Democrat Alcee Hasitngs Used $220,000 From From Tax Payer sexual Harassment Slush Fund

Another Democrat bites the dust. I can't imagine a more deserving candidate.

Alcee Hastings, a far left Democrat from Florida used the tax payer funded slush fund to pay off a sexual harassment case made against him by a former staffer. $220,000! This is about three times the amount Republican Blake Farenthold used from that say tax payer slush fund to settle a similar claim. Farnenthold, who I thin needs to resign says he will pay back the $81,000 he used. The left wing media hasn’t even mentioned Alcee Hastings or his $220,000 settlement. Obviously because he’s a Democrat. The payoff was made in 2014 and was kept secret, until now

how much of the fund was used by repugs, loser? or did you think the scum running congress took care of dems?

what a loser you are.

you are truly one of the most vile and stupidest people on the planet.
Defending your own I see?
Another Democrat bites the dust. I can't imagine a more deserving candidate.

Alcee Hastings, a far left Democrat from Florida used the tax payer funded slush fund to pay off a sexual harassment case made against him by a former staffer. $220,000! This is about three times the amount Republican Blake Farenthold used from that say tax payer slush fund to settle a similar claim. Farnenthold, who I thin needs to resign says he will pay back the $81,000 he used. The left wing media hasn’t even mentioned Alcee Hastings or his $220,000 settlement. Obviously because he’s a Democrat. The payoff was made in 2014 and was kept secret, until now

If memory serves Hastings was a federal judge who was impeached some years ago.
Another Democrat bites the dust. I can't imagine a more deserving candidate.

Alcee Hastings, a far left Democrat from Florida used the tax payer funded slush fund to pay off a sexual harassment case made against him by a former staffer. $220,000! This is about three times the amount Republican Blake Farenthold used from that say tax payer slush fund to settle a similar claim. Farnenthold, who I thin needs to resign says he will pay back the $81,000 he used. The left wing media hasn’t even mentioned Alcee Hastings or his $220,000 settlement. Obviously because he’s a Democrat. The payoff was made in 2014 and was kept secret, until now

how much of the fund was used by repugs, loser? or did you think the scum running congress took care of dems?

what a loser you are.

you are truly one of the most vile and stupidest people on the planet.
Hey! Ewe name calling moron. Why don’t ewe dig the info out and present it? Or are you too damn stupid?
Democrat Alcee Hasitngs Used $220,000 From From Tax Payer sexual Harassment Slush Fund

the party and the folks running it have become so corrupt

that they felt as if they could do anything without consequence

damn shame

hopefully this shit gets drained
Another Democrat bites the dust. I can't imagine a more deserving candidate.

Alcee Hastings, a far left Democrat from Florida used the tax payer funded slush fund to pay off a sexual harassment case made against him by a former staffer. $220,000! This is about three times the amount Republican Blake Farenthold used from that say tax payer slush fund to settle a similar claim. Farnenthold, who I thin needs to resign says he will pay back the $81,000 he used. The left wing media hasn’t even mentioned Alcee Hastings or his $220,000 settlement. Obviously because he’s a Democrat. The payoff was made in 2014 and was kept secret, until now

how much of the fund was used by repugs, loser? or did you think the scum running congress took care of dems?

what a loser you are.

you are truly one of the most vile and stupidest people on the planet.
Defending your own I see?
You make no sense, but you are unAmerican and vile, yes.
Gee, it cost Trump 100 times that to make good with the victims of Trump University,

and I've yet to hear one Trumptard express ANY problem with that.
Another Democrat bites the dust. I can't imagine a more deserving candidate.

Alcee Hastings, a far left Democrat from Florida used the tax payer funded slush fund to pay off a sexual harassment case made against him by a former staffer. $220,000! This is about three times the amount Republican Blake Farenthold used from that say tax payer slush fund to settle a similar claim. Farnenthold, who I thin needs to resign says he will pay back the $81,000 he used. The left wing media hasn’t even mentioned Alcee Hastings or his $220,000 settlement. Obviously because he’s a Democrat. The payoff was made in 2014 and was kept secret, until now

how much of the fund was used by repugs, loser? or did you think the scum running congress took care of dems?

what a loser you are.

you are truly one of the most vile and stupidest people on the planet.

And for some dumbass reason you feel that's relevant.
Another Democrat bites the dust. I can't imagine a more deserving candidate.

Alcee Hastings, a far left Democrat from Florida used the tax payer funded slush fund to pay off a sexual harassment case made against him by a former staffer. $220,000! This is about three times the amount Republican Blake Farenthold used from that say tax payer slush fund to settle a similar claim. Farnenthold, who I thin needs to resign says he will pay back the $81,000 he used. The left wing media hasn’t even mentioned Alcee Hastings or his $220,000 settlement. Obviously because he’s a Democrat. The payoff was made in 2014 and was kept secret, until now

If memory serves Hastings was a federal judge who was impeached some years ago.

True, and then he ran for Congress. That just goes to show what kind of scum Dims are willing to vote for.
Let's see the WHOLE list of hush fund users. And for that matter, the names of those who created this fund? Any bets if the creators of the fund were the first users? LoL.
Gee, it cost Trump 100 times that to make good with the victims of Trump University,

and I've yet to hear one Trumptard express ANY problem with that.

Was it taxpayer money that Trump used...dumbass.

Was that a MASSIVE LIABILITY for fraud that Trump paid?

You people have never objected to Trump's Trump U. con game. Not ONCE.

You therefore have NO grounds to be sanctimoniously crying about far less egregious Democrat wrongdoings.
Gee, it cost Trump 100 times that to make good with the victims of Trump University,

and I've yet to hear one Trumptard express ANY problem with that.

Was it taxpayer money that Trump used...dumbass.

Was that a MASSIVE LIABILITY for fraud that Trump paid?

You people have never objected to Trump's Trump U. con game. Not ONCE.

You therefore have NO grounds to be sanctimoniously crying about far less egregious Democrat wrongdoings.

I'll take that as a NO.
Gee, it cost Trump 100 times that to make good with the victims of Trump University,

and I've yet to hear one Trumptard express ANY problem with that.

Was it taxpayer money that Trump used...dumbass.

Was that a MASSIVE LIABILITY for fraud that Trump paid?

You people have never objected to Trump's Trump U. con game. Not ONCE.

You therefore have NO grounds to be sanctimoniously crying about far less egregious Democrat wrongdoings.

I'll take that as a NO.

You should take that as you're retarded if you think that Trump is innocent of any wrongdoing in the Trump U. con game.

Amazingly, I've referenced the Trump U 25 million dollar scam a hundred times and the Trumptards go silent every time.

Proof that Trump is unfit to be president.
And Carbineer is just as clueless for not grasping the difference between a private citizens paying settlements with their own money and our elected officials using tax payer monies to pay off victims of sexual harassment!
Hastings $220,000 liability - unfit for office

Bill Clinton $700,000 paid to end Paula Jones case - unfit for office

Donald Trump - 25 MILLION DOLLARS paid to the victims of Trump University - ...GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER!!!!!

you people are a fucking joke.

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