Democrat Brown Shirts increase violent attacks

Thats right, we're going to nuke you. The fear is real

They won't even let you have baking soda and vinegar at the institution you stay at. :dunno:

Not according to the goofy Trump boy I quoted. According to him the left has nukes and will use them on Americans.

See how stupid you have to be? That stupid
Only stupid ones are those who have a belief in self destruction. 500% more radical Muslims will come in "IF" HRC is elected. Rapists and murderers will continue to cross the border which HRC wont close. BLM, will continue to assault white people and cops because HRC is a feckless leader like the guy she was secretary of state for. But this is just plain crazy.

Russia’s Nuclear Surge: Putin Adding Nukes While Obama Cuts
As of Oct. 1, Russia had hundreds more nuclear warheads deployed than the United States did. A startling 429 more, in fact, according to the U.S. State Department.
With Obama and his floozies in his administration poking the bear, what is to say that Putin out of the goodness of his heart decides to lob "accidently" a nuke on a city in the US? Will the Nobel Peace Prize winner retaliate, or just say it is collateral damage and that the US deserved it? Those like ClosedCraption will be smoking dope in his parents basement and not even know he is dead until it is too late. But then liberals hate life, they hate themselves, even to the point of self destruction.
Only stupid ones are those who have a belief in self destruction. 500% more radical Muslims will come in "IF" HRC is elected. Rapists and murderers will continue to cross the border which HRC wont close. BLM, will continue to assault white people and cops because HRC is a feckless leader like the guy she was secretary of state for. But this is just plain crazy.

Not according to the goofy Trump boy I quoted. According to him the left has nukes and will use them on Americans.

See how stupid you have to be? That stupid

You're not "the left."

You are a mildly retarded hack who defines himself by the accomplishments of others and has tied his identity to the rise and fall of the Khmer Rouge democrats.

I'm just sayin....
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!

Hi candy corn hole. Tell us another dimtard lie.
Not according to the goofy Trump boy I quoted. According to him the left has nukes and will use them on Americans.

See how stupid you have to be? That stupid

You're not "the left."

You are a mildly retarded hack who defines himself by the accomplishments of others and has tied his identity to the rise and fall of the Khmer Rouge democrats.

I'm just sayin....

Well smart guy...Who is the left and where are they hiding the nukes?

The democratic - socialist party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton bears far more resemblance to the Khmer Rouge than it does to the party of JFK.

DNC Brown Shirts fire bombed a GOP office in North Carolina and have destroyed cars by the dozens in Trump event parking lots. The democrats are using violence and the threat of violence to intimidate opposition voters. The stock answer of the Brown Shirts is "prove it was us."

New video has emerged showing a local captain of the DNC Brown Shirts bragging about the violence he and his troops are engaged in to suppress opposition voters. The democrat thugs are dedicated to intimidating (or worse) voters who dare to vote their conscience.

{"We're starting anarchy here," says Scott Foval of the left-wing Americans United for Change, which is "contracted directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign." He says on tape that he answers to national Democrats and officials on Team Hillary, and that much of his funding is funneled through another outfit called Democracy Partners. That entity is up to its elbows in ties to the Democratic establishment. It's run by a man named Bob Creamer, who is married to Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowksy, and who went to prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud in 2005. Foval and Creamer now carry out the Democrats' dirty work in the shadows, allowing the official party to plausibly deny (listen to Foval's comments about erecting a "double blind" for this purpose) any knowledge or support for their deeply unsavory tactics -- such as exploiting mentally ill homeless people, and deploying trained activists into Trump rallies with instructions to deliberately stir the pot, hoping to invite ugly outbursts or physical altercations. }

For those who thought this only happens in Central Africa or brutal Middle East theocracies, understand that democrats have the same goals as the thugs of those nations, totalitarianism and a centrally ruled economy.

Talk about sore winners.

Not according to the goofy Trump boy I quoted. According to him the left has nukes and will use them on Americans.

See how stupid you have to be? That stupid

You're not "the left."

You are a mildly retarded hack who defines himself by the accomplishments of others and has tied his identity to the rise and fall of the Khmer Rouge democrats.

I'm just sayin....

Well smart guy...Who is the left and where are they hiding the nukes?


You've huffed ENOUGH spray paint for one day.
Trump will get 200 electoral votes.

Foval acknowledge that you Khmer Rouge democrats are rigging the election, so why would Trump get any?

Bombshell Video: Democrat Admits to Widespread Voter Fraud

We expect 4 million illegal votes from your criminal party.

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)

You'll defraud this election, but you are so blatant that you'll end up with a civil war on your hands. The violence of your Brown Shirts, fire bombing opposition offices, are the opening shots.
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.
Trump will get 200 electoral votes.

Foval acknowledge that you Khmer Rouge democrats are rigging the election, so why would Trump get any?
So if he gets some that is proof that there was no rigging?

We expect 4 million illegal votes from your criminal party.
Gee, with 30 REPUBLICAN governors in charge of removing the dead from their state’s voter rolls, you should tell them to get on the stick

You'll defraud this election, but you are so blatant that you'll end up with a civil war on your hands. The violence of your Brown Shirts, fire bombing opposition offices, are the opening shots.

You’re not going to do shit little man.

But while i have you here…please answer the question:

Hillary is going to win Florida. But then again, Marco Rubio is going to keep his seat in the senate .
The same scenario will likely play out in Ohio with HRC winning and Rob Portman keeping his seat.
In Indiana, there is no way Ms. Clinton is going to win but the Democratic candidate for Senate will.

Please tell us why these supposed ninja Democrats would rig one part of the election for Ms. Clinton but allow the GOP senators to retain their seats.

Would you, Please?
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.

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