Democrat Brown Shirts increase violent attacks


Haven’t denied anything…then again you haven’t presented anything except baseless allegations of some yet-to-be-named “DNC Leader” and a story about this “leader” committing election fraud.

The name and the quote.

Foval is hardly "unnamed." :lol:

Trump took Deplorable Hillary to task over this, the best moment of the debate.
Apparently you didn’t watch it. You can’t name the “DNC LEADER” in it that says what you allege much less quote him/her.
As for killing myself? I’m looking forward to 8 years of your being tortured by seeing Ms. Clinton come off of Air Force One, in the news every night, giving speeches, etc… I have a lot to live for; watching you go slowly out of your mind will be wonderful theater.

Hillary is cruising.

Yeah, no one knows who BLM/DNC/Clinton operative Scott Foval is...

It's not like the O'Keefe video has gone viral and is the #1 video on YouTube...

You just nestle up in George Soros bosom and think only the thoughts he whispers to you, like a good little drone...
Aren’t those the same countries where Donald is hawking hotels and golf courses that bear his name?

Serious question, why do you lie for Hillary?

What do you think you'll get out of it? More abortions? Revenge on those who did better than you? What is the payoff for selling your integrity?

I really would like to understand what makes you democrats tic....

Haven’t denied anything…then again you haven’t presented anything except baseless allegations of some yet-to-be-named “DNC Leader” and a story about this “leader” committing election fraud.

The name and the quote.

Foval is hardly "unnamed." :lol:

Trump took Deplorable Hillary to task over this, the best moment of the debate.

Foval…does he have a first name?
he is a DNC leader?

I googled his name:

This is what came up:

"Americans United for Change has always operated according to the highest ethical standards. Scott Foval is no longer associated with Americans United for Change.” Hmmm…I don’t see where he was with the DNC much less a “leader”.
Foval…does he have a first name?
he is a DNC leader?

I googled his name:

This is what came up:

"Americans United for Change has always operated according to the highest ethical standards. Scott Foval is no longer associated with Americans United for Change.” Hmmm…I don’t see where he was with the DNC much less a “leader”.


You Soros drones are hilarious.

Bummer for you that Scott Foval and Bob Creamer of Democracy Partners who have deep ties to the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House, have both resigned in the wake of the video.

The fact is that the Hillary Soprano campaign has an army of Brown Shirts that have been inciting violence from the start. Now it is proven that this is ON THE ORDERS of the Clinton Crime Family to promote the campaign of the Mafia Don
Foval…does he have a first name?
he is a DNC leader?

I googled his name:

This is what came up:

"Americans United for Change has always operated according to the highest ethical standards. Scott Foval is no longer associated with Americans United for Change.” Hmmm…I don’t see where he was with the DNC much less a “leader”.


You Soros drones are hilarious.

Bummer for you that Scott Foval and Bob Creamer of Democracy Partners who have deep ties to the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House, have both resigned in the wake of the video.
I know you won’t answer the question. What are these “ties”? Are we going to do 10 back and fourths or can you actually back up what you said?
Aren’t those the same countries where Donald is hawking hotels and golf courses that bear his name?

Serious question, why do you lie for Hillary?
Trump isn’t building a golf course there?

What do you think you'll get out of it? More abortions? Revenge on those who did better than you? What is the payoff for selling your integrity?

I really would like to understand what makes you democrats tic....[/QUOTE]

If you promise to thoughtfully and truthfully answer a “serious question” I ask, I’ll answer yours. Deal?
I know you won’t answer the question. What are these “ties”? Are we going to do 10 back and fourths or can you actually back up what you said?

James O'Keefe is a journalist. He ferrets out stories and reports them to the American people. There are no journalists in the MSM, just party agents who further the party agenda.

Bob Creamer visited Obama's White House 342 times.

Democratic Operative In Veritas Videos About Voter Fraud, Inciting Violence Visited The White House 342 Times | Weasel Zippers

That's pretty damned connected, sploogy.

Hey, did you see on Slate yesterday that the National Enquirer has a far better record of factual reporting than the New York Times does?

Says a LOT about our media - and none of it good.
Candycorn needs to hop aboard the Moving Forward Democrat Bus and pick up his paycheck and addiction treatment vouchers!

