Obama's / Democrats' Favorite Muslim 'Pal' Leading Chants of 'Death To America' In Iran

None of those people pictured were in Iran this weekend. Except the freak Farrakhan.
So you are saying it is ok for Democrats to associate, support, and be pals with Farrakhan, a pro-Islamic Extremist, America-hating, anti-Semitic, traitor who just led chants of 'Death To America' in Iran...as long as they weren't with him when he led these chants in Iran?

If you say so, snowflake.... :p

Trump sucks Saudi ass and Saudis flew planes into the World Trade towers. Not Iranians.
Trump sucks Saudi ass and Saudis flew planes into the World Trade towers. Not Iranians.

So, is this Obama bowing almost to the floor to his Saudi betters, or is he trying to give the king a BJ?


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