#DemCandidatesWayTooWhite...Why do Dems prefer Whitey to run this nation?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What about all those talking points?
How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'?
How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary?
2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
What about all those talking points? How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'? How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary? 2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
More concerned with #RepCandidatesWayTooOrange.

What about all those talking points? How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'? How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary? 2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
More concerned with #RepCandidatesWayTooOrange.


You're "concerned" with a skyrocketing stock market?
With booming real estate values?
With a historically low unemployment rate?
With too many negroes lacing up workboots?
With wetbacks on the run and back in hiding?
With lower taxes for Americas best most productive?
Which has you most "concerned"?
What about all those talking points? How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'? How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary? 2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
More concerned with #RepCandidatesWayTooOrange.

you should be concerned with our 20 something percent congress who havent seen 30 percent approval ratings in 10 years......
What about all those talking points? How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'? How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary? 2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
More concerned with #RepCandidatesWayTooOrange.


You're "concerned" with a skyrocketing stock market?
With booming real estate values?
With a historically low unemployment rate?
With too many negroes lacing up workboots?
With wetbacks on the run and back in hiding?
With lower taxes for Americas best most productive?
Which has you most "concerned"?
In the OP you didn't seem concerned about them either, just the triviality of what ethnicity the candidates are. Don't pretend you're "concerned" about the Dems, troll.
What about all those talking points? How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'? How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary? 2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
More concerned with #RepCandidatesWayTooOrange.


You're "concerned" with a skyrocketing stock market?
With booming real estate values?
With a historically low unemployment rate?
With too many negroes lacing up workboots?
With wetbacks on the run and back in hiding?
With lower taxes for Americas best most productive?
Which has you most "concerned"?
In the OP you didn't seem concerned about them either, just the triviality of what ethnicity the candidates are. Don't pretend you're "concerned" about the Dems, troll.

WTF...you gotta be kidding.
Identity politics, focusing on skin color, race baiting, compartmentalization / categorization of the citizenry is the M.O. of the Mexicrat Party...it's what they do and have always done. You didn't know that?
What about all those talking points? How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'? How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary? 2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
More concerned with #RepCandidatesWayTooOrange.


You're "concerned" with a skyrocketing stock market?
With booming real estate values?
With a historically low unemployment rate?
With too many negroes lacing up workboots?
With wetbacks on the run and back in hiding?
With lower taxes for Americas best most productive?
Which has you most "concerned"?
In the OP you didn't seem concerned about them either, just the triviality of what ethnicity the candidates are. Don't pretend you're "concerned" about the Dems, troll.
WTF...you gotta be kidding. Identity politics, focusing on skin color, race baiting, compartmentalization / categorization of the citizenry is the M.O. of the Mexicrat Party...it's what they do and have always done. You didn't know that?
Your use of the term 'Mexicrat' proves I'm 100% right; you're a shameless troll.
Could happen
Brokered Convention

Bloomberg is making a late charge
Billionaire lover.

Bloomberg is ten times wealthier than Trump

It's been reported he is 60 times wealthier than bankrupt donald.

Yep....he's your typical limousine liberal.
Roughly....these are the people Democrats need to keep afloat.

FEAR unveiled ^^^

The fact is Mr Bloomberg isn't sacared by the fat slop bully you love. D tramp got his ass handed to him (and that's huge) by Speaker Pelosi, Mr. Bloomberg will expose the tramp for what he is, a con man and a phony.

You mean like how Robert Mueller "exposed" Trump for colluding with Russia and how the Senate convicted him in the impeachment?
Get it through your heads...Americans do not elect 78 year old crypt keepers to the highest office...sorry bud, you're fucked!
What about all those talking points? How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'? How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary? 2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.
More concerned with #RepCandidatesWayTooOrange.


Are you saying dems are photoshopping themselves to be so very white?
What about all those talking points?
How pissed off about this is 'The Squad'?
How can folks take the Party serious when they often express their extreme discontent for Whitey but then force them through to the primary?
2+2=5? Something isn't adding up here.

A old, white BILLIONAIRE is buying the nomination!

He skipped the debates, debates are for little people
Bernie's Brown Shirts can't be too happy about the DNC and Bloomberg fucking over Sanders - again

I don't believe that buying Bernie his 7th vacation home is going to fix it this time either

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