James O'Keefe is a journalistic god, lol.

He makes every prime time talking head look like what they are..paid shills for communists.

Communists demonize, imprison and kill the real journalists. They've tried to nail O'Keefe, Assange, and the fabulous journalists who work to expose abortion racketeering..because those people actually do report the news and engage in amazing investigative journalism...

And there's nothing commies hate more than a free press.

They hate history almost as much, but not quite.

And children run a close third.
"Subversion is the undermining or detachment of the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the victimized state, and their transference, under ideal conditions, to the symbols and institutions of the aggressor."[11]

"Subversion — Actions designed to undermine the military, economic, psychological, or political strength or morale of a governing authority."[12]

"Subversive Activity — Anyone lending aid, comfort, and moral support to individuals, groups, or organizations that advocate the overthrow of incumbent governments by force and violence is subversive and is engaged in subversive activity. All willful acts that are intended to be detrimental to the best interests of the government and that do not fall into the categories of treason, sedition, sabotage, or espionage will be placed in the category of subversive activity."[12]

"Subversive Political Action — A planned series of activities designed to accomplish political objectives by influencing, dominating, or displacing individuals or groups who are so placed as to affect the decisions and actions of another government."[12]

Subversion — "A destructive, aggressive activity aimed to destroy the country, nation, or geographical area of your enemy... [by demoralizing the cultural values and changing the population's perception of reality].[13]

SubversionRoger Trinquier defined subversion as a term that could be lumped together under the name modern warfare, "as being interlocking systems of actions, political, economic, psychological and military that aims at the overthrow of established authority in a country."[14"

Subversion - Wikipedia
We see what you're doing there, mentally ill shills.
The pathetic sad sack commie shills on here, like commiecorn and nycommie and guancommie and oldfagcommie kind of remind me of little kids who think they are invisible, when they aren't.
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I know you won’t answer the question. What are these “ties”? Are we going to do 10 back and fourths or can you actually back up what you said?

James O'Keefe is a journalist. He ferrets out stories and reports them to the American people. There are no journalists in the MSM, just party agents who further the party agenda.

Thought it rang a bell:


Serious journalist there.

Wow. 342 times in 8 years. What is that 3 times a month?
That's pretty damned connected, sploogy.
Depending on who he met, what he did. The head chef visited more often…for example.

Did he work for the administration?

Hey, did you see on Slate yesterday that the National Enquirer has a far better record of factual reporting than the New York Times does?
Says a LOT about our media - and none of it good.

Link to that article?

Thought it rang a bell:


Serious journalist there.


Showing that our border is so lacking of any hint of security that OBL could waltz in. Real journalists expose things like this.

Wow. 342 times in 8 years. What is that 3 times a month?


How many time did YOU visit your god?

You Soros drones are a hoot. You KNOW you can't lie your way out of this, right? No matter what your handlers at the hate sites tell you, the video is viral. The Brown Shirt tactics of the Hillary Soprano campaign are exposed to America.

Depending on who he met, what he did. The head chef visited more often…for example.

Did he work for the administration?

He works for the party.

Link to that article?

Nah, never was a fan of the go fetch bullshit.

Look it up, or don't - I don't give a shit.

Thought it rang a bell:


Serious journalist there.


Showing that our border is so lacking of any hint of security that OBL could waltz in. Real journalists expose things like this.

Wow. 342 times in 8 years. What is that 3 times a month?


How many time did YOU visit your god?

You Soros drones are a hoot. You KNOW you can't lie your way out of this, right? No matter what your handlers at the hate sites tell you, the video is viral. The Brown Shirt tactics of the Hillary Soprano campaign are exposed to America.

Depending on who he met, what he did. The head chef visited more often…for example.

Did he work for the administration?

He works for the party.

Link to that article?

Nah, never was a fan of the go fetch bullshit.

Look it up, or don't - I don't give a shit.

Communists don't accept defeat, and they will never quit lying. They're like roaches, you have to kill them all.
Communists don't accept defeat, and they will never quit lying. They're like roaches, you have to kill them all.

I don't know if this will change the election or not. It SHOULD, if we had an honest press this would be on every channel like the Rodney King video was, but we don't have an honest press, so the DNC controlled channels and papers are spiking it.

