Democrat Brown Shirts increase violent attacks

Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.
And you are also unaware of a democrat doing this shit because these crimes are usually local and its usually local radical idiots that do this shit and are never caught.....because the culprit is usually a white fuck nut
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.

I’m unaware of anyone from the DNC defacing a campaign headquarters in a state. Show me one, post a link.
PS: Plants in the audience are pretty common in elections.
Why do you sheep demand proof when no matter what is put in front of you it is never good enough and it is not proof enough to the sheep family.

It can come from the Gov. site itself and you sheep still say it's not true, it's been cut, it's been edited, that's satire, oh that site bhaahah , You sheep are so gawd damn blind you wouldn't know the truth if it stared down your throats.

View attachment 94415
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.
And you are also unaware of a democrat doing this shit because these crimes are usually local and its usually local radical idiots that do this shit and are never caught.....because the culprit is usually a white fuck nut
Double Standard
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.
And you are also unaware of a democrat doing this shit because these crimes are usually local and its usually local radical idiots that do this shit and are never caught.....because the culprit is usually a white fuck nut
Double Standard
Well jc456

Waiting on that proof that the DNC did what you said they did. Or an apology.

It's the OP

Ahh, I see. So you have no names, no affiliations and no ties to the DNC yet you eagerly try to say the DNC was responsible.
The democratic - socialist party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton bears far more resemblance to the Khmer Rouge than it does to the party of JFK.

DNC Brown Shirts fire bombed a GOP office in North Carolina and have destroyed cars by the dozens in Trump event parking lots. The democrats are using violence and the threat of violence to intimidate opposition voters. The stock answer of the Brown Shirts is "prove it was us."

New video has emerged showing a local captain of the DNC Brown Shirts bragging about the violence he and his troops are engaged in to suppress opposition voters. The democrat thugs are dedicated to intimidating (or worse) voters who dare to vote their conscience.

{"We're starting anarchy here," says Scott Foval of the left-wing Americans United for Change, which is "contracted directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign." He says on tape that he answers to national Democrats and officials on Team Hillary, and that much of his funding is funneled through another outfit called Democracy Partners. That entity is up to its elbows in ties to the Democratic establishment. It's run by a man named Bob Creamer, who is married to Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowksy, and who went to prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud in 2005. Foval and Creamer now carry out the Democrats' dirty work in the shadows, allowing the official party to plausibly deny (listen to Foval's comments about erecting a "double blind" for this purpose) any knowledge or support for their deeply unsavory tactics -- such as exploiting mentally ill homeless people, and deploying trained activists into Trump rallies with instructions to deliberately stir the pot, hoping to invite ugly outbursts or physical altercations. }

For those who thought this only happens in Central Africa or brutal Middle East theocracies, understand that democrats have the same goals as the thugs of those nations, totalitarianism and a centrally ruled economy.

Yep. Liberals cannot win on issues so they resort to any tactics to win.

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.


I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.

You'd vote Clinton regardless who was running, shill

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.


I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Values, oh my fucking God, what a oxymoronic twit. Only values HRC is, many millions of dollars she can get from foreign counties who abuse women and gays for her speech. I guess you approve of that don't you? Other than that, "at this point, what difference does it make, if Hillary would stab you in the back for a buck"?

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?

Don't want to watch the movie do you, twit, because you KNOW that it is damning of HRC and the rest of you Sheep that allow her campaign to get away with it. Deny, Deny, Deny, even when shown how corrupt your side is, you just deny. Don't worry, your whole sorry life has been a lie, why try to change now. Better for you to just kill yourself than have a Trump presidency, right?

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Values, oh my fucking God, what a oxymoronic twit. Only values HRC is, many millions of dollars she can get from foreign counties who abuse women and gays for her speech. I guess you approve of that don't you? Other than that, "at this point, what difference does it make, if Hillary would stab you in the back for a buck"?

Aren’t those the same countries where Donald is hawking hotels and golf courses that bear his name?
Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?

Don't want to watch the movie do you, twit, because you KNOW that it is damning of HRC and the rest of you Sheep that allow her campaign to get away with it. Deny, Deny, Deny, even when shown how corrupt your side is, you just deny. Don't worry, your whole sorry life has been a lie, why try to change now. Better for you to just kill yourself than have a Trump presidency, right?

Apparently you didn’t watch it. You can’t name the “DNC LEADER” in it that says what you allege much less quote him/her.
As for killing myself? I’m looking forward to 8 years of your being tortured by seeing Ms. Clinton come off of Air Force One, in the news every night, giving speeches, etc… I have a lot to live for; watching you go slowly out of your mind will be wonderful theater.

Hillary is cruising.
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?

Don't want to watch the movie do you, twit, because you KNOW that it is damning of HRC and the rest of you Sheep that allow her campaign to get away with it. Deny, Deny, Deny, even when shown how corrupt your side is, you just deny. Don't worry, your whole sorry life has been a lie, why try to change now. Better for you to just kill yourself than have a Trump presidency, right?

