Democrat Brown Shirts increase violent attacks

The left exploits crazy people like the lunatic lefties on this site who defend the communist takeover of our country:

"While O’Keefe and his reporters give a few other examples of how Foval, Creamer, Black and more plant people at Republican rallies in order to cause chaos, the most damning comment came at around the 13:50 mark of the video.

"Foval told the Project Veritas undercover reporter they pay "mentally ill people" "to do s**t":

"No, I’m saying that we have mentally ill people that we pay to do shit, make no mistake. Over the last twenty years. I’ve paid off a few homeless guys to do crazy stuff, and I’ve also made sure they had a hotel."

Clinton Camp Admits Paying Mentally Ill to Incite Trump Rally Violence

Have "brown shirts"........


Were you part of the group that did this?

{On Saturday, some attendees at a Donald Trump rally in Bangor, ME came back to their cars to find that they had been vandalized with spray paint. Police say they have not made any arrests, but are currently reviewing security video. More than 20 cars had been painted.}

You Brown Shirt thugs are a dime a dozen.
The left exploits crazy people like the lunatic lefties on this site who defend the communist takeover of our country:

"While O’Keefe and his reporters give a few other examples of how Foval, Creamer, Black and more plant people at Republican rallies in order to cause chaos, the most damning comment came at around the 13:50 mark of the video.

"Foval told the Project Veritas undercover reporter they pay "mentally ill people" "to do s**t":

"No, I’m saying that we have mentally ill people that we pay to do shit, make no mistake. Over the last twenty years. I’ve paid off a few homeless guys to do crazy stuff, and I’ve also made sure they had a hotel."

Clinton Camp Admits Paying Mentally Ill to Incite Trump Rally Violence

The Brown Shirts will stop at nothing.
The democratic - socialist party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton bears far more resemblance to the Khmer Rouge than it does to the party of JFK.

DNC Brown Shirts fire bombed a GOP office in North Carolina and have destroyed cars by the dozens in Trump event parking lots. The democrats are using violence and the threat of violence to intimidate opposition voters. The stock answer of the Brown Shirts is "prove it was us."

New video has emerged showing a local captain of the DNC Brown Shirts bragging about the violence he and his troops are engaged in to suppress opposition voters. The democrat thugs are dedicated to intimidating (or worse) voters who dare to vote their conscience.

{"We're starting anarchy here," says Scott Foval of the left-wing Americans United for Change, which is "contracted directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign." He says on tape that he answers to national Democrats and officials on Team Hillary, and that much of his funding is funneled through another outfit called Democracy Partners. That entity is up to its elbows in ties to the Democratic establishment. It's run by a man named Bob Creamer, who is married to Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowksy, and who went to prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud in 2005. Foval and Creamer now carry out the Democrats' dirty work in the shadows, allowing the official party to plausibly deny (listen to Foval's comments about erecting a "double blind" for this purpose) any knowledge or support for their deeply unsavory tactics -- such as exploiting mentally ill homeless people, and deploying trained activists into Trump rallies with instructions to deliberately stir the pot, hoping to invite ugly outbursts or physical altercations. }

For those who thought this only happens in Central Africa or brutal Middle East theocracies, understand that democrats have the same goals as the thugs of those nations, totalitarianism and a centrally ruled economy.

Have "brown shirts"........


You are brownshirts.

You employ the exact same tactics that the Nazis and the commie did.

And for the exact same reason. And with the exact same results.

"Foval further commented about getting around the legalities in communication between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the consultants so the DNC can "plausibly deny" any connection:

"The thing we have to watch is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing. There’s a double blind there. So they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it.

"What do they have to deny? Well, allegedly one of Foval’s jobs is to prompt the planted protestors at Trump rallies with how to engage Trump supporters in order to cause a scene."

Clinton Camp Admits Paying Mentally Ill to Incite Trump Rally Violence
Bezmenov said Marxist-Leninist ideology was pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students without being challenged or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism and American patriotism. “The result? The result you can see: Most of the people who graduated in the ’60s—dropouts and half-baked intellectuals—are now occupying positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, [and] the education system,” said Bezmenov, who was an expert of Soviet propaganda.

“You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain patterns,” he said.

“You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove white is white and black is black you cannot change their basic perception and their logic of behavior. In other words, [with] these people, the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible,” he said."

Former KGB Agent Explains Communist Ideological Subversion in America - The Vision Times
They're coming to get you. I'm serious too... you better hide
Please come and get us, that would be the best thing you on the left can do. Only problem, that I posted on another link, is that about 180,000,000 of US have guns. Japan found out the hard way, you guys will too. Bring it on libtards.
Ooooooo! Scary!
They're coming to get you. I'm serious too... you better hide
Please come and get us, that would be the best thing you on the left can do. Only problem, that I posted on another link, is that about 180,000,000 of US have guns. Japan found out the hard way, you guys will too. Bring it on libtards.
Ooooooo! Scary!
They're coming to get you. I'm serious too... you better hide
Fucktards like you don't know that the only thing keep US from harming you is the Constitution. We the People follow the LAW, while you shitfaces break the law any way you can. So even right now, we have to hold back, pray that we can get through this election where HRC is in a freefall like a Stuka over Poland. Nothing can get your side excited unless it is firebombing and attacking innocent people. Just saying, watch what you ask for, for idiots like you wont like what we have waiting. Now go be a petulant spoiled little bitch that you showed us.
Ooooooo! Scary

Fucktards like you don't know that the only thing keep US from harming you is the Constitution.

You fear me. I can sense the trembling
Hey ClosedCRAPTION, I don't fear you at all, I don't fear anyone. But I do fear what this government can do when Hillary is defeated. I mean when you liberals have a deathwish and nothing to live for, what is to prevent Obama from having one of his lacky's with a nuke accidently have one go off? Liberals/Fascists/Communists/Nazi's/Socialists have scorched earth before, what is to stop him this year? Again watch what you ask for, for it might come true.
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!

Video is "baseless allegations" when it exposes you violent Brown Shirts. :eusa_whistle:

Have you been diagnosed as insane?

If not, find a more competent psychiatrist.

Baseless allegations about who attacked the GOP office.

Have "brown shirts"........


Were you part of the group that did this?

{On Saturday, some attendees at a Donald Trump rally in Bangor, ME came back to their cars to find that they had been vandalized with spray paint. Police say they have not made any arrests, but are currently reviewing security video. More than 20 cars had been painted.}

You Brown Shirt thugs are a dime a dozen.
Ummm...yeah, sure, that was me.

Ya got me!

Have "brown shirts"........


Were you part of the group that did this?

{On Saturday, some attendees at a Donald Trump rally in Bangor, ME came back to their cars to find that they had been vandalized with spray paint. Police say they have not made any arrests, but are currently reviewing security video. More than 20 cars had been painted.}

You Brown Shirt thugs are a dime a dozen.
Ummm...yeah, sure, that was me.

Ya got me!
Why are yo Brown Shirts so defensive these days?

Flag you Nazi Flag proudly or go home.


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