Still, it's into it's second day as the #1 video on YouTube, MILLIONS are watching it.
If you promise to thoughtfully and truthfully answer a “serious question” I ask, I’ll answer yours. Deal?


Rationale: Both parties are out to lunch fiscally. One side wants to preserve funding for PBS and the other wants to spend more on Defense when we already spend more than the other top 10 spenders do combined. We (likely) are subsidizing tobacco farmers at the same time we are (likely) funding anti-tobacco programs.

I actually agree with Mr. Trump on 2 issues (and disagree with HRC). I think we need a wall to limit the payload one can bring across. In this age of nuke materials on the black market, we need to seal up the border. It won’t do anything for immigration of course but we need to stop what we can. I also think we take in way too many people as immigrants; not just from the Middle East but from every nation. And yes there is a job loss aspect to that. Had he not rooted his plans in “Mexico will pay for it” and “Muslims”, I may have gotten with him. That being said, there were far too many negatives to consider the positives.

Why I’m voting for HRC.

3 words.

Supreme Court Justices.

Preserving Roe is key. Common sense gun laws are key. Right to privacy is paramount—some people argue that I could broadcast your SSN in the clear and not violate the law. Now that we have marriage equality, we need to ensure that even though you marry your Same Sex Partner on Saturday, you can’t be fired for it on Monday.

Thought it rang a bell:


Serious journalist there.
Showing that our border is so lacking of any hint of security that OBL could waltz in. Real journalists expose things like this.
He he he…whatever man. :rofl:

Wow. 342 times in 8 years. What is that 3 times a month?
He works for the party.
Ahh, so he wasn’t a “DNC Leader” at all. Thanks for the concession.

Link to that article?
Nah, never was a fan of the go fetch bullshit.
Look it up, or don't - I don't give a shit.

Translation…another made up story by a RWNJ.
If you promise to thoughtfully and truthfully answer a “serious question” I ask, I’ll answer yours. Deal?


Rationale: Both parties are out to lunch fiscally. One side wants to preserve funding for PBS and the other wants to spend more on Defense when we already spend more than the other top 10 spenders do combined. We (likely) are subsidizing tobacco farmers at the same time we are (likely) funding anti-tobacco programs.

I actually agree with Mr. Trump on 2 issues (and disagree with HRC). I think we need a wall to limit the payload one can bring across. In this age of nuke materials on the black market, we need to seal up the border. It won’t do anything for immigration of course but we need to stop what we can. I also think we take in way too many people as immigrants; not just from the Middle East but from every nation. And yes there is a job loss aspect to that. Had he not rooted his plans in “Mexico will pay for it” and “Muslims”, I may have gotten with him. That being said, there were far too many negatives to consider the positives.

Why I’m voting for HRC.

3 words.

Supreme Court Justices.

Preserving Roe is key. Common sense gun laws are key. Right to privacy is paramount—some people argue that I could broadcast your SSN in the clear and not violate the law. Now that we have marriage equality, we need to ensure that even though you marry your Same Sex Partner on Saturday, you can’t be fired for it on Monday.


I'm voting for Gary Johnson, though I am not happy about it.


You're right that SCOTUS justices are the key.

Hillary will appoint justices who will end the Bill of Rights, this is simply a fact. Kagan and Ginsburg have both attacked the freedom of speech, advocating strict restrictions on "hate speech" - with Kagan's little dog Sotomayor doing whatever Kagan orders the mindless creature to do. The three anti-liberty Bolsheviks have all sought to limit if not eliminate the freedom of religion - overridden by the honorable justices. But the most honorable of the SCOTUS justice is now dead. Add two more like Kagan, and the Bill of Rights is dead as well. Hillary Soprano wants Heller overturned, she bleated this last night, which would end the 2nd amendment and spawn a civil war..

Abortion, as much as some love it, is not a constitutional right. Abortion is not privacy, and is conducted in public clinics. If abortion is the most important thing in the world for people, they should seek to have congress create a law. Despite what Hillary said last night, the SCOTUS is not a legislative body (a statement that should disqualify her). Hillary is a criminal and is dedicated to ending civil rights. For that reason she cannot be allowed to be president of this once free nation.
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