Apparently you didn’t watch it. You can’t name the “DNC LEADER” in it that says what you allege much less quote him/her.
As for killing myself? I’m looking forward to 8 years of your being tortured by seeing Ms. Clinton come off of Air Force One, in the news every night, giving speeches, etc… I have a lot to live for; watching you go slowly out of your mind will be wonderful theater.

Hillary is cruising.

Deny, deny, deny, just cant come to grips that your vagina candidate is so corrupt that you are willingly allowing her to get away with murder. At this point what difference does it make that a DNC intern was gunned down in the back, for giving wikileaks information about rigged election against Bernie Sanders. Why did Debbie WasaManSnitch step down as the leader of the DNC, because she got caught red handed and now wants to be the next president. When liberals fuck up , they move up. Stupid twit.
Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?

Don't want to watch the movie do you, twit, because you KNOW that it is damning of HRC and the rest of you Sheep that allow her campaign to get away with it. Deny, Deny, Deny, even when shown how corrupt your side is, you just deny. Don't worry, your whole sorry life has been a lie, why try to change now. Better for you to just kill yourself than have a Trump presidency, right?

Apparently you didn’t watch it. You can’t name the “DNC LEADER” in it that says what you allege much less quote him/her.
As for killing myself? I’m looking forward to 8 years of your being tortured by seeing Ms. Clinton come off of Air Force One, in the news every night, giving speeches, etc… I have a lot to live for; watching you go slowly out of your mind will be wonderful theater.

Hillary is cruising.

Deny, deny, deny, just cant come to grips that your vagina candidate is so corrupt that you are willingly allowing her to get away with murder. At this point what difference does it make that a DNC intern was gunned down in the back, for giving wikileaks information about rigged election against Bernie Sanders. Why did Debbie WasaManSnitch step down as the leader of the DNC, because she got caught red handed and now wants to be the next president. When liberals fuck up , they move up. Stupid twit.

Now it’s murder. It gets more comical with you each passing moment.
Still waiting on the DNC “Leader” and the quote about voter fraud.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?

Don't want to watch the movie do you, twit, because you KNOW that it is damning of HRC and the rest of you Sheep that allow her campaign to get away with it. Deny, Deny, Deny, even when shown how corrupt your side is, you just deny. Don't worry, your whole sorry life has been a lie, why try to change now. Better for you to just kill yourself than have a Trump presidency, right?

Apparently you didn’t watch it. You can’t name the “DNC LEADER” in it that says what you allege much less quote him/her.
As for killing myself? I’m looking forward to 8 years of your being tortured by seeing Ms. Clinton come off of Air Force One, in the news every night, giving speeches, etc… I have a lot to live for; watching you go slowly out of your mind will be wonderful theater.

Hillary is cruising.

Deny, deny, deny, just cant come to grips that your vagina candidate is so corrupt that you are willingly allowing her to get away with murder. At this point what difference does it make that a DNC intern was gunned down in the back, for giving wikileaks information about rigged election against Bernie Sanders. Why did Debbie WasaManSnitch step down as the leader of the DNC, because she got caught red handed and now wants to be the next president. When liberals fuck up , they move up. Stupid twit.

Now it’s murder. It gets more comical with you each passing moment.
Still waiting on the DNC “Leader” and the quote about voter fraud.

At this point what difference does it make, that 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi, which was blamed on a movie, but HRC told Chelsea that it was Al Qaeda attack? Seems that anyone associated with HRC ends up dead. She has your back as much as the Radical Muslims do. Deny, Deny, Deny, corruption at the highest. Seig heil.
Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?
Don't want to watch the movie do you, twit, because you KNOW that it is damning of HRC and the rest of you Sheep that allow her campaign to get away with it. Deny, Deny, Deny, even when shown how corrupt your side is, you just deny. Don't worry, your whole sorry life has been a lie, why try to change now. Better for you to just kill yourself than have a Trump presidency, right?

Apparently you didn’t watch it. You can’t name the “DNC LEADER” in it that says what you allege much less quote him/her.
As for killing myself? I’m looking forward to 8 years of your being tortured by seeing Ms. Clinton come off of Air Force One, in the news every night, giving speeches, etc… I have a lot to live for; watching you go slowly out of your mind will be wonderful theater.

Hillary is cruising.
Deny, deny, deny, just cant come to grips that your vagina candidate is so corrupt that you are willingly allowing her to get away with murder. At this point what difference does it make that a DNC intern was gunned down in the back, for giving wikileaks information about rigged election against Bernie Sanders. Why did Debbie WasaManSnitch step down as the leader of the DNC, because she got caught red handed and now wants to be the next president. When liberals fuck up , they move up. Stupid twit.

Now it’s murder. It gets more comical with you each passing moment.
Still waiting on the DNC “Leader” and the quote about voter fraud.
At this point what difference does it make, that 4 US citizens were butchered in Benghazi, which was blamed on a movie, but HRC told Chelsea that it was Al Qaeda attack? Seems that anyone associated with HRC ends up dead. She has your back as much as the Radical Muslims do. Deny, Deny, Deny, corruption at the highest. Seig heil.

Haven’t denied anything…then again you haven’t presented anything except baseless allegations of some yet-to-be-named “DNC Leader” and a story about this “leader” committing election fraud.

The name and the quote.

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