DemNazis Still Hating On America!!!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
DemNazis, same as Them Nazis.

You'd think they'd tone down the HATE right before The Mid Terms..... Guess they just can't keep their Loathsome Hate for America, Bottled Up.

Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, leads 'Death to America' chant in Iran

Speaking to law school students at the University of Tehran, the 85-year-old Farrakhan said “America has never been a democracy,” and also led a “Death to Israel” chant at the end of his talk, according to Iranian news agencies.

“Today, I warn the American government that sanctioning Iran is a big mistake,” he said at a meeting with the Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council, Mohsen Rezaei. Farrakhan noted his belief America is conspiring against Iran.

Video of Farrakhan leading a “Death to America” chant once again sparked calls for Democratic leaders to distance themselves from the controversial figure. Several prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama, have interacted or taken pictures with Farrakhan.

Donald Trump Jr.


When will the democrats disavow this guy?

Answer: NEVER

Joel B. Pollak


Louis Farrakhan Chants ‘Death to America‘ in Iran | Breitbart via @BreitbartNews

7:31 AM - Nov 5, 2018

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