Demo purposely misquote Trump

Yep dems purposely misquoted Trump, and CNN confirmed it:

Trump: Democrats ‘Purposely Misquoted’ Me In Impeachment Hearing. CNN: ‘He’s Correct’

Dems lied, and CNN actually confirmed that it was not true!
He actually got something right? Guess Grandad was right. Even a blind pig will find and acorn once in while.
Who got what right? Your post sounds like you didn't read the article, or that you are trying to marginalize the dishonest quote change.

I did. Well aware, that CNN (on of the bastions mainstream media scorned on this board) caught it and called him out, and of course I was trying to marginalize the rare occasion that Trump whined of foul play and was actually correct. His being factually correct in this instance is an anomaly lost (at this point) among in his shouted half-truths and outright lies.
You are getting closer, but you still feel compelled to obscure what happened by burying it in all that other unnecessary verbiage. You still feel the need to marginalize the truth, which means you must be a lefty.
Like OP posted: Democrats paraphrased a tape the Lying Republicans refused to release, releasing instead a paraphrase and parody: Easily able to be paraphrased and parodied.

Notice from the Helsinki news conference, From Trump and Putin.
"Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?"
"PUTIN: Yes, I wanted him to win. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal."
Is the one word, "Yes," some nature of admission of guilty as questioned? A deliberate lie in most languages requires a context and backdrop against which veracity can be measured. (Many would contend that evading the answer to the question in its entirety is a lie!)

The Democrats are not accused of withholding the original transcript, (THE LIE), or failing to acknowledge the paraphrase released--then further paraphrased.

Notice below: There can be no genuine contention that the paraphrase is a lie--since the real transcript was never released.
"It looks like you have responded to the wrong thread. This thread is about a Democrat purposely misquoting Trump in order to dishonestly make it look like Trump said something he didnt say, but that lefties REALLY, want him to have said."

"Wrapping oneself in the Flag." is better said to be about both Trump and NIxon.

wrap (oneself) in the flag

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clone-making not really a lie!)

Trump said "us", but was quoted as saying "me". There is no need to bury this democrat lie with all that other verbiage. It is dishonest to hide the truth by surrounding it with all that other crap
Russian Agent-like EvPoster fails at "Garbage Analysis." There is no direct quote for the Democrats to quote. There is only a paraphrase, clearly easily paraphrased in the context of "Wrapping Oneself Up In The Flag!"

There is no direct quote. That is a Russian Agent, Republican lie. There is only a Paraphrase of the actual transcript, that lost or stolen--erased or tampered with: Easily paraphrased!

The real transcript was easily stolen by EvMetro poster, even(?)

There is Supreme Court precedent regarding what Nixon had to do.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Nixon tried to pin the erasure of the tapes on his secretary!)
Yep dems purposely misquoted Trump, and CNN confirmed it:

Trump: Democrats ‘Purposely Misquoted’ Me In Impeachment Hearing. CNN: ‘He’s Correct’

Dems lied, and CNN actually confirmed that it was not true!
He actually got something right? Guess Grandad was right. Even a blind pig will find and acorn once in while.
Who got what right? Your post sounds like you didn't read the article, or that you are trying to marginalize the dishonest quote change.

I did. Well aware, that CNN (on of the bastions mainstream media scorned on this board) caught it and called him out, and of course I was trying to marginalize the rare occasion that Trump whined of foul play and was actually correct. His being factually correct in this instance is an anomaly lost (at this point) among in his shouted half-truths and outright lies.
You are getting closer, but you still feel compelled to obscure what happened by burying it in all that other unnecessary verbiage. You still feel the need to marginalize the truth, which means you must be a lefty.

Yes, I am wordy. It is a failing. I actually have lived a fairly conservative life, married to only one woman for 45 years supporting myself and my family, mostly from the private private sector, but also supporting you through 20+ years reserve and active duty, including OCONUS assignments to fill specific needs. I live on multiple retirements, investments, carrying multiple insurances, still hedging my bets to this day. I am usually armed. I'm licensed, proficient, and still maintaining skills I gained and taught many years ago with practice. My life doesn't fit the stereotype of being a "lefty". See you on the boards, beach or slopes.

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