where they came from.
Is there some satisfaction in refusing to discuss this issue in a rational manner?
Let me play the devils advocate: All those children of illegals ARE our future. I will NOT hold a child accountable for the misdeeds of their parents, NEVER. They deserve a clean slate, like the rest of us children of immigrants. Maybe not fair, but life rarely is. At least we can try to be fair.
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Plyler v Doe is the infamous Supreme Court case from 1982 where the court rewrote the constitution and declared that children here illegally must be given free k-12. Fact is there is nothing in the constitution about education - even american kids have no constitutional right to education. The judges simply took their usual bribes from the illegal alien lobby and invented the right. How much does it cost us ?. There are around 10 million illegal kids in our schools and at $10,000 per kid per year, that's 100 billion bucks every year.!!!

The tenth amendment says if a power is not given to the feds, then the states retain it. The founding fathers obviously believed education was 100% a state matter and the states need to say that and nullifying Plyler v Doe is a great place to start.

Your ignorance is exceeded only by your hate.

And you clearly have no understanding of the Plyler ruling.

Plyler had nothing to do with education as a ‘Constitutional right,’ and no one’s made any such claim.

What is in the Constitution, however, is the right to due process and equal protection of the law, as guaranteed for all persons living in the United States by the 14th Amendment, regardless one’s immigration status.

A fundamental tenet of due process is a presumption of innocence, one is not guilty of a crime until determined so by a court of law, and that includes allegedly being in the country undocumented.

Last, an ancient principle of Anglo-American jurisprudence holds that children cannot be held accountable for bad acts of their parents, as the majority of undocumented children came to the United States legally, only to subsequently lose their documentation through no fault of their own.

One can only hope that the ignorance and hate exhibited by the OP is not representative of conservatives as a whole.
Last, an ancient principle of Anglo-American jurisprudence holds that children cannot be held accountable for bad acts of their parents, as the majority of undocumented children came to the United States legally, only to subsequently lose their documentation through no fault of their own.

HAHAHA What a ridiculous thing to say. No one is saying the kids should be held accountable for the crime of their parents. We're just saying the kids should not be GIVEN anything. Do you also want to give them free college education.?? Where does the charity for illegal kids stop?

We don't owe anything to kids brought here illegally. THINK
Let me play the devils advocate: All those children of illegals ARE our future. I will NOT hold a child accountable for the misdeeds of their parents, NEVER. They deserve a clean slate, like the rest of us children of immigrants. Maybe not fair, but life rarely is. At least we can try to be fair.

You moron. If these invaders are our future, then we're doomed. People here illegally need to be tossed out. No more charity for illegal invaders.
What is in the Constitution, however, is the right to due process and equal protection of the law, as guaranteed for all persons living in the United States by the 14th Amendment, regardless one’s immigration status.

Equal protection? HAHAHA. So how do you justify affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people.?
Plyler v Doe is the infamous Supreme Court case from 1982 where the court rewrote the constitution and declared that children here illegally must be given free k-12. Fact is there is nothing in the constitution about education - even american kids have no constitutional right to education. The judges simply took their usual bribes from the illegal alien lobby and invented the right. How much does it cost us ?. There are around 10 million illegal kids in our schools and at $10,000 per kid per year, that's 100 billion bucks every year.!!!

The tenth amendment says if a power is not given to the feds, then the states retain it. The founding fathers obviously believed education was 100% a state matter and the states need to say that and nullifying Plyler v Doe is a great place to start.

I studied that narrow 5-4 ruling in law school. The infamous equal protection of the 14th amendment was utilized (or bastardized). The opinion stated a State can not use makes laws discriminatory on based on a person immigration status. It was bastardized because immigration status isn't a protected group and immigration status wasn't what was getting discriminated against. It law was based on criminality of the illegal breaking the law by being in the country illegally!

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